1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上唐山东方国际学校课堂教学设计学科典范英语主备教师郑宝双辅备教师王丹年级八班级2备课时间9.11上课时间课题Lesson 1-3教学目标与问题设置Language knowledge: Master the focus phonics and read the stories well. Language skills: Pronouncing the words correctly in each story.Emotional attitude: Love good English and be brave to read the stories in front
2、of the class.重点All the focus phonics in each story.难点How to correctly pronounce the focus phonics in each story.能力培养Be brave to read the stories in front of the class and be able to pronounce each phonic correctly in each word.作业A:Be able to read the stories with good pronunciations and remember the
3、 new words and phrases.B:Be able to read the stories with good pronunciations.板书设计Lesson1-3Phonics: Mac Mat pat tap; am Pam Sam Tam; at cat Mat Pathop mop pop topBiff in it lid tip 教学反思初次接触典范英语课本,学生们的情况分为两方面的大情况。一大部分学生的眼神和表情中透露着这本书显得简单,但是却不好意思开口;另一大部分学生觉得这本书简单易学,相对有兴趣来读这本书,但大多需要更多勇气。应多鼓励,多表扬。课 堂 教 学
4、 过 程教师活动学生活动时间分配Check the focus phonics in last lesson. (Call some students who can not pronounce the phonics well.)Inspect and guide.Play and pause the tape in time.Guide if in need.Inspect and guide.Encourage each student in groups.Let some students or groups to read the story.Evaluate their pronu
5、nciations.Guide the students. Encourage them to make a conclusion of the phonics they learn in each story.Evaluate the class.Step1: Read the phonics. Step2: Learn the new words by themselves of the new lesson.If there are some difficulties, discuss in groups.Step3: Listen to the story.Step4: Repeat
6、the story aloud.Try to pronounce the words as well as the tape.Step5: Practicing reading the story in groups.Step6: Presentation.Step7: Practice the phonics at the end of each story.Conclusion.Step7: Self-evaluation. Group- evaluation.3 mins3 mins5 mins8 mins8 mins8 mins3 mins2 mins唐山东方国际学校课堂教学设计学科典
7、范英语主备教师郑宝双辅备教师王丹年级八班级2备课时间9.11上课时间课题Lesson 4-6教学目标与问题设置Language knowledge: Master the focus phonics and read the stories well. Language skills: Pronouncing the words correctly in each story.Emotional attitude: Love good English and be brave to read the stories in front of the class.重点All the focus p
8、honics in each story.难点How to correctly pronounce the focus phonics in each story.能力培养Be brave to read the stories in front of the class and be able to pronounce each phonic correctly in each word.作业A:Be able to read the stories with good pronunciations and remember the new words and phrases.B:Be ab
9、le to read the stories with good pronunciations.板书设计Lesson4-6Phonics: Mac Mat pat tap; am Pam Sam Tam; at cat Mat Pathop mop pop topBiff in it lid tip 教学反思整体情况有所改善。继续鼓励加表扬。课 堂 教 学 过 程教师活动学生活动时间分配Check the focus phonics in last lesson. (Call some students who can not pronounce the phonics well.)Inspe
10、ct and guide.Play and pause the tape in time.Guide if in need.Inspect and guide.Encourage each student in groups.Let some students or groups to read the story.Evaluate their pronunciations.Guide the students. Encourage them to make a conclusion of the phonics they learn in each story.Evaluate the cl
11、ass.Step1: Read the phonics. Step2: Learn the new words by themselves of the new lesson.If there are some difficulties, discuss in groups.Step3: Listen to the story.Step4: Repeat the story aloud.Try to pronounce the words as well as the tape.Step5: Practicing reading the story in groups.Step6: Prese
12、ntation.Step7: Practice the phonics at the end of each story.Conclusion.Step7: Self-evaluation. Group- evaluation.3 mins3 mins5 mins8 mins8 mins8 mins3 mins2 mins唐山东方国际学校课堂教学设计学科典范英语主备教师郑宝双辅备教师王丹年级八班级2备课时间9.11上课时间课题Lesson 7-9教学目标与问题设置Language knowledge: Master the focus phonics and read the stories
