



1、山东大学外籍及港澳台地区教师岗位申请表Sha ndong Un iversity Faculty PoAppHcati on Form for Foreig n ( in cludi ng Hong Kong, Macaiwamd)-Applica ntsName on ID证件姓名Name in Chinese中文译名Sex性别Upload passport-sized ID photo show ing your full face and ears 上传两寸正 面免冠照片Date of Birth出生日期月日年mm/dd/yyyyNationality/Region国籍/地区Marita

2、l Status婚姻状况Highest Degree 最后学位Place of Birth出生地City 城市State or Province 省 Country 国家ID No.证件号Expiration Date月日年证件有效期mm/dd/yyyyPlace of Issue签发地Target Discipline应聘学科Target Position 应聘职位Expected Duration at SDU 希望在山大任教时间Fromto(mm/dd/yyyy)自到Current Address现住址Apartment number 房间号Street 街道City 城市 State

3、or province 省Country 国家Postal code 邮编Telephone联系电话E-mail Address电子邮件Permanent Address at Home Country 所在国家的永久地址Apartment number 房间号 Street 街道 City 城市 State or province 省 Country 国家 Postal code 邮编Religion (if applicable)宗教Organization Associated with 派遣机构Hobbv爱好Talent特长Mother Tongue 母语Chinese Level 汉

4、语水平Frequently Used Prescription Drugs 常用药物Self Description 自我描述Emergency Contact 紧急联系人Name 姓名Relationship 关系Address 住址Phone电话E-mail电邮Educational Background from High School(most recent first and dates must be included) 教育经历(从高中填起)Institution学校From (dd/mm/yyyy) To (dd/mm/yyyy)日期Degree&Certificate

5、学位jArea of Study专业to招聘单位:山东大学学院Recruitment Institution : Shandong UniversityCollege/SchoolEmployment Experience (most recent first and dates must be included) 工作经历Employer 工作单位From (dd/mm/yyyy) To (dd/mm/yyyy)日期Position职位Where地点toVolunteer Experience (most recent first and dates must be included) 志愿

6、者经历Activity 名称Duration 周期Country 国家Details 详情Training Experience (most recent first and dates must be included) 培训经历Program 名称Duration 周期Institution 机构Certification 证书Details 详情Accompanying Family Member(s) 随行家属123NAME姓名SURNAME 姓GIVEN NAME 名Relati on ship to The Applica n, 与申请人关系Nationality 国籍Passpo

7、rt Number 护照号码Main Research Areas And Details主要研究领域和研究内容:Total Number Of Students Under-Supervis指导学生人数io|MasterDoctor硕士博士Post-doctor博士后Classes Taught in The Past 5 Years 近五年教学情况From (mm/yyyy) To (mm/yyyy)时间Classes课程名称Students Level授课对象Total Hours授课时间Publications, Monographs & Patents 发表论文、 专著、专利

8、Please list n ecessary in formatio n for ide ntificatio n such as title, Journ al/Publisher, date and etc. 请列举必 要标识性信息如名称、期刊/出版商、日期等等ResearchProjects 科研项目Please list the title, funding bodies, total grant and funding period for all projects for which you are either Principal Investigator or the firs

9、t Co-Investigator.请罗列你作为主持人或首席辅助主持人项目的名称、 资助机构、经费总额及资助年限Awards & Academic Honors 获奖及学术荣誉Title名称Type类别Dates时间Country国家Details详情I declare that in formati on supplied in this Applicati on is correct and complete, 我声明所填申请信息是正确和元全的。)I recognize it is my responsibility to provide all necessary documen

10、tary evidenee of my qualifications, education background and employme nt experie nee and hereby authorize SDU to obta in further in formati on where n ecessary.( 我有责任提供证明我 的资历、教育背景和任职经历的所需文件并授权山东大学在需要时获取更多材料。)SDU reserves the right to withdraw any offer to me or cease my placement at any stage during my application where false or misleadi ng in formation has been provided.(右在申请过程中发现提供虚假和错误信息,山东大学有权取消对我的聘请或 停止受理。)Sig nature of Applica nt Date (dd/mm/year)The following part is not for applicant用 人 单 位意 见应参会人数实到会人数冋意票不冋意票弃权票院学术委员会对外籍教师教学能力、学术水平、科研能力等方面的综合评价(是否冋意申请人来校工作):该申请人所填内容属实,并通过电


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