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1、初三英语期中综合测试I听力部分(20分)略II笔试部分(85分)III.选择填空(10分每题1分)从中选出一个最佳答案,标号填入括号内( )1. Jenny, can you come to my home for dinner on Saturday evening ? -_.A. Yes, Id love to. B. Yes, please. C. Thats right. D. Quite well.( )2. -_you, Ted ? Can you come to my birthday party ? - Im sorry, I cant.A. Whatre B. Why are

2、 C. What about D. How are( )3.Lets go dancing tonight. Sorry, I _. I have to go to see the doctor.A. mustnt B. may not C. cant D. neednt( )4. So_ housework makes her mother feel tired.A. much B. many C, little D. few( )5. Jenny is very funny. She is always making us_.A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing

3、 D. laughs( )6.Mum, I dont feel like eating anything now. Oh, dear ! _.A. Bad luck B. It doesnt matter C. Whats wrong D. No problem.( )7.Please_! The neighbours are sleeping.A. sit straight B. keep quiet C. not be noisy D. come quickly( )8. Thanks a lot for_ me_your New Years party.A. invite, for B.

4、 invite, to C. inviting, for D. inviting, to( )9. If I spend a little_minutes_ my English study now, Im sure to pass the exam.A. or more, for B. more, on C. many, on D. many , for( )10.How long does it_ you to get to school from your home ? - About twenty minutes.A. cost B. spend C. take D. payIV .

5、阅读理解(30分每题1分)(A)Mr Smith works in an office. Hes very busy and has no time tohave a good rest. Every evening, when he comes back from hisoffice, hes always tired and wants to go to bed early. Buthis wife often has lots of interesting things to tell himafter supper. She doesnt stop talking until she

6、falls asleep,but then its usually very late. Mr Smith has to get up in themorning when shes sleeping.One day Mr Smith felt terrible and couldnt go to work. Hedecided to go to see a doctor. Mrs Smith went to the hospitalwith him. Before her husband could say what was the matterwith him, Mrs Smith tol

7、d the doctor all about it. The doctorunderstood the situation. He wrote out a prescription(处方) .The doctor said to Mrs Smith,“The bottle of the medicine isfor your husband and the pills are for you.”“For me ?”the woman said in surprise. “Im fine. I dont needany medicine !”“I dont agree, madam,” said

8、 the doctor. “Theyre sleepingpills. Your husband will soon be all right if you take them.”( )11. Mrs Smith often tells his husband a lot of interestingthings_.A. after breakfast B. after lunch C. aftersupper D. before supper( )12. His wife doesnt stop talking until she falls asleep.That means she do

9、esnt stop talking_ she falls asleep.A. when B. after C. before D. assoon as( )13.Why does Mr Smith have to get up when his wife isasleep in the morning ?_.A. Because he cant fall asleep. B. Because hehas to go to work.C.Because he doesnt want to sleep. D. Because his wifedidnt let him get up.( )14.

10、Why couldnt Mr Smith go to work one day ?_.A. Because he didnt want to work. B. Because hiswife didnt let him go.C. Because he felt ill. D. Because hewas too tired to go to work.( )15. The sentence “Your husband will soon be all right ifyou take them.” means Mr Smith will be all right after_.A. Mrs

11、Smith takes the money. B. Mr Smith takesthe pills.C. Mr Smith takes the money. D. Mrs Smith takes thepills.(B)INVITATION TO A GOING AWAY PARTYFriday, March 28ndDear Michael and Lisa,Youre invited to a farewell(告别) party for the “LiuFamilys Visit To Australia”.Departure(离开) date: April 16th.The best

12、part of our big adventure to Australia will bewhen we come face-to-face withcrocodiles, dolphins, kangaroos and other Australianwildlife. We have always wanted to do this.Party given by: Mr and Mrs Liu, Liu Mei and Liu Tang.Date: Saturday, April 10, 2006Time: 7:00 pm. to 12:30 am.Place: Electrical W

13、orkers Building.Reply(答复) by: Tuesday, April 5Phone: 5280090Food and drinks will be provided(提供) at the party.P.S. This party is not to be missed ! We hope to see youthere !( )16.This invitation was sent to_.A. liu Mei B. Liu Tang C. Mr and Mrs Liu D.Michael and Lisa( )17.By what date is it necessar

14、y to reply to the invitation?A. March 22nd B. April 5nd C. May 3rd D.April 6th( )18. When is Liu family going to leave ?A. May 3rd B. May 4th C. April 16th D.April 10nd( )19. The expression(说法) “come face-to-face” probablymeans_.A. see B. learn about C. travel with D.hear of( )20. From the invitatio

