



1、驱动桥概述驱动桥桥壳是汽车上的主要零件之一,非断开式驱动桥的桥壳起着支 承汽车荷重的作用,并将载荷传给车轮.作用在驱动车轮上的牵引力,制 动力、侧向力和垂向力也是经过桥壳传到悬挂及车架或车厢上。因此桥壳既是承载件又是传力件,同时它又是主减速器、差速器及驱动车轮传动装 置(如半轴)的外壳。在汽车行驶过程中,桥壳承受繁重的载荷,设计时必须考虑在动载 荷下桥壳有足够的强度和刚度。为了减小汽车的簧下质量以利于降低动载 荷、提高汽车的行驶平顺性,在保证强度和刚度的前提下应力求减小桥壳 的质量.桥壳还应结构简单、制造方便以利于降低成本。其结构还应保证 主减速器的拆装、调整、维修和保养方便。在选择桥壳的结构

2、型式时,还 应考虑汽车的类型、使用要求、制造条件、材料供应等。桥壳的结构型式桥壳的结构型式大致分为可分 式、整体式。可分式桥壳可分式桥壳的整个桥壳由一个垂直接合面分为左右两部分,每一部 分均由一个铸件壳体和一个压入其外端的半轴套管组成。半轴套管与壳体 用怫钉联接。在装配主减速器及差速器后左右两半桥壳是通过在中央接合 面处的一圈螺栓联成一个整体。具特点是桥壳制造工艺简单、主减速器轴 承支承刚度好。但对主减速器的装配、调整及维修都很不方便,桥壳的强 度和刚度也比较低。过去这种所谓两段可分式桥壳见于轻型汽车,由于上述缺点现已很少采用。整体式桥壳整体式桥壳的特点是将整个桥壳制成一个整体,桥壳犹如一整体

3、的 空心粱,其强度及刚度都比较好。且桥壳与主减速器壳分作两体,主减速 器齿轮及差速器均装在独立的主减速壳里, 构成单独的总成,调整好以后 再由桥壳中部前面装入桥壳内,并与桥壳用螺栓固定在一起。使主减速器 和差速器的拆装、调整、维修、保养等都十分方便。整体式桥壳按其制造工艺的不同又可分为铸造整体式、钢板冲压焊 接式和钢管扩张成形式三种。驱动桥处于动力传动系的末端,其基本功能是增大由传动轴或变速 器传来的转矩,并将动力合理地分配给左、右驱动轮,另外还承受作用于 路面和车架或车身之间的垂直力力和横向力。驱动桥一般由主减速器、差 速器、车轮传动装置和驱动桥壳等组成。驱动桥设计应当满足如下基本要求:(a

4、)所选择的主减速比应能保证汽车具有最佳的动力性和燃料经济性。(b)外形尺寸要小,保证有必要的离地间隙。(c)齿轮及其它传动件工作平稳,噪声小。(d)在各种转速和载荷下具有高的传动效率。(e)在保证足够的强度、刚度条件下,应力求质量小,尤其是簧下质量 应尽量小,以改善汽车平顺性。(f)与悬架导向机构运动协调,对于转向驱动桥,还应与转向机构运动 协调。(g)结构简单,加工工艺性好,制造容易,拆装,调整方便。驱动桥的结构型式按工作特性分,可以归并为两大类,即非断开式 驱动桥和断开式驱动桥。当驱动车轮采用非独立悬架时,应该选用非断开 式驱动桥;当驱动车轮采用独立悬架时,则应该选用断开式驱动桥。因此,

5、前者又称为非独立悬架驱动桥;后者称为独立悬架驱动桥。独立悬架驱动 桥结构叫复杂,但可以大大提高汽车在不平路面上的行驶平顺性。非断开式驱动桥普通非断开式驱动桥,由于结构简单、造价低廉、工作可靠,广泛 用在各种载货汽车、客车和公共汽车上,在多数的越野汽车和部分轿车上 也采用这种结构。他们的具体结构、特别是桥壳结构虽然各不相同,但是 有一个共同特点,即桥壳是一根支承在左右驱动车轮上的刚性空心梁,齿 轮及半轴等传动部件安装在其中。这时整个驱动桥、驱动车轮及部分传动 轴均属于簧下质量,汽车簧下质量较大,这是它的一个缺点。驱动桥的轮廓尺寸主要取决于主减速器的型式。在汽车轮胎尺寸和 驱动桥下的最小离地间隙已

