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1、新目标英语UNIT 11说课材料一、 本单元设计意图 GO FOR IT是以任务型语言教学为基础的英语教材,它体现“以学生为中心”的教学思想。在教学实际当中,我们应该坚持“以学生为主体,以任务教学为主线,以教学为主导,以学生的能力培养为重点,逐步培养学生自主学习的能力”的教学策略。教材中每个单元都是一个独立的话题,但它在学生的实际生活中连成了一个整体。本单元的教学设计本着新目标的理念,针对学生的实际及教学实际来实施的。二、 教材分析1. 教学内容分析本单元是教材的十一单元,它以学生最为熟悉的日常作息习惯为谈论话题,通过对句型:(-what time is it?-It is six .)-Wh

2、at time do you usually get up?-I usually get up at six a.m.练习时间的表达和询问方式,同时逐步的培养学生合理安排时间的能力。整个单元以谈论日常作息时间安排为主线,将日常生活中所涉及到的语言、词汇和时间的表达法融入一系列的小任务中,初一的学生通过完成一个个的任务达到交际的目的,从而能够合理的安排自己的作息时间;且初步了解时差。2、教学对象分析学生通过前段时间的学习,对一般现在时态的用法已经有了一定的语感和模仿运用的能力,也能够用简单的英语表达个人意见。通过本单元学习能基本掌握时间的表达法并能用英语谈论作息时间安排。3教学目标l 通过本单元

3、的学习,使学生掌握相关的时间表达方法以及相关的词汇,能够就生活中的时间安排及日常活动来交谈;l 通过情景设计来激发学生学习的学习兴趣,并培养学生的自主学习和与他人合作的精神;l 通过谈论作息时间及日常活动,培养学生合理安排作息时间的意识。4教学难点l 时间的表达法 5:15 five-fifteen (a quarter past five) 11:50 eleven-fifty(ten to eleven) 6:30 six thirty (half past six)l 第三人称单数谓语动词的运用l 本单元的新词汇多及内容跨度大也给学生在理解和掌握上带来了一定的困难。 5教学策略l 交际教

4、学法,通过组织活动进行教学,体现Learning by doing,doing is learning;l 任务型活动设计教学策略;l 兴趣教学策略l 合作学习l 启发式教学和讨论法6课时安排:本单元分为四个课时,Period 1 (1a-2c) 从简单的时间表达法入手,通过对时间的了解,引入到学生平时熟悉的生活习惯,从而引出本单元的重要句型:what time do you get up?Teaching aim:To help them to say the timesTo know the actions of Ricks dayTo say the drill: What time d

5、o you get up? I get up at six a.m.Teaching focus: actions: get up ,run, brush the teeth , wash the face, eat breakfast , do the homework, go to school take a shower, go to bed, in the morning /afternoon/eveningPeriod 2 (3a,3b,sectionB2a-2c)学生在上一节了解本单元的主要句型的基础上,机械的把人物一天的主要活动描述出来,这里给了学生一个充分的能力释放的空间,激发

6、他们的自主学习兴趣;在本节中学生们主要是掌握如何更好的表达一天的活动;Teaching aim: To help them know more actions that people usually do . To ensure they can communicate by using the drills: -what time do you usually get up?-I usually get up at 6:00 a.m . To help them to express their days. Teaching focus: Useful expressions :do hom

7、ework, brush teeth, wash face, go to work, in the morning /afternoon/evening ,love to do ,listen to him, What a funny time to eat breakfast!Period 3 (sectionA part4, sectionB 1a,1b, 3a-part4):通过前俩节的学习,学生对描述人物一天的活动有了全面的了解,本节课主要是让学生们对人们平常的活动从上午,下午,晚上三个时间段做出归类,(当然这并不是精确的,只是大概的)目的是为了让他们能够;了解并合理的安排时间Teac

