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1、2020年高考英语作文热点话题背诵(名师精选热点话题作文,值得下载背诵)(一)下面描绘的是现在许多孩子沉溺于电脑网络不能自拔的现象。请你根据对下面这幅漫画的理解用英语写一篇短文,描述一下漫画中所表达的情况并发表你的看法注意:1仔细品味图中文字和情景,适当发挥想象,不要做简单描述。2词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。3作文中不要提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。Nowadays, many children are addicted to online games. Hooked on online games, they willput any thi ng else aside.1Now

2、adays, many children are addicted to online games. Hooked on online games, they will put anything else aside. They usually forget to do their homework and eve n forget to eat and sleep. Their parents have great difficulty pulling them back into reality.Being addicted to on li ne games has brought to

3、o many drawbacks. Firstly, the stude nts don have eno ugh time for their study. As a result, they can keep up with other stude nts. Secon dly, addict ion to on li ne games usually leads to less com mun icatio n, which separates the childre n from their friends and parents. What snore, it harmful to

4、their health if they sit in front of the computer all day long.So its time for us to do somethi ng to preve nt computer addict ion. On the one hand, stude nts should have the ability to control themselves. On the other hand, parents and teachers should limit the time that children spend in front of

5、the computer. What s more, parents should spend more tiwith their childre n to develop their good habits.最近中国的空气质量引起了广泛的关注。请阅读下面的漫画,按要求用英语写一篇短文内容要求:1. 简要描述漫画内容;2. 简要分析产生这种现象的原因;3. 针对以上现象谈谈你自己的看法(至少两点)。議:1. 词数150左右,开头已经写好,不计入总词数。2. 参考词汇:口罩mask; 雾霾hazeRecen tly,theairqualityinChi naOne Possible Versio

6、 n:Recently, the air quality in China has raised widespread concern. As is indicated in the picture, an old man and his grandson are tak ing a walk in the street with masks coveri ng their mouths. As the haze is becoming heavier and heavier, they find it hard to see the buildings and trees around th

7、em clearly.The picture con veyed here is that air polluti on is quite severe in China. Many factors acco unt for this phenomenon. In the first place, vehicles sending large quantities of poisonous gases are a major source of air pollution. Furthermore, factories that release a great deal of smoke ar

8、e also resp on sible for the poor air quality. Besides, bur ning materials like coal or oil for homes and offices is ano ther major con tributor to air polluti on.Pers on ally, to better the air quality, the gover nment and the com mon citize ns should make joi nt efforts. Ridi ng and walki ng are w

9、ise opti ons for public travels. Mea nwhile, effective laws are supposed to be made to guara ntee good air quality.漫画作文解题步骤读图(题目 画面 文字 夸张)解意 (辨明褒贬,找准角度 )讽刺揭露”一种严重的社会现象,从而引起人们对于这种现象的重视,探索解决问题的办法。Picture wordproblemcause / effectproblem solution谋篇文体:议论文时态:一般现在时人称:第三人称分成三个部分第一部分是对漫画的描述,并指出反映的 社会问题,常用于图

10、片描述的句型有:The carto on shows The carto on describes an in teresti ng phe nomenon.From the carto on we can seeAs is show n in the carto on,第二部分是对漫画的寓意进行 解析,分析原因或后果。常用的句型如下:It seems very ridiculous/funny that.However,11 is the exact reflectio n ofSeveral factors may lead to this phenomenon. First of all

11、 .What rmore Last but notleast分析原因)If not dealt with properly, it will bring about serious problems.(分析结果)第三部分是对漫画所揭示的现象或问题发表写作人的看法或建议,可以用以下的一些句型来引起:As far as I m concerned,In my opi nion,From my point of view,一般可以从个人,社会、政府等角度提出建议。最后总结句 Only in this way can.正反观点对比型常用句型:(一)段首句1. When it comes to peop

12、les opinions vary from person to pei当谈到 人们的观点各不相同2. There are differe nt opinions among people as to 关于人们有不同的观点。3. Different people hold differe nt attitudes towards 关于不同的人持不同的态度(二)中间段落句1. Some people are in favor of/ say “ yes”/support/ quite agree with .有一些人赞成 /支持2. Their reasons are as follows. /

13、 The reasons will be listed below. First, Second,Third, lasbut not least 他们的理由如下,第一 ,第二,第三 但同样重要的是3. Some people hold the opinion that ,besides/ in addition/ what more/ moreover/ what s worse 有些人认为,此外4. However, some people hold the differe nt opinion/view. For one thi ng,For ano ther,(on onehand, o

14、n the other hand)然而,有些人持有不同的观点。一方面 另一方面 (三)结尾句1. 至于我,在某种程度上我同意后面的观点,我认为As far as I am concerned/ in my opinion/ from my point of view, I agree with the latter opiniontosome extent I thi nk that 2. 总而言之,毫无疑问,对 问题应予以特殊的关注 。In a word/ in conclusion/ to sum up, there is no doubt that we should pay speci

15、al attention to3. 考虑到所有因素,我们得出结论 Taking all factors into con siderati on/ acco unt, we may come to the con clusi on that4. 因此,迫切需要采取有效地行动来解决这个问题。Therefore, its urge nt and n ecessary to take effective action/ measures/ steps to deal with/ cope with/ solve the problem.5该是我们做的时候了。 It s high time that

16、sb. did/ It s time for us to do6.只有这样,我们才能 Only in this way can you书面表达(满分25分)你们班主任在每次班会上都强调安全问题,那么学生安全到底包含哪些?你利用国庆假期在你们社区进行了一次社会调查,其主题内容是你最关注的学生安全问题是什么 ”。调查结果如下表所示,请你根据自己所了解的身边的信息,并结合以下要点提示,写一篇英语短文。词数要求150单词左右,可适当发挥调查人数比例30%40%30%关注内容学生饮食安全,生活交通安全,遵守交通法规情况。公共安全,参加集体活动 安全防范意识。卫生习惯。你的感想和希望(至少两点)参考词汇:

17、社区 com mun ity;交通法规traffic rules;安全防范意识 sense ofsafety书面表达Last Sun day, I orga ni zed a survey in my com muni ty, whose topic is“ Which safety problemthe one you are most concerned about” . And the; ifesoWsare a30% of the people in the com munity are most concerned about the diet safety problem of s

18、tude nts .And they hope that stude nts should develop good liv ing habits to avoid the problems. There are also 40% people choosing traffic safety as the topic one. In their opinion, students should put it in the first place that they must follow the traffic rules strictly. Besides, 30% of the peopl

19、e regard it as the most importa nt one that stude nts should lear n to keep safe in public places while taking part in activities.I thi nk, as stude nts we must stre ngthe n our sense of safety and lear n com mon kno wledge of safety.书面表达范文(二)春节将至,我班学生就 春节燃放烟花爆竹”进行了社会调查。以下是调查情况和数据分析,请写一份英文调查报告。报告包括:1.调查分析;2.结论;3.合理建议。百分比林秋图赞成理由反对理由传统风俗空气、噪音污染增加节日气氛引起人身、财产伤害注意:1.报告开头已经写好。2词数:80左右(开头部分不包括在总词数以内)3. 参考词汇:燃放烟花爆竹 set off fireworks 传统tradition 财产propertyA report on setting off firew


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