



1、Would you like to hear 了不起的盖茨5family          ?- That's why I         over.  - It's about the butler's           Things went from bad to           I

2、 hate that word "         ."Nicky, I heard a           that you were getting married to a girl out West.It's a          - I'm too          .- They have to be old.

3、so they die quickly.Can't we talk about            else?Anything.          You're making me feel           .Daisy.Civilization's going to         .Have you re

4、ad The Rise of the Colored         .by this fellow Goddard?            ought to read it.The idea is.that it's up to us, the            race.to watch out or these other races.will have co

5、ntrol of things.Tom's very              lately. He reads           books with long words in them.It's been         .It's            .We

6、9;ve got to            them down.3. 完整字幕你想听一听家庭秘密么?Would you like to hear family secrets?- 这正是我今晚来拜访的目的  - 是关于仆人的鼻子- That's why I came over.  - It's about the butler'snose.后来事情越弄越糟Things went from bad to wors

7、e.我最恨你用这个“横”字I hate that word "hulking."尼克,我听说你正准备和一个西部的姑娘结婚Nicky, I heard a rumor that you were getting married to a girl out West.完全是谣言It's a libel.- 我太穷了  - 他们一定是到了年纪了- I'm too poor.  - They have to be old.所以很快就会死的.so they die quickly.我们不能

8、聊聊别的事儿么?Can't we talk about something else?什么都行,庄稼什么的Anything. Crops.跟你在一起我觉得我简直不够文明You're making me feel uncivilized.黛西.Daisy.还讲什么文明文明社会已经破产了Civilization's going to pieces.你有没有看过一本书叫做有色帝国的兴起Have you read The Rise of the Colored Empires.作者是一个姓高达德的?大家都应当读一读.by thi

9、s fellow Goddard? Everybody ought to read it.这本书大意是说The idea is.事实上,全要靠我们白种人,优越民族自己提防.that it's up to us, the dominant race.不然的话那些有色人种.to watch out or these other races.就会控制一切.will have control of things.汤姆近来常常研究学问,他读了许多深奥的书,书里尽是难懂的字眼Tom's very profound lately. He reads deep books with long words in them.这已经被证明了It's been proved.都是有科学根据的It's scientific.我们非打倒他们不可We've got to beat them down.4. 重要知识讲解hulkingadj. 笨重的;粗陋的eg: We can't move that hulking great desk on our own.靠我们自己没法搬动那张又大又笨重的


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