已阅读5页,还剩25页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 4 Don't eat in class.Sectio n A 1a-2d一、教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:1能掌握以下单词: rules, arrive, late, hall, dinning hall, listen, listen to, fight, sorry2能掌握以下句型: Don't eat in class. You must be on time. Eat in the dining hall.2. 学会用英语表达一些标志的含义。3. 熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度校规、家规等的看法3情感态度价值观目标:能用英语表达和制定一些简单的规那么,理

2、解没有规矩不成方圆;无论是在学 校时还是在家庭中以与以后走上社会都应当遵守规那么,按规那么办事。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1肯定祈使句是省略掉主语的原形动词开头;2否认祈使句那么是在肯定祈使句前加上“ don3情态动词 must与have to在用法上的区别。2. 教学难点:掌握祈使句的用法,并能听懂、会说一些简单的祈使句。三、教学过程I . Warming-up and revision教师进教室后,使用祈使句请学生们完成一系列动作:Please stand up/ sit down. Close the door, please. Look at me and listen to me

3、.Don' t ope n your books. Don' t talk. Let ' s beg in our class.学生听教师的指令完成各种动作,教师也可将指令写到黑板上,让学生从视觉上 考察祈使句的特点。n . Presentation教师出示书上1a的图片,向学生提问指着图上奔跑的男孩提冋T: What' s the boy doing? S: He ' s running.T: Where is he running?S: He' s running in the hallways板书,教读T: Can you run in t

4、he hallways? S: No, I can ' t.T: So please don ' t run in the hallw板书,教读=You can ' t run the hallways.学生跟读数遍,明白祈使句和“can的表达含意。T: Why is he running in the hallways? S: He ' s late.T: Oh, he ' s late for。板就,教读You can ' t arrive late for clas板书,教书=Don ' t arrive late for clas

5、s.IH. 1aT: Now, Look at the picture on your textbook. Each of the stude nts is break ing one of these rules.Please finish 1a.学生看图,完成1a的容,检查答案并大声朗读校规。1. Don ' t arrive late for class. You must be on time.2. Don ' t run in the hallways.3. Don ' t eat in the classroom. You must eat in the d

6、ining ha4. Don ' t listen to music in class.5. Don ' t fight.IV. Liste ning1. T: Now let s listen! What rules are these students breaking? Write the numbers after n ames?2. 学生们听录音,完成1b,选出四位学生都违反了哪条校规;听之前,学生要读会英文名。PeterAmy Mike3. Check the an swers:4. Listen again and complete the conversatio

7、n.Ms. Clark: Hey, Peter. You kn ow the rules. Don'.Peter: Sorry, Ms. Clark.Mr. Smith: Amy, don ' t.Amy: Oh, sorry, Mr. Smith.Mr. Smith: Hey, Mike, don ,tin class. Mike!Boy: He can ' t hear you, Mr. Smith.V. Pair work请两位学生朗读1c局部的句型;要求学生两人一组对话表演,SA扮演外校转来新生,SB告知本校校规。学生可经过讨论,多说出他们想到的校规,不必只限

8、于书上;教师应给予帮助A: What are the rules?B: Well, we can ' t arrive late for class. We must be on time.W.Liste ning1. Work on 2a:First, let's read the senten ces in 2a together.T: Now, let's listen to the recording. Check the activities Alan and Cindy talk about.Ss listen to the recording and ch

9、eck the activities they hear.1. listen to music in the classroom orhallways2. listen to music in music room3. liste n to music outside4. eat in the classroom5. eat in the dinninghall6. eat outside7. wear a hat8. _ fightPlay the record ing aga in for the Ss to check the an swers.3 / 242. Work on 2b:M

10、ake Sure Ss know what they should do.Liste n to the recordi ng aga in. Can Ala n and Cindy do these activities? Circle can or can't above.1. liste n to music in the classroom orhallwaysca n can't2. liste n to music in music roomca ncan't3. liste n to music outsideca n can't4. eat in