15、n we know that_.A.only Mr and Mrs Liu will travel to Australia B. the Liufamily will travel to Canada.C. the Liu family wont return from Australia D. the Liufamily love wild animals very much.( C )TimetableStopBus 1Bus 2Bus 3Bus 4Ferry6:006:307:007:30Old Street6:106:407:107:40Park6:256:557:257:55New

16、 Street6:307:007:308:00Hotel6:357:057:35Playground6:407:107:408:10Hospital7:008:008:30Market7:107:308:108:40( )21. How many stops are there between the Ferry and theMarket ?A. Five B. Six C. Seven D.Eight( )22. How often does the bus get to the Old Street ?A. Every half an hour B. Every twentyminute

17、sC. Every ten minutes D. Every forty minutes( )23.At what time does Bus 4 arrive at the Playground ?A. Seven fifty-five B. Eight oclock C. A quarter pasteight D. Ten past eight( )24.Wang Huas home is near the park. And she works in thehospital. Its quite near the bus stop, only three minuteswalk. Sh

18、e must reach the hospital at eight oclock. Which buswill she take ?A. The first bus B. The second bus C. The third busD. The fourth bus( )25. Every Sunday I take the first bus to the park. There Ican do some sports. After that, I must go to the market. Iwant to do some shopping there. The market is

19、open from seventhirty to eight thirty. At most(至多) how long can I stay in thepark ?A. Half an hour B. An hour C. An hour and ahalf D. No answer(D)Mr Williams was always a very careful driver. One evening hewas driving home from work carefully as usual. He came to acrossing. It had a “slow” sign, so

20、he slow down when he cameto the main road. He looked both ways to see that nothing wascoming, and then he drove across without(没有) stopping at all.At once he heard a police whistle(口哨), so he stopped his carto the side of the road. The policeman walked over to him witha notebook and a pencil in his

21、hand and said, “You didnt stopat that crossing.”“But the sign there doesnt say stop ,” answered MrWilliams. “It just says slow, and I did go slow.”The policeman looked around him ,and a look of surprise cameover his face.Then he put his notebook and pencil away, scratched(挠) hishead and said , “Oh,

22、sorry ! Im in the wrong street.”( )26.When they come to the main road in front, there is a“stop” sign , drivers usually_.A.have to stop B. have to go fast C. neednt stopD. drove on the right side( )27.When drivers on the main road come to the crossings,they_.A. have either to stop or to go slow B. m

23、uststop and then go slowC. dont have either to stop or to go slow D. must goslow but never stop( )28.Mr Williams was _a very careful driver.A. sometimes B. always C. seldom(很少) D.usually( )29. One evening when he came to the main road, he sloweddown because of_.A. the policeman B. the police whistle

24、C. the “slow” sign D. the accident( )30. The policeman was _when he came to know that hewas_.A. polite, wrong B. angry , right C. glad, rightD. surprised, wrong(D)Mr King has several shops and makes a lot of money. His son,Mike, studies in a middle school. The boy likes everythingexcept studying. He

25、 doesnt listen to his teachers in classand he never finishes his homework on time. He can never passthe exams.Mr King is so busy with his business that he has little timeto stay at home, and he doesnt care about his sons study. Sohe doesnt know anything about his sons studies.One day Miss Read, Mike

26、s teacher, makes a phone call to MrKing. On the telephone she tells him all about the boysstudies. She wants Mr King to try to help the boy at home.When Mr King hears this, he doesnt feel happy.In the afternoon when his son comes home from school , Mr Kinggives him a good beating(打). But he feels so

27、rry about it whenhe sees Mike crying in his bedroom. The next morning, beforeMike goes to school, the father says to him,“Study hard my son! Ill buy you a car when you pass the exams next year.”Another term is over. Mike doesnt pass the exams again. MrKing has a look at the school report(成绩单) for a

28、few minutesand then he asks his son,“You didnt pass the exams again.What did you do this term ?”“I learned how to drive a car, Dad.”answers the boy.根据短文内容完成句子。31.Mr King has several shops, so hehas_32.Mike always_in his spare(闲) time.33.Mr King is very busy, so he doesntknow_34.Miss Read wants Mr Ki

29、ng to_35.Mike learned_the nextterm.V. 完型填空(10分 每空1分)I got an answering machine_36_my birthday and I soongot to know what a useful machine this is. I _37_at homemost of the day, so people can leave massage and I can_38_back. Theres no other way for those who call you tosay that they cant find you, so

