英文故事 格列夫游记 Gullivers Travels_第1页
英文故事 格列夫游记 Gullivers Travels_第2页
英文故事 格列夫游记 Gullivers Travels_第3页
英文故事 格列夫游记 Gullivers Travels_第4页
英文故事 格列夫游记 Gullivers Travels_第5页
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1、 A Voyage to the Land of the Little People I am Lemuel Gulliver, and I am a doctor. I was born in London. I was the third of five brothers. I left school when I was seventeen years old, because my father was not rich. Several years later I went to Bristol. I had a friend there. He was the captain of

2、 a big ship. One day, he told me that he was going to sail soon for the South Seas, and that he needed a doctor on his ship.He asked me to be the doctor on the ship. I wanted to go abroad and see the world, so I accepted his offer.The name of the ship was the Antelope. We set out from Bristol on the

3、 4th of May, 1699. Everything went well at first. But then a very heavy storm carried us off course. The ship struck a rock, and began to sink. Five of the crew and I threw a lifeboat into the sea. But we were not strong enough to manage the boat.Suddenly a strong wind turned it over and it sank. I

4、swam as hard as possible for a long time. I could see none of the other men. Perhaps they were all drowned.I often put my feet down, but could feel no bottom. The sea was too deep.Finally I was not able to swim any longer. When I was so tired that I was ready to give up, I suddenly discovered I coul

5、d touch the bottom. I waded in the shoal almost a mile before I got to dry land. Then I lay down on the short and soft grass. I was very tired, and soon I fell into a very deep sleep. When I awoke, the sun was shining above my head. I was lying on my back. I tried to get up, but I couldn't. Then

6、 I found that my arms and legs were tied down to the ground with strings. My hair, too, was pinned down in the same way.After a few minutes, I heard some noise around me. Something climbed onto my leg and crept up to my chin. I turned my eyes only a little. It was a very little man. He was about six

7、 inches tall. He had a bow and arrow in his hands. He seemed to be a soldier. Then forty more little people climbed onto me. I thought that they were soldiers, too. I was so surprised that I shouted "Oh!" Then these people were very surprised, too. All of them jumped down from my body, but

8、 they soon came back.All the time, I was trying to break the ropes. At last, I broke one or two ropes, and I could move my left arm. I put out my hand and tried to catch some of the little men, but they all ran away before I could catch them. Then I heard a loud shout. I found that they were shootin

9、g at me. Some of the arrows went up into the air and came down on my face. They caused me great pain. I did not break any more ropes, and they shot no more arrows at me. I lay still and did not move.Then I heard a sound near my ear. I turned my head a little and saw that they were making a platform

10、beside my head. It was large enough for four of the little people to stand upon. It was a foot and a half high. After the platform was built, several men fetched ladders and climbed up the ladders onto the platform.One of them was older than the others. He was dressed in a beautiful long coat. He sa

11、id something in a loud voice. I did not understand the words. But I thought he said to me, "We will not do you any harm if you lie still. But you shall die if you don't." So I raised my hand to show that I understood him.I also put my hand to my mouth to show that I wanted something to

12、 eat. He gave some orders to the people around me. The little men fetched more ladders and leaned them against my sides. More than one hundred people climbed onto me.They carried baskets full of meat. At first I could not tell what the food was. There were things which looked like mice. They were co

13、oked shoulders, legs, and loins of cows. I found that the things which looked like beans were chickens. I put two or three loaves of bread in my mouth at the same time.Then I showed them that I wanted something to drink. They brought me a barrel of wine, and they poured it into my mouth. I called fo

14、r another barrel of wine, and they gave it to me. But when I called for still more, they showed me that they had no more.I finished my meal, and the men brought me some ointment. I put it on my hands and face, because they were still smarting.In a few minutes the pain went away. I was very tired, an

15、d soon I fell asleep.The land was called Lilliput. The emperor of Lilliput told his men to make a very big cart, because he wanted to take me to the capital city.They had many carts for carrying trees. They also had some larger carts for taking the ships down to the sea.Five hundred carpenters worke

16、d to put many of these carts together, and soon they made one big cart. It was seven feet long and four feet wide, and it had twenty-two wheels. Tiny horses pulled the cart up to my side. They had to raise me and put me on it. Nine hundred men worked for three hours, and at last they raised me onto

17、the cart. Fifteen hundred of the emperor's largest horses were used to pull me to the city. It was half a mile away. All day the horses pulled the cart along the road. In the evening they stopped and rested. At night there were five hundred men on each side of me. They had bows and arrows. They