13、well. Language skills: Pronouncing the words correctly in each story.Emotional attitude: Love good English and be brave to read the stories in front of the class.重点All the focus phonics in each story.难点How to correctly pronounce the focus phonics in each story.能力培养Be brave to read the stories in fro
14、nt of the class and be able to pronounce each phonic correctly in each word.作业A:Be able to read the stories with good pronunciations and remember the new words and phrases.B:Be able to read the stories with good pronunciations.板书设计Lesson7-9Phonics: and pan; set Ted yes; did it tip; bin tin; box top
15、wok; jug mug 教学反思相比较起初大多数同学的羞涩,这几节课这样的情况大有改善。目前大多数同学敢于开口读出一个个故事。但目前的情况是很多同学不敢放开声音来读。以后的课堂上依旧要继续多表扬和鼓励。课 堂 教 学 过 程教师活动学生活动时间分配Check the focus phonics in last lesson. (Call some students who can not pronounce the phonics well.)Inspect and guide.Play and pause the tape in time.Guide if in need.Inspect
16、and guide.Encourage each student in groups.Let some students or groups to read the story.Evaluate their pronunciations.Guide the students. Encourage them to make a conclusion of the phonics they learn in each story.Evaluate the class.Step1: Read the phonics. Step2: Learn the new words by themselves
17、of the new lesson.If there are some difficulties, discuss in groups.Step3: Listen to the story.Step4: Repeat the story aloud.Try to pronounce the words as well as the tape.Step5: Practicing reading the story in groups.Step6: Presentation.Step7: Practice the phonics at the end of each story.Conclusio
18、n.Step7: Self-evaluation. Group- evaluation.3 mins3 mins5 mins8 mins8 mins8 mins3 mins2 mins唐山东方国际学校课堂教学设计学科典范英语主备教师王 丹辅备教师郑宝双年级八班级4备课时间9.11上课时间课题Lesson 10-12教学目标与问题设置Language knowledge: Master the focus phonics and read the stories well. Language skills: Pronouncing the words correctly in each stor
19、y.Emotional attitude: Love good English and be brave to read the stories in front of the class.重点All the focus phonics in each story.难点How to correctly pronounce the focus phonics in each story.能力培养Be brave to read the stories in front of the class and be able to pronounce each phonic correctly in e
20、ach word.作业A:Be able to read the stories with good pronunciations and remember the new words and phrases.B:Be able to read the stories with good pronunciations.板书设计Lesson10-12Phonics: dad rag;man pan;fell get mess; Biff is it kit; dog got; luck mug rug; bad bad had 教学反思思想观念的转变,缩短了一堂课的容量,但让学生在课上听得多了,
21、练得多了。一点点的改变我们要一起共同适应。我在课上要更加关注不爱张开嘴阅读的同学。课 堂 教 学 过 程教师活动学生活动时间分配Check the focus phonics in last lesson. (Call some students who can not pronounce the phonics well.)Inspect and guide.Play and pause the tape in time.Guide if in need.Inspect and guide.Encourage each student in groups.Let some students
22、or groups to read the story.Evaluate their pronunciations.Guide the students. Encourage them to make a conclusion of the phonics they learn in each story.Evaluate the class.Step1: Read the phonics. Step2: Learn the new words by themselves of the new lesson.If there are some difficulties, discuss in
23、groups.Step3: Listen to the story.Step4: Repeat the story aloud.Try to pronounce the words as well as the tape.Step5: Practicing reading the story in groups.Step6: Presentation.Step7: Practice the phonics at the end of each story.Conclusion.Step7: Self-evaluation. Group- evaluation.3 mins3 mins5 min
24、s8 mins8 mins8 mins3 mins2 mins唐山东方国际学校课堂教学设计学科典范英语主备教师王 丹辅备教师郑宝双年级八班级4备课时间9.11上课时间9.17课题Lesson 13 shops教学目标与问题设置Language knowledge: Master the focus phonics and read the stories well. Language skills: Pronouncing the words correctly in each story.Emotional attitude: Love good English and be brave t
25、o read the stories in front of the class.重点All the focus phonics in each story.难点How to correctly pronounce the focus phonics in each story.能力培养Be brave to read the stories in front of the class and be able to pronounce each phonic correctly in each word.作业A:Be able to read the stories with good pro
