1、;这个程序是巧妙的利用了坐标的不断变化,从而实现了由星星构成的箱子3D转动!;编译方法: 1 tasm 3d.asm; 2 tlink 3d.obj; 3 exe2bin 3d.exe ; Assembler Program By Vulture.
2、160; ; 3D-system example. Use the following formulas to rotate a p
3、oint: ; Rotate around x-axis
4、160; ; YT = Y * COS(xang) - Z * SIN(xang) / 256 &
5、#160; ; ZT = Y * SIN(xang) + Z * COS(xang) / 256
6、 ; Y = YT
7、60; ; Z = ZT
9、 ;
10、0; ; Rotate around y-axis
11、; ; XT = X * COS(yang) - Z * SIN(yan
12、g) / 256 ; ZT = X * SIN(yang) + Z * COS(yang) / 256
13、60; ; X = XT
14、 ;
15、0; Z = ZT
16、60; ; Rotate around z-axis
17、0; ; XT = X * COS(zang) - Y * SIN(zang) / 256
18、60; ; YT = X * SIN(zang) + Y * COS(zang) / 256
19、160; ; X = XT
20、; ; Y = YT
22、160; ; Divide by 256 coz we have multiplyd our sin values with 256 too. ; This example isn't too fast right now but it'll work just fine.
23、; ; Current Date: 6-9-95 Vulture
24、0; ;IDEAL ; Ideal modeP386
25、0; ; Allow 80386 instructionsJUMPS ; Tasm handles out of ran
26、ge jumps (rulez!:) SEGMENT CODE ; Code segment startsASSUME cs:code,ds:code ; Let cs and ds point to code segment ORG 100
27、h ; Make a .COM file START:
28、0; ; Main program mov ax,0013h ; Init vga int 10h mov ax,cs mov
29、60; ds,ax ; ds points to codesegment mov ax,0a000h mov es,ax
30、 ; es points to vga lea si,Palette ; Set palette mov dx,3c8h xor al,al out
31、0; dx,al mov dx,3c9h mov cx,189*3 repz outsb; = Set some variables = mov DeltaX,1
32、60; ; Initial speed of rotation mov DeltaY,1 ; Change this and watch what mov DeltaZ,1 ; happens. It
33、39;s fun! mov Xoff,256 mov Yoff,256 ; Used for calculating vga-pos mov Zoff,300
34、; ; Distance from viewerMainLoop: call MainProgram ; Yep. do it all. ;-) in al,60h
35、160; ; Scan keyboard cmp al,1 ; Test on ESCAPE jne MainLoop
36、; Continue if not keypressed; = Quit to DOS = mov ax,0003h ; Back to textmode int 10h lea dx,Credits
37、160; mov ah,9 int 21h mov ax,4c00h ; Return control to DOS int 21h
38、 ; Call DOS interrupt; = Sub-routines = PROC WaitVrt
39、160; ; Waits for vertical retrace to reduce "snow" mov dx,3dahVrt: in al,dx test al,8 jnz Vrt
40、; ; Wait until Verticle Retrace startsNoVrt: in al,dx test al,8 jz NoVrt
41、 ; Wait until Verticle Retrace ends ret ; Return to main programENDP WaitVrtPR
42、OC UpdateAngles; Calculates new x,y,z angles; to rotate around mov ax,XAngle ; Load current angles mov bx,YAngle mov cx,ZAngle
43、 add ax,DeltaX ; Add velocity and ax,11111111b ; Range from 0.255
44、 mov XAngle,ax ; Update X add bx,DeltaY ; Add velocity and bx,11111111b &
45、#160; ; Range from 0.255 mov YAngle,bx ; Update Y add cx,DeltaZ ; Add velocity
46、 and cx,11111111b ; Range from 0.255 mov ZAngle,cx ; Update Z retENDP UpdateAnglesPROC GetSinCos; Needed : bx=angle (0.2
47、55); Returns: ax=Sin bx=Cos push bx ; Save angle (use as pointer) shl bx,1
