1、邢台职业技术学院毕业论文题目:出境货物报检流程专业:商务英语班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:日期: 2011-4-15Export Commodities InspectionA Graduation Thesis Submitted byForThe Certificate of GraduationIn the Subject of Business EnglishToDepartment of Foreign LanguagesOfXing Tai Polytechnic CollegeSupervisor: Cheng YunMay 20 , 2011AcknowledgementFirs
2、t of all, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Mr. Cheng yun, for hisinstructive advice and useful suggestions in my studies during this period that I study in college. He is a person who strict teaching, careful, helpful. From choose the subject to write down the outline, Mr
3、. Cheng pointed out the wrong points carefully, hereby I express heartfelt thanks to him.Also I have to thank my classmates and friends, they gave me a lot of help in my study and life, they give me great attention and support in the period of I studying.During this period in my study in Mr. Chengs
4、class, I have learned much knowledge form you and itis very helpful to me. Firstly, in your listening class, I have improved my listening ability, you choose asking questions to us, I think it is a good method for us to improve our ability, meanwhile improve our spoken English. Secondly, on your cla
5、ss of Business English Correspondence, you made the analysis so carefully in every knowledge point, every grammar, or every article, so that we can have a goodcomprehension on correspondence. These help us in our later work, communicate with foreigners, negotiation with customers. This gives me the
6、confidence to negotiate with customers.The next one, my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. They give me the biggest support to my studying and life.I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classm
7、ates who give me their help and time in paying with me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course for the thesis.I think these knowledge is the most valuable asset in my life.iAbstractExport inspection is an Administration working that laws and regulations of state gives the Qua
8、lityControl Department. It plays a vital role in our country s economic construction and reform and open to the outside world, especially ensure the economy development smoother. Inspection was created to keep the lawful rights and interests of two parties in trade. Declaration inspection is the imp
9、ortant matter ininspection. It has the natured being international, professional, policy. This paper has done a detailed analysis to the export commodities inspection. What should we do when we need to the declaration inspection. It also contains a number of knowledge. The purpose of writing this ar
10、ticle is to summarize theknowledge of to export declaration inspection, meanwhile, we can learn the knowledge and gain moreexperience.Key words: export inspection, declaration inspection, economy development摘要出境货物检验检疫是国家法律法规赋予质检部门的行政执法工作,在国家的经济建设和改革开放中发挥了重要的作用。特别是保证经济的顺利发展。出境货物检验检疫维护了贸易双方的合法权益。报检工作是
11、检验检疫工作的一个重要内容,具有很强的涉外性,专业性,政策性。本文为出境国务检验建议做了详细的分析。当我们需要报检时我们该如何做,这包含了很多知识。本文的写作目的是总结和理解出境报检的有关知识,同时我们可以从中获取更多的知识和经验。关键词: 接待国外客户,接待过程,参观工厂ii- iii -ContentsAbstract. iContents. .iiI. Introduction. .11.1The definition of export inspection.11.2The produce of the export inspection. 21.3The development of
12、 the export inspection.41.4The function of the export inspection.5II. Elementary Knowledge.42.1Declaration inspection unit and customs coordinator.52.1.1The definition of the declaration inspection unit and the customs coordinator. 62.1.2The classification of the declaration inspection unit. 72.1.3T
13、he rights and obligations of the customs coordinator.82.2The procedure and circuit of the export inspection.92.2.1The working procedure of the inspection.102.2.2The business circuit of the inspection.112.2.3The charge of the export inspection.122.2.4The clearance() of the export inspection.13III. Th
14、e declaration of the export inspection.143.1General requirements of the declaration.153.2How to file the certificate of the export inspection.163.3The special requirements about the certificate export inspection17IV The rescind declaration of the inspection and delay inspect18V. Conclusion.Bibliogra
15、phy8Acknowledgement.iii- 1 -I. Introduction1.1 The definition of the export inspectionExportinspection is InspectionBureau accords to the requirements of administrativelaws andregulations,internationalconventions, inspect, certificatethe export commodities,transportationandpeople, and issue the rela
16、tive official inspection certification.The purpose of inspection is protect our countrys economy develop smoothly; protect the peopleslives, and the living environment s safety and health.1.2 The produce of the export inspectionChina has 5000 years culture and history. Export inspection has a long h
17、istory, too. Now we will have a general knowledge about the produce of the export inspection in this section.From Primitive Society, with the appearance of currency, the original inspection at an early stage, at this time, the inspection is only for the quality and quantity. In Qin Dynasty, the mona
18、rch promulgated a law that stipulates the prevention of the import animals.With the development of the economy and society, from Sui Tang Dynasty to Song Dynasty, the inspection becomes more and more complete. The relative inspective authorities are founded. With the trading activities are becoming
