1、2019 届江苏省九年级英语上学期第一次月考试卷【含答案及解析】姓名_ 班级_ 分数_题号-二二三四五六总分得分、单项填空1.I hardly have any spare time for my hobbies,_?A.do I_ B.dont IC.have I_D.have nt I2.- Do you prefer tea _ coffee?-_is OK, I dont mind.A.or, Neither_ B.to, EitherC.to, Both_ D.or, Either3.The girl looks nice red and long hair.A.in ; in_ B
2、.in ; withC.with; with_ D.with; in4. Wow ! There is so much nice food.I really cant decidefirstA.where to eatBhow to eatC.whe n to eatD.what to eat5.Sigm und Frie nd came to our school to give us a talk yesterday Which sentence eleme nt is theun derl ined part?A.subject_B.adverbialC.object_D.attribu
3、tiveANobodyBNone6.一How many stude nts liste ned to the teacher carefully eno ugh in the class?ANobodyBNoneCSomeone_ DSome one7.Try to spend as much time as you can_, pleaseAon doing your homework_8.How happy we were _ each other!Aseeing_ Bto seeCsaw_ Dhave seen9.Simon is _ a bad mood and doesnAon; a
4、nyone_ Bin; anyoneCon; someone_ Din; someone10.The children are made _ lots of homework every dayAto do;unhappy_ Bdo;unhappyCto do;unhappily_ Ddo;unhappily11.There is _ in todays newspaperAimportant somethingBanything important Cimportant anything Dnothing important12.What _ it is to go hiking in _
5、weather!Aa great fun, such fine Bgreat fun, such a fine Cgreat fun, such fine Da great fun, sucha fine13.Its nice _ you _ the box for meIts my pleasureAfor, carry_ Bfor, to carryBspeak EnglishCto take exercise_Drelaxing yourselft want to talk toThis makes themCof, carryDof, to carry14.Not all the st
6、udents would rathercomputer games thanAplay, study_ Bplaying, studyingCto play, to study_ Dplaying , study15.You neednt worry about _food to eat this eveningAnot have_ Bnot to haveCnot having_ Dhave no、完形填空16.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。A passenger (乘客) told an air hostess (空姐) that he needed
7、 a cup of waterto take medicine when the plane just took offShe told him that she wouldbring him the soonTwenty minutes, when thepassengers ring for service sounded, the air hostess realized it at onceShe was kept so busy thatshe _ to bring him thewaterTherefore, the passenger was held up (延迟) to ta
8、ke his medicineShehurried over to him with a cup of water, but he _ itIn thefollowing hours on the flight, _ time the air hostess passed thepassenger, she would ask him with a smile _ he needed help ornotBut the passenger never _ her wordsWhen hewas going to get off the _ , the passenger asked the a
9、ir hostess tohand him the passengersbooklet (意见簿)She was veryShe knew that he wouldwrite down sharp words, which might make her _ the jo bwith a smile shehanded it to himOff the plane, she _ the booklet, and crackeda smile, for the passenger put it,“On the flight, you asked me if I neededhelp for tw
10、elve times _How can I refuse _ twelvesincere smiles?”Thats right! It was the twelve smiles of the air hostess that touched (感动)the passenger _ and of course she wouldnt lose her job!1.Amilk_Bjuice_Ccoffee_ _ Dwater2.Alate_BlaterCago_ Dafter3.Aremembered Bforgot _Cwanted_Dlearned4.Aaccepted_Btook_ Cr
11、efusedDreceived5.Asome_ Beither_CanotherDeach6.Awhy_ Bwhen_Cwhether_ Dhow7.Apaid attention to Bthought of Cheard ofDworried about8.Acoach_Bbus_Ctrain_ Dplane9.Ahappy_Bcheerful _ Csad_Dexcited10.Alose_Bloses _ _ Closing_Dlost11. AAnd_ BSo_CThen_DBut12. Aopened_ _ Bclosed _ _ CdestroyedDhid13. Aat all
12、 Bin all _ Cof all_Dall over14. Aher_Byour _Ctheir_ Dour15.Apeacefully Bcomfortably _ Cdeeply_Dslowly三、阅读理解Lucy asksWell, my parents want me to wear a traditional Chinese dress, but I prefer a more modern styleI think Ill buy two dresses and wear them atdifferent times on my wedding dayMary answersT
13、he girls look in many shopsAt one shop,Mary tries on a Chinese-style dressI like it,Lucy17.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项Mary is getting married next Saturday shopfor clothes to wear at the weddingA B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Today she asks her best friend Lucy toSo what are we looking for, Mary,saysRed is a very strong col
14、or and represents love and prosperity(繁荣)for Chinese weddingsI think your parents will be please d Mary does not look happyI dont think I look good in re dI think itmakes me look too o dWhat about this blue one? Well, thats a nice dre ss too, but blue is a calm colorIt could help you feel calm, but
15、I thinkyou want a happier color for your weddingIf you dont like red, what about orange? It represents joy andit is a go od color for weddings,Lucy explains After listening to Lucys opinions, Mary says,Eventhough the orangedress would be the best for my wedding because it represents joy, Ill chooset
