



1、第22章 简单句和并列句一.概念 (一)简单句由一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)所构成的句子叫简单句,其结构是主语+ 谓语。(二)并列句由并列连词把两个或两个以上的互相关连而又互相独立的独句(即简单句)连在一起而构成的句子叫并列句。其结构是:简单句+并列连词+简单句常用的连词有and,but,or not only.but also,neither.nor,either.or 二.相关知识点精讲(一)简单句 1.主语、谓语在人称与数上的一致性。 and连接两个并列主语时为复数,谓语动词也相应地使用复数形式,但: (1)如果and连接的两个名词是不可数名词且前面都没有冠词,若两个词

2、表示一个事物或一个概念,谓语动词要用单数;如果两个词表示的是两个事物或两个概念,谓语动词则要用复数。 (2)如果and连接的是两个可数单数名词,前一个有冠词,后一个没有冠词,意味着一个人或 事物,谓语动词要用单数。 (3)当and连接的两个名词前都有each,every,many a,no等单数概念的限定词修饰时(第二个名词前的修饰词有时可以省略),谓语动词要用单数。 2.陈述句与疑问句的转换。3.选择疑问句。4.反意疑问句。(1)陈述句+省略问句(2)祈使句+附加疑问句(1) 反意疑问句的回答(二)并列句 并列句分为:联合并列句,转折并列句,选择并列句和因果并列句1. 联合并列句常由并列词a

3、nd, not onlybut also.等连接如: Use your hand, and youll find a way.2. 转折并列句常由并列连词but, while, yet, whereas, nevertheless等连接如:I would love to have gone to the 注:2,3,4点内容不在这里介绍,讲参阅相关章节party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.3. 选择疑问句常由并列连词or, otherwise, eitheror,等连接如:Either you lea

4、ve this house or Ill call the police4. 因果并列句由并列连词so, for, therefore 等连接.如: it was late, so we went home.5. 在”祈使句+and/or+陈述句”结构中,当前后两部分间为承接关系时,用and;前后意思为相反关系时,用or.可将前面的祈使句转换成由if引导的条件状语从句,但必须将and 或or 去掉.如: Hurry up, and well be there in time.= If we hurry up, well be there in time.6. because和so; altho

5、ugh, though和but 不能连用三.巩固练习1. I dont suppose anyone will volunteer,? A. do I B. dont I C. will they D. wont they 2. help if you can,and our country will improve more quickly and better. A. Giving B. Give C. Given D. To give 3. Lucy,you wash the dishes, ? Mom,cant Lily do it? Its her turn to do it. A.

6、 dont you B. can you C. shall you D. will you4. I will not take an umbrella with me today. it rains later on in the day? A. How B. What C. How about D. What if 5. You ought to stay up late tonight, you? Yes. Ive got too much homework. A. cant B. shouldnt C. mustnt D. wont6. Nothing can stop us from

7、serving the people heart and soul,? A. can it B. cant it C. can they D. cant they7. There used to be a church in the small town,? A. used there B. usednt there C. used it D. usednt it8. She isnt your neighbour, is she? . A. Yes,she isntB. No,she is C. Yes,she is  D. No,isnt she9. to be a PLA so

8、ldier when I was young. And now you are. A. How I wanted B. How did I want C. What I wanted D. What did I want10. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase,was very reasonable. A. which price B. the price of which C. its price D. the price of that 11. After ten years,she changed a lot and looked dif

9、ferent fromshe used to be. A. that B. whom C. what D. who12. is known to everyone,the moon travels round the earth once every month. A. It B. As C. That D. What 13. Hes got himself into a dangerous situationhe is likely to lose control over the plane. A. where B. which C. while D. why14. Information

10、 has been put forwardmore middle school graduates will be admitted into universities. A. while B. that C. when D. as 15. What the doctors really doubt ismy mother will recover from the serious disease soon. A. when B. how C. whether D. what 16. The students of the music school study . A. music but a

11、lso some other subjects B. some other subjects as well as music C. music as well as some other subjects D. some other subjects and music17. air is to man,so is water to fish. A. Since B. Just C. Like D. As 18. There is plenty of rain in the south there is little in the north. A. while B. as C. when

12、D. so 19. several times about it,but he could not give the correct answer. A. Being asked B. Having been asked C. He would ask D. He had been asked 20. I dont like chicken fish. I dont like chicken,I like fish very much. A. and; and B. and; but C. or; but D. or; and21. the days went on,the situation

13、 there got worse. A. With B. Since C. While D. As 22. everybody is here,lets set out right away. A. Now that B. Because C. For D. After 23. The science of medicine,progress has been very rapid lately, is perhaps the most important of all the sciences. A. to which B. in which C. which D. with which24

14、. We must do the experiment carefully Miss Liu told us. A. what B. since C. as D. while 25. Tony will never forget these days she lived in China with her mother,has a great effect on her life. A. that; which B. when; which C. which; that D. when; that 26. I know,they will go to Beijing to watch the

15、Olympic Games in 2008. A. Since B. So far as C. In case D. As if 27. Who do you think the doctor will havefirst,John or Kate? A. examine B. to examine C. examining D. examined28. What are you anxious about? . A. Whether we can succeed B. If we succeed C. Do we succeed D. That we can succeed29. You s

16、hould put the dictionary you can find it easily. A. where B. the place C. the place on which D. what30. She said to me,“Ill tell you the result of the testI know it. ” A. because B. the moment C. after D. though31. Grandpa used to tell us something about the “Cultural Revolution” he had time to spar

17、e. A. as soon as B. as C. so that D. whenever32. Li Fang is very busy,shes always helping others with their lessons. A. but B. although C. so D. for 33. Getting a right job can be difficult the students prepared to deal with the job interview. A. if;wont B. unless;will C. unless;are D. if;are 34. Ev

18、erything depends onthey will support you about it. A. if B. which C. whether D. that 35. She won the first prize in the speech contest and surprized us. A. which B. it C. as D. who 36. The Oscar is one of the film prizes offered to any Chinese actor or actress so far. A. which is not B. that have no

19、t been C. that has not D. that has not been37. He made another wonderful discovery, of great importance to science. A. which I think is B. which I think it is C. which I think it D. I think is 38. Its really very dangerous. One more step,the baby will fall into the well. A. or B. so C. but D. and 39

20、. She is American, she knows little about American history. A. so B. yet C. and D. therefore40. Information technology is taught in most schools,we have entered the information society. A. so B. while C. still D. for 41. Helen must obey her parents. Oh,she must, ? A. must she B. mustnt she C. should

21、nt she D. should she 42. John must be in the chemistry lab, ? A. mustnt he B. neednt he C. isnt he D. shouldnt he 43. It was quite a long time I made it out what had happened. A. after B. before C. when D. since 44. the text a second time,the meaning will become clearer to you. A. Read B. Reading C. If reading D. When you read 45. does he do his work well, he helps


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