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1、Chilled Water Systems1节选自James B. Bradford et al. “HVAC Equipment and Systems”.Handbook of Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning.Ed. Jan F. Kreider.Boca Raton, CRC Press LLC. 2001Chilled water systems were used in less than 4% of commercial buildings in the U.S. in 1995. However,because chiller

2、s are usually installed in larger buildings, chillers cooled over 28% of the U.S. commercialbuilding floor space that same year (DOE, 1998). Five types of chillers are commonly applied to commercialbuildings: reciprocating, screw, scroll, centrifugal, and absorption. The first four utilize the vapor

3、compression cycle to produce chilled water. They differ primarily in the type of compressor used.Absorption chillers utilize thermal energy (typically steam or combustion source) in an absorption cyclewith either an ammonia-water or water-lithium bromide solution to produce chilled water.Overall Sys

4、temFigure 4.2.2 shows a simple representation of a dual chiller application with all the major auxiliaryequipment. An estimated 86% of chillers are applied in multiple chiller arrangements like that shown inthe figure (Bitondo and Tozzi, 1999). In chilled water systems, return water from the buildin

5、g is circulatedthrough each chiller evaporator where it is cooled to an acceptable temperature (typically 4 to 7°C)(39 to 45°F). The chilled water is then distributed to water-to-air heat exchangers spread throughout thefacility. In these heat exchangers, air is cooled and dehumidified by

6、the cold water. During the process,the chilled water increases in temperature and must be returned to the chiller(s).The chillers shown in Figure 4.2.2 are water-cooled chillers. Water is circulated through the condenserof each chiller where it absorbs heat energy rejected from the high pressure ref

7、rigerant. The water isthen pumped to a cooling tower where the water is cooled through an evaporation process. Coolingtowers are described in a later section. Chillers can also be air cooled. In this configuration, the condenserwould be a refrigerant-to-air heat exchanger with air absorbing the heat

8、 energy rejected by the highpressure refrigerant.Chillers nominally range in capacities from 30 to 18,000 kW (8 to 5100 ton). Most chillers sold in theU.S. are electric and utilize vapor compression refrigeration to produce chilled water. Compressors forthese systems are either reciprocating, screw,

9、 scroll, or centrifugal in design. A small number of centrifugalchillers are sold that use either an internal combustion engine or steam drive instead of an electric motorto drive the compressor.FIGURE 4.2.2 A dual chiller application with major auxiliary systems (courtesy of Carrier Corporation).Th

10、e type of chiller used in a building depends on the application. For large office buildings or in chillerplants serving multiple buildings, centrifugal compressors are often used. In applications under 1000 kW(280 tons) cooling capacities, reciprocating or screw chillers may be more appropriate. In

11、smaller applications,below 100 kW (30 tons), reciprocating or scroll chillers are typically used.Vapor Compression ChillersTable 4.2.5 shows the nominal capacity ranges for the four types of electrically driven vapor compressionchillers. Each chiller derives its name from the type of compressor used

12、 in the chiller. The systems rangein capacities from the smallest scroll (30 kW; 8 tons) to the largest centrifugal (18,000 kW; 5000 tons).Chillers can utilize either an HCFC (R-22 and R-123) or HFC (R-134a) refrigerant. The steady stateefficiency of chillers is often stated as a ratio of the power

13、input (in kW) to the chilling capacity (in tons).A capacity rating of one ton is equal to 3.52 kW or 12,000 btu/h. With this measure of efficiency, thesmaller number is better. As seen in , centrifugal chillers are the most efficient; whereas,reciprocating chillers have the worst efficiency of the f

14、our types. The efficiency numbers provided in thetable are the steady state full-load efficiency determined in accordance to ASHRAE Standard 30 (ASHRAE,1995). These efficiency numbers do not include the auxiliary equipment, such as pumps and coolingtower fans that can add from 0.06 to 0.31 kW/ton to

15、 the numbers shown (Smit et al., 1996).Chillers run at part load capacity most of the time. Only during the highest thermal loads in thebuilding will a chiller operate near its rated capacity. As a consequence, it is important to know how theefficiency of the chiller varies with part load capacity.

16、Figure 4.2.3 shows a representative data for theefficiency (in kW/ton) as a function of percentage full load capacity for a reciprocating, screw, and scrollchiller plus a centrifugal chiller with inlet vane control and one with variable frequency drive (VFD) forthe compressor. The reciprocating chil

17、ler increases in efficiency as it operates at a smaller percentage offull load. In contrast, the efficiency of a centrifugal with inlet vane control is relatively constant until theload falls to about 60% of its rated capacity and its kW/ton increases to almost twice its fully loaded value.FIGURE 4.