48、0; ; Grab a word so bx=bx*2 mov ax,SinCos + bx ; Get sine pop bx
49、160; ; Restore pointer into bx push ax ; Save sine on stack add bx,64
50、60; ; Add 64 to get cosine and bx,11111111b ; Range from 0.255 shl bx,1 &
51、#160; ; *2 coz it's a word mov ax,SinCos + bx ; Get cosine mov bx,ax ; Save it
52、160; bx=Cos pop ax ; Restore ax=Sin retENDP GetSinCosPROC SetRotation; Set sine & cosine of x,y,z
53、mov bx,XAngle ; Grab angle call GetSinCos ; Get the sine&cosine mov Xsin,ax
54、; ; Save sin mov Xcos,bx ; Save cos mov bx,Yangle call GetSinCos
55、160; mov Ysin,ax mov Ycos,bx mov bx,Zangle call GetSinCos mov Zsin,ax mov
56、; Zcos,bx retENDP SetRotationPROC RotatePoint ; Rotates the point around x,y,z; Gets original x,y,z values; This can be done elsewhere movsx ax,Cube+si ; si = X
57、160; (movsx coz of byte) mov X,ax movsx ax,Cube+si+1 ; si+1 = Y mov Y,ax movsx ax,Cube+si+2 ; si+2 = Z
58、 mov Z,ax; Rotate around x-axis; YT = Y * COS(xang) - Z * SIN(xang) / 256; ZT = Y * SIN(xang) + Z * COS(xang) / 256; Y = YT; Z = ZT mov ax,Y mov bx,XCos imul
59、; bx ; ax = Y * Cos(xang) mov bp,ax mov ax,Z mov bx,XSin imu
60、l bx ; ax = Z * Sin(xang) sub bp,ax ; bp = Y * Cos(xang) - Z * Sin(xang)
61、 sar bp,8 ; bp = Y * Cos(xang) - Z * Sin(xang) / 256 mov Yt,bp mov ax,Y mov bx
62、,XSin imul bx ; ax = Y * Sin(xang) mov bp,ax mov ax,Z mov
63、60; bx,XCos imul bx ; ax = Z * Cos(xang) add bp,ax ; bp = Y * SIN(xang)
64、+ Z * COS(xang) sar bp,8 ; bp = Y * SIN(xang) + Z * COS(xang) / 256 mov Zt,bp mov ax,Yt
65、60; ; Switch values mov Y,ax mov ax,Zt mov Z,ax; Rotate around y-axis; XT = X * COS(yang) - Z * SIN(yang) / 256; ZT = X * SIN(yang) + Z *
66、COS(yang) / 256; X = XT; Z = ZT mov ax,X mov bx,YCos imul bx ; ax = X * Cos(yang)
67、60; mov bp,ax mov ax,Z mov bx,YSin imul bx ; ax = Z * Sin(yang)
68、60; sub bp,ax ; bp = X * Cos(yang) - Z * Sin(yang) sar bp,8 ; bp = X * Cos(yang) - Z * Sin
69、(yang) / 256 mov Xt,bp mov ax,X mov bx,YSin imul bx ;
70、ax = X * Sin(yang) mov bp,ax mov ax,Z mov bx,YCos imul bx
71、60; ; ax = Z * Cos(yang) add bp,ax ; bp = X * SIN(yang) + Z * COS(yang) sar bp,8
72、0; ; bp = X * SIN(yang) + Z * COS(yang) / 256 mov Zt,bp mov ax,Xt ; Switch values mov X,ax mov
73、160; ax,Zt mov Z,ax; Rotate around z-axis; XT = X * COS(zang) - Y * SIN(zang) / 256; YT = X * SIN(zang) + Y * COS(zang) / 256; X = XT; Y = YT mov ax,X mov bx,ZCos
74、 imul bx ; ax = X * Cos(zang) mov bp,ax mov ax,Y mov b
75、x,ZSin imul bx ; ax = Y * Sin(zang) sub bp,ax ; bp = X * Cos(zang) - Y *
76、 Sin(zang) sar bp,8 ; bp = X * Cos(zang) - Y * Sin(zang) / 256 mov Xt,bp mov ax,X mo
77、v bx,ZSin imul bx ; ax = X * Sin(zang) mov bp,ax mov ax,Y
78、60; mov bx,ZCos imul bx ; ax = Y * Cos(zang) add bp,ax
79、 ; bp = X * SIN(zang) + Y * COS(zang) sar bp,8 ; bp = X * SIN(zang) + Y * COS(zang) / 256 mov Yt,bp mov
