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1、安全指导在安装、操作和运行本温控器前,请仔细阅读本说明书,并妥善保管。! 警告 !注意 一、产品概述本仪器是为干式变压器设计的新一代电脑温度控制器,它采用先进的计算机控制技术和数据存贮技术设计而成,且在设计中采用了硬件和软件相结合的抗干扰措施,使产品具有了极强的抗干扰能力。本仪器能保证干式变压器在正常的温度范围内安全地工作,是保护干式变压器的重要装置。温控器的各种控制参数只需通过面板上几个按键的设置就可实现,而且设定的参数在停电后永不丢失。本仪器还具有“黑匣子”功能,可记录变压器掉电时刻三个绕组的温度,以供查询。在使用方面,本仪器具有操作简单、安装方便、维护容易的特点。本产品符合JB/T761

2、3-1994变压器用电阻温度计标准本产品生产体系通过ISO9001质量体系认证。二、产品型号:BWDK系列电阻温控器产品型号如下表: 三、技术参数1.测温范围:00C2000C2. 测温精度:±1%FS3. 分辨率:0.10C4. 工作电压:AC220V±10%(50Hz5. 功耗:5V A6. 传感器:三支Pt100铂热电阻,三支PTC热电阻(选件7.继电器触点容量:10A/250V AC8. 仪表重量:<3Kg9. 外形尺寸:260×200×80(mm10. 模拟量输出:三路4-20mA电流,或三路1-5V电压11. 数字量输出:RS232或R

3、S485串行通信接口四、产品功能介绍1、具有三相绕组温度的巡回温度显示或最高温度显示功能。2、可根据设定的开风机温度和关风机温度自动控制风机的开启和关闭,保证干式变压器在正常温度下安全地工作。当三相绕组温度中的最高一相温度超过开风机的设定温度或在手动开风机的情况下,风机会开启。2.1 . 变压器可配用2台、4台、6台风机或不接风机。接有风机时,当风机开启,则温控器面板上相应编号的“风机”工作指示灯变为绿色。2.2 . 若某风机出现断相故障时,则温控器面板上该相风机工作指示灯变为红色,同时发出蜂鸣报警声。3、具有超温报警功能。当三相绕组温度中的最高一相温度超温时,温控器内发出蜂鸣报警声,同时面板

4、上“超温”灯亮,“超温”输出端子(13、15端输出一个闭合开关信号。4、具有自动跳闸功能。当三相绕组温度中的最高一相温度达到跳闸温度时,温控器内发出蜂鸣报警声,同时面板上“跳闸”灯亮,“跳闸”输出端子(11、12端输出一个闭合开关信号。5、具有传感器故障报警功能。传感器故障时,温控器面板上的“故障”指示灯亮,温控器内发出蜂鸣报警声,“故障”输出端子(14、15端输出一个闭合开关信号。5.1 指示灯不同颜色代表不同相传感器故障:黄色代表A相,绿色代表B相,红色代表C相,不亮时,代表传感器工作正常。5.2 通过温度显示区显示不同的代码来区分传感器短路和开路故障:在温度显示区显示H表示开路,显示L表

5、示短路。5.3 传感器一相或两相故障时,只根据未故障传感器的温度信号控制风机,三路传感器同时故障时立即开启风机。6、具有参数设置功能。可通过温控器面板上的按键直接设定关闭风机温度、开启风机温度、超温报警温度、超高温跳闸温度、定时开风机时间、本机通信编号及所控制风机的台数。在停电后设置数据不丢失。7、具有手动控制风机功能。可通过温控器面板上的“手动风机”键手动开启风机。此功能也可作为测试风机功能使用。8、风机控制型温控器具有定时开启风机的功能,用户可在面板上进行0255个小时任意设置(当设置为0时,表示取消此项功能,定时时间到达后,风机自动运行1分钟后停止。出厂时设置在24小时。9、具有“黑匣子

