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1、PEP小学五年级英语(5A)Unit 5 What can you do? Lesson 1(教学设计)The No.5 primary school of Jin FengYin LanPEP小学五年级英语(5A)Unit 5 What can you do? Lesson 1Teaching contents:A:Lets learn; Lets play.Teaching aims:1、掌握四会词组:clean the bedroom,sweep the floor,empty the trash,cook the meals,water the flowers.2、听懂、会说句型:Im

2、 helpful.I can.并能在具体语境中运用。3、培养学生热爱劳动的观念,增强学生生活自理能力。Important points:Lets learn部分五种家务劳动的表达方法,要求学生做到四会,并能在情景中自然的加以运用。Difficult points:为学生创设真实的情景,帮助学生真实自然的运用词组进行对话。Teaching preparing: 抹布,学习道具,磁带和图片。Teaching procedure:Step 1:Warm-up1.Greetings.2.请学生看屏幕(共有四种动物)What are they ?(等学生回答后提问What canthe bird/fis

3、h/dog/rabbit do?请全班学生一起提)Bird , bird , what can you do ?(多媒体)I can,I can,I can fly(教师顺势板书I can .)(替换的动词依次为:jump ,swim ,run.)最后请学生一起互问互答。3.教师顺势竖起大拇指边夸学生边说:Helpful!Youre helpful.(板书单词并教读),顺势提问Are you helpful?(板书Im helpful!) (设计意图:教师通过自编的chant,一方面可活跃课堂气氛,另一方面可帮助学生初步运用句型“I can”,顺势引入本课课题,帮助学生迅速进入学习状态。创设语

4、言情境,引出helpful.)4. OK!Lets see:Who is the most helpful?(引出课题) Today,lets learnUnit 4 What can you do? A. Lets learn. (领生读课题的同时板书):What can you do?Step 2.Presentation.1.T. You are helpful.I am helpful, too.I can do some housework.Look!Thats a trash bin! I can empty the trash. (板书词组并教读)2.教师边说empty the

5、trash边做动作,故意把垃圾掉在地上:Oh, sorry!The floor is dirty, but it doesnt matter, I can sweep the floor. (板书词组并教读)。(设计意图:在活动中让学生使用语言,尝试运用英语直接思维,真实地运用所学的词组。)3.T. (提问学生)I can empty the trash,what can you do?等学生回答后,教师顺势擦擦黑板的一角,The board is dirty,I can clean the board(板书clean,用手势强调长元音的发音,教读单词) ,(教师手拿抹布)I can clea

6、n the wall,clean the chair.What can you do?(请一个学生回答后把抹布递给这位学生请他向其它学生提问,共3次) Were helpful!We can clean lots of things in this classroom.If this is a music room /art room,what can you do?(引导学生用I can 回答) 出示一张关于clean the bedroom图片:Look at this picture, what can you see?Yes,this is a bedroom.We can clean

7、 the bedroom(板书词组并教读)。(设计意图:通过手势帮助学生理解单词的发音特点,从而帮助学生学会记忆单词。创设真实情境,通过学生的主动参与、亲身体验加深学生对词组的印象和理解,尝试帮助学生在用中学,并能根据已有的知识积累进行语言拓展。)4.Look!There is a pot of flowers!They are beautiful!I can clean its leaves. Oh, its dry. I can water the flowers. (板书词组并教读)。5.教师领读所学词组,请生跟读。6.You are helpful!Im helpful, too.Bu

8、t theres one thing I cant do.My friend Sarah can do it,whats that?(多媒体)What can Sarah do?She can cook the meals.(板书词组并教读)。7.请生领读词组所学词组后,快速完成活动:Whats missing?奖励猜对的学生。8.听录音指读课本中本部分的内容。Step3. Practice.1.Lets do.(T.)Im helpful!I can do this house work.Such as empty the trash,sweep the floor,clean the be

9、droom and so on.Who is helpful at home?教师顺势在四组中各请一名学生上台,其它学生说出词组sweep the floor, please,台上的学生要做出相应的动作,做错的同学就要回到座位,剩下的同学可以为本组得一分(共两组)。(本部分通过表演动作这一活动加深学生对词组的理解。表演对学生的认识、语言和行为的形成起催化作用。表演的输出能进一步帮助学生加强对目标语言的记忆。学生具有很强的学习能力,强化的输出更便于学生在特定情境下的识记。)2. Group work.(1)教师请一位学生上台来当老师的伙伴。(请学生先提问)S.What can you do at

10、 home?T.I can sweep the floor,empty the trash,cook the meals and water the flowers. Im helpful!(教师尽量用夸张的表情说出这句话并完成表格).What can you do at home?请学生回答后引导他填写表格!(2)Now lets do group work.(填写表格)(3)请小组长汇报调查结果。(本部分通过小组调查的形式既让学生巩固了所学词组,也让学生介绍了自己能做的家务活,初步培养他们热爱劳动的情感。)Step 4.Consolidation and extension.1.Youre

11、 helpful!Robot is helpful ,too!请学生看关于机器人的短片,了解机器人能做的几件事情。(1)Question:What can the robot do? (2)请个别学生模仿机器人的声音介绍机器人能做的事情。(在四个大组中各选一个小组,为表现优秀的小组积一分。)2.Robots are helpful in our life!Look at the screen(多媒体出示“A rest home for old people,the Childrens Center,a space ship and the Disneyland”这四幅图片)A rest hom

12、e for old peopleThe Childrens CenterA space shipThe Disneylandsweep the floorride a bikeplay computersrow a boatclean the bedroomplay basketballdrive the shipdrive a carcook the mealscatch the ballcontrol directionssell sweetswater the flowersrun fasttake pictures of starsjoin gamesempty the trashju

13、mp highfly in the airkeep order(1)If you are a robot,what can you do in these places?Choose the one you like best,talk about what you can do with your partner.(请学生四人小组选择一个场景并讨论自己作为机器人能做些什么事情。)(2)请四人小组在讲台上分别介绍自己选择的场景和能做的事情(共选三组)。(3)请每位学生写出本小组讨论的结果。(告诉学生写得快的前两个小组可以为本组积一分。)(4)根据各组积分的数量评选最能干的小组进行表扬和奖励。 (高年级学生对机器人都要很感兴趣,为他们提供不同的场景,让他们充分展开想象,发散思维,以机器人的口吻来说来写,就是希望学生能够在快乐中训练和巩固所学的动词词组,在原文的基础上做了适当的拓展和提升,给学生更多的情感体验和语言实践的机会,让学生与生活自然的接轨。)Step5.Summary:You are helpful!I hope you will be a helpful kids in your study! Step6. Home work1.Write down something about a robot can not do.(写出一些机器人不会做的事情。) 2


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