6、经确定的情况下, 也就限定了主减速器从动齿 轮直径的尺寸。在给定速比的条件下,如果单级主减速器不能满足离地问 隙要求,可该用双级结构。在双级主减速器中,通常把两级减速器齿轮放 在一个主减速器壳体内,也可以将第二级减速齿轮作为轮边减速器。 对于 轮边减速器:越野汽车为了提高离地间隙,可以将一对圆柱齿轮构成的轮 边减速器的主动齿轮置于其从动齿轮的垂直上方; 公共汽车为了降低汽车 的质心高度和车厢地板高度,以提高稳定性和乘客上下车的方便, 可将轮 边减速器的主动齿轮置于其从动齿轮的垂直下方;有些双层公共汽车为了 进一步降低车厢地板高度,在采用圆柱齿轮轮边减速器的同时, 将主减速 器及差速器总成也移到

7、一个驱动车轮的旁边。在少数具有高速发动机的大型公共汽车、多桥驱动汽车和超重型载 货汽车上,有时采用蜗轮式主减速器,它不仅具有在质量小、尺寸紧凑的 情况下可以得到大的传动比以及工作平滑无声的优点,而且对汽车的总体布置很方便。断开式驱动桥断开式驱动桥区别于非断开式驱动桥的明显特点在于前者没有一个 连接左右驱动车轮的刚性整体外壳或梁。断开式驱动桥的桥壳是分段的, 并且彼此之间可以做相对运动, 所以这种桥称为断开式的。另外,它又总 是与独立悬挂相匹配,故又称为独立悬挂驱动桥。这种桥的中段,主减速 器及差速器等是悬置在车架横粱或车厢底板上,或与脊梁式车架相联。主 减速器、差速器与传动轴及一部分驱动车轮传

8、动装置的质量均为簧上质 量。两侧的驱动车轮由于采用独立悬挂则可以彼此致立地相对于车架或车 厢作上下摆动,相应地就要求驱动车轮的传动装置及其外壳或套管作相应 摆动。汽车悬挂总成的类型及其弹性元件与减振装置的工作特性是决定汽车行驶平顺性的主要因素,而汽车簧下部分质量的大小,对其平顺性也有 显著的影响。断开式驱动桥的簧下质量较小,又与独立悬挂相配合,致使 驱动车轮与地面的接触情况及对各种地形的适应性比较好,由此可大大地减小汽车在不平路面上行驶时的振动和车厢倾斜,提高汽车的行驶平顺性 和平均行驶速度,减小车轮和车桥上的动载荷及零件的损坏, 提高其可靠 性及使用寿命。但是,由于断开式驱动桥及与其相配的独

9、立悬挂的结构复 杂,故这种结构主要见于对行驶平顺性要求较高的一部分轿车及一些越野 汽车上,且后者多属于轻型以下的越野汽车或多桥驱动的重型越野汽车。多桥驱动的布置为了提高装载量和通过性,有些重型汽车及全部中型以上的越野汽车都是采用多桥驱动,常采用的有 4X4、6X6、8X8等驱动型式。在多 桥驱动的情况下,动力经分动器传给各驱动桥的方式有两种。相应这两种 动力传递方式,多桥驱动汽车各驱动桥的布置型式分为非贯通式与贯通 式。前者为了把动力经分动器传给各驱动桥, 需分别由分动器经各驱动桥 自己专用的传动轴传递动力,这样不仅使传动轴的数量增多,且造成各驱 动桥的零件特别是桥壳、半轴等主要零件不能通用。

10、而对8X 8汽车来说, 这种非贯通式驱动桥就更不适宜,也难于布置了。为了解决上述问题,现代多桥驱动汽车都是采用贯通式驱动桥的布 置型式。在贯通式驱动桥的布置中,各桥的传动轴布置在同一纵向铅垂平面内,并且各驱动桥不是分别用自己的传动轴与分动器直接联接, 而是位于 分动器前面的或后面的各相邻两桥的传动轴, 是串联布置的。汽车前后两 端的驱动桥的动力,是经分动器并贯通中间桥而传递的。 具优点是,不仅 减少了传动轴的数量,而且提高了各驱动桥零件的相互通用性, 并且简化 了结构、减小了体积和质量。这对于汽车的设计(如汽车的变型)、制造和 维修,都带来方便。由于非断开式驱动桥结构简单、造价低廉、 工作可靠

