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2、左转弯直行和向右转弯向左和向右转弯靠右侧道路行驶靠左侧道路行驶一切机动车非机动车行驶机动车行驶直行车道分向行驶车道靠右环行直行和右转合用车道最低时速限制人行横道必须鸣喇叭非机动车行驶掉头十字交叉路口互通式立交停车场此路不通避车道绕行分流诱导标合流诱导标线形诱导标两侧通行左侧通行旅游区距离    徒步    同方向行驶的车辆车行道双向两车道路面中心线车行道分界线禁止车辆跨线超车或压线行驶停止线人行横道预告标示分离引道和停靠位置左转弯待转区高速公路车距确认最高行驶速度不得超过标记所示规定中心黄色虚实线禁止路边长时停放车

3、辆禁止路边长时或临时停放车辆中心圈停车让行减速让行表示禁止临时停车的简化网状禁止掉头实线一侧禁止车辆越线超车或向左转弯虚线一侧准许车辆越线超车或向左转弯网状线路口导流线待客停车位 a sign for a T-shaped intersectionA three-dimensional markA sharp left curveSteep uphill roadSteep downhill roadRoad narrows on the left sideRoad narrows on the right sideMind the traffic lightsWatch for f

4、alling rocksMind side windDangerous hillside roadEmbankment roadFerryVillageHump bridgeMan at workOverflowing roadSlipperyTunnelDangerWatch for childrenContinuous curvesRoundaboutIntersectionBump roadWatch for animalsNarrow bridgeManned level crossingUnmanned level crossingWatch for non-motorized ve

5、hiclesLevel crossing 150m aheadAccident-prone sectionSlow passingBypassing from both sidesNo entry for two specific vehiclesRight turn is prohibitedNo U turnNo overtakingOvertaking ban is liftedNo left turnNo honkWidth is limitedHeight is limitedSpeed is limitedSpeed limit is liftedYielding when cro

6、ssing each otherGoing straight is prohibitedGoing straight and turing left are prohibitedGoing straight and turning right are prohibitedLeft and right turns are prohibitedWeight is limitedAxle weight is limitedNo long or temporary stopping for vehiclesNo long stopping for vehiclesStop for inspection

7、Stop to yieldReduce speed and yieldNo entry for small busesGo straightTurn leftTurn rightGo straight and turn leftGo straight and turn rightAllowed to turn left and rightGo on the right roadGo on the left roadAll motorized vehiclesThe passing of non-motorized vehiclesThe passing of motorized vehicle

8、sA straight-going laneGoing in different directionsGo around on the right sideBoth going straight and turning rightThe minimum speed limitCrosswalkHonk is requiredThe passing of non-motorized vehiclesMake a U turnAn intersectionAn interchangeA car parkA dead-end roadA passing bayMake a detourLane br

9、anching guide signsLane merging guide signsLine guide signsPassing on both sidesPassing on the left sideDistance to a tourist area    Hikers    The vehicles running in the same directionA carriagewayThe central line of a two-way, double lane roadThe lane divid

10、ing lineProhibit the vehicles from crossing the line for overtaking or rolling on the lineA stop lineA crosswalk alert markingA separating guide lane and a stopping areaLeft-turn waiting areasAscertaining the distance between the vehicles on the expresswayThe motorized vehicles should not run faster

11、 than the speeds specified in the markingsThe central yellow broken and solid linesProhibits vehicles from stopping at the road side for a long timeProhibits vehicles from stopping at the road side for a long time or temporarilyCentral circlesStopping and yieldingSlowing down and yieldingA simplifie

12、d cross-hatched area for no temporary stoppingNo U turnThe solid line prohibits vehicles from crossing to overtake or turning leftThe broken line allows vehicles to cross for overtaking or to turn leftA cross-hatched markingA junction guide lineA stopping and waiting area直行左小转弯行驶靠边停车直行辅助左大转弯左小转弯左转弯待

13、转停止靠边停车右转弯减速慢行前车避让后车  示意违章车辆靠边停车Go straightTurn left sharplyPull overAn auxiliary signal for going straightA signal for turning left gentlyA signal for turning left sharplyA signal for waiting to turn leftA signal for stoppingA signal for pulling overA signal for turning rightA signal for

14、slowing downA signal for the front vehicle to yield to the back car  A signal for a rule-breaking vehicle to pull over 安全操作要领Essentials of Safe Operation驾驶人进入驾驶室前,首先应观察车辆周围情况并确认安全。Before entering the drivers cab, the driver Should observe the outside of the vehicle to make sure it is

