



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上外研社新标准小学英语(三年级起)第三册 Module 4 Unit 1What are they doing? 教学设计 教学内容外研社新标准小学英语(三年级起)第三册 Module3 Unit 1What are they doing?Daming: Lets get on the bus. We can see lots of interesting things.Amy: Ok.Amy: Look at the people in the park.What are they doing?Daming: They are doing Taijiquan.Amy:

2、 Look at the people on the lake.What are they doing?Daming: Theyre rowing a dragon boat.Amy: Look at the man under the tree.What are they doing?Daming: They are playing chess.Amy: Look at these girls.What are they doing?Daming: They are drinking soybean milk.Amy: Im hungry.Daming: Im hungry, too. Le

3、ts go.教材分析和教学对象分析教材分析: 本 Module 的主题是 “in the park”, 它延续 Module 3 继续学习现在进行时态。主要讲述英国小朋友Amy和中国小朋友Daming在公园里,由于Amy不知道公园里的人们在做的活动,就围绕本课的重要目标语句“What are they doing?”与Daming进行问答。教学对象分析: 学生在前面一个模块已经学会了 “Hes doing. 及Shes doing.” 的表达, 所以我在设计这一课时,以Whats he doing?引出本课的重要目标语句What are they doing?以旧带新,让学生在复习中学习。教学

4、设计理念本课主要借助多媒体课件创设比较真实的情境,让学生在真实的情景中习得语言和运用语言。教学目标知识与技能1知识目标:学生能够认读掌握本模块非动词: let's,interesting,thing,people,park,lake,boat,men,chesshungry. 动词:row,drink,jump,swim,run,cycle.及其现在分词形式。 短语:get on, lots of, look at. 2技能目标:能在不明白动作行为时口头运用What are they doing?这类语句进行询问,并能口头运用They're doing taijiquan.这类

5、语句说明自己对正在发生事情的判断。过程与方法通过多媒体课件创设情境,在情境中呈现本课新单词和新句型,单词句型融合教学。最后,也是通过教学课件利用图片拓展操练本课的功能目标语句。情感、态度、价值 在文化意识上加深对中国传统体育文化的了解。教学重点、难点(1) 动词row,drink,jump,swim,run,cycle.及其现在分词形式。 (2)能在不明白动作行为时口头运用What are they doing?这类语句进行询问,并能口头运用They're doing taijiquan.这类语句说明自己对正在发生事情的判断。教学方法直观教学法、TPR教学法教学准备多媒体课件,单词卡片

6、,录音机和磁带等。教学过程Step1 Warm-up.(热身活动)1. Greetings. 2. Evaluation. T: Boys and girls, look here. Ill divide you into two groups. This lake is for the girls. That lake is for the boys. If you do a good job, Ill give you a boat. Lets see how many boats you have on your lake. Lets begin. 3. Sing a song. (I&

7、#39;m listening to music.) Step2 Presentation.(呈现活动)1、教学课件呈现新单词:(park, let's, get on, lots of, people, interesting, thing.) T: Guess, where is it? T: It's people park. T: Do you want to go to people park? T: Ok, Let's go to the park. Look, the bus is coming, let's get on the bus. T:

8、Now, weve in the park. What can you see in the park? (We can see lots of trees. We can see lots of flowers. We can see lots of people.) (比较讲解people.泛指人,人们。通常当复数使用) T: In the park, we can see lots of interesting things. (新授interesting, thing. 讲解things.)Practice (以单词卡片操练以上呈现的新单词,词组)2.教学课件呈现 what are t

9、hey doing? row, men, chess, drink. T: In the park, we can see lots of interesting things. What are they?T: Look at the old man, what's he doing?T: He's doing taijiquan. (do taijiquan)T: Can you do taijiquan? Ok, follow me, do tijiquan.(do the action)T: What are you doing? (S1:Im doing taijiq

10、uan.)T: Look at the people, what are they doing?(Ss: They're doing taijiquan.)T: Look at the little boy on the lake. What's he doing?T: He's rowing a boat. (row a boat) T: Follow me, say and do the action. (row, row, row a boat.) T: Look at the men, what are they doing?(Ss: They're r

11、owing a dragon boat.) (教授men,与man相比较)T: Look at the men, can you ask? (Ss: What are they doing?)T: They're playing chess. (chess, play chess)(chess,chess,chess,play chess.)T: What are they doing? (Ss: They're playing chess.)T: Look at the children.他们正在做什么?你们可以用英语来问吗? (Ss: What are they doing

12、?)T: They're drinking.T: Drink,drink,drink.Im drinking.(say and do)T: Look at them, what are they doing? (Theyre drinking soybean milk.)Practice (单词卡片操练巩固刚学的新单词)Step3 Consolidation.(巩固活动) 1. Review the word and sentences together.(呈现单词卡片do taijiquan,play chess, drink.并通过以do and say的形式巩固。) 2. Gue

13、ssing game.T:Lets play a guessing game between boys and girls. First, boys please sent a member of you to come here.(学生上来以后)T: Ok, the other boys do the action I show you. The girls ask “What are they doing?” and you(对在黑板前的学生)guess then answer.(教师呈现的都是在1中复习的三动作,让上黑板的学生背对全班猜,能一次猜中的就奖励,否则不奖励)Step4 Ext

14、ension.(扩展活动) (多媒体课件呈现图片) T: Look at this picture, what are they doing? (Ss: They're running.) T: What are they doing? (Ss: They're jumping.) T: What's he doing? (Ss: He's swimming.) T: This time, you ask I answer. (Ss: What's he doing?)T: He's cycling. (教授cycle, cycling.)T:

15、What's he doing? (Ss: He's cycling.)Step5 Homework.(布置作业)和同学和朋友一起观察周边人物活动,用“What are they doing? “They are. . .”进行对话。 板书设计 Module4 In the park. What's he doing? He's . row boys What are they doing? Theyre. drink girls课堂教学后记 由于学生在上一个模块已经学习了动词的现在分词形式,所以在这一课里,学生能够比较好的掌握。但有相当部分学生不知道动词be在句子中的使用意义。比如,学生把重要句型 “What are the


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