



1、(CNN Student News) - April 27, 2021Download PDF maps related to todays show:TranscriptTHIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED.CARL AZUZ, CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR: One question were asking today: Why would a college want you to keep your head in the clouds?

2、 The answer is plane as day. Im Carl Azuz, and this Wednesday edition of CNN Student News is ready to take flight.First Up: Levee FailsAZUZ: On Monday, the National Weather Service alert said the levee may fail at any time. Yesterday was any time. This is the levee weve been telling you about in Pop

3、lar Bluff, Missouri. We reported on it yesterday, in fact. It failed in at least four spots along the Black River. Levees are barriers that are designed to prevent flooding. With this one failing, officials are ramping up evacuations in the area. They already ordered some evacuations. Around a thous

4、and more people were told to evacuate on Tuesday.Based on the way that the levee failed, authorities think Poplar Bluff wont get hit too badly. They expect most of the flood waters to end up in a more rural area. Of course, all of this is being caused by tremendous amounts of rain that have been fal

5、ling there. A police official in Poplar Bluff said the citys gotten 15 inches of rain in the last four days, and more of it is on the way. The National Weather Service says parts of Missouri could see record flooding. Thats why Governor Jay Nixon has sent out the Missouri National Guard to help with

6、 relief efforts and to reinforce levees.Arkansas StormsAZUZ: From Texas to Tennessee, states across the southern U.S. could face severe thunderstorms, possible tornadoes. But Arkansas, the state thats just to the south of Missouri, has already gotten slammed by severe weather. Storms tore through th

7、e state on Monday. More than a dozen homes destroyed, and at least eight people were killed. The states governor said he was surprised there werent more deaths given the amount of damage caused by the severe weather. He declared a state of emergency, which will free up money and government resources

8、 for the relief efforts. The winds, so powerful that they flipped over cars and ripped up trees, like you see here. The governor said normally, the wind would just snap the trees. But because the ground was so wet, the trees were just pulled right out by the wind.ShoutoutSTAN CASE, CNN STUDENT NEWS:

9、 Todays first Shoutout goes out to Mr. Logsdons students at Clyde Boyd Middle School in Sand Springs, Oklahoma! Who employs most U.S. air traffic controllers? You know what to do! Is it the: A) Airlines, B) Airports, C) Private companies or D) U.S. government? Youve got three seconds - GO! Most of t

10、he nations air traffic controllers are employees of the FAA, the governments Federal Aviation Administration. Thats your answer and thats your Shoutout!Air Traffic CollegeAZUZ: Experts consider the position of air traffic controller to be one of the most stressful jobs in the U.S. When you think abo

11、ut it, it makes sense; there are a lot of lives on the line. The FAA is making some changes to the way that air traffic controllers do their work. Its in response to recent reports about some controllers sleeping on the job. Three of them have been fired for that recently. The end of those careers l

12、ed Martin Savidge to talk to some people who are about to start their careers.(BEGIN VIDEO)MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN NA TIONAL CORRESPONDENT: A plane in trouble.UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mayday, mayday, mayday, Cactus 289 has engine number two flame out.SAVIDGE: Its a 757.GRANT PALADINO, EMBRY-RIDDLE UNIVERSITY

13、STUDENT: Cactus 289, roger. Say your intentions?UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Request immediate landing anywhere we can.SAVIDGE: With close to 200 people on board. OK, so heres the deal. Grant Paladino, right?PALADINO: Yes.SAVIDGE: Grant Paladino is the one whos handling this emergency, and what hes done is re

14、direct the aircraft to, where?PALADINO: Sanford.SAVIDGE: Sanford. And you might be wondering at this point why would I be pestering an air traffic controller in the middle of a crisis? Well, that answers easy: none of this is realWelcome to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach. Dubbed

15、 the Harvard of the Sky, its final exams week. For these would-be air traffic controllers, their grade depends on howwell they handle everything thrown at them.SAVIDGE: Realism is what you are after?SID MCGUIRK, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT, EMBRY-RIDDLE UNIVERSITY: Thats exactly what

16、 were after.SAVIDGE: In the scenarios, in the training, in all that?MCGUIRK: Thats correct. We want our students to be as fully prepared when they get to the field as possible.SAVIDGE: For these soon-to-be graduates, its taken four years working in classrooms and state-of-the-art simulators - not to

