



1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语年 级初三教学形式小组合作式教 师黄艺文单 位金道中学课题名称九年级上海版Unit 4 Reading B学情分析 本节课的内容很符合学生的生活实际,学生都很熟悉,所以在开头引入时,从Reading A的Letter2入手,先提出问题,然后结合学生的校园生活所遇到的欺负与被欺负这件事进行询问,学生会被老师带进角色中,从而感兴趣。Reading B 主要内容是遇到欺负这事时,心理辅导员给出的一些指引,本篇文章生词不多,学生并不难理解,填写表格也不难,难点是个别句型,如: Include all the details about what the bulli

2、es do, as well as when and where the bullying happens. 还有 You can use it as evidence to prove what is going on. Dont feel that you have to hide the problem.学生在学习该文章后,可以学会分析问题,尝试给出意见,并在课后写一篇关于这方面的writing, 学会使用祈使句,一般现在时来表达,是一篇很好的素材。教学目标分析要点:1.知识目标;2.能力目标;3.情感态度与价值观。1. 知识目标:1) 让学生通过阅读How can we deal wi

3、th bullying? 一文,帮助学生如何正确面对和处理bullying的问题。2) 学会本课的新单词:secondary school, gifted, guidance, fault, adult, evidence , relief, ignore3) 通过学习本课文,学会尝试写一篇writing.2. 能力目标: 培养学生的阅读微技能,使学生学以致用,能仿写简单的文章。3. 情感态度价值观:学会应对恃强凌弱这事,了解遇到此类问题时应保持冷静,要学会正确对待。教学过程1. Pre- readingMake a survey: 1.How many times have you been

4、 bullied? a. Once or twice. b. Three to five times c. More than five times2. What is your parents attitude if you are bullied? a. They are angry and tell me that I should fight with bullies b. They dont care about it. c. They teach me how to deal with it3.Where do you often see students being bullie

5、d? a. At school. B. In the street. c. In the park.4.How did you feel after you are bullied? a. Upset. b. Ashamed c. Frightened5.What will you do to make yourself feel better if you are bullied? a. Listen to music. b. Cry loudly c. Talk to friends.2. Predication From the title , what will we read in

6、the article? What is the article from? What does Alan do ?3. First-reading1). In Paragraph 1 What problem does James have? How did he feel?2). Write the guidance Alan gave to James in Paragraph2-4 (What to do and what not to do)In Paragraph 2 _In Paragraph 3._ In Paragraph 4._ 4. Second- reading Acc

7、ording to the article, choose the best answers.1).The main idea in this passage is _ . A. to fight with the bullies B. some problem about JamesC. to tell your parents when you have problem D. some guidance to a person who are bullied2). According to the passage , which is “True”? A. When you have pr

8、oblems , you should hide them . B. If you are bullied, its your fault. C. If you dont know how to tell the truth that you get bullied, you can write a letter and show it to your teachers. D. To tell everyone that you get bullied.3). If you get bullies, what shouldnt you do? A. Ignore them and walk a

9、way. B. Try to fight with the bullies. C. Write the detail in the diary and show it to the teachers. D. Feel lonely.4).According to the passage, what things can make some people express their feelings more easily when they get bullied? A. Singing loudly. B. Crying loudlyC. Writing something on paper

10、 D. Telling some people what your problem is.5. Post -readingDiscussion: Tom was on his way to school yesterday. He was bullied by some tough boys. He didnt know what to do. Please discuss and offer some guidance to him I think he should _6. Language PointsFind the useful phrases in the article1).在一

11、所中学_ 2).因.而苦恼_3)被欺负_4)觉得羞愧 _5)不是你的错_ 6)使你觉得孤独_7)得到一些支持_ 8)处理_9)记日记 _ 10)陷入麻烦_11)与某人打架_ 12) 到底怎么回事_According to the phrases , complete the sentences1).如果你被欺负,你应该告诉老师You should tell the teacher_.2)好好和同学相处,不要惹麻烦 Get on well with your classmates, Dont _.3)班主任告诉我们不要和同学打架 The class teacher told us _.4).这是

12、我的错,这让我觉得很羞愧 Its_ . It makes_.5. 记日记可以提高我们的写作 _ can improve our writing.6 我想知道昨天晚上到底发生什么事情。I wonder _yesterday evening.板书设计课题: Reading BNew wordsgifted: cleverguidance: advicefault: mistakefeel some relief: feel relaxedevidence: find the truthignore : forgetSentences:1. Dont feel ashamed if you get bullied.2.Find a person you can trust and tell them.3.Speaking to an adult might make you nervous.4.Dont show you are upset and dont try and fight with the bullies.作业或预习1. 听课文录音并朗读课文三次。2. 抄写好词好句。3. 完成B册


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