2013高三英语牛津译林版课时训练模块51 Unit 1_第1页
2013高三英语牛津译林版课时训练模块51 Unit 1_第2页
2013高三英语牛津译林版课时训练模块51 Unit 1_第3页
2013高三英语牛津译林版课时训练模块51 Unit 1_第4页
2013高三英语牛津译林版课时训练模块51 Unit 1_第5页
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1、.单项填空1You will never_your tomorrows exam if you dont fix your attention on it.Aget on withBget backCget through Dget in解析:考查get短语。句意:如果你不把注意力集中在你的考试上的话,你永远也不会通过明天的考试的。get on with相处,进展;get back回来,恢复,取回;get through接通(电话),完成,通过;get in收割,收获。根据句意选C。答案:C2.(2019年长沙检测)Sandy could do nothing but_to his teach

2、er that he was wrong. Aadmit BadmittedCadmitting Dto admit解析:考查动词不定式的用法。句意:Sandy什么也不能做只能向老师承认他错了。but在此处是介词,意为“除了”,其后应接动词不定式,但but前有实义动词do的时候。不定式符号to应省略,故选A。答案:A3Without enough evidence,the jury couldnt find him_of the crime,so he was set free.Askeptical BashamedCinnocent Dguilty解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:因为没有足够的证

3、据,陪审团就不能认定他有罪,所以他被释放了。skeptical怀疑的;ashamed惭愧的;innocent无辜的;guilty有罪的。答案:D4Whenever he meets difficulties,he always takes a positive_towards them.Amind BattitudeCopinion Dstate解析:考查名词词义。句意:无论何时他遇到困难总会采取积极的态度去面对。mind头脑,思维;opinion意见,主张,后常接of;state状态;attitude态度,看法,后接to/towards;take a.attitude to/towards采

4、取的态度,故选B。答案:B5(2019年福州检测)David apologized for_to inform me of the change in the plan.Ahis being not able Bhim not to be ableChis not being able Dhim to be not able解析:考查动名词用法。句意:David因为没能够通知我计划有变而道歉。for是介词,后应接动名词作宾语,故从A和C中选,动名词的否定形式应将not置于动名词之前,故选C。答案:C6(2019年江苏卷)_an important decision more on emotio

5、n than on reason,you will regret it sooner or later.ABased BBasingCBase DTo base解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:在作出重要决定时,如果你更多地基于情感而不是理性,那么你早晚会后悔的。base.on.“以.为基础”。主语为you,与动词base为逻辑上的主谓关系,因此用­ing 形式,所以答案为B。答案:B7.I knocked but nobody answered the door.They_asleep then and didnt hear you.Ashould have been Bshould b

6、eCmust have been Dmust be解析:考查情态动词表推测。句意:我敲门了,但是没有人来开。他们一定是睡着了,没听见。根据句意可知此处应是表示对过去的肯定的推测,应用must have done的形式,故选C。答案:C8.The camera is_expensive_I cant afford it.Aso;that Bsuch;thatCso;as to Denough;that解析:考查so.that句型。句意:这个照相机太贵了,我买不起。so/such.that如此以至于,引导结果状语从句,so后接形容词或副词,such后接名词,expensive是形容词,应用so修饰

7、,故选A。答案:A9(2019年绍兴检测)I feel it is your husband who_for the spoiled child.Ais to blame Bis going to blameCis to be blamed Dshould blame解析:考查blame的用法。句意:我觉得你的丈夫应该为宠坏孩子而负责。 be to blame应该受到责备,应承担责任,此结构应用主动形式表示被动含义,故选A。答案:A10_the weather,the sports meet will be held on time.AInstead of BIn terms ofCRegar

8、dless of DIn favor of解析:考查介词短语。句意:不管天气如何,运动会都会如期举行。instead of代替;in terms of就而言;regardless of不管,无论;in favor of支持,根据句意选C。答案:C11I think I can fix the car on Wednesday._,youll have to wait till Friday.AIf ever BIf possibleCIf so DIf not解析:考查if的省略句。句意:我想我星期三可能把车修好,如果没修好的话,你就不得不等到星期五了。if ever如果曾经(做过某事)的话;