8、hing aim: To ensure they can read the massage quickly and get the useful information; To ensure they can communicate about their days To know something about the morning schedule themselves and arrange their morning reasonablely; To ensure they can write the composition about correctly.Teaching focu

9、s: say and write your morning and arrange their morning reasonablelyPeriod 4 (self check)通过听说读写各个方面来检测学生是否已经基本掌握本单元的知识点,同时引导学生对自己的假日及学习时间做出比较合理的安排;同时了解时差;Teaching aim: To communicate about their days To ensure they can know more words; To ensure they can arrange their days reasonable; To know the cu

10、lture of time; Teaching focus:words and useful expressionsTeaching procedure:Period 1 (1a-2c)Step 1 Say the time1. show the clocks and ask them:-Whats this in English?- What time is it?2. show the way how to express the time.Step 2 presentation1. show a clock ,ask them to say the time2. show the pic

11、ture and let them to say what does he do ? if they cannot say ,let them say in Chinese.Show the English of the action :get up ,3. ask him :what time do you usually get up ?to the class :what time does he get up? To show the sentences and read.4. do the others one by one in the same way .5. teach tak

12、e a shower and lead them to guess the time that Rick takes a shower step 3 listen and say 1. listen to the tape and fill in the blanks in page66 2a,and choose one to say 2. listen and complete the tablet 3. ask them to talk about the shower schedule for Ricks family .4. choose some pairs to say step

13、 4 look, listen and match1. page 65,let them look and match the picture2. listen and match the time 3. show the pictures and let them to say againstep 5 interview1. let them to say the actions they do everyday2. show some pictures they may do ,and let them try to say English3. show the tablet and le

14、t them discuss in groups of 44. report what they getstep 6 homework write a short passage about the tablet they interviewedPeriod Two(3a,3b,sectionB2a-2c)Step 1 warming up 1. check their homework and ask some questions from their report: what time does he usually get up?2. show the time and ask them

15、 to say in different ways3. show the actions they learnt and ask them to say ,then to make a sentence 4. show 6:30 8:10 11:20 4:15 and ask them to say step 2 presentation1. show the new pictures of actions and let them try to say :brush teeth, do homework, go to bed, wash face,play computer game2.as

16、k them to ask and answer in pairs by using the drills in this unit; Choose some pairs to say Step 3 listen and circle1. play the tape and let them to listen to 2a 2. check and let them spell the words3. listen again and write the times 2b 4. check and let them ask and answer in pairs ,and help them

17、to use whenstep 4read and say 1. ask them to read page 67 3a and match the pictures2. check and let them to say the words again3. ask and answer questions about the time in pairschoose some pairs to say 4. read the massage and fill the blanks Scott IStudy very long hoursGets up at 17:00Go to school

18、by bikeWorks all night Get home at 17:30Go to bed at 8:305. ask them to exchange the message and say something to the partner step 5 homeworkread section 3a and write a similar passagePeriod 3 (sectionA part4, sectionB1a,1b,3a-part4)Step 1. Warming-up1. ask them to show the homework 5sts and ask the

19、m to say the words from it2. ask them some questions from the homework 3. to show the pictures and revise the phases actions in the daily lifestep 2 game1. ask them :A: When do you usually go to bed ? B: I usually go to bed When do you usually go to bed? C:I usually go to bed. When do you usually go

20、 to bed. D:.2. ask them do the train drills, and line up from the earliest to the latest time 3. to do it by using the other wordsstep 3 Practice1. give them five minutes to say the daily life about their parents 2. choose 5 or more sts to say 3. if they cannot ,give them more questions to help them

21、 ;step 3 read and write1. let them to read 3a and fill the time in the blanks2. ask them to read 3. finish 3b4. read for usstep 4 groupwork 1. discuss in groups of four and finish the tabletWhat do people usually ? in the morningin the afternoonin the eveningget up3. Choose some sts. to report step 6 homework1. Imagine you are a famous star and collect the information about him or her, arrange this SundayPeriod 4 self checkSt


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