1、12mymymymyyouryouryouryourhishishishisherherherherourourourourtheirtheirtheirtheirLets review345Whose dogs are on the show?the first dogMikes dogWhose dog is it?谁的Its his dog.The dog is hishis=his dog他的7Chen Jies doghers=her dog她的the second dogIts her dog.The dog is hersWhose dog is it?8the third do
2、gWhose dog is it?Thats my dog.The dog is minemine我的my dog=Zooms dogGuess9the fourth dogYes! Thats your dog.The dog is yours!Look ! Thats my dog.yours你的=your dog10our dogours=我们的the fifth dogIts our dog.The dog is ours.Whose dog is it?11their dogtheirs=他们的the fifth dogWhose dog is it?Its their dog.Th
3、e dog is theirs!12Lets learn1314theirsourshisyourshersmineLets review!15theirsourshisyourshersmine16theirsourshisyourshersmine17Act out ZipIts _dog. The dog is_.1819my your his her their our =mineyourshis hers theirs ours 形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词名词性物主代词观察外形的异同观察外形的异同20 my dog your dog his dog her dog
4、 their dog our dog=mineyourshis hers theirs ours 形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词起形容词的作用,后跟名词。起形容词的作用,后跟名词。名词性物主代词名词性物主代词起名词的作用,用在句末,起名词的作用,用在句末,作宾语。作宾语。21选词填空选词填空his your 2, The dog is _. This is _ dog.1,The bag is_ . This is _ bag.5,Those are _books . Those books are _.3,Its _ maths book. The maths book is _.4,It
5、s _ pen . This pen is _.my mineher hers their theirs our oursyourhisminemyourourstheirtheirsherhers22用今天所学的单词填空。用今天所学的单词填空。23 ( ) mine cat-my ( ) his school-her ( ) their bag- theirs ( ) our pictures-oursmy cat- minehisRead and tick or cross.24Whose book is that?Its Amys.Ha! The book is .hers25_?_.I
6、ts JohnsWhose book is thatHa! The book is _.his26Its Sarahs book.The book is .herhersIts book.27 They are our books.= The books are .ours28Its football.The football is .Its John and Zhang Pengs football.theirtheirs29 Who Write two sentences Amy John John and Amy (your name) (you and your partner)Its his ruler.The ruler is his.Its her book. The book is hers.用今天所学的单词造句。用今天所学的单词造句。30Look, say and complete3132课堂小结课堂小结 Whose is it? my our his her their you mine ours his hers theirs yours33341 1、抄写今天所学的代词,并会用它们来造句。、抄写今天所学的代词,并会用
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