1、其实是万圣节萝卜人横行之夜使用了很多海盗用语还包含把后门拿来的意思剧终你们好 庆祝万森节的同伴们Greetings, fellow halloweeners.我竟然说成了万森节I just said "weeners."鲍勃B.o.b.!我竟然说成了万森节I just said "weeners."今晚的故事极其阴森恐怖Tonight's story is a tale so scary,毛骨悚然 骇人听闻so horrifying, so shocking,极其 极其.有极其多的蔬菜so, so. so full of vegetables.鲍
2、勃 照剧本演B.o.b., stick to the script!好的Oh, right.这一切都要从恐怖的太空船开始说起It all started with a spooky spaceship,当时变异南瓜四窜 怪物们拯救世界mutant pumpkins and monsters saving the day!但这只是故事的开始But that was only the beginning.所以大家伙儿休息一下 做好准备So sit back and get ready for a story接下来的故事保证让你噩梦连连that is guaranteed to give you n
3、ightmares.你就到此打住吧Ok, wrap it up.来吧 孩子们 咱们来举♥行♥化妆竞赛Come on, kids! Time for the costume contest.胜出者将获得很多糖果The winner gets their weight in candy!且慢 你们这群淘气鬼Avast ye, scallywags.战利品将会属于我That booty shall be mine!现在抢夺战利品开始Now it's booty time!不好 遭遇风浪 站立不稳Oh! Me timbers being shiver
4、ed.别这样 鲍勃 Come on, B.o.b.,这些糖果是给竞赛准备的that candy was for the contest.但它们实在太好吃了But it all tastes so good.但它们实在太.But it all tastes so.有人吗Hello?有人吗.Hello.谁在那里Who's there?我还有根坚果夹心奶油棒I've got a nutter buddy butter bar,我可不是不敢使用它and I'm not afraid to use it.胡萝卜Carrot!天哪 孩子 你这身装束可真吓人Ooh! Whoa, ki
5、d, that is one scary costume.什么Huh?!有那么一刻 我还以为你真的是根胡萝卜For a minute there, I thought you were a real carrot.看见萝卜我就汗毛直立And carrots really creep me out.就像这样 真恐怖Like that! That was creepy.那化妆竞赛的第一名非你莫属了You are a shoo-in to win that costume contest.现在孩子真是聪明 拿混凝纸浆做衣服Kids today and their papier-mâch
6、233;.墨菲先生Mr. Murphy?那个萝卜人把卡尔变成了僵尸That carrot made Carl a zombie!那萝卜太恐怖了 危险 危险Creepy carrot! Danger! Danger!它是活的 是根活萝卜It's alive! It's a living carrot.扮的真像 是吧I know, right?-我刚才和你一样也被吓住了 -驾- I totally freaked out the same way. - Giddyap!孩子 你这身行头可真是大放异彩啊Kid, you are killing with that costume.我要
7、离开这儿I'm getting out of here!博士 你怎么能这么做Doc, how could you do this?这次聚会糟糕透顶Worst party ever!-他.他只是.-变异僵尸萝卜- He was. he was just a. - Mutant zombie carrot.它肯定是受到了那些外星南瓜的污染It must've been contaminated by one of the alien pumpkins.不会吧No!很显然 只要消除了被污染的萝卜And apparently the curse can be broken僵尸的咒语就能
8、被打破by eliminating the infected carrot.而那一根萝卜险些感染我们所有人的大脑And that one carrot could've infected our brains把我们变成下巴松弛 横行街道的植物人and transformed us all into slack-jawed walking vegetables.博士Uh, doc?-就像这样 -大家快跑- Kind of like that. - Everyone, run!我可不想变成僵尸Oh, man. I don't wanna be a zombie.我们应该怎么办Wha
9、t are we gonna do?起码我们知道Well, we definitely know要消灭它们一定不能用这个扫描器that we shouldn't blast them with this scanner.消灭你们我一定要用这个扫描器Oh! i definitely just blasted you with this scanner!我爱这玩意儿I love this thing!退后 都退后Back! Stay back.-鲍勃 -之后再谢我吧- B.o.b.! - Thank me later!-不 -砰 砰 砰- No! - Bang, bang, bang!博士
10、 我们被完全包围了Doc! We're completely surrounded!我们没有No, we're not.现在我们才是被完全包围了Now we're completely surrounded.是疯狂将军蒙戈It's Monger!子弹上膛 准备战斗 装甲兵军官在此Lock and load, cowboys. The cavalry has arrived.没人告诉我它们能跳这么高Nobody told me they can leap.快点 设置障碍Quickly, now. Create a barricade.外面有个有飞行器装备的僵尸将军
