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1、专题二 阅读补全说明文专练题组一A(2019黑龙江哈三中二模)A Few Active Listening GuidelinesListening is arguably the most important element of interpersonal communication. Our ability to listen well impacts the quality of all of our relationships, and not just at home with our family and friendsit can also affect our relation

2、ships and interactions on the job, as well as the effectiveness and quality of our work.1 Instead, it is a skill that must be cultivated and practiced. Active listening means the difference between simply hearing and listening with the intent to truly understand. It is a subtle but important distinc

3、tion.1.Give focused attention.Try to minimize external(外部的) distractions. Turn down the noise, and put down or step away from what youre doing if possible. 2Dont watch the clock, fidget (坐立不安) or go over your to do list for later.2. 3Direct eye contact shows your attention and intention to listen. T

4、his doesnt mean stare though. Be reasonable, but try not to let your eyes wander to whatever is going on around you.3.Reflect back.Restate, but dont repeat word for word. Paraphrase what you think the other party is saying with responses such as:“What Im hearing is.” or “Let me see if Im following y

5、ou.” 44.Respond appropriately.Be open and honest in your responses. Share your thoughts, insights and feelings in a clear, but respectful and considerate manner even if you disagree.Active listening is a model for good communication. 5It takes practice to develop active listening skills, and its a h

6、abit that has to be reinforced(加强). Remind yourself that the goal of conversation is not merely to trade words, but to truly understand what the other party is saying and to be understood in turn.A.Maintain eye contact.B.Instead, focus on what is being said.C.You do not have to agree on everything.D

7、.Also, set aside other internal thinking and dialogue.E.Listening is not something that comes naturally or easily for most of us.F.Reflecting what youve heard signals that youre attempting to understand fully.G.Remember that listening is not just to gather information and share ideas, but also to ga

8、in perspective and understanding.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.  答案语篇解读本文为说明文,介绍了几种积极倾听的方法。1.E过渡句。上一段讲了积极倾听的作用,下一句讲到它需要被培养、被练习。E选项意为“对于我们大多数人来说,倾听不是自然而然得到的,也不是容易的事”,此处作为过渡句,承上启下。2.D细节句。该段第一句意为“要尽量使外部干扰最小化”,后面的句子列举排除干扰的措施。D选项中的Also承接上文,都是排除干扰的具体做法。3.A主旨句。该空为标题句,概括下段主旨大意。A项意为“保持眼神接触”,下面具体讲述眼神接触的作用和如何做到眼神接触。4.F归纳

9、句。该空前文讲述怎样反馈自己所听到的,该空位于该段最后,起到总结前文的作用,F项意为“反馈你所听到的表示你一直在尽力充分理解”。5.G细节句。上句意为“积极倾听是好的交流的典范”。G项意为“记住倾听不仅仅是收集信息和分享想法,而且也是为了获得正确的认识和理解”,表明倾听有助于交流。B(2019山西二模)Most people will agree that it is good to read, but not all reading is equal. Here are some tips for productive reading.1.Take notes.Even if you nev

10、er refer to your notes again, the process of taking notes helps you sort out something important and will help you remember it. You can choose either computers or paper for your notes. 1On the other hand, many people feel they recall information better when they write it by hand.2. 2If you are like

11、me, once you commit to reading a book, it is very hard to give up until youve finished it. Given the number of books that are available and our limited life, it just doesnt make sense to read a book that you arent getting anything from.3.Variety is good.While you dont want to give up a book that you

12、 are benefiting from, it is important to give yourself variety. You can pick up a book at random or intentionally looking for something different from what you normally read. 34.Review what youve read.If you want to remember what you read, take the time to review. 4 When you finish a book, spend 15

13、minutes examining your notes in 2 to 4 days. Then 2 to 4 weeks after that and then 2 to 4 months after that. This will strengthen the knowledge in your mind.5.Discuss what you read with others.5If you can talk with people in person, that is ideal, but dont overlook the power of the Internet in conne

14、cting people with similar interests but different geography.A.Dont be afraid to give up.B.Make full use of reading time.C.Its hard to get more out of your normal reading.D.This can be very valuable in giving you a different opinion.E.And youd better go over things at ever increasing time intervals.F

15、.Using computers will make it easy to find your notes later.G.The best way to get more from your reading is to discuss it with others.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.  答案语篇解读本文为说明文,介绍了五条适于有效阅读的建议。1.F本句为过渡句。上句提出,你可以选择用电脑或纸记笔记。下句指出,另一方面,许多人认为当他们用手书写时能更好地回忆起信息。F项意为“使用电脑会使你之后容易找到你的笔记”,能很好地衔接上下文,故F项正确。2.A本句为主题句。阅读本段可


