1、考研英语写作的文章一般包括一个开头段、若干扩展段和一个结尾段。开头段和结尾段一般比扩展段短。各种段落的作用、特点和写作方法如下所示。一、开头段开头段一定要语言精练,并且直接切入主题。开头段一般不对主题进行深入的探讨,具体的论证或叙述应该在扩展段进行。开头段的常用核心句型:1.The arguer may be right about, but he seems to neglect (failto mention (takes into accountthe fact that.2.As opposed to (Contrary towidely (commonly / generallyhe
2、ld (acceptedbelief (ideas / views,I believe (arguethat3.Although many people believe that, I doubt (wonderwhether the argument bears much analysis (close examination.4.The advantages of B outweigh any benefit we gained from (carry more weight than those of / are much greater thanA.5.Although it is c
3、ommonly (widely / generallyheld (felt / accepted / agreedthat, it is unlikely to be true that.6.There is an element of truth in this argument (statement, but it ignores a deeper and more basic (important / essentialfact (reasonthat.7.It is true that (True, / To be sure, / Admittedly, but this is not
4、 to say (it is unlikely / it doesnt follow / it doesnt mean / it wont be the casethat.8.The main (obvious / greatproblem (flaw / drawbackwith (inthis argument (view / remark is that it is ignorant of (blind tothe basic (barefact that.9.It would be possible (natural / reasonableto think (believe / ta
5、ke the viewthat, but it would be absurd (wrongto claim (arguethat.10.In all the discussion and debate over, one important (basicfact is generally overlooked (neglected.11.There is absolutely (in factno (everyreason for us to believe (accept / resist / rejectthat.12.Logical (V alid / Soundas this arg
6、ument and I wholeheartedly agree with it, it appears insignificant (absurdwhenis taken into consideration(account.13.To assume (suggestthatis far from being proved (to miss the point.14.A close (carefulinspection (examination / scrutinyof this argument would reveal how flimsy (groundless /fallacious
7、it is.15.On the surface (At first thought, it (thismay seem a sound (an attractivesuggestion (solution / idea, but careful weighing on the mind (on closer analysis / on second thought, we find that16.Too much emphasis placed on (attention paid to / importance attached tomay obscure (overlook / negle
8、ctother facts.17.The danger (problem / fact / truth / pointis that.18.What the arguer fails to understand (consider / mentionis that.19.However just (logical / sound / validthis argument may be, it only skims the surface of the problem.20.Among the most convincing (importantreasons given (cited / of
9、fered / identifiedby people for, one should be stressed (emphasized / mentioned.21.As far as I am concerned, however, I believe that.22.I believe that the title statement is valid because (of.23.I agree with the above statement because I believe that.24.Although I appreciate that, I cannot agree wit
10、h the title statement.25.There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of. Those who object toargue that. But people who favor, on the other hand, argue that.26.Currently (In recent years / In the past few years / For many years now, there is (has beena(ngeneral (widespread / growing / widel
11、y heldfeeling towards (concern over / attitude towards / trend towards / awareness of / realization of / illusion of / belief in.27.Now it is commonly (widely / generally / increasinglybelieved (thought / held / accepted/ felt / recognized / acknowledgedthat. But I wonder (doubtwhether.28.These days
12、 we are often told that (often hear about, but is this really the case?二、中间段中间段是文章的正文,其作用是从不同的层面对文章主题进行具体和详实的解释和论证。1、中间段的一般特征篇幅一般比开头段和结尾段长。每段有相应的主题句。包含定义、解释、描写,说明主题思想的扩展句可以采用实例、数据或个人经历等写作手段。不同种类的段落采用不同的扩展手段。2.中间段的常用核心句型:1.Although the popular belief is that, a current (new / recentstudy (survey / po
13、ll / investigation indicates (shows / demonstratesthat.2.Common sense tells us that.3.The increase (change / failure / successinmainly (largely / partlyresults from (arises from / is because of.4.The increase (change / failure / successinis due to (owing to / attributable tothe fact that.5.Many peop
14、le would claim that.6.One may attribute (ascribe / owethe increase (decrease / change to, butis not by itself an adequate explanation.7.One of the reasons given foris that.8.What is also worth noticing is that.9.There are many (different / several /a number of / a variety ofcauses (reasonsfor this d
15、ramatic (marked / significantgrowth (change / decline / increasein. First,. Second,. Finally,.10.There is no evidence to suggest that.11.Why are (is / do / did? For one thing,. For another,.12.Another reason why I dispute the above statement is that.13.It gives rise to (lead to / bring /createa host
16、 of problems (consequences.14.There are numerous reasons why, and I shall here explore only a few of the most important ones.15.It will exert (have / produceprofound (far-reaching / remarkable / considerable / beneficial / favorable / undesirable / disastrouseffect (influenceon.16.A multitude of fac
17、tors could account for (contribute to / lead to / result in / influencethe change (increase / decrease / success / failure / developmentin.17.In 2000, it increased (rose / jumped / shot upfrom 5 to 10 percent of the total (to 15 percent / by 15 percent.18.By comparison with 2002, it decreased (dropp