18、2.3 Chiller efficiency as a function of percentage of full load capacity.In 1998, the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) developed a new standard that incorporatesinto their ratings part load performance of chillers (ARI 1998c). Part load efficiency is expressedby a single number cal

19、led the integrated part load value (IPLV). The IPLV takes data similar to that inFigure 4.2.3 and weights it at the 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% loads to produce a single integrated efficiencynumber. The weighting factors at these loads are 0.12, 0.45, 0.42, and 0.01, respectively. The equation todetermi

20、ne IPLV is:Most of the IPLV is determined by the efficiency at the 50% and 75% part load values. Manufacturerswill provide, on request, IPLVs as well as part load efficiencies such as those shown in .FIGURE 4.2.4 Volume-pressure relationships for a reciprocating compressor.The four compressors used

21、in vapor compression chillers are each briefly described below. Whilecentrifugal and screw compressors are primarily used in chiller applications, reciprocating and scrollcompressors are also used in smaller unitary packaged air conditioners and heat pumps.Reciprocating CompressorsThe reciprocating

22、compressor is a positive displacement compressor. On the intake stroke of the piston,a fixed amount of gas is pulled into the cylinder. On the compression stroke, the gas is compressed untilthe discharge valve opens. The quantity of gas compressed on each stroke is equal to the displacementof the cy

23、linder. Compressors used in chillers have multiple cylinders, depending on the capacity of thecompressor. Reciprocating compressors use refrigerants with low specific volumes and relatively highpressures. Most reciprocating chillers used in building applications currently employ R-22.Modern high-spe

24、ed reciprocating compressors are generally limited to a pressure ratio of approximatelynine. The reciprocating compressor is basically a constant-volume variable-head machine. It handles variousdischarge pressures with relatively small changes in inlet-volume flow rate as shown by the heavy line (la

25、beled16 cylinders) in . Condenser operation in many chillers is related to ambient conditions, forexample, through cooling towers, so that on cooler days the condenser pressure can be reduced. When theair conditioning load is lowered, less refrigerant circulation is required. The resulting load char

26、acteristic isrepresented by the solid line that runs from the upper right to lower left of .The compressor must be capable of matching the pressure and flow requirements imposed by thesystem. The reciprocating compressor matches the imposed discharge pressure at any level up to itslimiting pressure

27、ratio. Varying capacity requirements can be met by providing devices that unloadindividual or multiple cylinders. This unloading is accomplished by blocking the suction or dischargevalves that open either manually or automatically. Capacity can also be controlled through the use ofvariable speed or

28、multi-speed motors. When capacity control is implemented on a compressor, otherfactors at part-load conditions need to considered, such as (a) effect on compressor vibration and soundwhen unloaders are used, (b) the need for good oil return because of lower refrigerant velocities, and(c) proper func

29、tioning of expansion devices at the lower capacities.With most reciprocating compressors, oil is pumped into the refrigeration system from the compressorduring normal operation. Systems must be designed carefully to return oil to the compressor crankcaseto provide for continuous lubrication and also

30、 to avoid contaminating heat-exchanger surfaces.Reciprocating compressors usually are arranged to start unloaded so that normal torque motors areadequate for starting. When gas engines are used for reciprocating compressor drives, careful matchingof the torque requirements of the compressor and engi

31、ne must be considered.FIGURE 4.2.5 Illustration of a twin-screw compressor design (courtesy of Carrier Corporation).Screw CompressorsScrew compressors, first introduced in 1958 (Thevenot, 1979), are positive displacement compressors.They are available in the capacity ranges that overlap with recipro

32、cating compressors and small centrifugalcompressors. Both twin-screw and single-screw compressors are used in chillers. The twin-screw compressoris also called the helical rotary compressor. Figure 4.2.5 shows a cutaway of a twin-screw compressordesign. There are two main rotors (screws). One is des

33、ignated male (4 in the figure) and theother female (6 in the figure).The compression process is accomplished by reducing the volume of the refrigerant with the rotarymotion of screws. At the low pressure side of the compressor, a void is created when the rotors begin tounmesh. Low pressure gas is dr

34、awn into the void between the rotors. As the rotors continue to turn, thegas is progressively compressed as it moves toward the discharge port. Once reaching a predeterminedvolume ratio, the discharge port is uncovered and the gas is discharged into the high pressure side of thesystem. At a rotation

35、 speed of 3600 rpm, a screw compressor has over 14,000 discharges per minute(ASHRAE, 1996).Fixed suction and discharge ports are used with screw compressors instead of valves, as used inreciprocating compressors. These set the built-in volume ratio the ratio of the volume of fluid spacein the meshin

36、g rotors at the beginning of the compression process to the volume in the rotors as thedischarge port is first exposed. Associated with the built-in volume ratio is a pressure ratio that dependson the properties of the refrigerant being compressed. Screw compressors have the capability to operateat

37、pressure ratios of above 20:1 (ASHRAE, 1996). Peak efficiency is obtained if the discharge pressureimposed by the system matches the pressure developed by the rotors when the discharge port is exposed.If the interlobe pressure in the screws is greater or less than discharge pressure, energy losses o

38、ccur butno harm is done to the compressor.Capacity modulation is accomplished by slide valves that provide a variable suction bypass or delayedsuction port closing, reducing the volume of refrigerant compressed. Continuously variable capacitycontrol is most common, but stepped capacity control is of

