1、高 2014 级十月月考英语试卷本试卷分第i卷(选择题)和第n卷(非选择题)两部分,第i卷1页至11页,第n卷12页至 14 页。满分 100 分,考试时间 120 分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷(选择题,共80分)注意事项:1答第i卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。2.165小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,在试题卷上作答无效。第n卷(非选择题)的答案用 钢笔或中性笔直接填写到答题卷上对应的空白处。答在试题卷上的无效。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共
2、5小题,每小题 1.5分,满分 7.5 分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选项,并标在试卷相应的位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the man mean?A. He doesn 't thinkB. He likes the bicycle more than Tom.C. Tom likes the bicycle more than him.2. What are they going to do next?A.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1
3、.5 分,满分 22.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。 听每段对话前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题 5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节语法和词汇知识(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)从 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Honey, let's go out for dinner. . I don ' have to cook.A
4、. Forget it.B. That 'great!C. Why?D. Go ahead!22. My father is quite healthy and , but sometimes he is not very me.A. en ergy; patie nt toB. en ergetic; patie nt toC. en ergy; patie nt withD. en ergetic; patie nt with23. I could n't do my homework with all that no ise .A. going onB. goes on
5、C. went on D. to go on24. Can you repeat your phone number? I it.A. don 'tcatchB. had caughtC. wasn 'tcatchingD. didn 'tcatch25. Ten years ago the population of our village was that of theirs.A. as twice large asB. twice as large asC. twice as much asD. as twice much as26. We regret you
6、that we won' be able to attend the evening party.A. to tellB. to have toldC. telli ngD. havi ng told27. Rather than at home, he prefers out to play football even on a cold day.A. to stay; to goB. stay ing; to goC. stay; to goD. stay ing; going28. Mrs. Brown showed her students some old maps from
7、 the library.A. to borrowB. to be borrowed C. borrowed D. borrowi ng29. Christmas in the western is that every one makes good preparati ons for it.A. so an importa nt festivalB. such an importa nt festivalC. such importa nt a festivalD. so festival an importa nt30. Mr. Wu, our En glish teacher will
8、us in the game this after noon in stead of thediscussi on.A. joi n; joi ningB. take part in; joi ningC. joi n in; tak ing part inD. joi n; tak ing part in第二节完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从第31至第50小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。One morning all the employees reached the office as usual .
9、And on the wall they saw a big on 31 on which was written : Yesterday, the person who has been 32 your growth in this company passed 33. We invite you to join the funeral prepared in the 34.In the beginning , they all got 35 for the death of one of their colleagues . 36 after a while they started ge
10、tting 37 to know who was the man that limited the growth of his colleagues and the compa ny itself.The 38 in the gym was such that security agents(保安)were 39 to control the crowd with in the room. The more people reached the coffin(棺材),the more the exciteme nt _40 up. Every one whispered to each oth
11、er:“ 41 on earth is this guy?”One by one the excited employees got closer to the coffin , and whe n they 42 in side it , they 43 became speechless. They stood n earby the coffin, shocked and in 44, as if some onehad 45- the deepest part of their soul.There was a 46 in side the coffi n: every one who
12、 looked in side it could see themselves.There was also a sig n n ext to the mirror that 47 :"There is only one pers on who is 48 to set limits to your growth : IT IS 49!"Your life does not cha nge whe n your boss cha nges, whe n your friends cha nge, whe n your parents change, when your hu
13、sband or wife changes, when your company changes, when your church changes, when your location changes, when your money changes, when your status cha nges . . .Your life does n' t cha nge whe n every one around youNo)anoi®sife cha ngeswhe n YOU cha nge , whe n you go bey ond your limiti ng
14、beliefs in side . Exam ine yourself, watch yourself. Don ' t be afraid50L ; Don't be afraid of difficulties, impossibilities and losses. Be a winner, build yourself and your reality . It ' s the way you face life itself that makes the differenee!31. A.cardB.postC.sig nD.letter32. A.en co
15、uragi ngB.helpi ngC.buildi ngD.limiti ng33. A.onB.byC.awayD.dow n34. A.officeB.gymC.wayD.meeti ng room35. A.sadB.excitedC.afraidD.calm36. A.andB.butC.orD.so37. A.readyB .pleasedC.curiousD.serious38. A.surpriseB .an gerC.exciteme ntD.sadness39. A.admittedB .forcedC.forbidde nD.ordered40. A.heatedB .w