11、the classroomca ncan't5. eat in the dinning hallca ncan't6. eat outsideca ncan't7. wear a hatca ncan't8. fight can can't3. Check the an swers:VD. Pair work1. Suppose you are Ala n and your part ner is Cin dy. Talk about the rules in 2a.2. Let some stude nts come to the front and

12、act out the con versati ons.Vffl. Readi ng1.2dListe n and an swer the questi ons.1) What are Joh n and Alice talk ing about?2) How many rules does Alice men ti on?2. Read the conv ersati on and an swer the questi ons.1) Is Joh n new at school?2) Are there many rules at school?3) Can he bring music p

13、layers to school?4) Do they have to always wear the school un iform?3. What rules does the school have?DosWear the school uniformBe quiet in the library.Don' tsDon' t be late for school.Don' t bring music players to school.4. Role-play the conv ersatio n.IX. Lan guage points1. Don '

14、t arrive late for class.arrive vi.到达=get toarrive后接表示地点的副词时,那么不需要用介词。e.g. She ofte n arrives home at 7:30 in the eve ning.她经常晚上7: 30到家。arrive要表示 到达某地,后需加介词at 一般用于较小的地点或in般用于 较大的地点。e.g. TheyBeiji ng at six 他们六点钟至U的。We usuallythe village in the morni ng.我们通常在早上到那个小村庄。【】get to也可表示到达某地"。e.g. I usua

15、llyby bike我通常骑自行车上学。注意:arrive和get后接here, there, home之类的副词时,不加介词。e.g. Whe n do you usually arrive / get home?I usually arrive / get here at noon.根据句意选用get或arrive填空,有的需要变换形式。1. We willBeiji ng this after noon.2. Davidto London last week.3. Yesterday the manat the airport on time.4. Wehere at five o &#

16、39; clock yesterday.2. Don ' tin class.2. Don ' tin class.不能在教室里听音乐。1 listen v.听;用来提醒某人注意,后面不跟事物。e.g.听!谁在教室里唱歌?Listen! Who ' s singing in theassroom?2如果后面跟要听的事物,应跟介词to再跟事物。e.g.our teacher carefull认真听教师讲。hear liste nlisten强调听的动作,是不与物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语,如果要表示听时,常与介词to连用;hear强调 听的结果,是与物动词。e.g. I c

17、an ' t hear you. Please speak loudly.hear sb. + do + sth表示 听见某人做了某事",强调经常做或动作已经完成;hear sb. doing+ sth表示听见某人正在做某事",强调动作正在进展。e.g.我经常听到隔壁屋的女孩唱歌。I ofte n hear the girlin the n ext room.我听到我妹妹这会在唱英语歌。I hear my sisteran En glish song at the mome nt.请用hear或listen的适当形式填空。1. ! Who are talk ing

18、in the room?2. We shouldto the teacher carefully认真地in class.3. Lucyhim playi ng the guitar now.4. I ofte nMiss Wu speak En glish.3. Don ' t fight.fight打架,争吵1作与物动词e.g. You can fight him, but can you beat him?你可以打他,但是你能打得过他吗?2作不与物动词fight with意为 和打架/争辩";fight for意为 为打架/争辩e.g.他们为祖国而战。They.杰克从不和

19、他的弟弟打架。Jack n ever.3作名词,意为打架;争吵";常用词组have a fight打架;吵架"e.g. Did you have a fight with her?你和她吵过架吗?4. And we always have to wear the school uniform.wear v.意为穿、戴",表示状态e.g. My aunt wears a blue skirt and a white T-shirt.我姑姑穿着蓝色的裙子,白色的 T恤。Does he wear glasses?他戴眼镜吗?5. have to与 musthave to

