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1、阅读理解中的语境线索Tongue Twister The captains cook was a crook because he took the clock locked in the captains kitchen cupboard. kruk Garlic大蒜 makes a man wink,眨眼 drink and stink. Disease: ill , pill, bill and sometimes will .Sentence “All that you do, do with your might ; things done by halves are never r

2、ight .Do nothing by halves ./ Never do things by halves .Put your shoulder to the wheel .Whatever you do , do with all your might 能力类别1999 2000 200120011.推理判断45442.分析综合33533.猜测词义44244.作者意图、态度4415.归纳中心、主题11246.理解事实43457. 逻辑排列1猜测词义生词1.生词2.熟词生用3.一词多义语境线索context clues阅读中的生词问题阅读中的生词问题善用语境线索,猜测生词意思1The pe

3、ople who survived the earthquake cried bitterly over the bodies of their relatives 2The pupils assembled in front of the school hallThey came together to listen to the headmaster announce the result of the sports meeting 2.同义词线索同义词线索3.反义词线索反义词线索4.例证性线索5.修饰语线索1.解释性线索语境线索6.标点符号线索善用语境线索,猜测生词意思Pantomime

4、 refers to a short play in which no words are spoken.1.解释性线索解释性线索 (to be defined as ,to be called, that is to be, to mean, to refer to , in another word, in other words ,that is , that is to say, namely) 哑剧 They are vertebrates, that is , animals that have backbones.1).Anthropology is the scientific

5、 study of man. 2).The powerful poison was imperceptible when mixed in liquid; that is , it could not be tasted, seen, or smelled. 3).Desert can be defined as a large area of land where there is not enough rain and vegetation to support human life. 4).From the eighth to the eighteenth century,people

6、wrote with quillsA quill is a bird featherMost quills were strong goose or swan feathers 善用语境线索,猜测生词意思2.同义词线索 (or ,like, similarly,also )Doctors believe that smoking is detrimental to your health. They also regard drinking as harmful.健谈的有害的有害的Mr Smith loves to talk, and his wife is similarly loquaci

7、ous.1.Like her younger sister who is gregarious, Alice also likes to make friends.2.At the beginning they did not have enough capital to start a business, nor were they able to borrow the amount of money they needed from the bank. 3.In some countries where there is very little rain, the farmers have

8、 to irrigate, or water, their fields. 善用语境线索,猜测生词意思Some people like to walk quickly home, but I prefer to stroll home and look at the store windows along the way3.反义词线索(yet, but ,unlike, however, although, while ,notbut, instead ofon the other hand, on the contrary, in contrast, rather than, neverth

9、eless.)1.Unlike the United States, where many different nationalities make up the population, Japans population is quite homogeneous.2.Written language tends to be static, while spoken language constantly changes. Mr.Wang is a gentleman who is always punctual for all his classes, but he arrived over

10、 10 minutes late yesterday morning .(punctual 与与 over 10 minutes late 形成鲜明形成鲜明的对比。的对比。“守时的守时的”)善用语境线索,猜测生词意思Many United Nations employees are polyglots; Mr Simoson, for example ,speaks five languages fluently.4.例证性线索 (for example, for instance, such as, like etc.)I like to read periodicals, such as

11、Time Magazine , Newsweek, Readers Digest,etc.1.Most of us learn very young in life to control basic drives such as thirst and hunger.2.Cars must have certain safety devices such as seat belt, headlights, and good brakes. 善用语境线索,猜测生词意思Dachshunds ,a type of dog, have long bodies and short legs.5.修饰性线索

12、修饰性线索(词,短语,从句)词,短语,从句) 1).He began to shave his whiskers, which had grown thick on both cheeks. 2)The current,flow of electricity,makesthe glower(灯丝)(灯丝)hot and thus light is sent out3). He takes a special interest in botany which concerns the study of plants.胡须电流植物学植物学善用语境线索,猜测生词意思6,标点符号线索:括号、破折号在句

13、中常引出注括号、破折号在句中常引出注释性词语,通过这些解释和注释,我们可以推释性词语,通过这些解释和注释,我们可以推断出词的含义。断出词的含义。1). One of the major features of English vocabulary is polysemymany meanings. 2).The major fault in your composition is redundancy, using more words than necessary to express your idea. 一词多义的不简练的4).In the ancient city of Rome,we

14、 visited every mansion, battle site, theatre and other public halls.There are two types of fat, external fat (fat under skin) and internal fat (fat inside the body wall) .建筑物或场所建筑物或场所Gates hasnt slowed down. He is still a workaholic ,putting in long hours at the office.(一)利用比喻关系(一)利用比喻关系 The hot-air

15、 balloon took off. It was as buoyant in the air as a rose leaf in water.(二)利用因果关系(二)利用因果关系 All his attempts to unlock the door was futile; because she was using the wrong key. (asas 同级比较同级比较,buoyant 为为adj. 把热气球升在把热气球升在空中比作玫瑰花瓣在水中空中比作玫瑰花瓣在水中“漂浮的漂浮的”) ( (分号前为分号前为“果果”,后为,后为“因因”。因为用错了钥匙,。因为用错了钥匙,所以所以“开门

16、开门”的一切尝试都失败了。的一切尝试都失败了。“无效的,徒劳无效的,徒劳的的”)表示因果的连词表示因果的连词-because, since, as , so that .suchthatThe lack of movement caused the muscles to weaken. Sometimes the weakness was permanent . So the player could never play the part again.Tom didnt notice me when I came into the classroom, because he was comp