19、more and more frequent, in Song Dynasty, the government set the foreigntrade administration in Guangzhou、 Ming Zhou ( Ningbo )、 Hangzhou 、 Mi Zhou ( Zhu Cheng) for administrate the marine trade . At the same time , set the relative authorities to manage the trade with Liao 、Jin、 Xia and some minorit
20、y regimes.In Yuan Dynasty, the imperial court published a law that stipulated the relative authorities must be inspect the overseas ship and cargos. And issue the inspection certificate.In Qing Dynasty, the government set up customs in Guangzhou.Inwestern country,after the Renaissance, about the mid
21、dleof14 century, Italyappeared theprofessionals to inspect. To prevent the plague spread, the inspection hospital was set up in Venice, for inspecting the import ships.In the year of 1664, in order to improve the quality of the export in France, France set up the officialinspection organization, for
22、 inspecting the export commodities.From 14 century to the middle of 17 century, the inspection system begin enter in China,1- 2 -In the year of 1664, a bank was set up in Shanghai by the agents of the English man., this is the firstorganization to manage inspection service. After that the more relat
23、ive services are appeared in Shanghai、Qingdao、 Tianjin 、 Han Kou and so on.In century of 19, the custom begins to set up hygiene inspection and quarantine in order to inspect the overseas ships and carry out the hygiene inspection for the labors in our country. However, all these organizations are m
24、anaged by the foreigners.In the year of 1928, after the Nanjing national government was founded, the inspect organizations wasset up that managed by government.In the year of 1929, industrial and commercial department set up the Shanghai commodities inspectbureau. After that the inspection bureau wa
25、s founded in Han Kou 、Qingdao 、Tianjin and Guangzhou.1.3 The development of export inspectionIn the year of 1949, new China was founded. There are a official inspect bureau managed the wholeimport and export inspection and quarantine. So this strengthened the lead of our country inspection.From the
26、year of 1986 to 1990, the inspection legal system has achieved important development. National people s congress has passed the “The Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of PRC ”. After that the relative laws about the commodities, animals and plants are lay down. All these laws and regulations play a
27、n important role in inspection.In the year of 2001, in order to improve our market economy, and adapt to the spirit of the relativeagreement that China enter in WTO, The People s Republic of China state administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine was founded.1.4 The function of
28、the export inspectionThe position of export inspection gave by the constitution, law and the highest organ of stateadministration, and it has considerable legal validity.The national law gives the inspection and quarantine for carrying out national administrations.The principle of the export inspect
29、ion in protecting the people s health and safety, protecting the plants and animalslife and health, protecting the environment, preventing frauds, protecting the national security.With the reform and open and the development of the economy, assure the safety of agriculture,forestry, animal husbandry
30、 and fishery and the people s health, protecting the legal rights and interests of2- 3 -the relative parts in trading, and normal international economic order. Promoting the development of the foreign trade, the inspection and quarantine play important and active roles. The functions of the export i
31、nspection are as follows:The first one, inspecting is a reflection of the state sovereignty.The second one, inspection is a reflection of national management functions.The third one, inspection is a guarantee of the smooth foreign trade and development of the economy.The fourth one, inspection has a
32、 important significance to protect the safety protection of agriculture,forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, promoting the foreign trade of agriculture products, and protectingthe peoplehealth.II. Elementary Knowledge2.1 Declaration inspection unit and customs coordinator2.1.1 The definition of t
33、he declaration inspection unit and the customs coordinatorThe declaration inspection unit is the main part of declaration inspection.The customs coordinator: the man who obtain the certificate of General administration of quality supervision stipulate, register in native inspective and quarantine bu
34、reau, manage the inspection declaration.2.1.2 The classification of the declaration inspection unitAccordingto the property of the declaration inspection unit, declaration inspection units have tokinds , that is Self-care inspection unit and Agent inspection unit.2.1.3 The rights and obligations of
35、the customs coordinatorThe customs coordinator is the bridge that connect declaration inspection units and inspection andquarantine bureau, the quality of customs coordinator that directly influence the efficiency and quality ofinspection and quarantine, so this requires the customs coordinator are
36、familiar with the relative laws andregulations ,relative workingroutine and requirements, have relative elementary knowledge,actingaccording to the law, prevent for the error influence normal working routine in inspection and quarantine, resulting the unnecessary economic losses and other losses.The
37、 rights of the customs coordinator:3- 4 -The first one, the customs coordinator should do the declaration to inspection and quarantine organsin stipulated places, provide the necessary working conditions, and providing the relative certification.The second one, if the customs coordinator has differe