11、,查阅资料,可参照 国内相关货车的设计英文文献:Bridge-driven car shell is one of the main parts, non-drive off-shell bridge played a supporting role in the automotive load and load to the wheels. In the role of the drive wheels on the traction, braking force, lateral and vertical forces also spread to fly through the brid

12、ge and the shell or inside the frame.Therefore, the bridge carrying both pieces of shell-edge thing is, at the sametime it is also the main reducer, and differential wheel drive transmission (such as the axle) of the shell.In the car, the axle housing to bear the heavy load, the design must take int

13、o account the dynamic load under the axle housing have enough strength and stiffness. In order to reduce the spring under the car of lower quality in order to facilitate dynamic load, and improve the car's running smoothly, while ensuring the strength and stiffness on the premise of the bridge s

14、hould seek to reduce the quality of the shell. Shell structure of the bridge should be simple and easy to create the benefit of lower costs. It should also ensure that the structure of the main reducer of disassembly, adjustment, repair and maintenance easy. Bridge in the selection of the shell stru

15、cture, should also be given to the type of car, asked to use, manufacture, supply materials and so on.A bridge of the shell structureBridge of the shell structure can be roughly divided into typeThere are bridge-shellThere are bridge-shell as a whole from the shell of a bridge into the vertical join

16、ts around two parts, each part by the casting of a shell into the outside pressure and a side of the axle casing components. Half shell casing and connected with rivets. In the main reducer, and differential assembly after about two half-bridge through the shell in the joints of the Central Office o

17、f the bolt circle into a whole. It features a simple bridge shell manufacturing process, the main reducer bearing stiffness well. But the main reducer of the assembly, adjustment and maintenance are inconvenient, the bridge shell strength and stiffness will be lower. In the past the so-called two-ax

18、le housing can be found in the car light, as a result of these shortcomings is now rarely used.Whole-axle housinBridge-shell as a whole is characterized by the entire bridge madeof a shell as a whole, the bridge is like a shell of the hollow beam as a whole, its strength and stiffness than good. Bri

19、dge and the shell and the shell will be divided into two main reducer, the main reducer, and differential gears are mounted on the main independent slowdown shell, constitute a separate assembly, later adjusted by the bridge in front of the shell in the central bridge into the shell , And with the a

20、xle housing fixed together with bolts. It enables a reducer, and differential of disassembly, adjustment, repair, maintenance and so on is very convenient.Bridge-shell as a whole according to their different manufacturing process can be divided into a whole-casting, stamping steel plates welded stee

21、l pipe and the expansion into three forms. Bridge drive powertrain in the end, its basic function is to increase the transmission shaft or transmission from the torque and power reasonably allocated to the left and right wheel also bear on the role of road and the frame or body Between vertical and

22、horizontal force strength. Driven by the main bridge in general reducer, and differential, gear wheels and drive axle housing component, and so on.Drive bridge should be designed to meet the basic requirements are as follows:(a) choice of the main reduction ratio should be able to ensure the car has

23、 the best power and fuel economy.(b) smaller size, it is necessary to ensure that the ground clearance.(c) transmission gears and other pieces of work in a smooth, small noise.(d) in a variety of speed and load with a high transmission efficiency.(e) to ensure sufficient strength, rigidity condition

24、s, the quality should be as small, especially the quality of the next spring should be small in order to improve the car ride.(f)-oriented suspension and body movementcoordination, the drive to the bridge, but also with the agency to coordinate movement.(g) simple structure, good process and create

25、easy disassembly, easy adjustment.Drive bridge structure in accordance with characteristics ofthe work, can be grouped into two broad categories, namely non-drive off the bridge and drive off the bridge. When the drive wheel of a non-independent suspension, the non-selection should be off-drive axle