30、 your machine will makeit_39_for them to get in touch(联系) with you.Sometimes_40_Im at home and have work to do,the_41_never stops ringing. Now I put the machine on. Imnot interrupted(打扰), and I can do_42_work. Therere somepeople I just dont want to _43_to. So I put the machineon and I_44_speak to th

31、em. Its so useful and helpful thatI really dont know how I lived_45_this wonderfulinvention(发明).( )36. A. for B. to C. with D. in( )37. A.am B. am not C. stay D.never( )38. A. call them B. call they C. give it D. give they( )39. A.hard B.hardly C.difficult D.easier( )40. A.what B. where C. when D. w

32、hy( )41. A. bike B. radio C. TV D.phone( )42. A.little B. more C. less D.many( )43 A.work B. write C. send D.talk( )44. A. dont have to B. must C. can D.am not( )45.A.in B. with C. without D. forVI.补全对话(10分每空1分)(A).阅读下面的对话,从旁边的方框中选出合适的语句填空。标号填入横线上。Jack: Im going to Anns home for her birthday partyto

33、morrow._46_Lucy: Its not necessary to take anything.A. Excuse me, sir.B. I hope not.C. What should I take?D. It should be a small and inexpensive thing.E. Or maybe just some flowers.F. Sure. Lets go.G. That sounds like a good idea.Jack: Really ? But I cant go empty-handed.Lucy: If you really want to

34、 take something, _47_like some candy or a birthday card.Jack :Im not sure whether(是否) she would like that.Lucy: _48_I usually take flowers when its hardto choose(选择) a suitable(合适) present.Jack:_49_. I may also buy a small vase(花瓶).Lucy: Thats great !Jack: Will you go to choose some flowers with me

35、?Lucy:_50_.(B). 根据所给的电话记录,在每个空白处填写一个适当的句子,补全对话。Jim: Hello, 5876543.Jill: Hello. _51_.Jim: Oh, sorry. Hes out. Whos that, please ?TELEPHONEMESSAGEFrom: JillTo: MaxDate: October 28Time: 08:45Message:She got two tickets for the concert. She asks you to gowith her.Jill:_52_. Is that Jim speaking ?Jim: Y

36、es. This is Jim. Can I take a message for you ?Jill: Thats great ! I got two tickets for todays concertjust now. _53_Jim: Where ?Jill: At the Town Theatre.Jim:_54_.Jill: At half past seven.Jim: OK. Ill tell him when he comes back.Jill: _55_.Jim: Its my pleasure.VII.翻译句子 (10分 每题1分)56.他开始做这项工作时,感到很有压力

37、。He was quite stressed out, when he_.57.这台自行车你只能借两周。You can only _ two weeks.58.请在第二个路口右拐,然后一直向前走你就会找到。Please_ then go straight and you cant miss it.59.医院离这里有两公里,你应该乘汽车去那儿。The hospital is_,you should_.60.她和她的妈妈都没有太多的朋友。_her mother _many friends.61我将等你到五点钟。_62.你应该躺下好好休息一下。_63请递给我那个叉子好吗?_64我认为家常菜很好吃。_

38、65.从这里去海南岛乘火车需要两天。_VIII.书面表达(10分) 注意:任选其一A.假如你的好朋友李军上周日刚刚举办了生日宴会,你没有被邀请,你应该怎样做?你跟他/她生气、抱怨,还是查找原因,用其它办法来挽救局面?请你用英语发表自己的感想。字数在50-60之间。B.根据下图提示写一篇短文。Betty每天步行去上学。她不乘附近的地铁(subway),而是左拐穿过GreenStreet 。然后经过Garden Road. 但是她不能直接横穿FarmRoad,因为有栏杆(railing)。她必须左拐走过人行桥(footbridge)然后再穿过地铁到达学校。请你仔细研究Betty上学的线路图,然后再

39、用英语加以描述。字数同上。初三英语期中测试参考答案06.10I 单句及对话理解(15分)A. 15 BBCAC B. 1115 DCCBD C. 16-20 BAABCII. 听对话(5分) 21-25 BACACIII.选择填空(10分每题1分) 1-5. ACCAA 6-10 CBDBCIV . 阅读理解(30分每题1分)(A)11-15 CCBCD (B) 1620 DBCAD (C ) 2125 DADCB(D)2630 ACBCD (E) 31. a lot of money 32. plays football33. anything about his sons studies34. try to help th


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