38、nt idea about the result of the inspection, according to the stipulation of relative laws, they can apply for inspect againto original and higher authorities.The third one, if the customs coordinator has good reason for repeal the declaration, he should repealdeclaration formalities according to the
39、 relative stipulations.The fourth one, the customs coordinator has rights to require the inspection and quarantine authorities keeping secret for the business information and personal profile.The last one, the customs coordinator has rights to appeal and accused for the workers in authoritiesmisusin
40、g the authority, false inspection results and other illegal actions.The obligations of the customs coordinator:The first one, the customs coordinator should provide the inspection certification.The second one, the customs coordinator have obligations to advertise the relative laws, stipulations,noti
41、ces and management methods to own enterprise。The third one, the customs coordinators should observe the relative laws and stipulations providingthe clear, accuracy, complete, real and detailed information.The fourthone, the customs coordinatorshave obligationsto providethe necessary workingcondition
42、s, such as the places or assistants, when the inspection and quarantine authorities do the samplinginspection, quarantine and so on.The fifthone, the customs coordinators should pay the inspection fees according to the relativestipulations.The last one, the customs coordinators should abide by the r
43、elative laws and stipulations and inspection stipulations strictly, and mustn tunilateral amendment, false or change the information when do the inspection.2.2 The procedure and circuit of the export inspection2.2.1 The working procedure of the inspectionThe working procedure of export inspection is
44、 declaration inspection to the inspection and quarantineauthorities, inspection, and customs clearance release.4- 5 -Customs coordinators should provide relative documents for inspection to authorities in stipulated time. The authorities should verify the relative documents, response, charging fee,
45、the inspection department inspect the goods in factory. At last issue the Declaration Form of Exit Commodities if theinspect result are qualified. However, if the inspect result is disqualification, so the inspection authorities does not issue the Declaration Form of Exit Commodities, the exporters
46、can not export the goods.2.2.2 The business circuit of the inspectionThe circuitof the inspection: declarationinspection, charging, sampling, inspecting, quarantinetreatment, customs clearance.(i) DeclarationThe applicant should declare the relative formalities to the inspection and quarantine organ
47、izations according to the relative laws and regulations. The people who work in the inspection organizations should examine the documents, such as whether complete and correct or not of the information.(ii) ChargingThe inspection organs charge for the inspection according to the relative regulations
48、.(iii) SamplingIf some export goods need the inspect certification, the inspectors in organizations should come tothe factory for the sampling inspection.(iv) InspectingThe inspection organizations inspect the export goods by sense, physics, chemistryor othermethods.(v) Quarantine treatmentAccording
49、 to The Frontier Sanitation and Quarantine Law of People Republic of China and other rules, the inspection and quarantine organs should carry out sanitation treatment for protecting the health and safety of people in our country.(vi) Customs clearanceIf the export goods are inspected qualified, the
50、organs would issue the Declaration Form of Exit Commodities and other relative inspect certifications, as the certification of customs clearance. However, if the result of inspection is unqualified, the organs will not issue the notice, they will issue a notice of theunqualified cargos, so the expor
51、ter can not export the goods successfully.5- 6 -So these are the all steps of export inspection, every steps should carry out more carefully, and we cannot make an effort in any steps.2.2.3 The charge of the export inspectionInspection and quarantine organs carry out inspection responsibility, and c
52、harge for the inspection fee legally, some laws have explicitly stipulated and methods to the inspection and quarantine authorities charging for the inspection fee. Charging for the inspection fee legally is one of enforcement actions thatthe inspection and quarantine organs carry out the government
53、 management responsibility.Inspection charge for the fee according to the law named the method of the entry an exit inspection and quarantine charging.The unit is China Yuan; use the method of round-off. The standards of charging are based on the total amount in contract according to the amount in l
54、etter of credit, the Commercial Invoice, and contract or the evaluation by customs.Inspection and quarantine organs charge for inspection fee strictly according to the method of the entryand exit inspection and quarantine charging and other relative regulations. And accept inspection andsupervision by the financial sector and other relative sectors and departments or organs, they must not addor reduced charging items illegally,must not add or reduce charging standards il
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