20、着重于客观的需要,含有 不得不的客观强制性,有人称和数的变化,其 后要跟动词原形。must着重于主观上自己认为有义务、有必要,没有人称和数 的变化,其后要跟动词原形。e.g. Sheclea n the room every week她每周都得清扫房间。Inow.我现在必须走。含有have to的句子变一般疑问句或否认句时要借助助动词 do / don或tdoes / doesn '而含有must的句子变一般疑问句是直接将 must提前至句首,变否认句 是在 must后加not。如:He doesn ' t have to do他不必做那件事。He mustn ' t

21、do i他不许做那件事。Does he have to do it?他不得不做那件事吗?Must he do his homework?他必须做他的作业吗?在否认句中,don' t / doesn ' ttba表示 没有必要",must not / mustn表示 不 允许"。如:You don' have to go there.你不必去那儿。You must not / mustn' t go t你不许去那儿。练一练:用 have to, must填空。1. It ' s cold outside. Westay at home.

22、2. Webe good with our pare nts.根据要求完成以下各题。1. He has to wear the school uniform at school.改为一般疑问句hewear the school uniform at school?2. They have to do too much homework every day.改为否认句Theydo too much homework every day.3. We must finish our work now.改为一般疑问句weour work now?X. Exercises1. 不要在上课时听音乐。2.

23、我们必须准时。3. 我们能把音乐播放器带到学校里来吗?4. 在图书馆里我们必须保持安静。5. 不要在楼道里跑。XI. Homework:Write the rules in your school.提示:1. 上学不要迟到2.按时上课3. 穿校服4.不在教室里吃东西5. 不要在教室里戴帽子6. 在餐厅吃东西Section A Grammar Focus-3c一、教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:1继续练习运用如何做自我介绍与问候他人。学会从对话中获取对方的根本信息询问他人。能掌握以下句型: Don't eat in class. You must be on time. Eat in th

24、e di ning hall.2. 情感态度价值观目标:该局部继续学习使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度校规、家规等的看法。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1继续学习使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度校规、家规等的看法2通过不同方式的练习方式来学会用英语表达一些标志的含义。3运用祈使句来表达一些规章和制度。2. 教学难点:1总结用祈使句、情态动词can must与have to来表达各种规章制度;8 / 242能用所学的知识来制定一些简单的规章制度。三、教学过程I . Warming- up and revision1. Greet the Ss as usual.2. Check the homewo

25、rk.n . Grammar Focus.1. 学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。 不要在楼道里跑。 不要打架。 有什么规那么? 我们必须按时上课。 我们可以在教室里吃东西吗? 不能。但我们可以在餐厅里吃东西。 我们可以在教室里带帽子吗? 他在学校里必须穿校服吗? 是的,必须。/不,不必。 你们必须做什么? ?在图书馆里我们必须保持安静。 2. Ss finish off the senten ces and check the an swers by themselves.3. Give eight more minu tes for the Ss to remem

26、ber the sen ten ces.川.Grammar祈使句是表示请求、命令、建议等的句子。句子常不出现主语,谓语动词一律用 原形。根据句子语气的强弱,句末用感慨号或句号。一、祈使句的肯定式1. 以行为动词原形开头,简称 Do型。e.g. Come here.至 U这儿来。2. 以动词be开头,简称Be型。e.g. Be quiet, please.请安静。3. 以Let开头,简称Let型。e.g. Let ' s咱们走吧!注意:有时可在祈使句的句首或句尾加上 please使语气显得客气、有礼貌。如果在句尾加please应该用逗号与前句隔开。e.g. Go this way, pl

27、ease.请这边走。二、祈使句的否认式1. Do型和Be型的否认式是在句首加don '。e.g. Don ' t sit he不要坐在这儿。Don' t be late 别迟到。2. 以let开头的祈使句,其否认式有两种:一种是直接在句首加don't另一种是“let +宾语+ not +动词原形+ 其他"e.g. Don ' tthm go.不要让他走。Let ' s not go there.们别去那儿。“ No名词/动词?ing形式"表示禁止或奉劝,常用于公共场所。e.g. No photos!禁止拍照!No smoki