17、”,故G项正确。C(2019安徽合肥第二次质检)Whats the purpose of building patience abilities? In a word, happiness. Better relationships, more success. But indeed it takes efforts to build them successfully. 1 Thus, when the big ones come, we will have developed the patience we need for hard times.Understand the addict

18、ive nature of anger and impatience. We, human beings, are still constructed with our old reptilian (爬虫类的) brain that protects our physical and emotional survival. On the emotional survival side, we want our way to get ahead, to achieve, to “look good”. Lets just face it. 2 So the first step in growi

19、ng patience is to get in touch with the addictive quality of the opposite of patienceanger, impatience, blame and shame. We all have them. And we can grow beyond them.Upgrade our attitude towards discomfort and pain. Pain has its purposes and pushes us to find solutionswe try to change the other per

20、son, situation or thing that we think is causing our discomfort. But the problem is that it is not the outside thing thats the source of our pain, but how our mind is set. 3Pay attention when the impatience or pain starts. Most of us dont really realize it when we are feeling even the smallestbut ve

21、ry presentpainful feelings. 4 But to really care for ourselves, get curious about whats actually happening at the moment inside you. Focusing on whats actually happening, and you can notice the worry of not wanting whats happening.5When you find yourself impatient, or angry with yourself, you can re

22、mind yourself that you are growing, and that, “Sure, this is understandable; this is what happens to me when Im bothered.” You can say to yourself, “Its true. I dont like this; this is uncomfortable, but I can tolerate it.”A.Practice positive selftalk.B.So the solution to pain is an inside job.C.Pat

23、ience abilities benefit you in many ways.D.Learn to forgive yourself for being impatient in hard times.E.We ignore the fact that were in pain and focus completely on fixing the problem.F.The urge to protect ourselves and what we consider valuable is absolutely habitforming.G.Effective ways are recom

24、mended to train ourselves to work with little pains and annoyances.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.  答案语篇解读本文为说明文,主要介绍了培养耐心的几个有效的方法。1.G根据空前一句以及空后一句“Thus, when the big ones come, we will. hard times.”可知,成功地培养耐心需要花费精力,因而推荐一些有效的方法用来训练我们应对痛苦及烦恼的能力,因此当更大的麻烦来临时,我们将已经有耐心应对困难时期。故G项符合语境。2.F根据空后的“So the first step.blame a

25、nd shame.”可推知,保护我们自己和我们认为有价值的东西的冲动是完全成习惯的,因此要做的就是了解负面情绪根深蒂固的本性。故选F。3.B根据空前一句“But the problem is that it is not the outside thing thats the source of our pain, but how our mind is set.”可知,问题不是出现在引起痛苦的外在因素上面,而是出现在我们的思考方式上,因此解决痛苦是一种内在的活动。故选B。4.E根据空前一句“Most of us dont really realize it.painful feelings.

26、”及空后的“get curious about whats actually happening at the moment inside you”可知,我们经常忽略了这样一个事实,即我们处于痛苦之中,而我们关注的焦点总是完全集中在解决问题上。5.A根据文章结构和设空处所在位置可知,设空处为段落主题句。通读本段可知,本段主要是说要练习积极的自我暗示,故A项符合语境。题组二A(2019云南昆明调研)How to be a good listener to your familyCommunication is important to strong family relationships. 1

27、Working on your listening skills can help you communicate better and form stronger bonds.Listen actively. When listening to a family member, do not let your mind wander to other things. Its important to make your family members feel heard and valued. Put your phone away and give them your full atten

28、tion. Never think about other things when someone is talking. 2Repeat what has been said. Briefly summarizing what the speaker has said can go a long way toward effective communication. Everyone wants to feel valued and heard, so repeating a family members point can show you are listening. 3 It can

29、really allow you and your family to communicate better as well.4 Interrupting can put breaks on effective conversation. Always allow a few seconds of silence after someone finishes talking before offering your response. This allows you to make sure the speaker has finished talking. Do not talk over

30、someone either. No matter how curious you feel about a subject, do not start talking until the other person has finished.Avoid hurrying the speaker. 5 Do not break in before the speaker is finished just to hurry the speaker along. Never say things like, “Can you get to the point?” This will make it

31、seem like youre not interested in the conversation.A.Do not interrupt.B.Never rush the person into talking.C.Instead, focus on whats being said.D.People tend to pause when they speak.E.It can help you make sure you understand the speaker.F.When someone finishes talking, ask questions if necessary.G.