6、”功能。温控器自动将断电时刻三相绕组的温度记录在内存中,以备查询。为了避免再次通电后断电而改变记忆数据,规定温度低于800C 时,不刷新原来记录的温度。五、产品操作说明 图1 面板图1. 首次上电:当温控器一接上电源,就处于巡回温度显示状态。巡回显示A、B、C三相绕组温度(字母D代表环境温度。2.最高温度显示状态与巡回温度显示状态切换:面板上有一个“最高/+”键,在巡回温度显示状态按一下“最高/+”键,则温控器面板上的“最高”灯亮,温控器进入最高温度显示状态,固定显示三相绕组中的最高相温度;再按一下“最高/+”键,则温控器面板上的“最高”灯灭,此时温控器切换回巡回温度显示状态。3.手动开风机:

7、面板上有一个“手动风机”键,在温度显示状态按一下“手动风机”键,则强制开启风机,同时温控器面板上的“手动”灯及相应编号的“风机”工作指示灯亮;再按一下“手动风机”键,则取消手动开启风机功能,同时温控器面板上的“手动”灯及相应编号的“风机”工作指示灯灭。4. 掉电数据查询功能:面板上有一个“查询”键,在温度显示状态连续“查询”键则依次显示上次掉电时A、B、C三相绕组温度。5.控制参数的查询 六、控制参数的修改 关风机温度,且最小间隔为5 0C。七、BWDK-3208B/C型温控器使用说明如下:1 . BWDK-3208B型温控器具有420mA的电流输出功能。通过电源板上31、32、33、34接线

8、端输出三路电流,分别用于传送A、B、C三相绕组的温度,其中电流输出与温度的对应关系是:420mA的电流输出分别对应00C2000C的温度值,温度变化10C对应电流变化值为0.08mA.电流输出接线方法见图2: 图22.BWDK3208C型温控器:是将BWDK3208B型温控器三路420mA模拟电流终端分别串250电阻而转化为三路15V模拟电压输出。3.BWDK-3208D/3208E型温控器,带有RS232/RS485计算机串行通信接口,其中RS485通过电源板上31、32接线端输出,31端为正端、32端为负端。RS232通过电源板上31为数据接收端,32为数据发送端,33为地线。八.产品电气

9、接线 (图3 图31、传感器连接:插入绕组的PT100铂电阻传感器和PTC传感器(选件通过15针插座,将传感器信号输入到本仪器内。2、风机连接:可接2台风机(接入1、2端 、4台风机(接入1、2 、3 、4端 、6台风机(接入1、2、3、4、5、6端 。当选择2台或4台风机时,风机接线端子不能接错,否则报警。3、跳闸、超温、故障输出端连接如图3所示,11、12端;13、15端;14、15端在温控器内部是分别接3个继电器常开触点。11、12端输出跳闸信号,13、15端报警信号,14、15端输出故障信号。当出现跳闸、超温或传感器故障时,相应的继电器触点吸合(接通,输出跳闸、超温报警或传感器故障信号

10、。4、用户接线区:如图3所示,2126六个双向空接线端是预留给用户使用。5、温控器总电源:通过16、17接线端从外部接入AC220V 交流电。九,产品外形与安装:产品外形图见图4: 安装形式有以下两种:1、支架式安装(图5 1.1支架上;1. 2.用M10螺栓将支架固定在变压器夹件或其他所需地方(见图5。 2、嵌入式安装2.1.按图5在变压器外壳上预留安装孔; 2.2.将温控器嵌入孔中,打开温控器门用4个M4螺栓将温控器和外壳固定联接。BWDK Series Temperature ControllerUsers GuideThis Guide contains important safet

11、y and operating instructions for the BWDK Series Temperature Controller. It is intended for a skilled electrician or technician who needs to install, operate or maintain the BWDK Series Temperature Controller. Installers should be certified and familiar with all local and national codes regarding el

12、ectrical installations of this nature.Read this manual thoroughly and be sure you understand it before attempting to use the BWDK Series Temperature Controller and use the BWDK Series Temperature Controller correctly according to the information provided. Keep this manual in a safe place for easy re