28、ng!禁止吸烟!将以下句子翻译成英语。1. 请看这幅图画。2. 不要在教室里跑。3. 让我们帮助他。4. 在图书馆保持安静。5. 上课不要迟到。IV. Writing1. Look at 3a. Do you know the meaning of these pictures? Yeah, you see them in the school library. Can you write the rules for the school library?Library RulesDon' t talk.2. Ss discuss the pictures and make some

29、rules.3. Let some Ss read their rules aloud.4. Check the an swers with the class.(Don't liste n to music in the library. Don't eat or drink in the library. Don't take photos in the library.)V. PracticeWork on 3b:1. T: Use the words to make questions about the rules. Then write answers ac

30、cording to your school. For example:Be quiet? (she/have to/ in the library)Does she have to be quiet in the library?Yes, she does.2. 注意:have to虽是情态动词,但其在句子中与谓语动词共同构成句子时, 其一 般疑问句应用助动词do或does来帮助构成;而情态动词can那么直接提前构成一 般疑问句式。3. Ss work by themselves and try to write the sen ten ces on the workbook.4. Ss w

31、ork in pairs. Ask and an swer the senten ces.W.Game1. Everybody has a dream school. Suppose you're the headmaster of the CoolestSchool.You can make rules for your school. Make up five cool rules for your dream school.2. Ss work in groups and discuss what rules are in their school.3. Write dow n

32、their rules on the work.4. Let some Ss read their rules aloud.5. See whose school is the coolest?VD. ExercisesIf time is eno ugh, do some more exercises on the scree n.句型转换。1. He has to eat breakfast quickly.改为一般疑问句)2. Play volleyball after class.(改为否认句)3. We can wear sports shoes in class改为一般疑问)4.

33、Don ' t arrive late for clas改为同义句5. Eric has to do his homework before six.对戈U线局部提问Vffl. Homework1. Remember the senten ces in the Grammar Focus.2. Write five rules in your family.Sectio n B 1a-2c、教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:1能掌握以下单词:out, go out, dish, do the dishes, night, before, dirty, kitchen, more, nois

34、y, relax, read, terrible, feel, strict, be strict with, remember, follow, follow the rules, luck2能掌握以下句型: Don't leave the dirty dishes in the kitche n. I can't relax either. I must read a book before I can watch TV I have to help mom make breakfast.2. 情感态度价值观目标:能读懂一些英语的规那么制度,能用英语表达和制定一些简单的规那

35、么,理解 没有规矩不成方圆;无论是在学校时还是在家庭中以与以后走上社会都应当遵守 规那么,按规那么办事。、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1学习本课时出现的新词汇与表达方式。2通过进展听力训练,让学生们能听懂本节课时所出现的新的表达方式。3通过进展阅读练习来进一步学习运用本课时的新语言知识。12 / 241阅读训练。2理解 must, have to/ can/can'的用法三、教学过程I . Warming- up and revision1. Greet the Ss.2. Check the homework. Let some Ss read their home rules.3.

36、你知道这些规那么的意思吗?Don' t run in side.Don' t push.Don' t litter.Save electricity.Save water.n . Presentation1. Show some pictures on the big scree n and let Ss lear n the new words andexpressi ons.2.学生看着1a局部的图片go outsee frie ndsdo his homeworkpractice the guitardo the disheswatch TVhelp his mo

37、m make breakfastclea n his roomT: What day is it today? Ss: It ' s Tuesday.13 / 24T: The boy is going out on school nights.板书,教读学生理解“school niglst"的含义。Can you go out on school ni ghts?Ss: No, we can ' t.T: Yes, in China, the students can' t go out on school nights.So please don '

38、; t go out on school nights.3. 请学生朗读1局部的“rule",并将图片ah的序号填写在1b这些规那么前的 方框中。4. Check the an swers with the class.川.Listening1. Tell Ss they'll listen to the recording about Dave's house rules. Listen and put arfor things Dave can't do and aV for things he has to do.2. Play the recordin

39、g for the Ss to listen and check.3. Play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers.IV. Liste ning1. Now let's work on 1c. Now first, let's read the phrases aloud together.see frie ndsdo his homework practice the guitardo the disheswatch TVhelp his mom makebreakfastclea n his room2.