15、safe.驾乘人员下车时应先观察侧后情况,再缓开车门。When the driver and passengers get off a vehicle, they should observe the traffic conditions beside and behind the vehicle before slowly opening the door.驾驶机动车时,严禁双手同时离开转向盘。When driving a motorized vehicle, the driver is prohibited from simultaneously taking both hands off

16、 the steering wheel. 踏制动踏板,应当用右脚前掌踩踏。When applying the brake pedal, the driver should use the front sole of the right foot.操纵制动踏板时,踏下或抬起都不得观察踏板。When operating the brake pedal, the driver should does not have to observe when depressing or releasing.换挡时不得低头下视。When changing the gear, the driver should

17、not bow his head and look down.自动挡汽车的“2”挡在缓坡行驶时使用。The gear “2” of a motor vehicle with automatic transmission is used for driving on a gentle slope.自动挡汽车的“P”挡在驻车时使用。The gear “P” of a motor vehicle with automatic transmission is used for Parking.驾驶自动挡汽车起步时,踏下制动踏板,从P挡换入其他挡位。When starting up a motor ve

18、hicle with automatic transmission, the driver depresses the brake pedal and shift from the P gear to another gear. 停放自动挡汽车时,变速器操纵杆应在P挡拔下钥匙。When parking a motor vehicle with automatic transmission, the gear lever should be in the P gear and the key should be pulled off.自动挡汽车起动发动机时,应将变速器操纵杆放在挡位置。When

19、starting the engine of a motor vehicle with automatic transmission, the gear levershould be placed in the P gear position.驾驶环境Driving Environment雨天对安全行车的主要影响是路面湿滑,视线受阻。The main impact of rainy weather on safe driving is the road is wet and slippery and the visibility is poor. 下雨后路面湿滑,车辆行驶中使用制动时,容易发生

20、横滑或侧滑。As the road is wet and slippery after rain, brake application when driving can easily Cause skid and sideways slide.当车辆在湿滑路面上行驶时,路面附着力随着车速的增加急剧减小。When a vehicle runs on a wet and slippery road, the adhesion to the road surface decreases drastically as the speed increases.雾天对安全行车的主要影响是能见度低,视线不清

21、。The main impact of foggy weather on safe driving is the visibility is low and the vision is poor.高速行车时,车辆受到了侧风的影响,转向盘会有突然“被夺”的感觉,驾驶人应握紧转向盘,减速行驶。When running at a high speed, the steering wheel can have a feel of “being deprived” due to the impact of side wind. The driver should firmly hold the stee

22、ring wheel and drives at a lower speed.行人参与道路交通的主要特点是行走随意性大,方向多变。The main feature of pedestrians participating in road traffic is they walk around at will and can easily change directions.夜间道路环境对安全行车的主要影响是能见度低、不利于观察道路交通情况。The main impact of the road conditions at night on safe driving is the visibil

23、ity is low and unfavorable for observing road traffic conditions.夜间驾驶人对物体的观察明显比白天差,视距变短。At night, the drivers observation is markedly poorer than in the daytime and the range of visibility range is shorter. 冰雪道路对安全行车的主要影响是路面溜滑,日光反射强烈,影响视线。The main impact of the road conditions in icy and snowy weath

24、er is the road surface is slippery and the sunshine reflection is strong, which interferes with the drivers view. 冰雪路行车时制动距离延长。When driving in icy and snowy weather, the braking distance becomes longer. 泥泞道路对安全行车的主要影响是车轮极易滑转和侧滑。The main impact of muddy roads on safe driving is the tires can easily s

25、pin and skid. 水毁路面影响行车安全,不易通行的原因是无法观察到暗坑和凸起的路面。The reason that a road destroyed by flood affects safe driving and smooth passage is it is impossible to see the hidden holes and bumps in road surface. 山区道路对安全行车的主要影响是坡长弯急,危险路段多。The main impact of mountain roads on safe driving is the slopes are long,

26、the curves are sharp and there are more dangerous road sections.行车中突遇对方车辆强行超车,占据自己车道,正确的做法是尽可能减速避让。When a vehicle coming in the opposite direction suddenly overtakes and occupies your lane, the correct way to deal with this situation is to reduce speed and avoid as much as possible.夜间行车时,全车灯光突然熄灭,应立

27、即制动,靠边停车。If all lights of a vehicle on the road go off suddenly at night, the driver should brake immediately and stop on the road side.文明驾驶Courteous Driving行车中发现有需要援助的车辆时,应减速停车,给对方以帮助。When discovering a vehicle requiring help while driving, the driver should reduce speed and stop to give help.行车中遇其