13、ference.WARNING:1.Only qualified personnel should install, operate, inspect and maintain this controller.2.Input power supply: 220V AC(±10%, 50Hz3.Ensure all electric parts are properly connected and fastened.4.Do not touch any exposed live parts when the controller is powered on.5.Terminal 1,

14、2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 16 and 17 are connected to dangerous voltages.6.Do not short-circuit the fan-output terminal 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and7.7.Disconnect the controller from the power transformer before making any tests. Failure todo so could cause damage to the controller.CAUTION:1.The controller can only

15、be used for the specified purpose. Unauthorized modification orusing unauthorized accessories may cause malfunction.2.Do not expose the controller to corrosive gases, such as SO2 or H2S.3.Make sure the controller is connected properly before power on.4.Do not burn the sensor probe with a lighter for

16、 test. The temperature of the flame isaround 800°C.5.Do not energize contacts with voltage or current exceeding the rated values.The BWDK Series Temperature Controller is a precision tool. Please handle it with care, and store it in a dry and clean environment while not in use. Failure to do so

17、 may cause controller failure.Meanings of Abbreviations and Acronyms:Controller: the BWDK Series Temperature Controller.LED: Light Emitting Diode, the indicating lamps on the front panel.SSR: Solid-State Relay1.IntroductionThe controller is designed to monitor and control the coil temperatures of a

18、three-phasedry-type electrical transformer.Base on microcomputer, the controller uses both hardware and software anti-inference technology to ensure that it can work under severe environment.The control parameters can be entered through the keypad on the front panel. They will not be lost during a p

19、ower outage.The coil temperatures would be recorded in a device called black-box before the power cutting out.The controller functions as a black box during a power outage. It records the coil temperatures before the power outage for future reference.The controller is ease to install, operate, and m

20、aintain.The BWDK Series Temperature Controller is manufactured under the standard requirements of JB/T7631-1994 Resistance Thermometer for Transformer. It has passed the comprehensive and strict tests by government-authorized testing institution. The manufacturer has passed the ISO9001 International

21、 Quality System audit. Every unit of the products is guaranteed qualified under various rigorous operating environments.2.Configuration Table 3.Technical Parameters1.Temperature Measure Range: 0°C 200°C2.Temperature Measure Accuracy: 0.5%FS±0.1°C3.Resolution: 0.1°C4.Power Su

22、pply: Single phase 220V AC±10% (50Hz5.Capacity: 5VA6.Sensor: 3 PT100 thermistor, and 3 PTC thermistor(optional7.Relay Contact Capacity: 10A/250V AC8.Ambient temperature: -20°C +50°C9.Relative humidity: 90%10.Weight: 2.5kg11.Outline Dimension: 260×200×87(mm12.Simulative Analo

23、g Data Outputs: 3 outputs of 4-20mA or 1-5V13.Digital Data Outputs: standard communication interface RS232 or RS4854.Function Features1.The controller is able to circularly display the coil temperatures of a three-phase transformeror to display the highest coil temperature among the three phases.2.T

24、he user can set both fan starting and stopping temperatures so the transformer can work in asafe atmosphere. The fans will start when the highest coil temperature is above the fan starting temperature and stop when all coil temperatures are below the fan stopping temperature. The fans can also be op

25、erated manually.2.1.The transformer can connect 2 fans, 4 fans, 6 fans or without any fans optionally. Thecorresponding fan LEDs on the front panel will turn green when fans are started.2.2.When the fan disconnection occurs,the corresponding fan LED will turn red and thealarm will sound.3.Over-Tempe

26、rature Alarm: When the highest coil temperature exceeds the upper limittemperature T3, the “Over-temperature” LED on the front panel will turn on and an alarm will sound. Meanwhile, the micro-switch between terminal 13 and 15 will be closed.4.Trip Alarm: When the highest coil temperature exceeds the