40、 Expla in the meaning of the phrases if n ecessary.3. Play the recording three times for the Ss to listen and write the phrases in the chart in1b.指导:听一遍时应仅听,不写,并听准确与每个活动相关的时间。然后,在听 第二遍时,边听边做记录,可以用速记符号来词;也可用单词开头的字母来作记 录。最后,整理自己的记录,写成正确的词组。最后一遍,听并检查所记录的词 组是否正确。4. Check the an swers:5. Make a conversat

41、ion with your partner.A: Hi,. Do you want to.B: . I can ' t.A: Oh, that ' s too bad.B: Yeah, I have so many rules A: Really?B: Yeah, I can ' t.A: What other rules do you have?B: MmmT must.A: Oh. Well, I have to.B: Me, too. I have to.A: Wow, you do have a lot of rules!V. Group work1. Divi

42、de the Ss into groups. Each group has eight stude nts.2. T: Now let's talk about Dave's home rules.3. Ss work in groups. Every student can say one rule. Then you can write down what the rules are whe n other group members say.4. Make a list of Dave's house rules.距.Thinking1. T: Everybody

43、 may have someth ing un happy. Whe n you are un happy who do you like to talk to?S1: I like to talk to my aunt.S2: I like to talk to my best friend.S3: I like to talk toT: OK. Do you know, whe n rm un happy I like to talk to Dr. Know. She's great and he knows everything. She can give you the bes

44、t advice. Now, let's work on 2a and let's meet Dr. Know.VD. Prese ntati on1. Show some pictures on the big scree n. Teach Ss the new words and expressi ons.dirty, dishes, kitchen, noisy, relax, terrible, read, feel, strict, be strict with2. Ss learn the new words and expressions and try to r

45、emember them.Vffl. Read ing1. Fast read ingT: There are many rules in Molly's home and school. She feels unhappy. Read the letter and find the answer to this question:What does Molly feel about the rules?Ss read the letter and find the answer to this question.(she feels terrible.)2. Careful read

46、i ng1) Read the letter again and underline the rules for Molly.2) Ss read the letter and try to find the rules for Molly and underline them.3) Check the an swers with the class.(Let some Ss read their an swers aloud. Let other Ss add some rules.)3. Careful readi ng1) Read Dr. Know's letter and a

47、nswer this question:What does she think of the school and home rules?2) Ss read Dr Know's letter and find the answer to this question.3) Let one stude nt read out his/her an swer.(She thinks parents and schools are sometimes strict, but they make rules to help us. We have to follow them.)IX. Rea

48、di ng1. Work on 2c. Read the letter aga in and complete the sen ten ces with have to/ must, can or can't.1. Mollyplay basketball on school days, but sheplay it on weeke nds.2. Mollydo her homework first whe n she gets home.3. Mollyread a book after dinner before shewatch TV4. At school, Mollybe

49、no isy or eat in class.5. Pare nts and schools make rules to help stude nts. So stude ntsfollow therules.2. 提示:have to与must的用法:1must表示一种主观的需要,而have to表示一种客观的需要,意思是 不得不。如:I have to atte nd an importa nt meet ing this after noon.今天下午我不得不参加一个重要的会议。Mother is out, so I have to look after the shop.妈妈不在家,因

