



1、 六年级英语复习要点一、短语1.play basketball 打篮球2. always do your homework总是做家庭作业3.dry the dishes 擦干盘子4.at the sports shop在运动品专卖店5. make lunch 做午饭6.last week上周7. before/after breakfast早饭前/后 8. once a year 一年一次9. wake up 醒来10.twice a month 一月两次11.too difficult 太难12.in the sky 在天空 13. fly in the sky 在天空飞14. fly a

2、kite 放风筝 15. make a kite 制作风筝 16. in summer 在夏天17. the different seasons 不同的季节 18. green leaves 绿色的树叶19. catch the ball接球 20. brush my teeth刷牙 21. go swimming 去游泳22. this afternoon 今天下午23. in the morning/ afternoon / evening在早晨/在下午/在晚上24.take off脱下 25.put on穿上 26. stand up 站起来27.work hard努力学习 28.loo

3、k at flowers看花29.get up 起床30. go on a trip一次旅行 go on trips 旅行31.on the beach 在海滩上32. wash face洗脸33.in the lake 在湖里34. in summer holiday 在暑假35.look like 看上去像36.surprise party惊喜派对 37.have a party举行一次晚会38. at the airport在机场 39. be good for 对有好处40.an hour 一小时 41.after school 放学后 42. play with 和一起43. arr

4、ive at到达44.be ready to /for为.做准备45. ride a bike/by bike 骑自行车46.be late迟到 47. watch the game 观看比赛 48.on time 按时49.have fun (玩得开心) 50.clean my bedroom(打扫我的卧室) 51.water the flowers(浇花)52.pick flowers(摘花)53.sit in the sun(坐在太阳下)54.look at the clouds(看云朵)55. every cookie (每个小甜饼)56.the plane for Beijing(去

5、往北京的飞机) 57. have a party(开派对)二、动词原形及过去式w W w .X k b 1.c O m1.buy-bought(买) 2.teach-taught(教) 3.think-thought(认为) 4.win-won(赢) 5.do-did (做) 6.eat-ate (吃)7.throw-threw(扔) 8. swim-swam(游泳) 9. have-had (有) 10. say-said (说) 11.forget-forgot(忘记 12.begin-bagan(开始)13. go-went(去) 14. is am-was (是) 15. are-we

6、re (是)16.can-could(能) 17.see-saw (看见) 18.meet-met(碰见) 19.write-wrote(写) 20.take-took (带走、乘) 21.hit-hit (打、击)22. bring-brought (带来) 23.run-ran (跑) 24.flyflew(飞)三、动词现在分词动词现在分词是给动词后加 “ing” , 以e结尾的单词变现在分词时取掉e 加ing. 双写末尾字母加ing 的现在分词,需要同学们单独记忆!直接加ing 去掉e加ing 双写末尾字母加ing1. cry -crying e-coming 1.get-getting

7、2.talk-talking 2. dance-dancing 2. run-running3.sing-singing 3.drive-driving 3.sit-sitting 4.sleep-sleeping 4. take -taking 4. shop-shopping5.walk-walking 5.arrive-arriving 5. swim-swimming 6.jump-jumping 6.write-writing 6.hit-hitting四、动词变名词 动词后加er,1.play(玩)-player (运动员) 2. work(工作)-worker(工人) 3.tea

8、ch(教)-teacher(教师) 4.drive(驾驶)-driver (司机) 5. write(写)-writer (作家) 6.win(赢)winner (获胜者) 五、形容词比较级、最高级形容词比较级一般是给形容词加er,翻译为更 , 最高级是加est,翻译为最,最高级前通常要加the规则变化:如:1. fast(快的)-faster(比较级 ,更快的)-fastest (最高级,最快的) 2. short(矮的)-shorter(比较级 ,更矮的)-shortest(最高级,最矮的) 不规则变化:如:good(好的)better(比较级 ,更好的)-best(最高级,最好的)六、名

