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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上外贸函电期末重点总结这是我自己总结的重点,如有错漏,欢迎指出哦!写作部分集中在PPT的5至9单元;后面没说的单元也会在考试中涉及,但所占分数很少。UNIT 1 商业书信的撰写1、 注意书信的格式(包括信头、封内行名和地址、编号、附件等) 格式如下:2、 写作时使用平头式、缩行式或混合式均可以,建议使用平头式(如书本P8所示)3、 签名在有资格授权的情况下的书写: per procurationem 或 per pro.或 p.p. For 例如:per pro. The Asian Trading Co.UNIT 2 建立业务关系1、 “把介绍给”的表达:

2、Through the courtesy of , we know your company 通过我们知道你们公司 Your company has been kindly introduced to us by 你们的公司蒙介绍给我们 We owe your name to the 多蒙把你们的名字介绍给我们 on the recommendation of 由介绍 Let us introduce 让我们介绍一下 We wish to introduce ourselves to you as 我们把自己作为介绍给你们 be introduced to 被介绍给2、 经营范围的表达 fal

3、l within our business activities fall within the business scope of 属于我们的经营范围 Our lines are mainly 我们主要从事 3、 建立业务关系 enter into (establish, build,open up) business relations with 与建立业务关系4、 at an early date:尽早5、 enclose:附寄,附在信里 Enclosed please find our brochure. 随信附寄我们的产品手册。6、brochure,booklet,pamphlets

4、:小册子 samplecutting booklet:剪样本7、 Quotation: 报价 Your quotation for bicycles is too high to be acceptable. We will be glad to quote you CIF Shanghai.8、Upon /on receipt of: 一收到 We will send you our quotation on receipt of your specific enquiry. 一收到你们的具体询价,我们就给你们寄报价单。9、 Look forward to: 盼望,期待 (to是介词,后接名

5、词,或动名词)10、 the Commercial Counsellors Office 商务参赞处11、 In a position to do sth: 能够12、 State-owned: State-operated, state-run 国营的,国有的13、 Specialize in:专业经营,专营 Deal in :经营14、 Under/By separate cover/post :另寄,另外邮寄15、 Interest 1) n. 兴趣,感兴趣的事物,利益(复数较普通),权利,所得的货物 如:We have (feel, take) no interest in cotto

6、n piece-goods. 我们对这种商品不感兴趣 This article is of special (particular) interest to us. 我们对这种商品特别有兴趣 This suggestion is made in the interest of all parties concerned. 这个建议是照顾各有关方面的利益而提出的。 We agree to 60 days time L/C provided you pay interest for the period intervening.(介于) 我们同意60天期的信用证,但此期间的利息须由你方负担。 2)

7、 v. 引起兴趣 如: The offer (price, shipment, quality) does not interest us. 这个报盘(价格,船期,质量)引不起我们的兴趣。 Your price is too high to even interest buyers in counter-offer. 你的价格太高,买方连还盘都没有兴趣。16、for your information 供你方参考17、with a view to 为了18、a catalogue and a price list 商品目录单和价格表19、for your reference /informati

8、on 供你参考UNIT 3 咨询1、on the point of :正要的时候 如:As I was on the point of going out, the telephone rang.2、 oblige : 1)V. 使感激,有的义务 如:Please oblige us by offering your lowest price. 请报你们的最低价给我们,不胜感激。 Your early reply will oblige.请尽早回复,不胜感激。 2)be obliged to sb:感激 如:We should be obliged (to you ) if you would

9、 reply to us soon. 请尽早回复,不胜感激。 3)be obliged to do sth: 被迫,不得不 如:We are obliged to close our Hong Kong office because of heavy loss.3、Inform :通知,告诉 1)inform sb. of sth. 如:Please inform us of the market situation on your side. 请告你地市场情况 2)inform sb that/what/which 如:We wish to inform you that business

10、has been done at USD200 per metric ton. 我们已以每公吨200美元的价格成交,特此告知。 3)pleased be informed that 如:Please be informed that we have already sent the samples required. 兹通知你方,我方已将所索样品寄出。4、reference:资信证明人5、On your part :你方 The responsibility falls on your part.责任由你方承担。6、Line: 1)business scope 业务(范围) 如:Their l

11、ine of business is light industrial products. 他们的业务范围是轻工业品。 他们经营轻工业品业务。 2)信,信件 Please give us a line.请来信。 3)线: A straight line is the shortest distance between two points. 两点之间直线最短。 4)in line with :符合,与一致 如:Our price is in line with the market. 我们的价格是市场价。 5)be lined with:衬 如:The wooden case must be

