



1、*SCIENCEVol 318, Issue 5854, Pages 1213-1318, 23 November 20071n consistencies Between Pangean Reconstructions and Basic Climate ControlsClinton M. Rowe, David B. Loope, Robert J. Oglesby, Rob Van der Voo, and Charles E. Broadwater Science 23 November 2007: 1284-1286.Paleowind directions from aeolia

2、n sandstones imply that 180 million years ago, Pangea straddled the equator, rather than drifting northward as inferred from paleomagnetic data.Abstract ? Full Text ? PDF ? Supporting Online Material ?2. Transposase-Derived Transcription Factors Regulate Light Signaling inArabidopsisRongcheng Lin, L

3、ei Ding, Claudio Casola, Daniel R. Ripoll, Cdric Fesc hotte, and Haiyang WangScience 23 November 2007: 1302-1305.Transcription factors that modulate light responses in plants have been co-opted from an ancestral transposon, suggesting that mobile elements are a driving force in evolution.Abstract ?

4、Full Text ? PDF ? Supporting Online Material ?*NATUREVolume 450 Number 7169 pp457-5841. Dissolved orga nic carb on trends result ing from cha nges in atmosphericdepositi on chemistryp537Don ald T. Mon teith, Joh n L. Stoddard, Christopher D. Eva ns, Helee n A. de Wit,Martin Forsius, Tore H? g? sen,

5、Anders Wilander, Brit Lisa Skjelkv?le, Dean S. Jeffries,Jussi Vuore nm aa, Bill Keller, Jiri Kopcek & Josef Veselydoi:10.1038/nature06316First paragraph | Full Text | PDF (786K)| Supplementary informationSee also:Editor's summary北美和北欧冰川地区地表水变棕的原因关于北美和北欧很多偏远冰川化地区地表水随所溶解有机碳浓度增加而变得越来越呈现棕色的报道非常

6、多。人们提出了几个假设来解释这一效应,其中包括最近的气候变化,但这个问题仍然存在争议。现在, 一项新的研究工作,将对来自超过500个偏远湖泊和溪流的时间序列数据所进行的分析与一个简单模型结合了起来,发现所溶解的有机碳浓度实际上是与大气沉降物中硫酸盐和海盐含量的下降密切相关。因此, 溶解的有机碳浓度也许正在向19世纪酸雨第一次岀现之前典型的浓度水平回归。2. Enhan ced biological carb on con sumpti on in a high CO2 ocea n p545U. Riebesell, K. G. Schulz, R. G. J. Bellerby, M. Bo

7、tros, P. Fritsche, M. Meyerh?fer, C.Neill, G. No ndal, A. Oschlies, J. Wohlers & E. Z?llnerdoi:10.1038/nature06267First paragraph | Full Text | PDF (253K)| Supplementary informationSee also:Editor's summary | News and Views by Arrigo海洋浮游植物对二氧化碳的吸收工业化以来由化石燃料所产生的二氧化碳有近一半已被海洋吸收,造成可以测量得岀的酸化和碳酸盐饱

8、和。最近一系列研究报告提岀,如果由人类活动造成的二氧化碳生产不加限制地继续下去,那么未来将会发生 严重的海水酸化。以前的研究工作主要针对酸化对各海洋物种的影响。现在,在挪威的Raune Fjord所进行的一项实验研究中,研究人员利用环境尺度的中型受控生态系统对二氧化碳吸收在一个自然群落生态系 统中的效应进行了估计。结果说明,海洋浮游植物的二氧化碳消耗因该气体浓度增加所产生的空间压力而 明显增加,而营养摄取却没有变化。如果这个结果能够应用于整个海洋,那么这一生物反应效应也许就是 大气二氧化碳浓度的一个重要限制因素。3. Phase-contrastX-ray microtomographylin

9、ks Cretaceous seeds withGn etales and Benn ettitalesp549Else Marie Friis, Peter R. Crane, Kaj Raunsgaard Pedersen, Stefan Bengtson, PhilipC. J. Donoghue, Guido W. Grimm & Marco Stampanonidoi:10.1038/nature06278First paragraph | Full Text | PDF 549K| Supplementary informationSee also:Editor's

10、 summary裸子植物化石研究关于开花植物岀现时间的研究工作因很多保存完好的花粉化石的发现而在过去25年里发生了革命性变化。但裸子植物针叶树化石所受到的关注却不是那么多。Friis等人利用一种最近开发出的同步辐射X-射线断层扫描技术改变了这种状况。它们获得的图像以高分辨率显示了内部结构。一些白垩纪裸子植物的种子 结构说明,买麻藤目Gnetales一个模糊的、在进化上难以确定位置的裸子植物类群,有三个现存的属 和Bennetitales 一种像苏铁的已经绝灭的重要植物类群之间存在着演化联系4. Identification of a mechanism of photoprotective e

