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1、“協助酒店業達致優質室內空氣質素”辦公室及公眾場所室內空氣質素檢定計劃研討會室內空氣質素檢定計劃於2003年9月推行以來,參與率一直穩步上升,現時已有超過170張有效的室內空氣質素檢定證書。 優質的室內空氣質素已成為高級樓宇提供優良服務的其中一項指標。 本地酒店作為本港旅遊業重要一環,負責招待來港旅客,優質的室內空氣質素必定使客人稱心愉快,在香港留下美好印象,促進本港旅遊業發展。 為協助酒店業提升室內空氣質素,室內空氣質素資訊中心在8月3 日舉行研討會,主要對象為酒店業管理及技術人員。我們誠邀你參加這個室內空氣質素研討會。詳程如下: 日期:2007年8月3日(星期五)時間:下午2:20 至 5

2、:00地點:香港九龍塘達之路78號生產力大樓四樓展示廳費用:全免主講語言:粵語 (輔以英文詞彙)登記辦法:請填妥<登記表格>(為方便資料整理,表格請以英語填寫),並於2007年7月25日或以前傳真(傳真號碼:2776 1617)或電郵(.hk)致室內空氣質素資訊中心。名額有限先到先得。惡劣天氣安排:若當日上午十一時或以後仍然懸掛八號風球或黑色暴雨警告,研討會將會取消。室內空氣質素資訊中心會通知個別人士有關研討會的另行安排。“Achieving better IAQ in Hotels”A Seminar on IAQ Certification Sche

3、me in Offices and Public PlacesSince the launch of the IAQ Certification Scheme in 2003, the number of participants in the Scheme has grown steadily. By now, there are over 170 valid IAQ certificates on the list. Maintaining good IAQ in high-class commercial buildings is now regarded as a benchmark

4、for quality service. As a world renowned hotel, your participation in the Scheme and providing good IAQ would have a profound impact on guest comfort and their perception on hotel image as well as the tourism industry in Hong Kong. We are now organizing an IAQ seminar for hotel management and operat

5、ors on 3rd August 2007 to share the ways in achieving better IAQ in hotels. Details are as the followings: Date:3rd August 2007 (Friday)Time:2:20pm to 5:00pmVenue:Exhibition Hall, 4/F., HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon TongFee:FreeMedium of Instruction::Cantonese with English terminologyRe

6、gistration:Please complete the registration form in English and return it either by fax (fax no.: 2776 1617) or via e-mail to .hk on or before 25 July 2007 to IAQ Information Centre. First comes first served with limited quota.Arrangements in adverse weather:Event will be cancelled if

7、typhoon signal no. 8 or black rainstorm signal is hoisted at or after 11 a.m. on the date of the seminar. IAQ Information Centre will inform individual participant on the make up arrangement.程序“協助酒店業達致優質室內空氣質素”辦公室及公眾場所室內空氣質素檢定計劃研討會日期時間2007年8月3日(星期五)2:20 2:40登記2:40 3:00香港室內空氣質素管理及檢定計劃徐永勝先生環境保護署高級環境保護

8、主任3:00 3:20室內空氣質素檢定計劃的經驗-酒店業的參與方湛樑先生香港生產力促進局環境管理部首席顧問3:20 3:40小休3:40 - 4:00卓越室內空氣質素-管理及經驗分享關汝權先生SHK 物業管理有限公司4:00 4:20室內空氣質素檢測工作實務及顧問經驗曹港生先生香港室內空氣質素協會4:20 4:40機械通風系統保修及改善酒店室內空氣質素梅國威博士香港理工大學屋宇設備工程學系4:40 5:00答問5:00研討會結束DateTime3rd August 2007(Friday)2:20 2:40Registration2:40 3:00IAQ Management in HK an

9、d the IAQ Certification SchemeMr Tsui Wing-singSenior Environmental Protection Offer Environmental Protection Department3:00 3:20Experiences in IAQ Certification Scheme- Relevancy to the Hotel IndustryMr Raymond FongPrincipal ConsultantHK Productivity Council3:20 3:40Coffee Break3:40 - 4:00Achieving

10、 Excellent Class IAQ-Management and Experience SharingMr Ricky KwanSHK Property Management Limited 4:00 4:20Consultants Experience in IAQ assessment and certification Mr KS TsoHong Kong Indoor Air Quality Society4:20 4:40Engineering and Management Approach to Achieve Better IAQ in Hotels Dr. Horace

11、MuiDepartment of Building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University4:40 5:00Q&A5:00End of the Seminar致:室內空氣質素資訊中心(傳真號碼.: 2776 1617)(葉先生)(電郵: .hk)-登記表格“協助酒店業達致優質室內空氣質素”辦公室及公眾場所室內空氣質素檢定計劃研討會2007年8月3日 為方便資料輸入,請以英文填寫公司名稱:地址:電話號碼:傳真:聯絡人 : 電郵:參加者姓名職位1.2. 3. 4.注意:­ 若

12、當日十一時或以後仍然懸掛八號風球或黑色暴雨警告,研討會將會取消。室內空氣質素資訊中心會通知個別人士有關研討會的另行安排。­ 主講語言為粵語 (輔以英文詞彙)。To: Indoor Air Quality Information Centre Fax Number: 2776 1617(Mr. Jason Ip) Email Address: .hkRegistration Form“Achieving better IAQ in Hotels”A Seminar on IAQ Certification Scheme in Offices and Publ

13、ic PlacesPlease complete in English BLOCK lettersCompany Name : _Address: _Telephone No.: _Fax No.: _Contact Person: E-mail Address: _Name of Participant Position1.2. 3.4.5.Remarks:­ Event will be cancelled if typhoon signal no. 8 or black rainstorm signal is hoisted at or after 11 a.m. on the date of the seminar.


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