12、lined with tin-plate. 木箱子必须有白铁皮衬着。7、 Messrs.+人名开头的公司名 如:Messrs.J.M.Shneider & Co. 8、 an annual turnover 年营业额9、 without any responsibility on your part 你方对此不负任何责任10、 L/C 信用证 Remit 汇付 Collection 托收 Document collection:跟单托收 clear collection:光票托收 D/P: Documents against Payment 付款交单 D/A: Documents ag

13、ainst Acceptance 承兑交单 11、 refer to 12、 financial and credit standing 财务和信用情况UNIT 4 询盘与答复1、 in demand for sth. in need of sth, : 需要2、 enquiry n. 询价 make an enquiry for sth. enquire v.询价,询问 1) enquire for sth 询问 如:The goods you enquired for are out of stock now. 贵方询问的商品现在缺货。 2) enquire of sb. about st

14、h. 询问某人某事 如:The buyer enquired of the seller about the quality of this new product. 买方向卖方询问这种新产品的质量。 3)enquire into 调查,探究 如:We would like you to enquire into the credit standing of J.A. Hussain & Co. on our behalf. 烦请贵方代我调查一下J.A. Hussain 公司的信用情况。3、assure sb of sth:使确信,保证 We assure you of punctua

15、l shipment. 我们保证准时装船。4、engage 1) v.允诺,答应,担保 如:we cannot accept your order because we are fully engaged. 我们不能接受你方的订单,因为我们已经满约了. 2)engage in : 从事,忙于 如:We have been engaged in machine tools for more than ten years. 我们已从事机床业务十多年了. 3)engagement: 约定,契约(正式用语) fulfill ones engagement 履行契约 break ones engagem

16、ent 毁约 keep ones engagement 遵守约定 enter into new engagement 达成新契约 meet ones engagement 履行契约5、 place regular orders 定期订购6、 a wide range of 各种各样的7、 confirmed ,irrevocable L/C 保兑的,不可撤销的信用证8、 as per 按照9、 at prices10、 Commission 佣金 discount 折扣11、 at your end 你地 on your part 你方12、 the largest importers 最大的

17、出口商UNIT 5 发盘与还盘1、 Subject to 以为准,以为条件 1)Subject to your reply reaching us by (before) 以.前复到有效 2)Subject to your reply (acceptance ) here within days 以在天内复到有效 3)Subject to prior sale 以先买为准 4)Subject to our final confirmation 以我方最后确认为准 5)The above quotation is made without engagement and is subject to

18、 our final confirmation. 上述报价无约束力,以我方最后确认为准。2、 Without engagement (obligation) 不受约束3、 stock 1) n. 存货 Our stocks are running down(short,low). 我们的存货正在减少。(我们的存货不多。) Our stocks have been exhausted。 我们的存货已用完。 in stock 有存货 out of stock 缺货 ex stock 有存货,可供现货 We have pleasure in offering you 20 metric tons o

19、f Iron Nails, 11” at US $500 per metric ton CIF Nagasaki ex stock. 今报上11英寸铁钉20公吨,每公吨500美元成本加保险费加运费到长崎价.可供现货. 2)V. 储存,存货 We do not stock these goods. 我们没有储存这些商品。4、Onbasis on CIF Karachi basis net CIF卡拉奇净价 quote a price on CIF basis 报CIF价5、 take sth into consideration 考虑到,把考虑进去 take into consideration

20、 sth 当接的宾语很长时 如:1) If you take the quality into consideration, you will see that our price is reasonable. 如果你把质量考虑进去,你将发现我们的价格是合理的。 2)Please take into consideration our sincere desire to conclude this first transaction with you. 我们是真诚希望达成与你方的第一次交易,请考虑到这点。6、 rock-bottom price最低价7、 in duplicate:一式两份 i

21、n triplicate:一式三份8、 懂得报价: 你公司3月2日来信收悉。关于象牌活络扳手今报价如下: 5” 每打 US$ 6 6” 每打 US$ 7 7” 每打 US$ 8 以上价格是成本加保险费加运费到卡拉奇价,并以我方最后确认为准。 We have received your letter of 2nd March and wish to quote for Elephant Brand Adjustable Wrenches as follows: 5” at US $6- per doz. 6” at US $7- per doz. 7” at US $8- per doz.The

22、 above prices are on CIF Karachi basis, subject to our final confirmation.9、 make shipment in three equal monthly 分三个月平均装运UNIT 7 订单及其执行1、Consign 1)v.运送,寄递 如These goods have been consigned by rail. 货物已交由铁路运寄。 2)v.移交,交付 consign ones soul to God 把心灵交给上帝,归主 3)Consignment n.货物,委托物,寄售 Consignment note 发货通