50、此我不得不照看商店。2have to的否认形式是 don' t have to相当于needn'°t如:They don ' t have to buy a computer at present.他们目前没有必要买电脑。3. 阅读指导:1) 首先,认真阅读2c中的这些句子,明白它们所谈论的相关规那么。2带着相关规那么再去读2a中的信,在与之相关的容处认真分析,理解规那么 的真正含义,并填上正确的词汇。3再次阅读这些句子一遍,看是否通顺。4. Check the an swers.5. 求助信的特征和语言。1书信称呼都是用Dear2称呼后用逗号,不用冒号,这是

51、中英文信件区别之处。3求助信中第一句是核心句,例如There are too many rules!主题句后就是解释说明主题句的细节句。4信件完毕前一般会有明确求助的句子,即What can I do?X . Language points1. the guitar 练习吉他practice v.意为练习"后面可跟名词、代词或动名词。e.g. I must practice En glish every morni ng.我每天早晨必须练习英语。Mr. Xu practices doing Kong fu every day.许先生每天练习功夫。2. Dear Dr. KnowDr.

52、为doctor博士;医生;医师一词的缩写形式,放于姓氏之前,表示对人的 尊称。Dr.采用的是首尾缩写法,取首字母和词尾字母将单词进展缩写。3. Get up now and make your bed?make the bed/make one ' s整理床铺e.g .你会整理床铺吗?Can you?鲍勃总是自己整理床铺。Bob always.4. Don ' t be noisy译: 。noisy adj.意为 吵闹的"e.g. We can ' t be noisy in class.我们不能在教室里大吵大闹。5. After dinner, I can&

53、#39; t relax either.翻译:。副词either表示 也",用于否认句句末,用法与表示肯定或述的副词too相似,可用逗号与语句的主题隔开。e.g. You like En glish. I like it, too.你喜欢英语,我也喜欢。My father can ' t speak English. My mother can ' t speak it, either. 我爸不会讲英语,我妈也不会。6. But I have to go be bed before 10:00.before在之前;after在之后;它们的后面可以跟表示时间的点,也可以

54、跟一个从句表示时间。e.g. Wash your hands饭前洗手。Do your homework.放学后做作业。Brush your teeth before you go to bee® 觉前刷一下牙。Mrs. Wu usually makes dinner for the family first after she gets home. 吴太太在到家之后通常先为家人做饭。7. Pare nts and schools are sometimes strict,be strict对某人严格的be strict对某事要求严格e.g. Our math teacher is v

55、ery strict.我们的数学教师很严格。Are your pare nts strict with you?你的父母对你严格吗?The girl is very strict in doing the work. 这个女孩对工作要求严格。8. There are a lot of thi ngs you can do.有许多你可以做的事情。a lot of things you can do是一个名词短语,句子 you can do起着修饰,限定名词 things的作用。当句子限定修饰名词时要放在该名词之后。e.g. There are a lot of songs you can sin

56、g.有许多歌曲你可以唱。幻.Exercises选词填空。before, after, terrible, strict relax, dirty, practices, luck1. There are too many rules. I feel.2. They usually take a walkdinner.3. Don ' t eat anythingyou go to bed.4. You clothes are. Let me help to wash them.刘.Homework.熟读两封英语信用以下词汇造句1. too many2. make one ' s

57、 bed3. be late for4. after5. before 6. have to 7. be strict with sb.Sectio n B 3a-Self Check一、教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:1复习情态动词can表示许可的用法;2复习练习运用祈使句以与情态动词 have to与must来表达一些规那么。3谈论表达自己对规那么的想法或看法。2. 情感态度价值观目标:能用英语表达和制定一些简单的规那么,理解没有规矩不成方圆;无论是在学校 时还是在家庭中以与以后走上社会都应当遵守规那么,按规那么办事。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1根据所提供的文字资料来表达自己对一些规那么的看法。2能用所学的语言知识来写出自己在家中或在学校中的一些规那么。2. 教学难点:写一封信来谈论一下自己应遵守的一些规那么,并表达自己对这些规那么的看 法。三、教学过程I . Warming- up and revision1.


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