17、 mention $120,000 tuition -to get this far. Miranda Blackwelder has learned all aspects of the job, from takeoffs and landings to guiding flights across the country. So, what about the stress?MIRANDA BLACKWELDER, EMBRY-RIDDLE UNIVERSITY SENIOR: Thats the first thing everybody says. And its like, Wel

18、l, yes, but what job isnt stressful?SAVIDGE: Like a number of students, Murray Best started off wanting to be a pilot. Then he got a taste of controlling planes and liked it.Do you ever make mistakes?MURRAY BEST, EMBRY-RIDDLE UNIVERSITY SENIOR: Plenty of times.SAVIDGE: Do you learn from the mistakes

19、?BEST: Definitely, definitely. Because I know that if I made the same mistake in the field, Id lose my job, and Id also be responsible for anybody that happened to get hurt. So, its definitely serious.SAVIDGE: I asked Miranda if all the recent scrutiny on air traffic controllers had her rethinking h

20、er career choice.Do you feel good about the job?BLACKWELDER: I do feel good about the job. I feel very confident. Im very happy about my decision to be going into this field.SAVIDGE: One day likely to be guiding your flight, the class of 2021 feeling good about their future and sounding very much in

21、 control. Martin Savidge, CNN, Daytona Beach, Florida.(END VIDEO)Shoutout Extra CreditTOMEKA JONES, CNN STUDENT NEWS: Time for a Shoutout Extra Credit! Which of these words describes money thats taken out of your paycheck? Is it: A) Commodity, B) Deduction, C) Entitlement or D) Subsidy? Another thre

22、e seconds on the clock - GO! When money comes out of your paycheck, its called a deduction. Thats your answer and thats your Shoutout Extra Credit!Your First PaycheckAZUZ: I remember my very first job was as a grocery store bagger, and I also remember being amazed at the amount of deductions coming

23、out of my first paycheck. Any of you with jobs have probably noticed this. It brings up a lot of questions. One of them: If moneys being taken out of your paycheck, where is it going? What is it being used for? Is there any chance that youll get any of that back? Were gonna answer some of those ques

24、tions today in our last report wrapping up Financial Literacy Month. Earlier this week, I talked with CNNs Ben Tinker about what comes out of your paycheck when you get paid.(BEGIN VIDEO)BEN TINKER, CNNMONEY: Carl, I remember how excited I was to get that first job, but Ialso remember being pretty s

25、urprised when I got that first paycheck. Thats because until you actually see those numbers in black and white on your pay stub, you cant really have a good understanding of just how much cash is being taken out before the money ever reaches your bank account.So, when you look at how much money you

26、make, there are two terms you want to pay really close attention to. Number one is gross income. Thats what you earned before any deductions. This is also what the advertised salary for your job is going to be. But net income, also known as take home pay, is, well, what youre actually taking home af

27、ter all the taxes, deductions and other withholdings. Carl?AZUZ: So Ben, what exactly is being taken out of our paychecks?TINKER: Well, the biggest chunk of your paycheck is going to FICA, which stands for the Federal Insurance Contributions Act. And that goes to fund things like Social Security and

28、 Medicare. But, you wont be needing these things for a really long time, of course. The government, though, needs that constant flow of money from all taxpayers to churn it back out to those who have aged into those programs.You might also be losing out some wages to state income taxes, which go to

29、pay for things like government workers and government projects. Your job might require you to pitch into insurance coverage. And last but not least, though this may be a few years down the line, retirement savings.Carl, the nice thing about it is that you actually get to set aside money on a pre-tax

30、 basis, whichll bolster your savings in the long run. Unfortunately, that paycheck is just so much more than a check. Lots of itemized deductions and money coming out, but still lots left over to go in to your pocket. Carl?(END VIDEO)Teacher Appreciation WeekAZUZ: This video was recorded on a smartphone. Its one way you could record your own message to your favorite teachers. Just say why you appreciate them. Then head to the Spotlight section at CNNStudentNews, and click iReport: Teacher Appreciation Week. And then lookfor our email as a follow-up! You only have a couple days to


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