32、However, if you dont truly listen to others, it can be difficult to communicate.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.  答案语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。学习倾听技巧可以帮助你与家人更好地交流,并建立更强的家庭纽带。本文教你如何成为家里的好听众。1.G根据设空处前的“沟通对于牢固的家庭关系很重要。”和设空处后的“提高你的倾听技巧可以帮助你更好地交流,建立更牢固的关系。”可知,本段主要介绍交流和聆听的关系,G项点明了两者之间的内在联系,故选G项。2.C设空处前有“当有人说话的时候,不要去想其他的事情。”的禁令性提示,因

33、此设空处需要点明正确的做法。C项中的 Instead意为“相反”,表示转折,与前文想其他事相对,点明应该集中注意力。故选C项。3.E根据设空处前的“每个人都想要感到被重视和被倾听,所以重复家庭成员的观点可以表明你在倾听。”可知,为了承接上文,此处应点明重复家庭成员的观点的好处。E项中的It指的是上文中的repeating a family members point。故选E项。4.A此空位于段首,为主题句,根据其他段主题句可知,此处应该同样使用短小精悍的祈使句,再根据设空处后的“Interrupting can put breaks on effective conversation.”(打断

34、别人会打断有效的谈话。)可推知,A项中的interrupt与设空处后的Interrupting相呼应。故选A项。5.B根据设空处后的“Do not break in before the speaker is finished just to hurry the speaker along.”(不要为了让说话人讲快点而在他说完之前打断他。)可知,B项中的 rush the person into talking与 hurry the speaker along相呼应。故选B项。B(2019河北石家庄一模)Three in five people in the UK hold a library

35、 card. For some, theyre a shelter from the stresses of daytoday life. 1 If youre considering joining your local library, now it is the right time to do so. And if you need any more encouragement, here are several reasons why you should.Most libraries in the UK allow members of the general public to

36、come and go as they like.2 You can also take out a library card and borrow books for free, although you will inevitably face a fine for late returns.3 Imagine just how many books you have at your fingertips with a library card. There are lots of modern ones, as well as originals,and you can continue

37、 to expand your learning and vocabulary all the time. Its a priceless experience, especially for kids, and also a great way to level the educational playing field.Libraries develop with times. They have changed greatly since decades ago. 4Some libraries have apps so you can see when your books are d

38、ue back and even reserve books in some cases. There are also libraries which let you access books in digital formats on your mobile devicepretty cool.Libraries are one of very few spaces left in towns and cities where members of the public can come together and actually be or feel like a community.

39、They have noticeboards to offer services like exercise classes or learning centers. 5A.Libraries help people learn.B.Libraries help educate the kids.C.They create a great sense of community.D.You can go in, settle down and read a book without being charged a penny.E.Most libraries now have computers

40、 and allow people to borrow CDs and DVDs.F.Libraries help us save money as were borrowing books rather than buying them.G.For others, particularly the homeless and people in poverty, theyre a lifeline to the world.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.  答案语篇解读本文为说明文,主要介绍了加入图书馆的原因。1.G根据上文“For some, theyre a shelter fro

41、m the stresses of daytoday life.”可知,对于一些人来说,图书馆是一个躲避日常生活压力的庇护所。由此可推知,设空处应介绍图书馆对其他人的意义,故设空处应选G项,其中For others与上句中的For some相对应。2.D根据下文“You can also take out a library card and borrow books for free.”可知你也可以拿出借书证免费借书,由此可推知,设空处应介绍在图书馆免费读书的情况;而且D选项中的You can.与后面的You can also.相呼应,故设空处应选D项。3.A设空处为该段的主题句。根据该段内

42、容可知,该段主要介绍图书馆可以帮助人学习,故设空处应选A项。4.E根据该段的主题句“Libraries develop with times.”以及下文中的“Some libraries have apps.”可知,设空处应介绍现如今图书馆的情况,故设空处应选E项。5.C根据该段的第一句可知,图书馆把大众聚集在一起,成为了一个团体。又根据设空处为该段的总结句,故设空处应选C项。C(2019福建质检)Some people put their bicycles away once they learn how to drive a car. For many people, bicycling

43、is not just an easy way of getting around town but also an exciting sport. 1.One kind of race is the time trial. Each racer leaves the starting line at a different time and heads hard for the finishing line. The cyclist who covers the distance in the shortest amount of time wins the race. 2,because

44、the bicycles are spread out and are not likely to run into each other.Another kind of race is more difficult. A few city blocks are closed to traffic. Then all the racers line up in a tight pack and begin racing at the same time. 3. The race requires more than speed. It also requires skillful handli