9、if possible如果可能的话;if so如果这样的话;if not如果不的话。根据句意选D。答案:D12(2019成都检测)Jim entered the competition without much hope,not expecting he would_the first prize!Acome up with Bput up withCcatch up with Dend up with解析:考查动词短语。句意:Jim参加比赛时,没报太大的希望,没想到他最后竟然获得了一等奖。come up with想出;put up with忍受;catch up with跟上,赶上;end

10、up with最终,以结束。根据句意选D。答案:D13The teacher thought his students needed more practice and learning skills_much homework.Aother than Brather thanCmore than Dless than解析:考查短语辨析。句意:老师认为他的学生需要更多的实践和学习技巧而不是太多的作业。other than除了;more than多于,与其说不如说;less than不如;rather than而不是;符合句意,故选B。答案:B14The school should_immedi

11、ately to the parents request that students attend classes in the evening.Aanswer BobeyCfollow Drespond解析:考查动词辨析。句意:学校应该对家长们希望学生晚上上课的要求立即作出回应。answer回答;obey遵守;follow跟随,遵守;respond反应,响应,respond to对作出反应,符合句意,故选D。答案:D15(2019年西安检测)Do you feel like going on a picnic this weekend?_.I was thinking about how t

12、o relax myself.AI cant agree more BWhat a pityCI believe no D. Im afraid not解析:考查情景交际。句意:周末想去野餐吗?我再同意不过了。我一直在想怎么放松呢。根据I was thinking about how to relax myself.可知,说话者同意对方的建议。I cant agree more我再同意不过了。答案:A.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2019年湖北荆州毕业班质检)I was shopping at a department s

13、tore and had just boarded the down escalator(电动扶梯) when I noticed a woman standing at the side.She looked about 65 years old,and her expression told me she was _16_.I turned toward her and asked,“Do you need help?”As the escalator continued moving I heard the woman reply _17_,“I'm afraid.”There

14、was a hint(暗示) of disbelief in her _18_.“Do you want me to come _19_ and get you?”I called to her.She _20_.But by the time I _21_ her,the woman reconsidered,“Sorry,I don't think I can even put my feet on it.”I was suddenly _22_ that I took a more difficult task than I had expected.“I know we can

15、 do it,”I comforted her,“I can _23_ you.”She looked down at the beast.Then her eyes came back to mine,looking _24_.“This has never _25_ me before,”she said,as much to herself as to me.I felt that her sudden _26_ had something to do with the escalator's inhuman mechanical coldness.I took her arm.

16、She made a little sound of _27_ as we stepped on,but she _28_ slightly as the stairs moved us _29_.“I don't understand this at all,” she said.As we neared the bottom,her _30_ was tight on my arm again,but we did fine.“I'm so _31_.” she said.“It was nothing,” I said,“I was happy to do it.”Yes

17、,I was very happy at that moment.I am busy _32_ a family and working full time.I do _33_ to help others.For a brief moment,I had a flash of understanding into why someone would become a nurse or a social worker.When I _34_ the woman,I felt pure,whole and purposeful.It was a _35_ moment than I'd

18、had in weeks.【语篇解读】作者在超市买东西下楼的时候,看见一个老太太惊恐地看着自动扶手电梯不敢下去,于是作者搀扶和鼓励老太太一起下电梯。举手之劳之事让作者觉得很快乐。16A.scared BdelightedCenjoyable Dfrustrated解析:从第二段第一句老太太说的话“I'm afraid”可知站在电梯旁边的老太太脸上带着很惊慌的神色,由此判断选A“害怕的”。答案:A17A.patiently BpleasantlyCcoldly Dsoftly解析:下文说老太太说话的语气里有种不信任的暗示,由此判断本题选D,softly表示“轻柔地”。老太太说话的声音很小

19、。答案:D18A.behavior BexpressionCquestion Dvoice解析:她说话的声音里带着一丝不信任。答案:D19A.in BbackCdown Dout解析:从上文的叙述可知作者此时已经站在扶手电梯上,他要帮助老太太就得返回来。答案:B20A.nodded BrefusedCsmiled Dwaved解析:从下文可知作者返了回来,因此选A,老太太点点头,同意作者过去帮她。答案:A21A.arrived BleftCreached Dgrasped解析:这里用动词reach表示“抵达,到达”,表示当我到她跟前的时候,她又重新考虑了一番。答案:C22A.disappoin