16、okeC.turnedD.kept41. A.WhereB .WhatC.HowD.Who42. A.walkedB .lookedC.gotD.turned43. A.sudde nlyB .graduallyC.merelyD.extremely44. A.sorrowB .orderC.sile nceD.pers on45. A.stole nB .touchedC.attackedD.see n46. A.letterB .bookC.mirrorD.appeared47. A.wroteB .readC.showedD.able48. A.sureB .eagerC.afraidD
17、.able49. A.YOUB .MEC.HED.ITSELF50. A.puni shme ntB .praisesC.changesD.blame第二部分:阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ADon' t drive your kids to school. Let them ride a bike to school.In England 8.3 million children travel to school every day. It is reported that on
18、ly a small nu mber of pupils cycle to schoo I (un der 2%), although one in three childre n would actually like to.Experts say that to stay healthy, children need at least one hour of moderate (适度的) exercise every day. But only six out of ten boys and four out of ten girls get that. One of the reason
19、s is that parents have developed a habit of driving their children to school when they could just walk or ride a bike to school.Teachers ofte n say that childre n who walk or ride a bike to school are more ready to liste n to their classes, ask and answer questions in class than those driven by car,
20、 and the school journey is a good chance for children to learn about road safety and other life skills. Also, for many children, riding a bike is more fun tha n going to school by car.Most pare nts know the ben efits ( 益处).Then what ' s stopp ing them from lett ing their kids ride a bike? Safety
21、 is the number one worry for them. But actually riding a bike is not asdan gerous as pare nts think it is.When you decide to buy a bike, you should be aware that a bike that is too big or too small is dangerous. Don' try to get a bike that your child will “growinto "Get the right size in go
22、od work ing order. Gen erally, 20-i nch wheels are on bikes for 5-8 year olds; 24-i nch wheels are for 9-11 year olds; 26-i nch wheels are suitable for those over 11, and some older childre n should even take bikes with 28-i nch wheels, but the main thing is that the bike fits your child.51. This pa
23、ssage is mainly writte n for.A. teachers whose stude nts have asked their pare nts to drive them to schoolB. children who have asked their parents to drive them to schoolC. pare nts who drive their childre n to schoolD. pare nts who drive to work52. Which of the follow ing ben efits of cycli ng to s
24、chool is NOT men tio ned in the passage?A. It will help childre n keep healthy.B. It will make childre n more active in class.C. It will make childre n feel freer.D. It will be more fun for childre n.53. Parents don ' t allow their children to ride a bike to school mainly because.A. their childr
25、en don' t want toB. they are worried about their children' s safetyC. they don ' t know what size bike to chooseD. they have n' t eno ugh money to buy a bike54. Gen erally, what size bike is suitable for a 10-year-old child?A. A bike with 20-inch wheels.B. A bike with 28-inch wheels.
26、C. A bike with 26-inch wheels.D. A bike with 24-inch wheels.How do you think of the follow ing example? Many Japa nese n ever take the vacati ons they shouldenjoy, but with the coming of“ Golden Week " , several holidays faftewOigotimer in lateApril and early May, they pour out of the country i
27、n the tens of thousa nds.So whe n traveli ng, whether on bus in ess or for pleasure, the first thing to thi nk about are hotels. The kind of hotel you choose is decided accord ing to how much money you want to spe nd. There are small hotels with very few services, where the prices are low, or there
28、are large hotels with all the very latest comforts, where you could spend all the money you have in the bank for a very comfortable ni ght.There are several different kinds of people who go to hotels. Some want to live, rather than just stay, in a hotel; hotels which are designed to meet their needs
29、 are called residential hotels. However, most people who stay in hotels are either bus in ess people or tourists on holiday.In most hotels, there are two kinds of rooms: sin gle rooms, for the use of one pers on, and double rooms, for the use of two people. In additi on, in large hotels, there are a
30、lso suites ( 套房), which in clude two or more rooms conn ected together perhaps a bedroom and a livi ng room.They are for people who are very rich or very importa nt.55. From the example of many Japa nese, we can lear n thatA. they don ' t enjoy taking vacations because it' s too expensiveB.