9、词变形容词名词变形容词:一般是给名词后加 “y”1.sun(太阳)-sunny(晴朗的) 2. rain(雨)-rainy (多雨的) 3.snow(雪)-snowy (多雪的) 4.cloud(云)-cloudy (多云的) 5.wind(风)-windy(多风的)6.health(健康)-healthy(健康的) 7.salt(盐)-salty(咸的) 七、人称代词主格形式和宾格形式 1. I (主格)我 me (宾格) 我 2. they (主格)他们 them (宾格) 他们3. he (主格)他 him (宾格)他 4. she (主格)她her (宾格)她5.we (主格)我们-u

10、s (宾格)我们八、疑问词where (在哪里) what colour (什么颜色)whose (谁的) how long (多长)when (什么时候) how many (多少)what (什么) how much (多少、多少钱)who (谁) how far (多远)why (为什么) how tall (多高how (怎么样) how old(多大)how often (多久一次) which (哪一个)九、形容词变副词形容词后加ly 变为副词。1. sad(形容词,悲伤的)-sadly(副词,悲伤地) 2.slow (形容词,缓慢的)-slowly(副词,缓慢地) 3.happy

11、(形容词,开心的)-happily(副词,开心地)十、反义词 、对应词 easy (容易的 ) throw(扔) bad (坏的) before (之前)difficult(难的) catch(抓住) good(好的) after(之后)heavy (重的) fast (快的) wrong(错的) forget(忘记)light (轻的) slow(慢的) right(对的) remember(记住)十一、基数词、序数词one-first (1st) two -second (2nd) three-third (3rd) four-fourth (4th)five-fifth (5th) si

12、x-sixth (6th) seven-seventh (7th) eight-eighth (8th)nine-ninth (9th) ten-tenth (10th) eleven-eleventh(11th) twelve-twelfth (12th)twenty-twentieth(20th) twenty-one -twenty-first(21st) twenty-two-twenty-second (22nd) twenty-three-twenty-third (23rd)twenty-four-twenty-fourth (24th)十二、陈述句变一般疑问句陈述句变一般疑问句

13、的方法: 1.含有be(am,is,are)动词的将be动词提前,其他成分照抄,句末的句号改为问号。 2.含有情态动词(can,may,must,should,will等词)的,将上述情态动词提前。 3.没有be动词、情态动词的,需找助动词(do,does,did)提到句首。 如:He is drawing a picture.-Is he drawing a picture?My father can drive a car.-Can you father drive a car?I will take nine. -Will you take nine?She likes to play

14、games.-Does she like to play games?I did my homework yesterday.-Did you do your homework yesterday?陈述句变一般疑问句练习题:1. We put carrots on the table. -2. They are feeding(喂)the cows.-3. She leaves Shijiazhuang on Tuesday.-4. I am writing a letter.-5. Lucy is going to the zoo.-6. They will sing English son

15、gs.-7. We have some bananas.-8. There is some tea in the cup(杯子).-9. My mother went shopping last Sunday.-10. I did my homework last night.-11. I would like some water. -12. A postcard has a picture on it.-13. Little Zeke sleeps in the sock.-14. I walk to school.-15. Jenny helped Danny.-十三、划线部分提问划线部

16、分提问方法: 划线部分提问即把原句变成特殊疑问句, 其结构是: 疑问词+一般疑问句划线部分提问题的做题技巧: 1.根据划线部分的含义确定疑问词 2.将疑问词放在句首。 3.将原句中的划线部分删掉(因划线部分已被疑问词代替) 4.将原句中的剩余部分变为一般疑问句 ,并放在疑问词之后。 如:1.We can come back home this afternoon. (对划线部分提问)-When can you come back home ? 划线部分提问练习题:1. He is eleven years old.-2. Its nine oclock.-3. They have eggs a

17、nd milk for breakfast.-4. They can come back this afternoon.-5. They want to jump.-6. Jenny is writing a postcard now.-7. Li Ming is making a birthday card.-8. The library is near the office.-9. Cindy is singing at home.-10. The pictures are on the wall.-11. I have one ticket.-12. I went to the store to buy gifts.-13. Lily m


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