45、ng of the bicycle as it runs at full speed around other bicycles. The racer who completes all the laps first is the winner.4. Racers have to cover anywhere from 35 miles to almost 3,000 miles. The race course may be a straight stretch of road or a long series of roads across the country. The prize g

46、oes to the first person who crosses the finishing line.Between races cyclists stay in condition by doing exercise that builds their strength so that they can keep riding for long periods of time. 5, they often join bicycling groups and become licensed racers. Then they can enter special races all ov

47、er the country. If youre a cyclist,keep practicing. You could become a star.A.As cyclists become more experiencedB.The time trial is a very safe race for beginnersC.Serious cyclists often arrange to take part in racesD.Road races are usually the longest cycling contestsE.Most people will seize possi

48、ble chances to get around townF.They cover many laps, going around and around the city blocksG.When cyclists still need to build themselves up for those special races1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 答案语篇解读本文为说明文,主要介绍了几种骑自行车比赛。1.C该句承上启下,根据下文介绍的几种骑自行车比赛可知,此处应填“许多骑自行车的人经常安排参加比赛”,故选C。2.B根据空后的“because the bicycles ar

49、e spread out and are not likely to run into each other”可知,自行车是分散的,不太可能相互碰撞,所以可推出这种比赛对于新手来说是安全的,故选B。3.F设空处承接上文,继续介绍这种难度较大的骑自行车比赛的具体情况。F选项中的“They”与上文“all the racers”相呼应,而且F选项中的“the city blocks”与上文中的“A few city blocks”也相呼应,故选F。4.D根据下文“Racers have to cover anywhere from 35 miles to almost 3,000 miles.”可

50、知,参赛者必须骑行35英里到几乎3,000英里的路程。由此可推知,此处应填公路比赛通常是最长的骑自行车比赛,故选D。5.A根据空后的“they often join bicycling groups and become licensed racers”可知,他们经常加入自行车团队,并成为有执照的参赛者。由此可推知,设空处应选A项。题组三A(2019湖南衡阳二模)The world is a colorful landscape of different languages, skin colors, and different cultures. 1. A way to develop th

51、is appreciation is to try to learn about other cultures around the world.There are several ways to become knowledgeable about different cultures. 2. Reading works by authors who have a close relationship with a particular culture allows people to gain an accurate glimpse into the food, music, langua

52、ge, religion, and way of a life of a particular group of people. For example, 3, she will often read them stories based on a cultures folk tales.Another way to learn about different cultures is to try to learn a foreign language. A person can choose a language he has always wanted to learn. 4. Makin

53、g contact with people who are native speakers of the language allows him to gain firsthand knowledge of a particular culture as he struggles to learn the language.5. Whether a person wants to learn more about regions in Japan, the Middle East, Africa, or any other world culture, becoming familiar wi

54、th its food is a giant step in the right direction. Food is an important part of different cultures. And it allows people to gain an insight into a particular cultural groups way of life.A.when a student wants to learn more about a different cultureB.when a teacher wishes to expose her students to a

55、 different cultureC.One way is to read books written by authors from a particular cultureD.Learn about different cultures by tasting food from a specific cultural groupE.Gaining an understanding of other cultures benefits both you and other peopleF.He can attend a foreign language class in order to

56、learn in a more formal settingG.Its important to develop an appreciation of different cultures to become a wellrounded person1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 答案语篇解读本文为说明文。讲述了了解世界上不同文化的方法。1.G过渡句。上文提到了世界上有不同的文化,后文说到培养这种欣赏能力的一种方法是尝试了解世界各地的其他文化,所以选择G项“培养一种对不同文化的欣赏能力成为一个全面发展的人是重要的”,这一项把上下文联系起来。2.C细节句。上一句说有很多方法可以了解不同的

57、文化,C项“一种方法是阅读来自某特定文化的作者所写的书”与后面提到的Reading works相呼应。3.B细节句。上文提到阅读可以使人了解不同文化的方方面面,然后举例说明,选择B项,用老师教学生了解不同文化的方法作为例子。4.F细节句。上文讲到了解不同文化的另一个方法是尝试学习一门外语,然后列举具体的学习方法和途径,F选项意为“为了在一个更正式的场合学习他可以上一个外语学习班”。5.D主题句。该段主要讲述熟悉当地的食物也是了解该地文化的一个正确方向,所以选择D项作为该段主题句。B(2019湖北武汉4月调研)Many people struggle with saying “No”. 1 Remember, that you can do something does not mean it is required. Understand that you always have a right to turn down an invitation or refuse a favor and figure out the best ways to say “No”. Here are some specific tips.Give yourself permission to say no. Many people have an immediate reactio


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