18、were ready to shoot me if I tried to move. The next morning we went on, and at noon we were near the gates of the city. When we got to the gates of the city, the emperor came out to meet me.There was an old temple not far away from the city. It was the largest temple in the whole country, and the em

19、peror told his men to take me there. The big gate in front was about four feet high and two feet wide.The emperor's men cut the ropes which tied me to the cart. But they tied my left foot to the ground with very strong chains. I could not run away.I stood up and all the people were astonished be

20、cause I was so big. I looked at the fields and houses around me. The country was like a garden. Everything was very small. The tallest tree in the country was only seven feet high.Then I crept into the temple and lay on the floor because there was no bed. And the emperor told his men to make me a bi

21、g bed. They carried six hundred of their little beds to the temple and fastened them together. The bed was finished soon.Lots of people came to the temple to see me. The emperor and his men were kind to me. They brought food and drink. And then six professors from the university taught me the langua

22、ge of the country. In three weeks I was able to speak their language and learned a great deal about their country, Lilliput. Soon after that, the emperor told two officers to look into my pockets. So I picked up the two officers, and put them into one of my coat pockets. Then I put them into all my

23、other pockets. They found a pencil, a watch, and several other things there. The officers made a list of the things which they had found in my pockets, and gave the list to the emperor. He told me to throw down my sword, my pistol, and some other things. The emperor liked my watch very much. He told

24、 two officers to take it away. They carried it on a pole. My pistol was also very strange to them. The emperor wanted to know how to use it. I had to fire the pistol in front of the emperor and his men. When I shot it, hundreds of small people fell to the ground. The emperor often came to see me in

25、order to learn various things.One day when I was talking with the emperor, a messenger came to him. The messenger said to the emperor: "When we were walking along the shore, we found something huge and black. Nobody knows what it is. It may be some great sea-beast, but it is not alive, for it d

26、oesn't move." Soon I learned that the strange thing was my hat. I was wearing it when I was in the water, but I lost it when I was up on the shore. The emperor told some men to bring it to him. The next day, they made two holes in the brim and fastened a piece of rope to the thing and tied

27、the rope to five horses. The horses pulled the hat for half a mile. A few days later the emperor said to me, "I want to train my army, and I need your help. Stand up with your legs apart." I obeyed his order. Then the whole army marched between my legs, and one thousand soldiers rode their

28、 horses between my legs. How beautiful this sight was! Every day I said to the emperor, "I want to be free to walk about." At last he took off the chains. "I would like to go and see the city first. I think I can walk there in a few minutes," I said. There were a lot of people in

29、 the city. The emperor told the people to stay in their houses.There was a wall around the city. It was two and a half feet high and eleven inches wide. I stepped over the wall and walked along the wide streets carefully. The sidestreets were very narrow and I could not walk down them. Lots of peopl

30、e were looking out of their windows at me. They said, "How tall and big he is!"There was a very beautiful palace in the center of the city. The emperor and his family lived there. I wanted to look inside the palace. I lay down in one of the gardens and looked through the windows. I saw the

31、 empress and her young princess on the balcony. They were very pleased with my visit.One morning a messenger from the emperor came to see me. "The emperor needs your help," he said, "The people who live in Blefuscu are going to attack us. Blefuscu is an island across the sea. It is no

32、t very far away." "Why are Lilliput and Blefuscu at war?" I asked. "Because the people in Blefuscu break their eggs at the bigger end, and we break our eggs at the smaller end," he replied. "They don't like our way of breaking eggs. The emperor of Blefuscu wants to

33、make us break them at the bigger end, but we don't want to." When I heard this, I thought it was not an important matter at all. But I agreed to help them anyway. Then I walked to the shore and looked at the harbor of Blefuscu. A great many ships were there. There were about fifty in all. T

34、hey were ready to sail for Lilliput and go to war. I had a bright idea. I came back to the capital. I met some captains of the ships and asked them how deep the sea was between the island of Lilliput and the island of Blefuscu. They told me it was about six feet at the deepest part. I bent some iron

35、 bars and made fifty hooks. I fastened each hook to a piece of strong rope. I walked back to the shore with the hooks and rope. I took off my shoes, stockings and coat, and walked into the sea. In half an hour, I reached the harbor of Blefuscu, and saw their ships. When they saw me, many of the little sailors were frightened and ju


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