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1、高三英语protectingourselves课件3Theres a place in your heartTheres a place in your heartAnd I know that it is loveAnd I know that it is loveAnd this place could be muchAnd this place could be muchBrighter than tomorrowBrighter than tomorrowAnd if you really tryAnd if you really tryYoull find theres no nee

2、d to cryYoull find theres no need to cryIn this place youll feelIn this place youll feelTheres no hurt or sorrowTheres no hurt or sorrowThere are ways to get thereThere are ways to get thereIf you care enough for the livingIf you care enough for the livingMake a little spaceMake a little spaceMake a

3、 better place .Make a better place . Study the four posters one by one. The following question can guide you. What are the purposes of the posters being shown to people? Poster 1 encourages us to stop spreading this disease. Poster 2 wants to persuade smokers to give up cigarettes in order to keep f

4、it. Poster 3 aims to tell people that drugs are not fun and are not safe. Lets just say no to drugs. Poster 4 reminds every one of us of remembering that no one should drive after drinking. Reading Aids todayPeople stand in line in the shape of the red ribbon Are you familiar with this red ribbon? W

5、hats it related to?What does it mean? Red ribbon is related to AIDS. It means that we should give AIDS patients love and care, understanding and support. Lets read the article and find out the figures in the article and circle them, and then fill in the table. Read the text in detail and answer the

6、following questions. Questions What does Aids stand for?How does HIV affect the body?What are the three ways Aids is transmitted?What is being done in China to help control the Aids epidemic?What is the aim of UNAIDS?What does UNAIDS so for people who think they might have the virus?Why did Ajani no

7、t catch the virus from his mother? What do the letters AIDS stand for?AIDS= Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromegainedprotectionlacka group of diseases that make you sickHow does HIV affect the body? HIV is a virus that enters a persons blood and attacks the bodys immune system, so the immune system

8、is weakened, and them it gradually loses the ability to fight illnesses. Eventually the bodys immune system becomes so weak that the person becomes sick very easily. What are the three ways Aids is transmitted? The three ways are unprotected sex, blood-to-blood contact and mother-to-child transmissi

9、on.What is being done in China to help control the Aids epidemic? China is working hard to control the epidemic, and has opened HIV/Aids labs to test and monitor the disease across the country. In 2003, the government started providing free Aids drugs for Aids patients in need.What is the aim of UNA

10、IDS? The aim of UNAIDS is to help prevent the spread of Aids.What does UNAIDS do for people who think they might have the virus? It provides infected people with help from doctors and testing for people who think they might have HIV or Aids.Why did Ajani not catch the virus from his mother? Because

11、his mother had access to prescription Aids medications during pregnancy. preventexamplereason information knowninfectingMeasures Providingtogetherkey People get Aids after having been _ with HIV. Aids the bodys _ system and leaves a person defenceless _ infections and illness. Whats worse, there is

12、no _ for the disease. So many people lose their lives _ Aids. The virus of Aids is _ in three ways-through _ sex,blood to-blood contact and mother-to-child transmission. HIV and Aids are spreading at a _ rate. Luckily, people have realized how _the problem is and has been _ in fighting HIV and Aids

13、.Many have devoted their body and _ to _ the disease, bringing in up-to-date technology and providing free drug for Aids patients in _. But they all _ to the view that _ people at risk , as well as treating infected people, is the to stopping the disease in the future.infectedweakensimmuneagainstcur

14、etotransmittedunprotectedfrighteningsevereinvolvedsoulmonitoringneedsubscribeeducatingkey 研究理解句子,并注意划线部分的具体意义。研究理解句子,并注意划线部分的具体意义。 1.Ajani and his sister lost their father to Aids two years ago,and now their mother has died of the same disease.(P34L4) 阿加尼和他的妹妹两年前失去了他们的父亲,他死于艾滋阿加尼和他的妹妹两年前失去了他们的父亲,他死于

15、艾滋病,现在他们的母亲也死于同样的疾病。病,现在他们的母亲也死于同样的疾病。 2.There is no cure for Aids,and after a person has been infected ,he or she will always carry the virus.(P34L 8) 艾滋病病毒或艾滋病没有任何治愈的办法,而且当一个人艾滋病病毒或艾滋病没有任何治愈的办法,而且当一个人被感染后,他或她将永远携带这种病毒。被感染后,他或她将永远携带这种病毒。 3.HIV and Aids are spreading across the world at a frightenin

16、g rate, with about 14,000 people being infected daily. ( P34 L17-18) 艾滋病毒和艾滋病在全球以令人恐怖的速度传播艾滋病毒和艾滋病在全球以令人恐怖的速度传播,大约每大约每天有天有1万万4千人受到感染千人受到感染. 4. Although many people are familiar with Aids and how it is transmitted, more than a few people subscribe to the view that HIV and Aids are an African problem

17、because the infection rates there are very high. (P34 L27-28) 虽然很多人都熟悉艾滋病及其传播方式虽然很多人都熟悉艾滋病及其传播方式,还是有不少人赞成这样还是有不少人赞成这样的观点的观点:艾滋病毒和艾滋病是非洲的问题艾滋病毒和艾滋病是非洲的问题,因为那里的感染率非因为那里的感染率非常高常高. 5.However, HIV and Aids are a problem all over the world, from Argentian to the Netherlands, the Philippines and everywhere

18、 in between. (P34 L28-30) 但是但是,艾滋病毒和艾滋病是一个全球性的问题艾滋病毒和艾滋病是一个全球性的问题,从阿根廷到荷兰从阿根廷到荷兰菲律宾以及其他任何地方菲律宾以及其他任何地方. 6.Unprotected sex is the most common way that the virus is spread, accounting for 75 percent of adult infections worldwide. (Page 34L20-21) 未加防护的性行为是病毒传播的最普通的方式,占到全球成年未加防护的性行为是病毒传播的最普通的方式,占到全球成年人感

19、染的人感染的75%。 7.Apart from government efforts, international help has also been very important in fighting Aids in China. (P 35 L43) 除了政府的努力外,国际帮助在中国的抵制艾滋病和艾滋病病毒的斗争中也非常重要。 8. Dr David Ho, a Chinese American leading Aids expert, has devoted his body and soul to bringing up-to-date technology and interna

20、tional attention to Chinas Aids problem. (P35 L44-46 ) 美籍华裔杰出艾滋病专家何大一博士已全身心地致力于引进最新技术吸引国际关注中国的艾滋病问题。 9.The work that UNAIDS is doing to control the worldwide epidemic includes providing infected people with help from doctors and tesing for people who think they might have HIV or Aids. ( P35 L52-54)

21、联合国艾滋病规划署正在做的控制这一全球性传染病的工作包括为被感染患者提供医生的援助和为自认为可能有艾滋病病毒和艾滋病的人提供体检. 10.The organization also offers programmes that teach Aids prevention to young people and sets up treatment centers, where HIV-posiitive mothers can receive drugs to prevent mother-to-child transmission.(P35 L54-57) 这一组织还提供许多项目,这些项目教导年轻人预防艾滋病,建立治疗中心,在这些中心艾滋病病毒呈阳性的母亲可得到药物以防止母婴传播. 11.The work of international organizations, such as the United Nations, is even


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