11、There's a jet-packing zombie general还有一大群的萝卜with an army of carrots down there.我越朝它们开枪 它们数量就越多The more that I shoot them, there's more of them,我一点也不喜欢萝卜And I don't like carrots.鲍勃 冷静点 慢慢讲B.o.b., calm down! Talk slowly.僵尸将军Zombie general,一大群萝卜army of carrots.鲍勃 快守住后门B.o.b., just get the b
12、ack door!马上就去I'm on it.-你想把门放哪儿 -天哪- Where do you want it? - Oh, dear.把门给我Give me that.希望我这么做不会对你们太残忍♥Well, well. If it ain't the gruesome twosome.快点 快滚出去 待在外面Now go on. Get out and stay out!猴鱼Hmm! Hey, link.鲍勃 我们得走了Ah! B.o.b., time to go!我忘了带泡菜I forgot the pickle.棉花糖啊泡泡糖Cotton ca
13、ndy, bubblegum!我方队伍加油冲啊 不中用的四散逃啊Go, team, go, and beat those bums!没问题All right!鲍勃 专心点 僵尸问题B.o.b., focus. Zombie problem.不要 鲍勃Oh, no! B.o.b.我已经看到了I can already see it.那种木然 毫无生机的表情The vacant, lifeless expression.你的大脑已经被它们感染了They've already infected your brain.但僵尸萝卜你听着But hear this, zombies,你或许能带走我
14、的大脑you may take my brain,但你永远也带不走我的尊严But you will never take my dignity!快振作起来Come on, pull yourself together.我知道这很恐怖 但我们能度过难关的I know this is scary, but we're gonna get through this.当一切正常的时候 这是我的号♥码And when we do, here is my number.记得给我打电♥话♥啊Call me.对啊 我怎么没意识到 鲍勃O
15、f course! B.o.b.你根本就没有大脑How can a zombie infect your brain那些僵尸萝卜又怎么能感染你呢when you don't even have one to infect?什么What?鲍勃 你对它们有免疫B.o.b., you're immune!僵尸萝卜Zombie carrot!别动 博士 我来对付它Hold still, doc! I'll get it.如果你有免疫 你就能拯救我们大家And if you're immune, you can save us all.只有一个办法There's
16、only one way能停下那些僵尸 拯救你的朋友to stop the zombies and save your friend.你必须要吃掉所有.萝卜You must eat all. carrots!-你最后说什么 -你必须吃掉所有萝卜- What was that last part? - You must eat all the carrots!不No!别哭 小怪物Don't cry, little monster.蒙戈叔叔我让人作了大量的萝卜泥Uncle Monger's got enough carrot pureed要多少有多少 保准你一生够吃to feed
17、you your entire life.杰瑞 把喂食管尽快拿过来Jerry, bring over the feed hose, asap.小怪物饿着呢The boy's hungry!吃掉萝卜 拯救朋友Eat the carrots, save your friends.吃掉萝卜 拯救朋友Eat the carrots, save your friends.还不如交新朋友来的容易You know what? It's easier if I just make new friends.这就已经有我4个新朋友了Here are four new friends already
18、.快点 上房♥顶Quick, to the rooftop,这样我们就能一同展望未来where we'll get a great view of our future together.吃掉萝卜 拯救朋友Eat the carrots, save your friends.打扰了 年轻人 那是我的妞儿Excuse me, son. That's my girl.这次不管用了 我的朋友Not this time, amigo.我做不到I can't do it!不 我能行Oh, yes I can.你们的末日到了You guys are going
19、 down.直接到我的肚子里Right down into my belly.因为我要吃掉你们Cause I'm gonna eat you.我成功了I did it.我吃掉了所有的萝卜I ate all my vegetables!接下来是甜点时间And now it's time for dessert.怎么这样 我已经吃掉了所有的萝卜What? But I ate all the carrots.诅咒应该被打破才对The curse should be broken.我不明白 你们怎么还是僵尸I don't understand. Why are you guys still zombies?每一根萝卜我都吃了I ate every single carrot.-还有你 -你- You! - You.别这样 伙计们C
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