18、ed / fellfrom 10 to 5 percent (to 15 percent / by 15 percent.19.It accounts for 15 percent of the total.20.There were 100 traffic accidents in April, an increase of 5 percent in a five-month period.21.By 2002, only (less than / more than / almost / about / over/ as many asthree quarters (40 percent
19、of / one out of five / one in fourcollege population (graduates / housewivesas against (as compared withlast year (2002preferred to (liked. 22.With the development (improvement / rise / growth / general recognition / acknowledgement / realizationof, vast changes awaits this countrys society.23.Now p
20、eople in growing (ever-increasing / significantnumbers are beginning (coming / gettingto believe (realize / recognize / understand / accept / see / be awarethat.24.According to a(nrecent (new / officialstudy (survey / report / poll,.25.History (Our societyis filled (aboundswith the examples of.26.Th
21、e story (case / instance / situationis not rare (isolated / unique, it is one of many examples (typical of dozens.27.A (onerecent (new / general / nationwidestudy (survey / poll / investigationconducted (taken at a university by (officials / scientists / expertsindicates (reveals / suggests / shows
22、/ proves / demonstrates that.28.According to (As can be seen in / As is shown inthe figures (statistics / findings / data / graph / table released (providedby the government (an institute, it can be learned (seen / predictedthat.29.There is (nogood (every / little / sufficient / considerable / stron
23、gevidence (proofto30.Personal experience (Examples I heard / read ofleads me to conclude that.31.We must admit the undeniable fact that.32.No one can deny (ignore / doubt / overlook / obscure / brush asidethe fact that.33.Experience (Evidencesuggests (showsthat.34.Take for examplewho (that.35.The sa
24、me is true of.36.As the saying goes,“.”三、结尾段结尾段的核心句型:1.From what has been discussed above (Taking into account all these factors / Judging from all evidence offered, we may safely draw (reach / come to / arrive atthe conclusion that.2.All the evidence (analysissupports (justifies / confirms / warran
25、ts / points toa(nunshakable (unmistakable / sound / justconclusion that.3.It is high time that we place (lay / putgreat (special / considerableemphasis on the improvement (development / increase / promotionof.4.It is high time that we put an end to the deep-seated (unhealthy / undesirable / deplorab
26、lesituation (tendency / phenomenonof.5.We must look (search / call / cryfor an immediate action (method / measure, because the present (currentsituation (phenomenon / tendency / state / attitudeof, if permitted (allowedto continue (proceed, will surely (certainlylead to (result inthe end (destructio
27、n / heavy costof.6.There is no easy (immediate / effectivesolution (approach / answer / remedyto the problem of, butmight be useful (helpful / beneficial.7.No easy method (solution / recipe / remedycan be at hand (found / guaranteedto solve (resolve / tacklethe problem of, but the common (general /
28、publicrecognition of (realization of / awareness of / commitment tothe necessity (importance / significanceofmight be the first step towards change (on the right way / in the right direction.8.Following these methods (suggestionsmay not guarantee the success in (solution to, but the pay-off will be
29、worth the effort.9.Obviously (Clearly / No doubt, if we ignore (are blind tothe problem, there is every chance that.10.Unless there is a common realization of (general commitment to, it is very likely (the chances are goodthat.11.There is little doubt (no denyingthat serious (special / adequate / im
30、mediate / furtherattention mustbe called (paid / devotedto the problem of.12.It is necessary (essential / fundamentalthat effective (quick / properaction (steps /measures / remediesshould be taken to prevent (correct /check / end / fightthe situation (tendency / phenomenon.13.It is hoped (suggested
31、/ recommendedthat great (continuous / persistent / sustained / corporateefforts should be made to control (check/ halt / promotethe growth (increase / riseof.14.It is hoped that great efforts should be directed to (expended on / focused onfinding (developing / improving.15.It remains to be seen whet
32、her, but the prospect (outlookis not quite encouraging (that rosy.16.Anyhow, wider (moreeducation (publicityshould be given to the possible (potential / grave /serious / perniciousconsequences (effectsof.17.To reverse (check / controlthe trend (tendencyis not a light task (an easy job, and it requir
33、es (demands / involves / entails a different state of mind towards (attitude towards / outlook on.18.For these reasons, I strongly recommend that.19.For the reasons given above, I feel that.四、段落扩展中的常用词语1、总结关系过渡词语generally speaking, generally, as a general rule, in general, on a larger scale, to take
34、 the idea further, to take the above opinion to an extreme, in a sense, in one sense, in a way, to some extent, in my opinion, in my view, as for me, as far as I am concerned, obviously, undoubtedly, in terms of, in conclusion, in short, in brief, in summary, in a word, on the whole, to sum up, to conclude2、比较对比关
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