17、letely engrossed in his reading. New York, 10 November 5:27pm, yesterday. Biggest power failure in the citys history. All of our ice cream and frozen foods melted, (NMET 2000 A)(三)利用生活常识三)利用生活常识 In old days, when girls from rich families were married, they expected to bring with themselves a large q

18、uantity of dowry.( ( 根据常识,在旧社会,有钱人家的姑娘出嫁当根据常识,在旧社会,有钱人家的姑娘出嫁当然要带很多然要带很多“嫁妆嫁妆”)People who refuse to comply with the law will be punished.-To select the definition of italicized word or phrase1. Dont listen to his nonsense. A. foolish talk; meaningless words B.beautiful words C. clever talk; meaningfu

19、l words 2. He misunderstood me. A.understood wrongly B.understood rightly C.dont understand (四)利用构词法知识四)利用构词法知识3. He lived a hard life in pre-liberation days. A. before liberation B.after liberation C. since liberation 4. He goes to work by subway. A. underground railway B. railway above the ground

20、C. railway between two hills 5. The first thing Jim did when he got off the train was to look for a porter. A.one who sells tickets B. taxi C. one who carries luggage(行李) “Even when a man is said to be a best friend,”Rubin writes ,“the two share little about their (innermost) feelings”(NMET 2001)Onl

21、y a few years ago, it was impossible to find green products in supermarkets, but now there are hundreds. Some supermarket products carry labels to show that the product is green. Some companies have made the manufacturing of clean and safe products their selling point and emphasize it in their adver

22、tising. (代词指代代词指代)A. a selling point B. the company name C. a great demand for health foodsD. the manufacturing of green productsExercise 1-To fill a word in each blank according to the contexts. 1. I removed the _ from the shelf(书架书架)and began to read. book / magazine / novel / newspaper 2. Bob is

23、a thief; he would _ the gold from his grandmothers teeth and feel guilty. steal / take 3. Unlike his brother, who is truly a handsome person, Jack is quite _. plain / ugly / homely 4. But surely everyone knows that if you step on an egg, it will _. breakExercise 2-To tick off the correct choice from

24、 A,B,and C.1. Charles asked the bank for a small loanloan so that he could repair his house. A.sum of money B.load C. tool 2. One who is destitutedestitute has a great need for food and clothing. A.very tall B.very poor C.very rich 3. The flowers in the vase withered because they had no water. A.bec

25、ame sweeter B.became red C.became dry4. Just for fun, they decided to try a very circuitous country road instead of the more direct highway. A.direct B.indirect C.straight5. That museum is so immense that it will be impossible to see all the exhibits in one day. A.small B.large C.dull Thousands of p

26、eople got stuck in lifts. Martin Saltzman spent three hours between the 21st and 22nd floors of the Empire State Building. There were twelve of us. But no one panicked. (NMET 2000 )A)51Throughout the period of darkness, Martin Saltzman and the eleven others were _.A. nervous Bexcited Ccalm Dfrighten

27、edWe had lots candles on the tables and the waiters were carrying candles on their trays. (NMET 2000 A)The Great Fire of London started in the very early hours of 2 September 1666. In four days it destroyed more than three-quarters of the old city, where most of the houses were wooden and close toge

28、ther. One hundred thousand people became homeless,but only a few lost their lives.The fire started on Sunday morning in the house of the Kings baker(面包师)in Pudding Lane. The baker, with his wife and family,was able to get out through a window in the roof. A strong wind blew the fire from the bakery(

29、面包房)into a small hotel next door. Then it spread quickly into Thames Street. That was the beginning.71.The underlined word family in the second paragraph means. A.home B.children C.wife and husband D.wife and childrenAfter their stay, all visitors receive a survival certificate recording their succe

30、ss. With no windows, nowhere to hang clothes and temperatures below 0, it may seem more like a survival test than a relaxing( 轻松的) hotel break. “Its great fun,” Bergqvist explains, “as well as a good start in survival training.”(NMET 2001 B) 62. When guests leave the igloo hotel they will receive a

31、paper stating that _A. they have visited Lapland B. they have had an ice-snow holidayC. they have had great fun sleeping onD. they have had a taste of adventure 条分缕析,理解长句1.分清主次。2.找出句子的主、谓部分。3.再找出修饰它的从句或短语等 。4.分别列出信息点。 Parents whose children show a special interest in a particular sport have a diffic

32、ult decision to make about their childrens career. Nurses who worked on the night shift at least three times a month for 15 years or more were 35% more likely to develop that type of cancer than nurses who never worked at night , Harvard University researchers report in the Journal of the National C

33、ancer Institute.做词义题可以根据上下文所提供的线索词义。这里的上下文指该词所在的句子本身,也包括这个句子的上下句或更远的上下文。 Van Effen was a very very intelligent (有智力的) person whose knife-like intelligence could cope with an extremely wide variety of the worlds problems, and although they had known each other for only two years, he had indisputably(

34、无可置疑的) become Perter Bransons indispensable(必不可少的) lieutenant.指代题指代题作为词义题的一种,也是常见题型之一。解这类题,要注意代词批代总的原则就近指代:代词指代在性(阴性或阳性)、数(单数或复数)、格(主格或宾格)、逻辑、意义、位置等方面与之接近的名词。就位置而言,如上所述,代词所指代的名词通常在本句或其上句之中;就数而言,单数代词指代单数名词,复数代词指代复数名词,例如:it 指代单数名词(单数可数名词或不可数名词),也可指代一个句子;they指代复数名词主格;them指代复数名词宾格;one指代单可数名词等。除了位置、性、数和格等方面的要求外,逻辑和意义也是衡量的标准,也就是说,正确的答案应该从意义(主要指语法搭配)上和逻辑(主要指思想内容)上而言都通顺。. “We want


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