80、; ax,Xt ; Switch values mov X,ax mov ax,Yt mov Y,ax retENDP RotatePoint &
81、#160; PROC ShowPoint; Calculates screenposition and; plots the point on the screen mov ax,Xoff ; Xoff*X / Z+Zoff = screen x mov
82、; bx,X imul bx mov bx,Z add bx,Zoff ; Distance idiv bx add
83、160; ax,Mx ; Center on screen mov bp,ax mov ax,Yoff ; Yoff*Y / Z+Zoff =
84、screen y mov bx,Y imul bx mov bx,Z add bx,Zoff ; Distance id
85、iv bx add ax,My ; Center on screen mov bx,320 i
86、mul bx add ax,bp ; ax = (y*320)+x mov di,ax mov ax,Z
87、160; ; Get color from Z add ax,100d ; (This piece of code could be improved) mov byte ptr
88、es:di,al ; Place a dot with color al mov Erase+si,di ; Save position for erase retENDP ShowPointPROC MainProgram call UpdateAngles
89、160; ; Calculate new angles call SetRotation ; Find sine & cosine of those angles xor si,si &
90、#160; ; First 3d-point mov cx,MaxPointsShowLoop: call RotatePoint ; Rotates the point using above formulas call ShowPoint
91、0; ; Shows the point add si,3 ; Next 3d-point loop ShowLoop call
92、160; WaitVrt ; Wait for retrace xor si,si ; Starting with point 0 xor
93、60; al,al ; Color = 0 = black mov cx,MaxPointsDeletion: mov di,Erase+si ; di =
94、 vgapos old point mov byte ptr es:di,al ; Delete it add si,3 ; Next point loop Deletion
95、60; retENDP MainProgram; = DATA = Credits DB 13,10,"Code by Vulture / Outlaw Triad",13,10,"$"Label SinCos Word ; 256 valuesdw 0,6,13,19,25,31,38,44,
96、50,56dw 62,68,74,80,86,92,98,104,109,115dw 121,126,132,137,142,147,152,157,162,167dw 172,177,181,185,190,194,198,202,206,209dw 213,216,220,223,226,229,231,234,237,239dw 241,243,245,247,248,250,251,252,253,254dw 255,255,256,256,256,256,256,255,255,254dw 253,252,251,250,248,247,245,243,241,239dw 237,2
97、34,231,229,226,223,220,216,213,209dw 206,202,198,194,190,185,181,177,172,167dw 162,157,152,147,142,137,132,126,121,115dw 109,104,98,92,86,80,74,68,62,56dw 50,44,38,31,25,19,13,6,0,-6dw -13,-19,-25,-31,-38,-44,-50,-56,-62,-68dw -74,-80,-86,-92,-98,-104,-109,-115,-121,-126dw -132,-137,-142,-147,-152,-
98、157,-162,-167,-172,-177dw -181,-185,-190,-194,-198,-202,-206,-209,-213,-216dw -220,-223,-226,-229,-231,-234,-237,-239,-241,-243dw -245,-247,-248,-250,-251,-252,-253,-254,-255,-255dw -256,-256,-256,-256,-256,-255,-255,-254,-253,-252dw -251,-250,-248,-247,-245,-243,-241,-239,-237,-234dw -231,-229,-226
99、,-223,-220,-216,-213,-209,-206,-202dw -198,-194,-190,-185,-181,-177,-172,-167,-162,-157dw -152,-147,-142,-137,-132,-126,-121,-115,-109,-104dw -98,-92,-86,-80,-74,-68,-62,-56,-50,-44dw -38,-31,-25,-19,-13,-6Label Cube Byte ; The 3d points
100、60; c = -35 ; 5x*5y*5z (=125) points rept 5 b = -35 rept 5 a = -35 rept 5
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