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1、Unit 7Will people have robots?【Useful Phrases】1dangerous adj. The tiger is very .老虎是很危险的。 n. 危险 ,in danger意为“ ”,指自身处于危险之中。Some animals .一些动物处于危险之中。【例题】It's _ to climb(爬) the tall tree.Be careful.AdangerBdangerousCbusy Ddifficult2. 固定句型:There is/aresb./sth.doing sth.表示“ ”。There are some boys in t

2、he swimming pool.有一些男孩在游泳池里游泳。There is a bag on the ground.有一个包躺在地上。Today there are already robots in factories.现在已经有机器人在工厂里工作了。【例题】There will be robots _ with us in the future.Atalk Bwill talkCtalking DTalked3. over and over again = He told me to look after his dog .他再三地告诉我照顾他的小狗。I don't like t

3、o do boring exercises .我不喜欢反复地做无聊的习题。once again Let's do that once again.我们再做一次。【例题】Teachers shouldn't ask students to copy the words _.It's simple and boring.Aagain Bonce againCover and over again Dagain over and over4hundreds of ,后接名词复数。类似用法的还有: 成千上万的 ;millions of 数百万计的 ; billions of十亿

4、计的 people lost their homes in the floods.数百人在洪水中失去了家园。hundred前有基数词时,hundred不用复数形式,且后面也不用of。 thousand,million, billion 同hundred。There workers in the factory.这个工厂有八百名工人。【例题】There are _of students in our school but only _ of them are girls.Ahundreds;two hundredBhundred;two hundredsChundreds;two hundred

5、sDhundred;two hundred5be able to He swim.他会游泳。be able to 和can二者都可以表示“能;会”。在表示现在和过去“力所能及”时,二者可以互换。I can/am able to speak a little English now.我现在会说一些英语。He was able to/could run fast when he was eight.他八岁时就能跑得很快了。但它们也有一些区别:be able to可用于各种时态;可用于不定式的后面;不能用于表示猜测的句中。can只用于一般现在时和一般过去时。不能用于不定式的后面。表示猜测时,只能用c

6、an。You will be able to learn another foreign language in two years.两年后你将能够学另一门外语。I hope to be able to go fishing with you.我希望能和你一起去钓鱼。Mr.King can't be at home now.现在金先生不可能在家。【例1】Take it easy.I am sure you _ work out soon.Awill can Bwill be able toCbe able to Dcould【例2】It _ be our English teacher

7、,because he is in Shanghai now.Acan not Bcould notCisn't able to Dis able to not6.disagree v. ,其反义词是 。disagree with sb. He and I'm very angry.他不同意我,我很生气。n. ,反义词是 。We students often have some .(disagree)我们学生经常有分歧。【例 1】At this point,Bob and Tom have some _.But who do you _ with?Adisagree;disag

8、reementsBdisagreements;disagreeCagreements;disagreeDdisagreement;disagree【例2】 I think there will be fewer trees. I don't agree _ you.Aat BtoCon Dwith7fall down An earthquake happened and many houses .地震发生了,许多房屋都倒塌了。fall n. It's cool in fall.秋天很凉爽。【例 】Last night his house _ after a heavy rain

9、.Afell down Bfalls downCfelt down Dfeels down8. look for 强调找的过程。He's his dog.他正在寻找他的小狗。look for,find,find out(1)look for意为“寻找”,强调“寻找”的过程。(2)find指“偶然发现”或“几乎无困难地找到”。强调“寻找”的结果。(3)find out (指通过观察、探索而发现事实的真相。一般指主观有意识的动作。)The police who was the criminal.警察查明了谁是罪犯。The police the thief everywhere,but th

10、ey didn't him. 警察到处找那个小偷,但没找到。【例】Lily _ her shoes,but she didn't _ them.Alooked for;find Bfound;looked forClooked for;find out Dfound out;looked for9possible adj. It's for an eightmonth baby to walk对于一个八个月的婴儿来说,会走路是可能的。 adj. 可能的反义词 Nothing is if you try your best.如果你尽最大努力,没有事情是不可能的。【例题】T

