



1、教学课题:小升初英语之如何做好阅读理解教学目标:1. 了解阅读理解的几种题型2. 了解阅读理解的体裁内容3. 掌握阅读理解的解题步骤和方法教学重点:1. 理解并掌握阅读理解的解题步骤要点呈现:阅读理解是英语学习中一个很重要的方面,它反映了学生直接应用英语的能 力。英语试题中对学生阅读能力的测试主要通过完形填空和阅读理解两种题型。 今天就阅读理解这一题型加以解析。阅读理解题一般有以下几种形式:1)根据短文内容,判断正、误2)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案3)根据短文内容,回答问题4)根据短文内容,填写表格5)根据短文内容,在改写后的短文中填词阅读理解部分的短文内容非常广泛,有人物传记、政治经济、天文

2、史地、社 会文化、科普小品、风土人情、幽默故事及日常生活的各个方面。试题往往就短 文中容易误解和忽略之处灵活地提出问题, 所用的句型和词语也往往不同于短文 中相应部分的句型和词语。掌握丰富的词汇及必要的语法知识是提高阅读理解能 力的先决条件,而了解文化差异及历史背景常常是十分重要的。因此,同学们应该对讲英语国家的风土人情及历史发展有一般的常识,同时对科普、科幻、天文、地理等都要有所了解。你们还必须经常进行大量的各种体裁、各种风格的课外阅 读,逐步加快阅读速度,不断增进阅读技巧。下面向同学们介绍。阅读理解的解题步骤和方法:1通读全文,掌握大意做阅读理解题一定要学会通过快速阅读, 从整体上理解短文

3、的大意及中心思 想,领会出题人的意图。切忌人为地将短文搞得支离破碎, 逐词逐句地去感知材 料,看一句或几句做一个题目,这样会影响答题的正确率。但是对于一些长句和 难句要作语法分析,以便掌握短文的大意和每个句子的确切含义。短文的开头和 结尾往往是全文内容的概括,对理解、推理都会有很大的帮助。2细审题意,获取信息认真审阅文后的理解题。在审题时要弄清楚试题问的是细节(如人物、时间、 地点)还是主题大意;是事实还是观点;是从正面问还是从反面问。看清试题后, 带着问题再回到正文中去寻找有关的句子、 段落,获取重要的信息。然后把所获 得的信息点与所给的答案逐一进行认真的比较,以便作出正确的判断。3. 分层

4、推理,正确答题有些理解题可以直接从短文中找到答案。有些深层次的理解题在短文中找不到直接的信息点,要经过分析推理,从已有的信息链中判断文章的意思,即应以短文中提供的间接信息点为依据,根据作者的意图,凭借你们自己的社会文化知 识和生活经验,加进短文中所没有明确表述的却又与主题有联系的思想和信息, 进行合乎逻辑的推理,从而确定正确的选项。实战训练:(1)An Open-book ExamMiss Wang : Boys and girls, we II have an oper-book exam. You can bring anything.Billy: Great!Miss Wang: Why

5、 are you so happy?Billy: Because I can bring my father.快速判断:1. The stude nt will have an exam.()2. Billy is a good stude nt.()3. Billy wants to bring his father.()4. The teacher does not let her stude nts bring their books.()(2)A Foolish DogA dog has large piece of meat in his mouth. Whe n he is wal

6、k ing on a small bridge, he looks down and sees himself in the water. He thinks it is another dog. That dog has also a large piece of meat in his mouth. He says to himself, I want to get hismeat. Then I can have two pieces of meat. ” He ope ns his mouth to bark the dog in the water ,and his meat fal

7、ls into water.快速判断:1. The dog has a small piece of meat.()2. He wants to get two pieces of meat.()3. He finds ano ther dog in the water.()4. The dog is sta nding on the grass. ( )5. He has no meat at last.()选择填空:1. There is a of meat in the dog ' s mouth.A: piece B: bottle C: glass D: cup2. The

8、dog looks dow n and sees in the water.A: yourself B: myself C: himself D: herself3. He ope ns his mouth to .A: laugh B: cry C: eat D: dark词海导航:meat 肉 walk 走 bark 吠声 fall 落下 bridge桥(3)The Cat ' s FamilyMy family is not very large. There are only three cats. I' m a white cat. People call meSno

9、 w-white. My husba nd is a black cat. People call him Captai n Black Cat.(黑猫警长)We have a beautiful daughter. Her name is Lily. She is black and white. She' s ortwo years old. We live a happy life.From now on, we will work harder to catch the mice. We must let people live in a happy life in this

10、house.选择填空:1. There are people in the cat ' s family.A: two B: three C: four2. Mother Cat is.A: white B: black C: black and white3. Mother Cat and Father Cat have a .A: son B: sister C: daughter4. All the will work hard to.A: catch the mice B: catch people C: eat good food5. Lily is years old. A

11、: three B: one C: two6. The black cat is Lily '. sA. mother B: father C: un cle词海导航large巨大的 people人,人们 beautiful 美丽的 catch 捉,抓住 husba nd 丈夫house 房子(4)The Dog' s Dirty FeetIt ' s a rainy day. A woman with a dog gets on a bus. It' s a big dog and its feet are noclea n.The con ductor do

12、es n wartt the dog to sit on the chair. But the woma n says to the con ductor, Oh, I pay for my dog. Can he sit here like the other people? ” The con ductor looks at the dog and says,” Yes, Madam ,but like the other people, he mustnot put his feet on the chair.”选择填空:1. It ' s aday. A: sunny B; f

13、ine C: rainy D: cloudy2. A woma n with adog gets on the bus.A: big B: small C: short D: thin3. The dog wants to sit on the .A: floor B: chair C: desk D: table4. The woma n pays for her in the bus.A: frie nd B: cat C: dog D: sonMost English people have three names: a firstname, a middle nameand thefa

14、mily n ame. Their family n ame comes last. For example, my full n ame isJim Allan Green. Green is my family name .My parents gave me both of my other n ames.People don ' t use their middle names very much. So“John Henry Brown ”is usually called“John Brown” . People never use Mr, Mrs or Miss befo

15、retheir first names. So you can say John Brown, or Mr Brown; but you should never say Mr John. They use Mr, Mrs or Miss with the family namebut never with the first n ame.Sometimes people ask meabout my name. “Whenyou were born, why did your parents call you Jim? ” they ask. ” Why did they choose th

16、at name? ” The answer is they didn ' t call Jim. They called me James. James was the name of my gran dfather. I n En gla nd, people usually call me Jim for short.That' s because it is shorter and easier than James.1. Most En glish people haven ames.A oneB twoC threeD four2. is Jim ' s family name.A JimB GreenC Alla nD James3. English people use Mr, Mrs or Miss with.A the family n ameB the first n ameC The middle n ameD the first n ame and the middle n ame4. The teacher ' s name is Mary Joan Shute. Her students call her.A miss Mary B Mi


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