16、he red dress because it will remind my mother of her own wedding and will make her happy1. What would Mary prefer to wear at the wedding?AA Chinese dressBA modern-style dressCA Chinese-style suitDA traditional Western dress2. Why will Mary buy two dress?ABecause she is greedy(贪心的)BBecause she likes
17、shopping so muchCBecause she has lots of moneyDBecause she wants to keep her parents and herself happy3. What is good about the blue dress?AIt makes Mary look youngBIt represents love and prosperityCIt will keep Mary calmDIt will make Mary happier4. What is the passage about?ADifferent colors for di
18、fferent situationsBHow color affects ones moodsCMarys choice for a wedding dressDMarys and her mothers preferences18.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。There was a man who had a little sonHe loved him very muchEvery day afterwork the man would come home and play with the little boyWhen the man came
19、home from work one night, he found that he had some extra work to doAnd he wasntable to play with his little sonHe wanted to givethe boy something to keep him busySo, looking around his study, he saw a magazine with a large map ofthe world on the coverHe got an ide AHepatiently tore the map up into
20、piecesThen he led his son into the diningroom and spread the pieces on the tableHe explained to the boy that it was amap of the wor dHe told the boy to put it back together and they could play together when he finishe dSurely this could keep the child busy forhours, he thoughtAfter about thirty minu
21、tes, the boy came to the man and said,“Okay, itsfinished, Da dCan we play now?”The man was surprised, saying,“Thats amazing! How did you do that?”Theboy said,“It was easyOn the back of the page was a picture of a manWhenI put the man together, the whole world appeared completely”1. Why couldnt the m
22、an play with his son that night?AHe had to read a magazineBHe had some extra work to doCHe had to learn something about a mapDHe had to stay at his office for extra work2. What did the man ask his son to do?ATo read the magazine to find the mapBTo tear the map of the world up into piecesCTo put the
23、pieces of the map of the world back togetherDTo clean the dining room first, and then read the map of the worl D3. How long did it take the boy to finish the work? AA few hoursBAbout an hourCAbout half an hourDThe whole night4. Which of the following is TRUE about the passage?AIts a report about a f
24、athers extra workBIts a story between a father and his clever sonCIts an advertisement for the map of the worl DDIts a poster about how to deal with parentsproblems19.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。It was very difficult to find jobs in the northeast of England, and when Johnlost his job, he foun
25、d it was impossible for him to get a new oneHe had soonspent all his money, so he decided to go down to the south of the countryHewas told that the things there were better, and that it was easier to findworkThe best way to get there was by train and got into atrain for the southHe was the only pass
26、enger in his compartment inHe wascarrying a gun and said to John,He went to the railway station(车厢)when another man cameYour money or your life!”“I havent got a penny,”John answere D“Then why are you shaking so much?”the man with a gun asked angrily“Because I thought you were the ticket- collector a
27、nd I havent even got aticket,”answered John1.It wasnt very_ to find jobs in the northeast of Englan dAdifficultBeasyCsimpleDpossible2.John wanted to find a new job in the south because_Ahe had no money leftBit was easier to find a job thereCthings were better in the south than in the northeastDhe li
28、ked to work in the south3.He didnt buy a ticket because_Ahe forgot to buyBthe ticket- collector didnt find himChe had no money to buyDHe left his money home20.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。When I was walking down the street one day, I found a small bag on the groundI picked it up and opened it
29、to see if I could find out the ownersnameThere was nothing inside it except some dollars and an old photo- a picture of a woman and a younggirl about twelve years o ldI put the photo back and took the bag to the police stationBefore I left,thepoliceman wrote down my name and addressHe thought the ow
30、ner might want tothank meThat evening I went to have dinner with my aunt and uncleThey had also asked a young woman to havedinner with usHer face was familiar, but Icouldnt remember where I had seen herDuring our talk, the young womanhappened to say that she had lost her bag that afternoonAt once I
31、rememberedwhere I had seen herShe was the young girl in the photo, though she was nowmuch olderShe was very surprised, of course, when I told her about the bagAfter dinner we went to the police station and she got back her bagThepoliceman said to me,“Its a wonderful thingYou not only found the bag,b
