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1、PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 3 B Lets talk 教学设计一、教学内容:Unit 3 My friends B Lets talk二、教学目标:能力目标:1能够提问和回答别人的姓名: Whats her name? Her name is .2能够听懂Boy or girl ?以及带有or句子。3能吟唱 Lets chant 中的歌谣。知识目标:1.  能够认读本课的单词和句型。2.  能理解chant 等部分的内容。情感目标: (1)通过学习英语,增强自信心。(2)培养学生交朋友的能力,学会和朋友交流。(3)从英语学习中得到乐趣。三、教学重难点:教学重点:Wh

2、ats  her name?  Her name is 教学难点:区分Whats his her name? His Her name is 的用法以及he,she,his,her 的区别。四、教具准备:1Zhang Peng 、Chen Jie、John和Amy等的面具。2.  单词卡片。五、教学过程:(Teaching steps)Step1: Warm-Up1T:Class, are you ready?Ss:Yes.T: Lets begin our class. Good morning,boys and girls. Ss:Good morn

3、ing,teacher.(设计意图:组织教学,集中孩子们的注意力,让孩子们把注意力转到课堂上来.)Step 2: Warm-up2.(1)Look and guess . The teacher does the actions , the students guess.(listen to music,do sports,paint,make friends,play computer game)(设计意图:通过看看猜猜,激发孩子们学习英语的兴趣的同时,也培养了孩子们仔细观察和用英语思考的能力,不仅复习了上节课的内容,同时也为本课内容的学习打下牢固的基础.)(2)Look and say.(

4、头脑风暴) 教师播放形容人的一些形容词,如:(big small  tall- short  old- new  thin-strong等)ppt。学生看快速认读单词。(设计意图:老师用这种方式既复习了又活跃了课堂气氛,无意中给孩子们创造了学习英语的氛围.)Step 3: Review and lead in(1)The teacher shows the pictures of Chen Jie ,Sarah,Zhang Peng and John one byone. Ask some questions about them. Such as Wh

5、o is he/ she? Ss: He/She is He / She likes.  When the children are right. Teacher says right,right, you are right.同时板书:You are right.(设计意图: 通过提问复习,学生熟练地掌握了本节课的句型: Who is he/ she? Ss: He/She is  He / She likes. 通过用right,right, you are right.来评价学生,即引出了新的知识点为学习新课文做了铺垫) (2)Say the op

6、posite: you and me ,we are good friend, you are my friends. 板书:My friends(设计意图:通过复习反义词,引出今天的课题.)Step 4:New lesson My friends )1Or教师走进学生中,指一名学生问T: Whats his name ? Ss: His name is 、 .教师接着问:Is he strong or thin? 2.prcticeThe teacher holds up some books or points to something, say: Chinese book orEngli

7、sh book? Red or yellow?Ss answer it.(设计意图:猜的活动,学生兴趣盎然的同时听懂和理解”or”的意思。)2.Whats her name? Her name is .Present.T points to a girl, say: Boy or girl? Ss answer it .Then T say: Whats her name? Help the Ss to answer : Her name is .Then the teacher points to some girls , help individual students to answer

8、: Her name is .Write “Whats her name? Her name is .”on the Bb ,read them several times.教师依次拿起这个同学的书,笔说“her book/pen”Pay attention to “her”.3、Lets talk(1)出示Chen Jie的图片,T: Whats her name ? (Ss: Her name is Chen Jie.) Chen Jie has a friend. Do you want to know?  Listen to me and answer myquestions

9、.Who is Chen Jies friend? Who is Johns friend?(设计意图:在学生学习课文之前,教师提出问题,让学生有目的地去听.)(2)学生根据所听到的内容回答问题。(3)Open the book to page 32,write “B. Lets talk”(4) The children  listen  and follow me.(5)全班齐读Lets talk部分内容(6)分角色表演对话(7)Read in pairs.(设计意图:分组活动,培养学生的合作意识。)Step 5 consolidation and extension(

10、1) learn a chant.1. The children listen to the teacher twice.2.The children chant together.(2)Play the guessing game.模仿一些卡通人物或大众明星的动作或语言,如:喜洋洋、灰太狼、姚明、孙俪等 ,让学生猜一猜他(她)叫什么名字。T:Whats his her name ? (Ss: His Her name is.) T: HeShe  likes.  (s: HeShe  likes  sports) ,in the same way ,p

11、ractice the others.(设计意图:通过孩子们喜欢的卡通人物或大众明星,来练习巩固本节课的重点句型,孩子们会非常感兴趣.热情很高涨.)(3).Task work.a、Now, class, do you want to help others? (Ss:yes). Tow children are missing. Their parents are very worried. Lets help them ,find their children ,OK? (Ss:OK).Now , Lets look.b、ReportWhich one is the mothers chil

12、d?  Which one is the fathers child?    (设计意图:新课程标准指出,要培养孩子的综合语言运用能力,要学有所用,我设计这个活动的目的就是让孩子用学过的知识来解决实际问题.同时培养孩子们乐于助人的高尚品德.)Step 6 AsessmentBoys and girls ,today you did a good job. Thank you !  Please  remeber: we should love our friends for ever .Now, Class is over

13、.goodbye students! 板书设计:                         My   friends                                Whats her name ?                 Her name is 


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