39、fered in some manufacturers machines.Variable discharge porting is available on some machines to allow control of the built-in volume ratioduring operation.Oil is used in screw compressors to seal the extensive clearance spaces between the rotors, to cool themachines, to provide lubrication, and to

40、serve as hydraulic fluid for the capacity controls. An oil separatoris required for the compressor discharge flow to remove the oil from the high-pressure refrigerant sothat performance of system heat exchangers will not be penalized and the oil can be returned forreinjection in the compressor.Screw

41、 compressors can be direct driven at two-pole motor speeds (50 or 60 Hz). Their rotary motionmakes these machines smooth running and quiet. Reliability is high when the machines are appliedproperly. Screw compressors are compact so they can be changed out readily for replacement or maintenance.The e

42、fficiency of the best screw compressors matches or exceeds that of the best reciprocatingcompressors at full load. High isentropic and volumetric efficiencies can be achieved with screw compressorsbecause there are no suction or discharge valves and small clearance volumes. Screw compressorsfor buil

43、ding applications generally use either R-134a or R-22.译 文冷水机组1995年,在美国,冷水机组应用在至少4的商用建筑中。而且,由于制冷机组通常安装在较大的建筑中,在同一年里,制冷机组冷却了多于28的商用建筑的地板空间(DOE,1998)。在商用建筑中普遍采用五种型式的制冷机:往复式、螺杆式、旋涡式、离心式和吸收式。前四种利用蒸汽压缩式循环来制得冷冻水。它们的不同主要在于使用的压缩机种类的不同。吸收式制冷机在吸收循环中利用热能(典型的是来自蒸汽或燃料燃烧)并利用氨水或水锂溴化物制得冷冻水。总的系统图4.2.2 两台制冷机同时作用的系统图及辅



46、ons)时,使用往复式或旋涡式制冷机组。蒸汽压缩式制冷机图4.2.3 制冷机在各种不同满负荷百分数时的效率表4.2.5表示了四种电启动的蒸汽压缩式制冷机组的名义制冷量范围。每种制冷机以所使用的压缩机类型来命名。各种系统的制冷能力范围从最小的旋涡式(30kw,8tons)到最大的离心式(18000kw,5000tons)。制冷机可使用HCFCs(R22,R123)或HFCs(R134a)制冷剂。制冷机的效率通常用输入功(用kw表示)与制冷量(用tons表示)的比值表示。1tons的制冷量等于3.52kw或1200btuh。用这种方法衡量效率,其数值越小越好。从表4.2.5可以看出,离心式制冷机的

47、效率最高。而往复式是这四种类型中效率最低的。表中所提供的效率是根据ASHRAE Standard30(ASHRAE,1995)在稳定状态下测得满负荷时的效率,这些效率中不包括辅助设备的能耗,比如泵,冷却塔的风机,而这些设备可以增加0.060.31kw/ton(Smitetal.,1996)。制冷机组在大部分时候是在部分负荷下运行的。只有在建筑物的最高热负荷时,制冷机才在额定制冷量附近运行。知道制冷机在部分负荷下效率是怎样变化的,这是很重要的。图4.2.3给出了往复式、螺杆式、旋涡式、带叶片控制的离心式制冷机组、压缩机频繁启动的制冷机组在满负荷时的百分比下相应的效率(用kw/ton表示)。往复式

48、制冷机在占满负荷较小的百分比运行时,效率增加。相反地,带叶片控制的离心式的效率在负荷为额定负荷的60以后是基本不变的,它的kw/ton值随百分数的减小而增加到满负荷时的两倍. 1998年,空调制冷学会提出了一项新的标准,用来划归在部分负荷下制冷机组的运行情况。部分负荷时的效率用综合部分负荷值(IPLV)这个简单的数值来表示。IPLV在数值上和图4.2.3相似。用25%,50%,75%,100%负荷时的效率来计算这个简单的综合效率。在这些负荷下的度量值分别为0.12,0.45,0.42,0.01。IPLV的计算公式为 IPLV=1/(0.01/A+0.42/B+0.45/C+0.12/D) 其中

49、A100%负荷时的效率 B75%负荷时的效率 C50%负荷时的效率 D25 %负荷时的效率大多数的IPLV由满负荷的50%,75%时的效率决定的,根据要求,制造商除了提供如图4.2.3所示部分负荷时的效率,还会提供IPLV值。 以下对使用在蒸汽压缩式制冷机中的四种压缩机做简要的讲述。离心式和螺杆式压缩机主要应用在制冷机组上。往复式和旋涡式压缩机应用在整体式空调和热泵中。往复式压缩机图4.2.4 往复式压缩机容积-压力的关系往复式压缩机是一种有确定排量的压缩机。在活塞的进气冲程时,一定量的气体被吸进气缸。在压缩冲程时,气体被压缩直到排气阀打开。在每个冲程被压缩的气体数量等于气缸的体积。在制冷机中使用的压缩机根据压缩机制冷能力不同有不同个气缸的


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