32、ut also the owner of the bag”1. In the bag there was _AnothingBa new photo and some moneyCan old picture and some moneyDsome dollars and a piece of paper2. The writer opened the bag because he wanted to_Afind some moneyBfind some lettersCfind the owne rs photoDfind out whose bag it was3. The writer
33、gave the bag to _Aa policemanBhis uncleChis auntDhis friend4. The writer knew the young woman because _Ahe had met her somewhere beforeBshe looked like the girl in the pictureCshe often had meals with the writerDshe was the old woman in the photo21.Eating habits are different in different countriesT
34、he Chinese have asaying“Eat good things for breakfast, eat a big meal for lunch, but eat less at dinner”Many Americansagree that one should start the day with a good breakfast, but their ideas about lunch and dinner are differentMost Americans only give themselves a short time for lunchSo they eat a
35、small lunchAfter work they will have more time to eat a big dinner, also a quiet dinner at home with all thefamily talking about their day is a way to take a good rest after a long, hard day of workEating at restaurants is also differentIn China, people like to talk andlaugh while eatingVery often y
36、ou can hear people talking and laughing loudly,and they are just having a good timeIn America it is not like thisTheywant a quiet place where they can eat a good meal far away from the noises of the outside worl dIf someoneis talking too loudly, the manager of the restaurant will look at him or her
37、angrilyIf some people aretalking tooloudly, the manager of the restaurant may come out and ask them to be quietThe title of the text: EatingChineset畑】Eat C dBSittings fcrbmkfafL* 遞亡da、*with a good+Eai 3小題5 Ines伽nnthA【小理6】lime for lunch.Ear小cl ai dinner Prefer a big dinnn at 小趙81oirestaurani *Liki* t
38、o talk細d【小豐虻n昭a! ths rcsuurazit.Like to eat fai拠血 陥应the小IStOl +四、单词拼写22.根据短文内容及首字母提示,写出所缺单词,并将完整单词写在对应题号横线上。I am eighteen years old this year.I w_ 1. _a pupil before and now Im auniversity student.My mother was my first teacher when I was verylittle.Then, I had three o_ 2. teachers in different scho
39、ols.Now MissWilliams is one of my uni versity teachers.I have never expected that I will be a teacher one day.I am a shy girl and Iam a_ 3. _ of standing before many people.I do not know w_ 4. _ to say.But Iwill be a teacher tomorrow! Tomorrow morning!I made this d_ 5. just two weeks ago.Miss Willia
40、ms, my En glish teacher,told me there was a teacher job, just f 6. _ two weeks in this summer.Sheasked if I would be in tereste D.I wan ted to m 7. _ some mon ey, so Isaid”yesto her.At once I regretted(后悔)but it was too late to take my words back.There are about twen ty foreig n boys and girls in th
41、e class.They know verylittle En glish.I have read the book that Williams gave me.Four of thelessons are very simple, in f_ 8.,too simple.I do not know what to do withthese few simple words and senten ces.I will read the less on to them, and askthem to read a 9. _me, and the n ask them to r 10. _ it
42、themselves.That willbe about ten minu tes.What shall I do n ext?23.根据句意和提示写出单词,完成句子。1. The little boys always_ (扌巨绝)to do so much homework everyday.2.Who is the woma n_ (争论)with?Her husba nd, I thi nk3. Lucy and Lily are twins, but they dont have_ (相似的)hobbies.4. Peter has had his bicycle_ (修理).5. W
43、hich TV set should I choose? Its hard for me to make a _(决定).6. Our teacher is e_She never feels tire D7. She o_ me some new books yesterday, but I didnt accept them8. He doubted w_ I finished my homework by myself9. Can you p_ me to buy me a new bike if I get first in the race10.To tell the t_,I pa
44、y no attention to the people who laughs atyou11.The boy looked_(sad) at his mother12.The boy decided to ask the man for _ (wise)13.Im looking forward to _ (relax ) for some time14.My father has just had his_ (forty )birthday15.He has some difficulty _ (wear) clothes by himself because hisarms were h
45、urt五、翻译24.根据所给提示将下列各句译成英语。1.这张照片使我想起了我的童年。The old photo _ me _ my childhoo D2.那些建议对我们有很大的价值。_ are_ to us3.这小女孩别无选择只好向警方寻求帮助。The little girl _to ask the police for help4.这个故事很值得听。The story_5.我们英语老师对我们要求很严格。Our English teacher _六、书面表达25.请根据提示要点用英语写一篇80-100词的短文。提示要点:1.假设你是Simon,目前在九年级学习,和班上的其他同学一样,感到有压
46、力;2.一周上五天课,每天的作业多,几乎没有时间做自己想做的事;3.同学中间有些人不知如何处理这个问题。老师告诉我们解决这个问题的办法是: 们应该自信,仔细计划时间,然后一样一样地完成。mum?第5题【答案】参考答案及解析第1题【答案】推鼬蕙思是 E 几乎没帯,意思是否定的,后面用肯譌翳锻聽第2题【答案】第3题【答案】磨聾如肛留看长发,看上去淳哥穿看服装时司认词urith.第4题【答案】P【胆析】考查不罡式晅语辨析。句意:哇j肴那么蓼的好吃阿 C 我專毎能决正先吃什么。A.妙吐臭扛空基哪儿吃帚肛 缈护锂严电怎祥吃J C.讷回1to。吐什么时恨吃D. vhat to wt吃什么右女子吃的太芬#不知這吃什么,故选叭两者都可儿雷幔臨单考查连词及蓮歸霹評专我加7W第10题【答案】【解析】士-详 汝耳考查句子成分辨析。不是式如give u? a talhcame to our
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