23、知书 On consignment 以委托方式(待货物售出后付款给货主);以寄售方式 4)Consigner,consignor:寄件人,发货人 5)consignee : 收件人,受托付者2、Due: 1)Be due: to be expected to happen or arrive at a particular time 预定应到的, 预期的 S.S. Red Star is due to arrive here today. 红星轮预期今天到达此地。 2) 票据到期的,期满的 The draft falls due on 31 March. 此汇票将于3月31日到期。 3) du

24、e for sth.: 适当的,合适的. 如:Im due for a rise in pay now. 我应该提工资了. 4) due to: because of 因为,由于 The delay in shipment is due to force majeure. 5) due to :欠的,应支付的 The amount due to you is US$500. Our thanks are due to him.3、 in rotation 按先后顺序4、 M.V.:motor vessel 船,轮 S.S. Steam ship 轮5、 effect: n.效果,影响,效应 1

25、) take effect ,come into effect :开始生效 The law will take effect on 1st May next year. 该法律将于明年5月1日开始生效。 2)be in effect 有效 The import regulation is still in effect. 进口管制仍然有效。 The change of demand has a great effect on the price. 需求量变动对价格产生很大影响。 3)effective adj. 有效的The new price list shall become effect

26、ive from 1st January.6、 in monthly lots of 500 pieces 每月500件7、 time for deliverynegotiationshipment 8、 Art. No. 货号9、 Instead of 而不是,代替 如: we wonder if you can use Type B instead of Type C. 我们想知道你们能否用B型号代替C型号。10、 Advice:n. 1)劝告;忠告;建议 如:If you take my advice and study hard, you will pass the examinati

27、on. 2)(商)消息,行情 如:Advices from our Beijing branch 从我们北京分公司来的消息 Advice note, letter of advice: 正式通知(关于货物寄运,业务洽谈等)UNIT 8 付款条件1、 在外贸业务中,付款方式主要有三种: 1)汇付(Remit) 汇付是进口商将贷款交由银行会给出口商,可分为: 信汇: M/T (Mail Transfer ) 电汇: T/T (Telegraphic Transfer ) 票汇: D/D (Demand Draft ) 2)托收(Collection) (1)光票托收 Clean Collectio

28、n (2)跟单托收 Documentary Collection a.付款交单:D/P (Documents against Payment ) 即期付款交单: D/P at sight, sight D/P 远期付款交单: D/P after sight b.承兑交单:D/A (Documents against Acceptance) 3)信用证(L/C)2、in our favor:以我方为受益人 in favor of our company 以我公司为受益人 open an L/C in our favor Please open your L/C in favor of our G

29、uangzhou Branch.3、 negotiation:议付 presentation 提示4、 inst. :instant本月5、 Call 1)v. Call for: 要求 Call for immediate payment 要求立即付款 Call on sb. at a place :拜访,访问,停于 I called on Mr. Green. 我拜访了格林先生。 I called at Mr. Greens house. 我曾到格林先生府上拜访。 Call on a client 访问客户 2) n. port of call 船舶途中停靠的港口 Call box 公用电

30、话亭6、Down payment (分期付款)的首次款,定金如We require 10% down payment for your first order. 对于你方的第一笔订单,我们要求收取10的定金。7、Draw a draft/bill on sb. :开立以某人为付款人的汇票 Draw on sb for :for 后接开出的款数 Please draw on us for the amount of your invoice. 请按发票金额开立以我方为付款人的汇票。 draw on us: draw a draft on us8、Honor:vt. 1)尊敬;以为荣;给予荣誉 2

31、)(商)承兑;承认并如期支付 honor a bill/ cheque/draft : 承兑票据(支票,汇票) honor ones signature 9、i.e.=That is. 也就是说10、我们要求货款以保兑的,不可撤销的,以我方为受益人的即期信用证支付.该信用证需在合 同规定的装运期前一个月抵达我方,在中国议付,有效期至装运期后15天,并允许转船和分批装运. We ask for payment by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit in our favor, available by draft at sight, reaching

32、 us one month ahead of the stipulated time of shipment, remaining valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the time of shipment, and allowing transshipment and partial shipments.UNIT 9 信用证的修改和展期1、 the duration of . .的有效期限2、 Discrepancies 不一致,不符合3、 Structure of the Letter 1)Thanking/In

33、forming the buyer for/or their opening of the L/C , and stating the impropriety in the L/C. (对买方开立的信用证表示感谢/收到,同时指出不妥之处。) We have received your L/C Thank you for your L/C Your L/C No has arrived. We are in receipt of your L/C No With regard to your L/C 2)Explaining the reason for the need of amendment. 解释需要修改的原因 As there is no direct steamer to 由于没有直达船到 We are sorry that owing to some delay 很抱歉由于的拖延 3)Specific suggestions for amendment 具体的修改建议 We shall be glad if you can amend th


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