1、Charles J. Fillmore an American linguist Life and Awards born in 1929 1961 Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Michigan 1961-1970 The Ohio State University 1971 the University of California, Berkeley an Emeritus Professor of Linguistics 1997 the leader of the FrameNet project 2012 Lifetime A
2、chievement Award from the Association for Computational Linguistics (the award is given for widely recognized, sustained, and enduring contributions to the field of computational linguistics ) the 2012 Antonio Zampolli Prize in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the advancement of langu
3、age resources and language technology evaluationMost influential theories case grammar (1960s) frame semantics (1970s-1980s) construction grammar (in the late 1980s)Case Grammar Case grammar is a type of generative grammar. It is a modification to Chomskys transformational grammar The Case for Case
4、1968 Some problems for case grammar 1971 The case for case reopened 1977 This theory analyzes the surface syntactic structure of sentences by studying the combination of deep cases, which are required by a specific verb. Verb is regarded as the most important part of the sentence deep cases refer to
5、 the relationships between the verb and various noun phrases in the deep structure of a sentence Agent (A) John(A) opened the door(O). Object(O) Instrumental (I) He cut the rope with a knife(I). Beneficiary (B) John gave money to the school(B). Experiencer(E) Tom(E) was angry. Locative (L) He lives
6、in Chicago(L). Time(T) Path(P) Source(S) Goal(G) Several deep casesThe student solved problems with a calculator in the classroom this morning. A + V + O + I + L + TTG Grammar by train on the street on the next dayCase Grammar by train Instrument on the street Locative on the next day Time Tom broke
7、 the glass with the hammer. N V Det N P Det NTG GrammarCase Grammar Tom broke the glass with the hammer. A + V + O + I lThe glass was broken by Tom with the hammer. O + V + A + I These cases are easily identifiable across languages, and are held by many psychologists to play an important part in chi
8、ld language acquisition. Inflence: The influence of case grammar on contemporary linguistics has been significant. Some linguistic theories incorporate deep cases, such as the thematic structure in Government and Binding theory. Frame Semantics During the 1970s, Fillmore gradually discovered some de
9、fects of the case grammar theory, and developed his theory onto frame semantics. Frame semantics is a theory of linguistic meaning. It relates linguistic semantics to encyclopaedic knowledge. Two main ideas in frame semantics 1. a word activates, or evokes, a frame of semantic knowledge relating to
10、the specific concept it refers to. e.g. cook Cook Food Container Heating instrument Because the frames are basically semantic, they are often similar across languages e.g. frames about commercial transaction involve the frame elements like Buyer, Seller, Goods, and Money, regardless of the language
11、in which they are expressed. 2. Words not only highlight individual concepts, but also specify a certain perspective from which the frame is viewed. e.g. Tom sold John the book for three dollars. John bought the book from Tom for three dollars. The book cost John three dollars. the first sentence vi
12、ews the situation from the perspective of the seller(Tom); the second one, the buyer (John)and the third one, the goods(the book) Basic ideas in frame semamtics: see language as rooted in humans life experience approach word and meaning in terms of cognitive frames Frame semantics constitutes a pion
13、eering force for the development of Cognitive Linguistics, particularly Cognitive Semantics. Fillmore is regarded as one of the founders of Cognitive LinguisticsFrameNet began in 1997 based on frame semantics a computional lexicography project housed at ICSI (the International Computer Science Insti
14、tute) in Berkeley, California. a wide-ranging on-line description of the English lexicon. Applications: For the researchers in Natural Language Processing, the project provides a unique training dataset for semantic role labeling, used in applications such as inform
15、ation extraction, machine translation, event recognition, sentiment analysis, etcConstruction Grammar 1988 Fillmore & Kay Regularity and idiomaticity in grammatical construction: The case of let alone This paper, together with George Lakoffs There-Constructions propelled cognitive linguists into the study of Construction Grammar. Fillmore is regarded as one of the precursors of construction grammar Contributions influential in the areas of syntax and lexical semantics.
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