



1、六下 Unit 3 A healthy diet 辅导练习(1)班级生名、汉译英。面条肉米饭需要健康的饮食二、根据中文完成句子。1.我爷爷每天早餐吃一些面包和牛奶。一占八、几个My gran dpasome breadmilkbreakfastday.2. 我们每周必须吃几个鸡蛋。must haveeggs.3. 现在我需要许多水。Iaofnow.4. 甜的食物很好吃,但是对你的牙齿不好。Sweet foodn ice, but it is notyour5. 你不应当吃太多的肉。Youeatmeat.三、按要求改写句子。1. A monkey woke the tiger up.改成一般疑问

2、句)a monkeythe tiger up?2. Two men caught the lion with a large net.对画线部分提问)two men catch the lio n?3. I ' m goingeod books in the room.对画线部分提问)are youto do in the room?4. Sam brings some water quickly.改成否定句)Samwater quickly.5. I gave him a sweet.改成同义句)Ia sweethim.6. The boy is running quickly.(改

3、成否定句)The boyquickly.四、选择填空。()1.1 some rice and vegetables today.A. have onlyB. only hasC. only have()2. Here a lot of meat for the party.A. areB. isC. no()3. I have beautiful caps in my bedroom.A. a littleB. a fewC. lot of()4. Let your brotherclothes.A. washB. washesC. washed()5. How manyare there i

4、n the basket? There are six.A. breadB. man goes.C. meat六下 Unit 3 A healthy diet 辅导练习(2)班级生名、从下列每组中找出划线部分的发音与其它三个不同的选项。()1. A. countryB. shoutC. cousi nD.touch()2. A. morni ngB. horseC. workD.sports()3. A. habitB. haveC. wakeD.an imal()4. A. foodB. goodC.bookD.look()5. A. slowB. wi ndowC. flowerD.sho

5、w二、选择正确的答案,将其序号填入括号内。()1. Tomfrom the USA. Heus En glish.A. come, teachB. comes, teaches C. are, teaches()2. Hemy teacher in the playgro und just now.A. meetsB. metC.meet()3.There iswater in the bottle.A. a fewB. a littleC.any()4. I eat a little meata time.A. atB. i nC.on()5. Wester n people ofte n

6、havefor breakfast.A. some porridge and steamed buns B. cereal, bread, eggs and sausages C. no odles and eggs三、根据所给中文完成句子。1. Do you have a(健康的饮食).2. Eati ng too much(meat) is bad for our health.3. Su Yang usually has a lot of(面条)for breakfast.4. Liu Tao likes cola, but he drinks( 一点) at a time.5. I h

7、ave a lot of(米饭)and (许多)vegetables for lunch.四、按要求改写句子。1. There are lots of potatoes on the table.对划线部分提问) the table?2. There'some apple juice in the fridge.(改为一般疑问句)thereapple juice in the fridge?3. I was in a bookshop last Sunday afternoon.对划线部分提问) in a bookshop?4. Tom eats a lot of sweets every day.(改为否定句)Toma lot of sweets every day.5. I'd like some porridge for dinner.(改为一般疑问句)you likeporridge for dinner?五、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Would you like(some) ice cream?2. I like eati ng(tomato).3. We shouldn ' t eat too(many) junk food because it is bad for our health.4.


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