28、他驾驶人向自己询问路线时,应耐心回答。When another driver asks directions while driving, the driver should Answer with patience.行车中遇有前方发生交通事故,需要帮助时,应协助保护现场,并立即报警。 When encountering a traffic accident ahead and help is needed while driving, the driver should help to preserve the scene and immediately report to the poli

29、ce.行车中发现其他车辆有安全隐患时,应及时提醒对方。When discovering another vehicle having safety hazard while driving, the driver should remind the other side in a timely manner.行车中发现其他车辆陷入损坏路段而不能行驶时,应尽力帮助。When finding another vehicle stuck in a damaged road and unable to run while driving, the driver should help as much

30、as possible. 行车中遇交通事故受伤者需要抢救时,应及时将伤者送医院抢救或拨打急救电话。When discovering the persons injured in a traffic accident need rescue while driving, the driver should send the injured persons to hospital in a timely manner or make emergency calls. 行车中遇到对向来车占道行驶,应主动给对方让行。When encountering a vehicle in the opposite

31、 direction forcing its way by using his lane, the driver should voluntarily yield to the other side. 行车中发现前方道路拥堵时,应减速停车,依次排队等候。When discovering traffic congestion ahead while driving, the driver should reduce speed, stop and wait in line. 会车中遇到对方来车行进有困难需借道时,应尽量礼让对方先行。When finding a vehicle in the op

32、posite direction having difficulty to go forward and needing to borrow road while crossing each other, the driver should yield to the other side as much as possible.行车中遇到后方车辆要求超车时,应及时向右行驶让行。When discovering a vehicle behind wanting to overtake while driving, the driver should move to the right side

33、and yield in a timely manner. 行车中发现其他车辆陷于泥泞路段,需要帮助时,应主动帮助。When discovering another vehicle stuck in a muddy road and requiring help while driving, the driver should help voluntarily. 谨慎驾驶的三条黄金原则:集中注意力、仔细观察和提前预防。The three golden rules for cautious driving are concentration, careful observation and Ea

34、rly prevention. 驾驶车辆正常行驶时,对道路情况的处理要有预见性,在接近障碍时能平稳停车。When a vehicle runs normally, the driver should be able to foresee road conditions and can steadily stop the vehicle when approaching an obstacle. 驾驶车辆时,要安全行车,文明礼让,友好驾驶。When driving a vehicle, the driver should drive in a safe, courteous and friend

35、ly manner.行车中发现前方的车辆行驶速度比较慢时,应提前变更车道超越。When discovering the vehicle in front running slowly while driving, the driver should Change lane and overtake in advance.安全驾驶行为Safe Driving行车中需要借道绕过前方障碍物,但对向来车已接近障碍物时,应当降低速度或停车,让对向来车优先通行。When a driver needs to borrow a lane to bypass an obstacle in front and a

36、 vehicle in the opposite direction is approaching the obstacle, the driver should reduce speed or stop and yield to the vehicle coming in the opposite direction. 行车中变更车道,应至少提前3秒钟,提醒后方来车注意开启转向灯。When changing lane, the driver Turn on the turn signal at least three seconds in advance to alert the follo

37、wing vehicle. 驾驶车辆在交叉路口前变更车道时,应在虚线区按导向箭头指示驶入要变更的车道。When a vehicle changes lane before an intersection, the driver should do so in the area marked by broken lines as indicated by the guide arrow. 驾驶车辆向左变更车道时,应提前开启左转向灯,在不影响其他车辆正常行驶的前提下,驶入左侧车道。When a vehicle needs to change to the left lane, the driver

38、 should turn on the left-turn signal in advance and enter the left lane provided he does not obstruct the normal running of other vehicles.驾驶车辆汇入主干道车流时,应提前开启转向灯,仔细观察,确认安全后汇入车流。When merging with the traffic flow on the main road, the driver should turn on the turn signal in advance and observe carefu

39、lly and make sure it is same to merge before merging into the traffic flow. 车辆驶近人行横道时,应当先注意观察行人、非机动车动态,再通过。When a vehicle approaches a crosswalk, the driver should observe the movement of pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles before passing.车辆临时靠边停车后准备起步时,应先观察周围交通情况。When starting up a vehicle stopp

40、ing at the roadside, the driver should first observe the conditions around the vehicles. 行驶车道绿色箭头灯亮时,但车辆前方人行横道仍有行人行走,应等行人通过后再起步。When the green arrow for a lane is on and there are still pedestrians in the crosswalk before the vehicle, the driver should start up after the pedestrians have passed. 车辆起