26、; when the drive wheel independent suspension, the choice should be off-drive axle. As a result, the former driver, also known as non-independent suspension bridge; the latter known as the independent suspension bridge driver. Independent suspension bridge structure called complex drive, but will be

27、 much more uneven in the car traveling on the road ride comfort. Non-drive axle disconnectGeneral non-drive off the bridge, because it is simple, low-cost, reliable, widely used in a variety of truck, bus and a bus, in most of the off-road cars and car parts is also using this structure. Details of

28、their structure, in particular, the shell structure of the bridge although different, but there is a common feature of the bridge is a shell around the drive wheel bearing on the rigid hollow beams, such as transmission gears and axle components to install it. At this time the entire drive axle, whe

29、el and drive shaft are part of the quality of the next spring, next spring the quality of the larger car, which is one of its shortcomings.Bridge drive size depends largely on the outline of the main type of reducer. In the tire size and drive under the bridge minimum ground clearance have been iden

30、tified, will be limited to the main driven gear reducer diameter size. In a given ratio of the conditions, if the single-stage main reducer not meet the requirements of ground clearance, with the two-level structure. In the main two-stage reducer, usually two-stage gear reducer in a shell of the mai

31、n reducer, can also slow down in the second grade as a round edge gear reducer. The round side reducer: off-road vehicle in order to improve the ground clearance, can constitute a pair of cylindrical gear wheel of the gear reducer at the top of the vertical driven gear; bus in order to reduce the ve

32、hicle'scenter of mass and a high degree of deck A high degree of order to enhance the stability and convenience of the passengers get off, can be round edge of the gear reducer at the bottom of the vertical driven gear; somedouble-decker bus in order to further reduce the deck height, cylinder g

33、ear used in the round edge Reducer, the main reducer, and differential assembly also moved to a wheel next to the driver.In a small number of high-speed engine with a large bus, Bridge Multi-drive cars and super-heavy-duty truck, sometimes using the main worm-reducer, which not only has the quality

34、in a small, compact size of the case could be a big transmission ratio, as well as the work of Smooth silent advantages, but also to the overall layout of the car easily.Drive-off bridgeOff-drive off the bridge from the non-drive axle of the obvious characteristics is that the former do not have a c

35、onnection about the drive wheels or beam rigid shell as a whole. Drive off-shell bridge is a section, and each other can do relative motion, such as the bridge-off. In addition, it is always with the independent match suspension, it is also known as the independent suspension bridge driver. This bri

36、dge in the middle of the main reducer, and differential, and so is mounting in the frame beams inside or on the floor or backbone frame-linked. The main reducer, and differential part of the drive shaft and the quality of the gear wheels are on the quality of the spring. Both sides of the drive whee

37、l independent suspension as a result can be caused by site as opposed to one another or inside the frame for swinging up and down, and accordingly on the request of the gear wheel drive and its shell casing or swing accordingly.Flying car assembly and its flexibility in the type of device components

38、 and vibration characteristics of the work is to determine a car ride a major factor, and the spring under the car the size of some of the quality of its ride quality is also significant. Off-drive axle of the quality of the spring under the smaller, independent suspension with the match, with the r

39、esult that drive the wheels on the ground and contacts of all kinds of terrain and better adaptability, which can greatly reduce the car in the uneven pavement When traveling on the train vibration and tilt to improve vehicle ride and average speed, and reduce the wheel of Axle Load and move on the

40、part of the damage and improve the reliability and service life. However, due to off-drive axle and independent suspension of the match with the structure of the complex, and they were mainly observed in the structure of the smooth running of the higher part of the car and a number of off-road vehic

41、le, and the latter belongs to light more of the following off-road vehicle Bridge or drive the heavy-duty off-road vehicle. Multi-Bridge-driven layoutIn order to improve the loading and through, and someheavy-duty vehicles and medium-sized all over the off-road vehicle and are based on the multi-bri

42、dge driver, there is often used in 4x 4,6x 6,8 x 8, and other types of drivers. In the multi-bridge drivers, power points as actuators to drive the bridge in two ways. The two corresponding power transfer mode, multi-drive vehicle bridge the drive axle of the type of layout is divided intonon-through-and through. In order to power by the former sub-actuator to the drive axle, respectively,


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