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1、课时备课课 题U1T1SC课 时1课时课 型阅读课主备人教材分析和学情分析教材分析1a通过对 “Changes in Beijing”这篇文章的学习,进一步训练学生的阅读能力。1a部分还对学生的阅读策略进行了指导:通过图片和语境来猜测生词。通过完成1b,培养学生用英语学英语的意识。1c主要是培养学生寻找段落中心句和归纳文章内容的能力。学情分析学生看到长难文章就很头疼,不愿意去理解文本含义,这时需要教师引导学生理清文章脉络,确定文章的主旨大意,把难的内容变得简单易学。教学目标和教学内容培养学生的阅读能力和阅读技巧。了解Topic sentence的含义并初步学习如何在口语表达和书面表达中进行运用

2、。引导学生了解过去,珍惜现在和展望未来,培养学生热爱生活的积极态度。教学方法和教学手段1 情景教学法2 任务型教学法3 小组合作学习教学重点难点Phrases: be crowded into, receive a good education, keep in touch with,whats more, make progress, succeed in doing sth.如何通过语境,猜测生词、短语的意思。如何在阅读过程中找出各个段落的topic sentence。学法指导课件设计通过任务前活动,引导学生预测阅读内容。通过图片和上下文,提升猜测词义和扫清阅读障碍的学习策略。学生活动能够

3、根据图片猜测单词含义;在教师的指导下认真完成阅读人物,善于思考。课前预习将生词的含义弄清。教学过程活动安排Pre-readingStep 1 Revision回顾现在完成时的运用1. has/have been to 和has/have gone to的区别2. 现在分词的变化规则Step 2 Presentation(情景创设:为了解西双版纳州的发展情况,做好脱贫攻坚工作,西双版纳州州长到勐罕镇视察工作,作为勐罕镇的优秀代表,你被选派做汇报工作,请向他说说版纳近几年的变化。)T:What good news! The governor, Luo Hongjiang, will come to

4、 Menghan to know about the change of Xishuangbanna. You should tell him what has happened in these years in your hometown. (学生分组讨论勐罕镇的变化。)S1:clothes past (old-fashioned)now(different colors)S2: foodpast(few meat)now(various) S3:livingpast(bamboo tower)now(big and beautiful) S4: roadpast(dirt road)no

5、w(highway)Step 3 PredictionLook at the pictures of Beijing in the past and at present. Then guess the meaning of each word and the main idea of the text. While-readingStep4 Skimming1. Read 1a and match the worlds and phrases with their meaning.2. Read 1a quickly and underline the topic sentence of e

6、ach paragraph. Para1: Kangkangs grandmother has seen the changes in Beijing herself.Para2: In the 1960s, the living conditions in the city were poor.Para3: China has developed rapidly since the reform and opening-up.Para4: It is important to remember the past, live in present and dream about the fut

7、ure. NowadaysIn the pastStep5 Scanning Read 1a and find the answers from the text.Living conditionsroadsChanges in BeijinghousescommunicationPost-readingStep4 Language use 1.Find the key phrases and learn the passage. few和little的区别 receive a good education Keep in touch with satisfy ones need Good m

8、edical care make progress Succeed in doing2.Retell the passage according to the questions.(1) What was Beijing like in the past?(2) What has happened nowadays?(3) What will Beijing be like in the future?Step5 language use for more Extended reading. Find a passage about the change and finish reading.

9、Step6 Summary1. Key words and phrases.2. The changes in Beijing.可用相应的练习巩固现在完成时的内容。让学生从衣食住行上思考。可让学生用简单的词汇表述自己的观点。在寻找主题句时可以提示学生怎样找。可以将文章的内容制作成思维导图的形式。复述文章内容时,简单明了,对学习成绩不好的学生来说会更容易。作业设计根据今天所学的内容,画出北京今昔的变化,并用简单的内容标注。板书设计U1T1SCPhrases:few和little的区别 receive a good educationKeep in touch with satisfy ones needGood m


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