41、步后发现后方超越车辆较多时,应沿行进方向缓行,等待时机驶入车行道。After a driver has started up but discovers there are many vehicles overtaking from behind, the driver should move forward slowly and wait for chance to enter the carriageway. 在一般道路倒车时,若发现有过往车辆通过,应主动停车避让。When reserving on an ordinary road and discovering some vehicle

42、s are passing, the driver should voluntarily stop and yield.在一般道路上因掉头需要倒车时,应选择在不影响正常交通的地段进行。When reversing to make a U turn on an ordinary road, the driver should do so at a place where the normal traffic is not affected.会车前选择的交会位置不理想时,应立即减速,低速会车或停车让行。If an improper place is chosen for crossing anot

43、her vehicle, the driver should immediately reduce speed and cross each other slowly, or stop to yield. 进入左侧道路超车,无法保证与正常行驶前车的横向安全间距时,应放弃超车。If a vehicle enters a left lane for overtaking but is unable to ensure a safe horizontal distance with the normally-running vehicle in front, the driver should gi

44、ve up overtaking. 在没有中心线的道路上超车时,应开启左转向灯,从被超车左侧超越。When overtaking on a road without a central line, the driver should turn on the left-turn signal and overtake from the left side of the vehicle to be overtaken.当被超车无让超空间时,应主动放弃超车。If the vehicle to be overtaken has no space for overtaking, the driver s

45、hould voluntarily give up overtaking. 骑车篇骑自行车遵守右侧通行的原则。The person who rides a bicycle on roads shall follow the principle of keeping to the right side of the road. 骑自行车的人员须年满12周岁。The person who rides a bicycle shall reach the age of 12. 骑自行车不准骑带其他人员。The person who rides a bicycle on roads shall not

46、carry any person on his/her bicycles. 骑自行车须在非机动车道内行驶。The person who rides a bicycle shall ride within non-motor traffic lanes. 自行车不准骑上高架道路。No one shall ride a bicycle onto elevated roads. 骑自行车左转弯须伸手示意。The person who rides a bicycle shall make a hand signal when turning left. 骑自行车时不准双手脱离车把。The person

47、 who rides a bicycle on a road shall not have his or her two hands off the handle-bars of the bicycle. 醉酒的人不准驾驶。No drunken person shall drive. 遵守交通标志及信号。OBEY TRAFFIC SIGNS AND SIGNALS.自行车不得逆向行驶,以避免意外事故发生。Bicyclists cannot ride against the flow of traffic. Ride with traffic to avoid accidents.如果有自行车道

48、的话,骑车人必须行驶于自行车道。If available, Bicyclists must use bicycle lanes.礼让行人。Yield to Pedestrians.不论何时,骑车人应至少有一只手放在龙头的把手或横杆上。Bicyclists must have at least one hand on the steering device or handlebars at all times.骑车人在行驶中不要佩戴耳机。Bicyclists cannot wear more than one earphone attached to radio, tape player or

49、other audio device while riding.不得将自行车连接到另一辆在道路上行驶的车辆上。No attaching of a bicycle to another vehicle being operated on the roadway.夜间须穿着颜色明亮且有反光带的衣服,以确保自己的可见性。It is advisable to ensure visibility at night by wearing light-toned clothing with reflective tape material.骑车人需用手势表示左转或右转,停车或减速。Bicyclists ar

50、e required to use hand signals to turn left and right and to stop or decrease speed.禁止自行车两人以上并肩行驶。No more than two abreast. 行路篇走路请走人行道。Pedestrians are requested to walk on side-walks. 横过马路请走人行横道、人行天桥、人行地道。Pedestrians are requested to cross a road by means of a pedestrian crossing,pedestrian overpass

51、 or underpass. 请不要2人以上在道路上并排行走。Two and more pedestrians are requested not to walk side by side on roads. 须在人行道内行走,没有人行道的靠路边行走。Pedestrians shall walk on sidewalks or keep to the roadside where there is no sidewalk. 横过车行道、须走人行横道。通过有交通信号控制的人行横道,须遵守信号的规定;通过没有交通信号控制的人行横道,须注意车辆,不准追逐、猛跑。没有人行横道的,须直行通过,不准在车辆临近时突然横穿。有人行过街天桥或地道的,须走人行过街天桥或地道。Pedestrians shall walk on a pedestrian crossing when crossing a vehicular roadway,and comply with the signals when crossing a pedestrian crossing controlled by traffic light.Pedestrians shall look


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