11、nergy dissipation inhigher pla nts p575Alexander V. Ruban, Rudi Berera, Cristian Ilioaia, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum, John T. M.Kennis, An drew A. Pascal, Herbert van Amer ongen, Bru no Robert, Peter Hort on & Rie nk van Gron delledoi:10.1038/nature06262First paragraph | Full Text | PDF 383K| Supplem

12、entary informationSee also:Editor's summary植物防止晒伤的机制植物要生长的话就需要阳光,但如果阳光太强烈,它们就会被晒伤。为了保护自己不被晒伤,植物叶绿体中用于利用光线的 天线在阳光太强时会迅速地、可逆地切换到一种光保护关闭状态。然后,其所吸收的 有潜在危害的能量就会以热量形式耗散掉。对于这种能量耗散过程的机制,研究人员在完好的叶绿体膜中 和整片叶子中已经用振动莱曼光谱进行了研究。结果说明,绿色植物主要光利用复合物LHCII在不同环境条件下能在不同构型状态之间进行切换,以调控能量流,从而控制在为进行光合作用而有效利用光能和在 以热量形式耗散光能

13、之间的平衡。*PNASNovember 20, 2007; 104 (47)1. Marcel O. Vlad, Alexandru Dan Corlan, Vlad T. Popa, and John RossOn an ti-portfolio effects in scie nee and tech no logy with applicati on to reacti on kin etics, chemical syn thesis, and molecular biologyPNAS 2007 104: 18398-18403; published online before pr

14、int November 14 2007,10.1073/p nas.0708624104Abstract Full Text PDF2. Luyua n Zha ng, Lijua n Wang, Ya-T ing Kao, Weih ong Qiu, Yi Yang, Oghaghare Okobiah, and Dongping ZhongFrom the Cover: Mapping hydration dynamics around a protein surfacePNAS 2007 104: 18461-18466; published online before print N

15、ovember 14 2007,10.1073/pnas.0707647104Abstract Full Text Figures Only PDF Supporting Information 3. Gene HuntFrom the Cover: The relative importance of directional change, random walks, andstasis in the evoluti on of fossil li neagesPNAS 2007 104: 18404-18408; published online before print November

16、 14 2007,10.1073/pnas.0704088104Abstract Full Text Figures Only PDF Supporting Table 4. Wenbin Li, Qijian So ng, Ron ald H. Brla nsky, and Joh n S. Hartu ngGen etic diversity of citrus bacterial can ker pathoge ns preserved in herbarium specime nsPNAS 2007 104: 18427-18432; published online before p

17、rint November 12 2007,10.1073/pnas.0705590104Abstract Full Text Figures Only PDF Supporting Table 5. SunHwa Hon g, You ng-Wook Cho, Li-Ro ng Yu, Ho ng Yu, Timothy D. Vee nstra, and Kai GeIde ntificatio n of JmjC domai n-c on tai ning UTX and JMJD3 as histo ne H3 lysi ne 27 demethylasesPNAS 2007 104:

18、 18439-18444; published online before print November 14 2007,10.1073/pnas.0707292104Abstract Full Text Figures Only PDF Supporting Figure 6. Laure Yatime, Yves Mechulam, Sylvain Blanquet, and Emmanuelle SchmittStructure of an archaeal heterotrimeric in itiati on factor 2 reveals a n ucleotide stateb

19、etween the GTP and the GDP statesPNAS 2007 104: 18445-18450; published online before print November 13 2007,10.1073/pnas.0706784104Abstract Full Text Figures Only PDF Supporting Figures 7. Yasuko Noda, Barbara S. Berlett, Earl R. Stadtma n, An gel Apo nte, Meghan Morga n, andRong-Fong ShenIden tific

20、ati on of en zymes and regulatory prote ins inEscherichia coli that are oxidizedun der n itroge n, carb on, or phosphate starvati onPNAS 2007 104: 18456-18460; published online before print November 14 2007,10.1073/p nas.0709368104 Abstract Full Text Figures On ly PDF8. Yan Zhang and David C. ChanSt

21、ructural basis for recruitment of mitochondrial fission complexes by Fis1PNAS 2007 104: 18526-18530; published online before print November 12 2007,10.1073/pnas.0706441104 Abstract Full Text Figures Only PDF Supporting Figure 9. J. Barlow, T. A. Gardner, I. S. Araujo, T. C.a vila-Pires, A. B. Bonald

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23、Silva Motta, and C. A. PeresQuan tify ing the biodiversity value of tropical primary, sec on dary, and pla ntati on forestsPNAS 2007 104: 18555-18560; published online before print November 14 2007,10.1073/pnas.0703333104 Abstract Full Text Figures Only PDF SupportingInformation 10. James E. Cloern,