20、ted BconvincedCsure Daware解析:此时,听老太太这样一说,我意识到,要帮老太太下电梯的困难比我先前预料的还要大。这里用aware表示“意识到,明白”。答案:D23A.care about Bhold on toCsend for Dtake control of解析:从语境可知,作者要帮助老太太下电梯,因此选B表示“紧紧抓住”:我可以扶着你,帮你下电梯。A“关心”;C“派人去请”;D“控制”。答案:B24A.optimistic BproudCdoubtful Dangry解析:老太太低头看看扶手电梯这个庞然大物,然后看看我,流露出怀疑和不信任的神情。A“乐观的”,B“

21、骄傲的”,D“气愤的”,都不符合语境。答案:C25A.attended to Bhappened toCcame across Dlet down解析:老太太喃喃自语,“我以前从来没遇到过这样的情况。”这里用sth. happen to sb.表示“某人遇到某事”。答案:B26A.fear BdecisionCattitude Dchange解析:从前面的叙述可知老太太不敢乘电梯,由此判断选A“害怕,恐惧”。答案:A27A.interest BalarmCjoy Dsurprise解析:我们迈上电梯时她惊恐地叫了一声。alarm“惊恐,恐慌”。答案:B28A.frightened Bworri

22、edCreleased Drelaxed解析:注意转折连词but。刚踏上电梯的那一刻,老太太惊恐地叫了一声,可是此时,当电梯继续运行的时候,她不那么害怕了,“放松了”一点儿。答案:D29A.downward BupwardCoutward Dbackward解析:文章开头就提到了这是下楼的电梯(down escalator),因此选A。答案:A30A.push BholdCweight Dshake解析:我们快到底层的时候老太太又“抓”紧了我的胳膊。答案:B31A.grateful BafraidCbrave Dembarrassed解析:从下文作者说的“It was nothing”可知老太

23、太在感谢作者的帮助。答案:A32A.caring for Bseeking forCreaching for Daccounting for解析:这里用caring for表示“照顾,照料”,根据语境可知我有一家人要照料,得全天候地上班。答案:A33A.much Ba lotClittle Da little解析:既然要全天候上班,要养活一家人,因此这里表示平时很少帮助别人。答案:C34A.rescued BcontactedCseized Dhelped解析:此处表示我帮助这个老太太的时候。答案:D35A.purer Bmore difficultChappier Dmore signifi

24、cant解析:我帮助了他人,这一时刻比我几个星期里的任何时候都更让我感到快乐。答案:C.阅读理解(2019年湖北)In today's throw­away society,dealing with the city's growing mountain of waste is an increasing challenge for the city council(市议会)Recently,Edinburgh is faced with the problem of disposing of(处理) about 250,000 million tons of was

25、te a year.Despite different ways to dispose of much of it in a green mannerlargely through encouraging recyclingits aging facilities such as the Powderhall landfill do not have the ability to deal with it.The European Union (EU) has issued a new policy,regulating how such mountains of waste are to b

26、e disposed of.The five councils (Edinburgh,East Lothian,West Lothian,Midlothian and Borders) face fines around 18 million a year from 2019 if they don't increase recycling levels and rely less on landfill.With this in mind,the councils got together with the idea of building a large incinerator p

27、lant(垃圾焚烧厂) to burn half of the waste produced in their districts.But this plan fell apart after the change of target levels by a new UK governemnt waste policy which required that no more than 25% of the city's waste should be disposed of in this way by 2025.After the plan was abandoned,a priva

28、te company which already transported millions of tons of the city's waste by train to a landfill site near Dunbar,offered an alternative solution when it suggested opening a huge waste site near Portobello.Since Powderhall is supposed to close in 2019,it seemed necessary for the members of the E

29、dinburgh Council to accept the suggestion.But soon they turned it downafter 700 local objections reached thembecause it would have meant hundreds of lorries a day making loud noise through heavily populated areas.That still leaves the council with a problem.By 2019,only 50% of 2019 levels of waste w

30、ill be allowed to be sent to landfill.Even if recycling targets are met,there will still be a large amount of rubbish to be burnt up.Due to this,Edinburgh and Midlothian councils have now decided to work together to build an incinerator plant as time to find a solution is fast running out.【语篇解读】面对日益增多的垃圾,人们应该怎么处理?这是摆在市议会面前需要迫切解决的问题。同时这篇文章也告诉我们保护环境的重要性。文章介绍了几个城市是怎样处理垃圾的,以及现在仍旧面临的问题。36The mai


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