26、nunciations and remember the new words and phrases.B:Be able to read the stories with good pronunciations.板书设计Lesson13Phonics: cap had pan, Pam Sam, hat Pat that, get red, sell shell, Biff big Tim will, bun, yum, shall shed shell ship shop shut, that then this 教学反思看到学生们对这本书的兴趣有所增加,大多数学生的态度有所改善,他们的朗读
27、故事水平的逐渐提高。课 堂 教 学 过 程教师活动学生活动时间分配Check the focus phonics in last lesson. (Call some students who can not pronounce the phonics well.)Inspect and guide.Play and pause the tape in time.Guide if in need.Inspect and guide.Encourage each student in groups.Let some students or groups to read the story.Eva
28、luate their pronunciations.Guide the students. Encourage them to make a conclusion of the phonics they learn in each story.Evaluate the class.Step1: Read the phonics. Step2: Learn the new words by themselves of the new lesson.If there are some difficulties, discuss in groups.Step3: Listen to the sto
29、ry.Step4: Repeat the story aloud.Try to pronounce the words as well as the tape.Step5: Practicing reading the story in groups.Step6: Presentation.Step7: Practice the phonics at the end of each story.Conclusion.Step7: Self-evaluation. Group- evaluation.3 mins3 mins5 mins8 mins8 mins8 mins3 mins2 mins
30、唐山东方国际学校课堂教学设计学科典范英语主备教师王 丹辅备教师郑宝双年级八班级4备课时间9.17上课时间9.19课题Lesson 14 The Fizz-buzz教学目标与问题设置Language knowledge: Master the focus phonics and read the stories well. Language skills: Pronouncing the words correctly in each story.Emotional attitude: Love good English and be brave to read the stories in f
31、ront of the class.重点All the focus phonics in each story.难点How to correctly pronounce the focus phonics in each story.能力培养Be brave to read the stories in front of the class and be able to pronounce each phonic correctly in each word.作业A:Be able to read the stories with good pronunciations and remembe
32、r the new words and phrases.B:Be able to read the stories with good pronunciations.板书设计Lesson 14Phonics: and ran at sat dad mash; fed shed get peck; Biff Chip dish him is this it six;dish mash shall shed shh;bus but Mum up upset; back backpack ducks luck Nick pick;by my 教学反思学生们对这一课的感觉比较好,他们发挥的读音也很好,
33、很开心他们这堂课的表现,继续表扬,希望继续看到他们的进步。课 堂 教 学 过 程教师活动学生活动时间分配Check the focus phonics in last lesson. (Call some students who can not pronounce the phonics well.)Inspect and guide.Play and pause the tape in time.Guide if in need.Inspect and guide.Encourage each student in groups.Let some students or groups to
34、 read the story.Evaluate their pronunciations.Guide the students. Encourage them to make a conclusion of the phonics they learn in each story.Evaluate the class.Step1: Read the phonics. Step2: Learn the new words by themselves of the new lesson.If there are some difficulties, discuss in groups.Step3
35、: Listen to the story.Step4: Repeat the story aloud.Try to pronounce the words as well as the tape.Step5: Practicing reading the story in groups.Step6: Presentation.Step7: Practice the phonics at the end of each story.Conclusion.Step7: Self-evaluation. Group- evaluation.3 mins3 mins5 mins8 mins8 min
36、s8 mins3 mins2 mins唐山东方国际学校课堂教学设计学科典范英语主备教师王 丹辅备教师郑宝双年级八班级4备课时间9.17上课时间9.19课题Lesson 15 Quiz教学目标与问题设置Language knowledge: Master the focus phonics and read the stories well. Language skills: Pronouncing the words correctly in each story.Emotional attitude: Love good English and be brave to read the st
37、ories in front of the class.重点All the focus phonics in each story.难点How to correctly pronounce the focus phonics in each story.能力培养Be brave to read the stories in front of the class and be able to pronounce each phonic correctly in each word.作业A:Be able to read the stories with good pronunciations a
