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1、WITH复合结构复合结构 with + 宾语宾语 + 补足补足语语在英语中,特别是在书面语中是一个很常在英语中,特别是在书面语中是一个很常用的结构,它既可以充当用的结构,它既可以充当状语状语,又可以充,又可以充当当定语定语。由于。由于“with复合结构复合结构”在逻辑上在逻辑上是一个是一个主谓完整主谓完整的结构,因而,它也可以的结构,因而,它也可以用相应的从句或分句代替。用相应的从句或分句代替。 WITH复合结构复合结构with + 宾语宾语 + 副词副词形容词形容词介词短语介词短语名词名词现在分词现在分词过去分词过去分词不定式不定式with复合复合结构中的宾补结构中的宾补1.with + 宾

2、语宾语 + 副词副词The square looks more beautiful with all the lights on. 所有的灯都亮时,广场显得更加美丽。所有的灯都亮时,广场显得更加美丽。With his parents away, Tom becomes more naughty. 父母不在,汤姆变得更淘气。父母不在,汤姆变得更淘气。2. with + 宾语宾语 + 形容词形容词With the door and windows open wide, the room was very cold.门窗大开,屋内很冷。门窗大开,屋内很冷。With her parents dead,

3、 the girl had to left school. 她父母死了,那女孩只好辍学。她父母死了,那女孩只好辍学。3.with + 宾语宾语 + 介词短语介词短语The teacher came in with a book in his hand. 老师手里拿着书走进来。老师手里拿着书走进来。The girl looked up with tears in her eyes. 那女孩眼泪汪汪地抬起头。那女孩眼泪汪汪地抬起头。4.with + 宾语宾语 + 名词名词They set up a football team, with Tom their head. 他们建立了一支足球队,汤姆当

4、队长。他们建立了一支足球队,汤姆当队长。With a native our guide, we neednt be afraid to get lost. 有本地人当向导,我们不必担心会迷路。有本地人当向导,我们不必担心会迷路。5.with + 宾语宾语 + 现在分词现在分词 (主谓关系)(主谓关系)With summer coming, the weather is becoming hotter and hotter. 随着夏天的到来,天气越来越热。随着夏天的到来,天气越来越热。With the teacher standing beside,she felt a bit uneasy .

5、 老师站在旁边,她觉得有点不自然。老师站在旁边,她觉得有点不自然。6.with + 宾语宾语 + 过去分词过去分词 (动宾关系)(动宾关系)With the work done, she felt greatly relieved.工作完成了,她大大地松了一口气。工作完成了,她大大地松了一口气。With his hair cut, he looks much younger. 理了头发,他显得年轻多了。理了头发,他显得年轻多了。7.with + 宾语宾语 + 不定式不定式 (将要发生)(将要发生)With her to go with us, were sure to have a pleas

6、ant journey. 有她和我们一起去,我们的旅途一定会很愉有她和我们一起去,我们的旅途一定会很愉快。快。With Mr. Smith to teach them English next term, they will be greatly improved in spoken English. 下学期史密斯先生教他们英语,他们的口语下学期史密斯先生教他们英语,他们的口语会大有提高。会大有提高。Practice 11.Her mother sat in an armchair _ (头低着头低着) .2. Tom lay in bed _(脸色苍白脸色苍白).3. The old man

7、 sat near the fire _( 背背朝着朝着房门房门).4._(有有机器的机器的帮助帮助), we could finish the work on time.5. The meeting was over _(问题解决了问题解决了).6. _(有太多作业要(有太多作业要做)做), we cant go out to play. with her head downwith his face palewith his back to the doorWith the machine helping uswith the problem settledWith so much wor

8、k to do完成句子完成句子1. With so much work _ (fill) my mind, I almost broke down.(2007 福建福建)2. It was a pity that the great writer died with his works _ (finish).(2004 福建)福建)3. With nothing _ (burn) ,the fire became weak and finally died out. (NMET95) filling unfinished to burnwith复合结构,即复合结构,即“with + 宾语宾语+

9、补足语补足语”,在句子中可以充当状语和定语。在句子中可以充当状语和定语。1.充当伴随或方式状语充当伴随或方式状语Its bad manners to speak with ones mouth full of food.满嘴食物说话是不礼貌的。满嘴食物说话是不礼貌的。He fell asleep, with the light still on. 他睡着了,灯还亮着。他睡着了,灯还亮着。with复合复合结构的句法作用结构的句法作用2.充当原因状语充当原因状语With her money lost, she was at a loss what to do. 钱丢了,她不知如何是好。钱丢了,她不

10、知如何是好。With so many people helping him, the orphan was able to pull through at last. 有那么多人帮助,这孤儿终于渡过了难关。有那么多人帮助,这孤儿终于渡过了难关。 3.充当结果状语充当结果状语She walked out in the rain, with her clothes all wet.她冒雨出去,衣服都湿透了她冒雨出去,衣服都湿透了The house caught a big fire last night, with nothing left in it.那房子昨晚发生火灾,结果里面的东西都那房子昨

11、晚发生火灾,结果里面的东西都烧光了。烧光了。 4.充当定语充当定语The road with fruit trees planted on both sides leads to the mountain village. 两边果树的那条路通向那个山村。两边果树的那条路通向那个山村。The room with lights on is our class-room .开着灯的那个教室是我们的。开着灯的那个教室是我们的。把下列句子中的划线部分改写成把下列句子中的划线部分改写成with复合结构。复合结构。Because our lessons were over, we went to play

12、football.The children came running towards us and held some flowers in their hands. My mother is ill, so I wont be able to go on holiday. An exam will be held tomorrow, so I couldnt go to the cinema tonight. Practice 2 With our lessons over with some flowers in their hands. With my mother being ill

13、With my an exam to be held tomorrowwith复合复合结构在写作中应用结构在写作中应用1. 用作时间状语用作时间状语With time going by he realized how much his father loved him.随着时间的推移,他意识到父亲有多么爱他。2. 描写人物特征描写人物特征My English teacher is near-sighted, with a pair of glasses on her nose.我的英语老师是个近视眼,带一副眼镜。with复合复合结构在写作中应用结构在写作中应用3. 用于描述数据用于描述数据Melbourne, with a population of over 3.5 million, is the second largest city in Australia.China, with an area of 9.6 million square kilometers, is the largest developing country in the world.with复合复合结构在写作中应用结构在写作中应用4. 用于描写地点用于描写地点This is a small nice park with


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