31、they enjoy touring in“ Golden Week ” because it consists of several holidaysC. they don ' t have vacatio ns uni ess they go abroadD. they enjoy stay ing at home uni ess they have eno ugh time and money56. A person' s choice ofrticplar hotel is made mainly according to .A. how much he is will
32、i ng to pay for a ni ghtB. whether he is traveli ng on bus in ess or for pleasureC. whether the hotel is in the cen tral part of a cityD. how good the services of the hotel are57. If the preside nt of a certa in country comes, he will most probably .A. live in a new hotelB. stay in a sin gle room of
33、 a hotelC. stay in a double room of a hotelD. stay in a suite of a moder n hotelCGoals can help you do, be and experie nee everyth ing you want in life . In stead of just lett ing life happe n to you, goals allow you to make your life happe nSuccessful and happy people have an idea of how their life
34、 should be and they set lots of goals to help them succeed. By setting goals you are taking control of your life . It ' s like having a map to show you where you want to go . Think of it this way . There are two drivers . One has a destination in mind which is laid out for her on a map . She can
35、 drive straight there without any wasted time or wrong turns . The other driver has no goal or destination or map . She starts off at the same time from the same place as the first driver, but she drives without an aim around, n ever getti ng any where, just using up gas and oil . Which driver do yo
36、u want to be?Winners in life set goals and follow through on them . Winners decide what they want in life and the n get there by making pla ns and sett ing goals . Un successful people just let life happe n by accident. Goals aren ' t difficult to-se<bnd they aren ' t difficult to reach
37、39; s up to you to find o u what your goals and ideals (理想)really are .Research tells us that whe n we write a goal dow n, we are more likely to achieve . Writte n goals can be reviewed regularly, and have more power. Like a contract (合同)with yourself, they are harder to neglect (忽视) or forget . Als
38、o when you write your goals in a particular way, you are able to make yourself be continuously alert (警觉) to situations that will further your goals .58 . The writer gave the example of two drivers to show .A . how stupid the first driver wasB . the importa nee of hav ing a mapC . how stupid the sec
39、 ond driver wasD . the importa nee of sett ing a goal59 . According to the passage, successful people are different from unsuccessful ones in thatA . the successful people set goals for everythi ng and can get help from othersB . the unsuccessful people' s goals are often too big for them to rea
40、lizeC . the successful people set goals in their lives and make pla ns to carry them outD . the un successful people make pla ns for everythi ng but can not work hard60 . According to the passage, the most important thing in realizing one.' s ideal is toA . try to be realistic about one' s a
41、bilityB . let others help him or her to make his or her dream come trueC. let others understand him or her first, then work together with themD. have a clear mi nd of what he or she wants in life61. Which is the best title for the passage?A . Goals help you succeed.B .How to succeed .C. Why we alway
42、s failed .D .A research on setting goals .DAAAGH ! The Gen eration 90s is comi ng!Weari ng earph on es, using complicated Net la nguage and con sta ntly textmessagi ng frien ds,the Gen-90s followi ng the Gen-80s beg in to make their world debut.Each generation or age group has its own symbols and li
43、festyle. Read on and judge for yourselves if you fit the Gen-90s profile.EarphonesThese little devices seem to grow on the heads of the Gen-90s. They might lead to MP3,MP4 or MP101 players, giv ing these young people a plugged-i n, cool and perhaps self- in dulge nt look. Of course, life is not alwa
44、ys music to the ears.Martian LanguageThey have created their own code-like on li ne Ian guage. It 'a mixture of En glish, Japa nese and Chin ese that perhaps only Martia ns can un dersta nd.This is an imagi native gen erati on, though they n eed to be careful to keep it out of their term papers.
45、Self-portraitSaying “heese" to their own digital cameras is routine for this generation. A little bit of narcissism (自恋) never hurts anyone. It helps them reflect a little on their own lives. But be aware of the risks of posting private photos online.Text-messagingThey can type their mobile phones as fast as they can speak. This is a gen erati on thatrespects efficie ncy. Nevertheless, oral com muni cati on is importa nt and will n ever go out of style.62. Who are the inten ded readers of the passage?A. TeensB. EducatorsC. SocialistsD. Pa
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