11、he Internet makes it _ for us to send information to each other in a few seconds.Apossible BnecessaryCimpossible DImportant10. probably adv. 可放于句首,也可放在助动词、系动词、情态动词之后或实义动词之前。Probably he has come.他可能已经来了。It'll probably snow.也许要下雪。probably,maybe,perhaps,may beprobably 也许;可能,表示把握性很大的事情。Maybe = perha

12、ps 或许;大概,把握性比probably小,相当于。常放于句首。Maybe/Perhaps he is right.或许他是对的。may be ,是情态动词maybe,常用作谓语动词。Maybe he is a doctor.He may be a doctor.他可能是一名医生。【例1】 He will _come tomorrow.Aperhaps BmaybeCprobably Dmay be【例2】 Maybe my uncle is at home.(改为同义句)My uncle _ _at home.11. paper n. “纸,纸张”,是 名词。一张纸 , 两张纸 There

13、 is on the table.桌子上有一张纸paper n. “试卷”,作 名词,有复数形式。I lost paper.我丢了一份历史试卷。【例题】 The teacher marked(批分数) the exam _ and wrote the students' grades on a piece of _.Apapers;paperBpaper;papersCpaper;paper Dpapers;papers12. 100年后 ,提问“in时间段”时用特殊疑问词how soon 或when。How soon/When will they return?他们多久/什么时候返回

14、?In three weeks.三周后。in和afterin后接一段时间,不能接时间点,表示“一段时间后”,一般用于将来时。I'll clean the blackboard in a moment.稍后我就擦黑板。after后接具体的时间点,与将来时态连用。We'll go to school after 10:30.十点半后我们要去上学。【例1】My father will be back from Shanghai _ a week.Afor BafterCin Dat【例2】_ will everything be free?In 100 years.AHow long

15、 BHow farCHow soon DHow often【例3】用in和after填空Our work will be finished _ an hour.Our work will be finished _ 9:00. 13. fewer,less和more(1)fewer adj. ( 的比较级) 较少的;更少的,修饰可数名词的复数形式。(2)less较少的;更少的, 的比较级,修饰不可数名词。(3)more更多的, 和 的比较级,可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。e.g:I have friends. 我有更少的朋友。My friend has apples than me.我朋

16、友比我的苹果少。I have money in my bag.我包里的钱更少了。There is water in the bottle.瓶子里的水更多了。We have challenges.我们有更多的挑战。【例1】We'll try our best to do the work with _money and _ people.Afew;little Ba few;a littleCless;fewer Dfewer;less【例】根据汉语意思完成下句我想要更多水、更少的食物。I would like _ water and _ food.14. in the future ,

17、 指的是将来的某一时刻,不一定从现在开始。Who can tell what will happen in the future?谁能说得清将来会发生什么事?in future ,指从现在开始的以后,相当于from now on。We should study hard . .今后我们应该努力学习。【例题】They are thinking about the life _future.Aon the Bin theCat the Dfor the15pollute v. adj. 被污染的, n. 污染;污染物 People shouldn't water in the river.

18、人们不该污染河水。 is bad for our health.污水对我们的健康有害。What do you think of ?你对污染有什么看法?【例题】Now _ is very serious.Some rivers and lakes are _.Apollution;polluteBpolluted;pollutionCpollution;pollutedDpollute;polluted16plant v. plant n. In spring,people are busy trees.春天,人们忙于植树。 are good for health.绿色植物有益于身体健康。I l

19、ike putting in my living room.我喜欢在客厅摆放一些植物。【例题】Do you like _?Aplanting planting Bplants plantingCplanting plants Dplant plant17play a part in. ,in是介词,后接名词、代词或动词­ing形式。Let's the discussion.我们参与到讨论中吧。Children are playing a part in the classroom.(clean)孩子们正参与打扫教室。【例题】Will you play a part _ the