27、 uppermost limit temperature T4,the “T rip” LED on the front panel will turn on and an alarm will sound. Meanwhile, the relay between terminal 11 and 12 would be closed.5.Sensor Failure Alarm: If a sensor malfunction occurs, the “M alfunction” LED on the frontpanel will turn on and an alarm will sou

28、nd. Meanwhile, the relay between terminal 14 and 15 would be closed.5.1Different color LEDs indicate the phase of sensor malfunction: yellow for phase A, greenfor phase B and red for phase C. The sensors are working normally when all the LEDs are off.5.2Different letters on the front panel display i

29、ndicate the type of sensor malfunction: Hindicates sensor disconnection while L indicates sensor short circuit.5.3When one or two sensors malfunction, the controller will operate the fans base on thesensor that runs normally. If all 3 sensors malfunction at same time, the fans will startimmediately.

30、6.The user can set the temperatures and other parameters by pressing the keypad on the frontpanel:6.1Temperature T1: when one temperature rises to T1, the fans will start to cool thetransformer.6.2Temperature T2: when all temperatures fall below T2 after the fans cooling thetransformer, the fans wil

31、l switch off.6.3Temperature T3 (Over temperature: when the highest coil temperature exceeds T3, thealarm will sound and the relative relay will be closed.6.4Temperature T4 (Trip temperature: when the highest coil temperature exceeds T4, thealarm will sound and the relative relay will be closed.6.5Fa

32、n start time: set the time for the fans to start.6.6Number of fans: set the number of fans that should control.6.7Saved data: set if the data should be stored when the power is cut off.7.Manual Control: The fans can be controlled manually by pressing the “Manual” key on thefront panel. This function

33、 can also be used for testing the fans.8.Fan Auto-Starting: the user can set the time interval (0255 hours to start the fansautomatically for one minute. This function can be used to check the fans periodically. The default value for fan to start automatically is every 24 hours. A setting of 0 hours

34、 will not start fans.9.Black Box: The controller will record the coil temperatures automatically during a powercut-off. These data can be used for analysis purpose later. To avoid the recorded data to be changed when power supply is back on, the controller was designed not to update therecorded data

35、 until when the temperature is over 80°C.5.Operation Instructions Figure 1: Front Panel1.Power on for the first time: mount the controller on the transformer properly and connect it to220V AC power supply. By default, the controller will display the coil temperatures of phase A, B, and C circul

36、arly. D indicates atmosphere temperature.2.Switching between displaying the highest coil temperature only and displaying all three coiltemperatures and atmosphere temperature: the user can choose to display the highest coiltemperature only or all three coil temperatures and atmosphere temperature by

37、 pressing the “High/+” key on the front panel. The Highest LED on the front panel will indicate when only the highest temperature is displayed.3.Fans manual control: the user can start the fans by pressing the “Manu al” key on the frontpanel. At the same time, both the “Manual” LED and “Fan” LED wil

38、l turn on. Press the“Manu al”key again, the fans will stop and both the “Manual” LED and “Fan” LED will turn off.4.Temperature data inquiry: When the controller loses the power and be powered on again, theuser can check the coil temperatures in turn by pressing the “Inqu/-” key in succession. The te

39、mperatures were stored automatically when the power supply was cut off.5.Control parameters inquiry: 6.Control Parameter Settings 7.Additional Functions7.1.BWDK-3208B: The controller can output three 420mA signals to simulate the coiltemperatures of phase A, B and C through terminal 3134, 3234 and 3

40、334 respectively. The relation between the output and the temperature is: 420mA corresponds to 0200°C. Every ° 7.2.BWDK-3208C: The controller converts the 420mA output of BWDK-3208B into a 15Voutput by connecting a 250 resistor in series respecti vely.7.3.BWDK-3208D/E: The controller is eq

41、uipped with RS232/RS485 communication interface.The interface can be used for remote communication with other automation system. Theconnecting terminals are 31(+ and 32(.8.Electric Circuitry Figure 3: Electric Circuitry1.Sensor connection: Insert the external 15-pin plug which connects to PT100 and PTC(optional thermis


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