八年级人教版英语Unit 1同步单元练习(无答案)_第1页
八年级人教版英语Unit 1同步单元练习(无答案)_第2页
八年级人教版英语Unit 1同步单元练习(无答案)_第3页
八年级人教版英语Unit 1同步单元练习(无答案)_第4页




1、八年级人教版英语Unit 1同步单元练习一、单项选择题:1. A friend _is a friend indeed. A. in need B. on need C. at need D. of need 2. The streets in Shanghai are much _ than before. A. wide B. widely C. more widely D. wider 3. We had great fun _ in the water. A. play B. to play C. plays D. playing4. Yeste

2、rday afternoon , we _to the park. A. went B. go C. goes D. goed5. How were the people? -They _ unfriendly。 A. was B were C. are D. is6. Things are getting _. A. bad and bad B. worse and worse C. worst and worst D. badly and badly 7. Who is _ of the two boys? A. careful B. the more car

3、eful C. much careful D. the most careful 8. The teacher often makes us _ in class, and life here makes us _. A. laugh; happy B. to laugh; to happy  C. to laugh; happy D. laughing; happy 9. Where _she _ on vacation? -She _ her uncle.A. did, go , visited B. does , go visited C. did

4、 , went , visited D. does , went , visit10. Did you visit your grandma on Friday evening?No, I _ to a wonderful movie with my mother.A. didn't go    B. went        C. go             D. d

5、id went11. How was your summer camp in Dalian last year?_.I had a good time with my friends.A. Awful        B. Fantastic    C. Expensive         D. Not good12. He is not _ Tom. A. as a good student as B. so a g

6、ood student as C. so good a student as D. as a student as 13. Skiing and diving are _ our favourites. The students in our class _ like them. A. all; both B. both; all C. all; all D. both; both14.She didnt _ me it . A. told B. tell C. telling D tells15. _ was the food in the restaurant

7、? A. How many B. Why C. How      D. Where二、完形填空:Three men came to London 1 vacations. They came to a very large hotel and lived in a room on the forty fifth floor. One day they went to see a movie and came back to the hotel very late. “ Im very 2 ,” said the waiter(服务员) of t

8、he hotel,“But our lift(电梯) does not work this evening.” One of them said to his two friends ,”We have to walk up to our room. Its very 3 . I think I know how to make it easier . 4 our way to the room, I shall (将) 5 you some jokes; then you, John, will sing us 6 songs; then you, Peter, will tell us s

9、ome 7 stories.” So they began to walk to their room. Tom told them many jokes. John sang some songs. At last, they came to the fortieth floor. They were 8 and decided to have a rest(休息). “Well,”said Tom, “Peter, will you tell us a 9 story with a sad(伤心的) end ?”“I shall tell you a sad story,” said Pe

10、ter. “It is short 10 it is sad enough. We left our key in the downstairs room just now .What shall we do?”1.A. for B. to C. with D. At2.A. tired B. excited C. sorry D. happy 3.A. funny B.difficult C.helpful D. Early4.A. In B. At C. By D. On 5.A.tell B.talk C.speak D.say6.A.a lot B.much C.a little D.

11、some7.A.interest B.interesting C.interested D.sad8.A.tired B.hungry C.happy D.worried9.A.interesting B.true C.exciting D.ugly10.A.and B.so C.because D.but三、阅读理解:A Our family went to the Yellow Stone National Park last summer vacation. Our son, Tom, wanted to see bears there. And what an experience(经

12、历)it was! When we got there, we put up our tent and went to explore(探险). As we returned, we heard our daughter Susie cry out. And then we saw a bear go into our camp. Tom wanted his father to chase(追赶)him away. His father said, “No. Its dangerous to chase a bear. And dont let him chase you. ”Susie s

13、aid, “What shall we do? Maybe we should climb a tree. ”Tom said, “No. We have to get him out of there. He might go to sleep in our tent. ”“Maybe we could make him leave if we put some honey outside for him to eat. ”Susie suggested. Then I said, “How are you going to get the honey? Its in the tent. ”

14、We watched the bear go into the tent and heard him upset(翻倒; 弄翻)everything inside. “Its foolish for us to try to chase him away. ”said my husband, “Leave him alone and wait for him to come out. ”We waited, but the bear stayed inside. We had to sleep in the car that night. 1. Tom wanted to go to Yell

15、ow Stone National Park to see. A. tigersB. wolves C. bears D.dog2. Where did the family go on vacation last summer? A. They went to the Central Park. B. They went to Yellow Stone National Park. C. They went to a zoo. D. They went to home3. Who do you think saw the bear first? A. Susie. B. Tom. C. Th

16、e writer. D.dog4. What did they do when they saw a bear go into their tent? A. They chased the bear away. B. They stayed outside the tent and did nothing. C. They climbed up a tree. D. They stay there5. What did the bear do in the tent? A. He ate the honey. B. He chased the people away. C. He drank

17、the beer. D. He left thereB Mr and Mrs Wilson lived in a big city,and one summer they went to the country for their holiday. They enjoyed it very much,because it was a quiet,clean place. One day they went for a walk early in the morning and saw an old man. He was sitting alone in the warm sun in fro

18、nt of his house. Mr Wilson asked him,“Do you like living in a quiet place?” The old man said,“Yes,I do.” Mr Wilson said,“What are the good things about it?” The old man answered,“Well,everybody knows everybody. People often come and see me,and I often go and see them.And there are lots of children h

19、ere.” Mr Wilson said,“Thats interesting.And what are the bad things?” The old man thought for a minutes and said,“Well,the same things,really.” 6.Where did Mr and Mrs Wilson live? A. In the city.B.In the country.C.In town. D. In Beijing.7.Why did they like the country? A.Because it was far. B.Becaus

20、e they had a farm in the country. C.Because it was quiet and clean. D. Because it was near.8.Was the old man their uncle? A.Yes,he was. B.We dont know. C.I think so. D. Of course.9.What were the good things about the country in the old mans opinion? A.Everybody knew each other. B.Everybody didnt kno

21、w each other. C.It was clean and quiet. D.It was nice.10.Did the old man think the good things and the bad things in the country were the same? A. No,he didnt. B. Yes,he did. C.I dont know. D.I dont think so.四、词汇运用:1. Mr Zhang(teach)us English three years ago. 2.Hainan Island is a(wonder)place to sp

22、end summer. 3. We do lots of outdoor(active)when spring comes. 4. You must try your best (pass) the math exam.5. He seemed (be) very happy.6. Amy _ ( meet ) a famous actor yesterday.7. There _ ( be ) forty-five students in our class last term.8. Miss Green _ ( come ) to China in 2008. 9. Little Tom _ ( be ) here a moment ago. 10. She _ ( buy ) a new bag yesterday. 五、句型转换1.They went to do some sho


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