24、 Alan D. Jassby, Janet K. Thompson, and Kathryn A. HiebA cold phase of the East Pacific triggers new phytoplankton blooms in San FranciscoBayPNAS 2007 104: 18561-18565; published online before print November 13 2007,10.1073/pnas.0706151104 Abstract Full Text Figures Only PDF Supporting Information11

25、. Larsson Omberg, Gene H. Golub, and Orly AlterA ten sor higher-order sin gular value decompositi on for in tegrative an alysis of DNAmicroarray data from differe nt studiesPNAS 2007 104: 18371-18376; published online before print November 14 2007,10.1073/pnas.0709146104 Abstract Full Text Figures O

26、nly PDF Supporting Information12. Marcel O. Vlad, Alexandru Dan Corlan, Vlad T. Popa, and John RossOn an ti-portfolio effects in scie nce and tech no logy with applicati on to reacti on kin etics, chemical syn thesis, and molecular biologyPNAS 2007 104: 18398-18403; published online before print Nov

27、ember 14 2007,10.1073/p nas.0708624104 Abstract Full Text PDF13. Pedro L. Nurmberg, KirstenA. Knox, Byung-Wook Yun, Peter C. Morris, Reza Shafiei,An drew Huds on, and Gary J. LoakeThe developme ntal selector AS1 is an evoluti on arily con served regulator of the pla ntimmu ne resp onsePNAS 2007 104:

28、 18795-18800; published online before print November 14 2007,10.1073/pnas.0705586104 Abstract Full Text Figures Only PDF SupportingInformation 14. Eun Ju Soh n, Marcela Rojas-Pierce, So ngqin Pan, Clay Carter, An to nio Serra no-Mislata, Fran cisco Madue? o, En rique Rojo, Marci Surp in, and Natasha

29、 V. RaikhelThe shoot meristem ide ntity geneTFL1 is in volved in flower developme nt andtrafficking to the protein storage vacuolePNAS 2007 104: 18801-18806; published online before print November 14 2007,10.1073/pnas.0708236104 Abstract Full Text Figures Only PDF Supporting Information 15. Hajime T

30、omatsu, Jun pei Taka no, Hideki Takahashi, Akiko Wata nabe-Takahashi, Nakako Shibagaki, and Toru FujiwaraAn Arabidopsis thalia nahigh-affi nity molybdate tran sporter required for efficie ntuptake of molybdate from soilPNAS 2007 104: 18807-18812; published online before print November 14 2007,10.107

31、3/pnas.0706373104 Abstract Full Text Figures Only PDF Supporting Text 16. Hajime Tomatsu, Jun pei Taka no, Hideki Takahashi, Akiko Wata nabe-Takahashi, Nakako Shibagaki, and Toru FujiwaraAn Arabidopsis thalia nahigh-affi nity molybdate tran sporter required for efficie ntuptake of molybdate from soi

32、lPNAS 2007 104: 18807-18812; published online before print November 14 2007,10.1073/pnas.0706373104 Abstract Full Text Figures Only PDF Supporting Text 17. Guosheng Wu and Edgar P. SpaldingSeparate fun cti ons for n uclear and cytoplasmic cryptochrome 1 duri ng photomorphoge nesis of Arabidopsis see

33、dli ngsPNAS 2007 104: 18813-18818; published online before print November 14 2007,10.1073/pnas.0705082104 Abstract Full Text Figures Only PDF Supporting Figure 18. Mark A. Woelfle, Yao Xu, Ximing Qin, and Carl Hirschie JohnsonCircadia n rhythms of superhelical status of DNA in cyan obacteriaPNAS 200

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35、abidopsisPNAS 2007 104: 18825-18829; published online before print November 13 2007,10.1073/pnas.0708506104 Abstract Full Text Figures Only PDF Supporting Figures 20. Yan Zhang and Sheila McCormickA disti net mecha nism regulati ng a polle n-specific gua nine n ucleotide excha nge factorfor the smal

36、l GTPase Rop inArabidopsis thalia naPNAS 2007 104: 18830-18835; published online before print November 13 2007,10.1073/pnas.0705874104 Abstract Full Text Figures Only PDF SupportingInformation 21. Frank Hartung, Stefanie Suer, and Holger PuchtaTwo closely related RecQ helicases have an tago ni stic

37、roles in homologousrecomb in ati on and DNA repair inArabidopsis thalia naPNAS 2007 104: 18836-18841; published online before print November 13 2007,10.1073/pnas.0705998104 Abstract Full Text Figures Only PDF Supporting Information22. Steven H. Spoel, Jessica S. Johnson, and Xinnian DongRegulati on of tradeoffs betwee n pla nt defe nses aga inst pathoge ns with differe ntlifestylesPNAS 2007 104: 18842-18847; published online


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