20、 animals?Asave Bto saveCin saving Din save【Grammar Focus】一般将来时 概念:一般将来时是表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态。My brother will watch a football match on TV this evening.我弟弟今天晚上将在电视上观看一场足球比赛。构成及句式: He will go to school this afternoon.否定句: 疑问句: 肯/否定回答: 时间状语:这一时态常用的时间状语有:tomorrow(morning,afternoon,evening),next time,in

21、a month,from now on,soon 等。含有there be句型的一般将来时的结构为:There will / be主语其他其否定形式:There will /be主语其他疑问句形式Will /there be主语其他简略肯定回答:Yes,there will.简略否定回答:No,there won't.There will be fewer people.否定句: 疑问句: 肯/否定回答: 一般将来时的其他形式:1“be going to动词原形”可表示将来,用来表示近期将要发生的动作或存在的状态,以及计划、安排、打算要做的事。其中be有人称和数的变化。We'r

22、e going to pick apples next week.下周我们打算去摘苹果。2现在进行时也可表示将来,通常表示已安排好的活动或事情。用于一些表示位置转移的非延续性动词,如go, come, leave 等。He's leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.他明天要出发去上海。Wait a minute, Im coming.3. 在时间和条件状语从句中,用一般现在时代替一般将来时。If he doesnt take a bus to the party, he will be late.When she comes, Ill call you.她来的时候

23、我打电话给你。【例1】 Tomorrow will be Father's Day.What will you do?I _“I love you,Daddy” to him.Awill say Bis sayingCsays Dsay【例2】 There_fewer trees in the future.Ais going to beBare going to beCis going to haveDare going to have【例3】 We will have a discussion about it_.Athree days ago Bafter three daysC

24、the day before Din three days【例4】 _ there _ schools in 100 years?No,I think kids will study at home.ADo;have BAre;/CWill;be DWill;have【例5】 Who do you think_ here tomorrow?I think Lucy will.Acome BcomesCwill come Dcame【例6】Will there _ any paper money in 100 years?No,_.Ahave;there won'tBbe;there w

25、on'tChave;they won'tDbe;they won't【Consolidation】一、.单项选择1People should keep the _ between countries.ArelationshipBpeaceCdiscussion Drole2It's careless(粗心)_the same mistake again in your composition.Afor you to make Bfor you makingCof you to make Dof you making3. I _ believe he _ spea

26、k three languages.Adon't;can't Bdo;can'tCdon't;can Dam not;can4He got an A in last week's math test.It is _!His math is always the worst.Apossible BsimpleCimpossible Dbored5The old man is very healthy.I think he will live_.Ato be 100 years old B100 years oldCat 100 years old Din

27、100 years old6In 2050,what will the world's population be?I think cities will be really big and crowded because there will be a lot _ people.Amuch BmoreCmany Dless7I predict there will be less _ in the future.Apeople BtreesCcountries Dpollution8What will the future _?No one can predict exactly.A

28、be like BbeClike Dlike as9I _believe everything _ be free in 20 years.A/;won't Bdon't;won'tCdon't;will Dwill;doesn't10Some old houses _in my hometown last summer.Afall down Bfell downCwrite down Dwrote down11What do you think Sally will be_10 years?Aafter BbehindClater Din12I can

29、't find my notebook.Could you help me _ it?Alook for Blook atClook like Dlook out13“There_a meeting next Monday.”means “They_a meeting next Monday.”Awill be;will beBwill have;will haveCwill be;will haveDwill have;will be14How many people came to Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008?It's har

30、d to say._people,I think.AMillion of BMillions ofCTwo million of DTwo millions of15It _ that everyone _ to laugh.Aseems;loves Bseem;loveCseems;love Dseem;loves二、.完形填空What will our life be like in the future?Each family will have a _16_in the future.You can ask it to do everything_17_you.It will serv

31、e you_18_hours a day.The robot will_19_like a human.It can talk with you when you are _20_.You won't know whether it is a human_21_ a robot when you meet it on the street.People will have_22_time to work and more time to travel.The vehicles (交通工具)in the future will fly freely in the sky because every vehicle will have wings with it.They will_23_ you to any place you want to visit.You can go to_24_during your travel when you feel tired.All vehicles will be_25_because they're driven by robots. 16A.rocket B


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