38、nd remember the new words and phrases.B:Be able to read the stories with good pronunciations.板书设计Lesson15Phonics: and bag dad had;bed get neck; Biff big Chip ships dish fish this in it lid mix pick robin Wilma with; box chocs lots on robin shop top;mum yum such;chocs such; cash dish fish posh shall
39、shop;along hung sang 教学反思这堂课学生们加入到了课本剧的表演中,虽然感觉有的同学有些不好意思表演,但大家都坚持下来了,看的我心里非常高兴。鼓励他们继续努力吧。课 堂 教 学 过 程教师活动学生活动时间分配Check the focus phonics in last lesson. (Call some students who can not pronounce the phonics well.)Inspect and guide.Play and pause the tape in time.Guide if in need.Inspect and guide.En
40、courage each student in groups.Let some students or groups to read the story.Evaluate their pronunciations.Guide the students. Encourage them to make a conclusion of the phonics they learn in each story.Evaluate the class.Step1: Read the phonics. Step2: Learn the new words by themselves of the new l
41、esson.If there are some difficulties, discuss in groups.Step3: Listen to the story.Step4: Repeat the story aloud.Try to pronounce the words as well as the tape.Step5: Practicing reading the story in groups.Step6: Presentation.Step7: Practice the phonics at the end of each story.Conclusion.Step7: Sel
42、f-evaluation. Group- evaluation.3 mins3 mins5 mins8 mins8 mins8 mins3 mins2 mins唐山东方国际学校课堂教学设计学科典范英语主备教师王 丹辅备教师郑宝双年级八班级4备课时间9.17上课时间9.22课题Lesson 16 Less Mess教学目标与问题设置Language knowledge: Master the focus phonics and read the stories well. Language skills: Pronouncing the words correctly in each story
43、.Emotional attitude: Love good English and be brave to read the stories in front of the class.重点All the focus phonics in each story.难点How to correctly pronounce the focus phonics in each story.能力培养Be brave to read the stories in front of the class and be able to pronounce each phonic correctly in ea
44、ch word.作业A:Be able to read the stories with good pronunciations and remember the new words and phrases.B:Be able to read the stories with good pronunciations.板书设计Lesson16 Less MessPhonics: and bat had mats sat; fed shed get net vet tell; Biff big chicks Chip in is it quick will with; in robin; ring
45、s things; got not lots; shock unlock;but up; bush put; back chicks quick shock unlock教学反思这一堂课下来我觉得很欣慰,感觉学生们的状态越来越好,自己慢慢接受了典范的教学方法,孩子们接受起来也比以前好了很多。课 堂 教 学 过 程教师活动学生活动时间分配Check the focus phonics in last lesson. (Call some students who can not pronounce the phonics well.)Inspect and guide.Play and paus
46、e the tape in time.Guide if in need.Inspect and guide.Encourage each student in groups.Let some students or groups to read the story.Evaluate their pronunciations.Guide the students. Encourage them to make a conclusion of the phonics they learn in each story.Evaluate the class.Step1: Read the phonic
47、s. Step2: Learn the new words by themselves of the new lesson.If there are some difficulties, discuss in groups.Step3: Listen to the story.Step4: Repeat the story aloud.Try to pronounce the words as well as the tape.Step5: Practicing reading the story in groups.Step6: Presentation.Step7: Practice th
48、e phonics at the end of each story.Conclusion.Step7: Self-evaluation. Group- evaluation.3 mins3 mins5 mins8 mins8 mins8 mins3 mins2 mins唐山东方国际学校课堂教学设计学科典范英语主备教师王 丹辅备教师郑宝双年级八班级4备课时间9.17上课时间9.24课题Lesson 17 Jack教学目标与问题设置Language knowledge: Master the focus phonics and read the stories well. Language sk
49、ills: Pronouncing the words correctly in each story.Emotional attitude: Love good English and be brave to read the stories in front of the class.重点All the focus phonics in each story.难点How to correctly pronounce the focus phonics in each story.能力培养Be brave to read the stories in front of the class and be able to pronounce each phonic correctly in each word.作业A:Be able to read the stories with good pronunciations and remember the new words and phrases.B:Be able to read the stories with good pronunciations.板书设计Lesson17 JackPhonics: and bat
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