已阅读5页,还剩15页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 小升初英语教学计划课时安排 一、字母与语音(2H)1.掌握知识:26个字母的书写和发音,48个音标的认读2.重点考点:48个音标的学习,其中元音部分要重点掌握3.授课知识:(1)Aa-Zz26个字母(2)48个音标的教学 (李阳疯狂英语教学音标) 记忆方法:元音(单)长 短 双元音 辅音(28):爆破音6个,摩擦音10个,破擦音6个,鼻音3个,半元音2个,舌边音1个.4.练习部分 小升初音标部分的习题的练习二、名词(2H)1.掌握知识:名词的含义,分类和用法2.重点考点:名词的单复数,不规则的变化形式和所有格形式3.授课内容:(1)名词的定义:表示人物事,地点,以及抽象概念的词语。Linda

2、 boy cup pen Paris China peace courage 等(2)名词的分类普通名词和专有名词的区别:专有名词表示特定的人和事物,普通名词指的是不特定的人和事物。专有名词包括一些人名,地名,星期,季节,月份等普通名词包括个体名词和集体名词,物质名词和抽象名词(3)可数名词与不可数名词依据:能否可以用数字计算分为可数名词和不可数名词(4)名词复数的变化规则情况改法例词1.一般情况 : 加 s book- books mouth-mouths house-houses girl-girls2.以 s 、 sh 、 ch 、 x结尾的 :加 es class- classes b

3、ox-boxes match-matches 3.辅音字母 + y结尾的: 变 y为 i加escity-cities country-countries party-parties factory-factories 4.以 o 结尾的词 :+es的只有以下词heroes Negroes tomatoes potatoes zeroes/zeros5.以 o 结尾并且词尾有两个元音字母 +s radios, zoos, bamboos ,(pianos ,kilos photos)以f, fe 结尾的 : thief wife life knife wolf half leaf shelf变f

4、或fe为v +es thief wife life knife wolf half leaf shelf The thiefs wife killed three wolves with some leaves and knives in half of her life.(5)不规则名词的变化规则:小老鼠爬灯台,偷油吃下不来。男人当警察,保护妇女跟儿童;英国人的牙,咬了法国人的脚;养了一头日本羊,送给了中国人;养了一头鹿跟鹅,卖给了瑞士人。 总结:manmen, womanwomen, toothteeth, footfeet, goosegeese childchildren, mouse

5、mice,单复数相同: sheep, deer, Chinese, Japanese Swiss. 以man, woman 修饰名词构成合成词时,两个词都变化. man servantmen servants. woman doctorwomen doctor(6) 名词所有格of和和s格的区别和使用 a.复数时用s表示 eg.teachersbook b.几个人共同拥有的在最后一个人后加s eg.Lily and Lucys room c.每个人分别拥有在每个人名后加s eg. Lilys and Lucys rooms4.练习部分:小升初名词部分练习三、冠词(2H)1.四会知识:冠词的分类

6、以及用法2.重点考点:冠词的用法,a/an和the的区别3.讲授知识: 导入:帽子的故事,在古代的时候冠指的是帽子,不同的人带不同的帽子,引出不定冠词,定冠词,和零冠词不定冠词:a和an(1)a和an的用法区别复习20个元音,an是用来修饰元音音素开头的单词,a是用来修饰辅音字母开头的单词eg.用an修饰的主要有apple,old,ear,等 用a修饰的主要有pen,chair,desk,book等特例:hour /university/useful 标注音标(2)用法:注意表示一类人或者事物中的一个(I am a teacher.You are a student) 或者表示一类人或者事物(

7、A rabbit can run.A bird can fly.) 固定搭配:at a time/in a word/a lot of/have a good time定冠词:the(1)定冠词和不定冠词的用法区别a/an用来指泛指的事物,可以翻译为一个(买衣服的例子)the用来指特指的事物,可以翻译为这个(2)定冠词的用法口诀:独指方高乐序惯家 形记忆不同的用法独:独一无二的事物(sky,moon,sun 等)指:特指的事物(I want the dress.)方:指的是方向(east,west,north,south)高:形容词和副词的最高级形式序:序数词惯:固定搭配(in the mor

8、ning /in the afternoon)家:家族前(the Greens,the Whites)形:形容词(the poor,the rich,the new,the sick)零冠词即不加冠词的用法:(1)三名:人名地名国家名等Lily China Shanghai(2)三时:季节月份星期等Spring July Monday(3)三餐等have breakfast/lunch/dinner(4)球类,娱乐,等play football/basketball/baseball play chess4.小升初重点考题再现,以及练习册上的练习题四、形容词和副词(4H) adj和adv的转化

9、以及比较级和最高级的用法1.四会内容:形容词副词的定义,比较级和最高级的变化规则以及用法2.重点考点:形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的用法3.讲授内容:导入:连天工具qq中表情引出句子He is happy.和He loos at me happily.说出形容词修饰的是名词和代词,副词修饰的是动词,让同学们观察一下同桌,用这两个句型做一个句子,比如,She is kind./She looks at me kindly.同桌相互练习,找一组同学回答adj:修饰名词和代词(各自举例子:I am a teacher.I am a beautiful teacher./Zhangsan is cle

10、ver.)adv:修饰动词,形容词和整句话,小学部分需要掌握的东西。练习找规律:Miss Yang is a ( )woman,(beautiful,beautifully)The dog is dancing( ).(happy, happily)He is ( )with me.(angry,angrily)He looks ( )today.(happy,happily)Listen( ).(careful,carefully)adj到adv的变化一般情况 直接加ly slow quick beautiful二班情况 辅+y结尾 y变i+ly happy easy angry etc.三

11、特: good-well true-truly terrible-terribly特中之特:late-late early-early fast-fast high-high之最:hard-hard4练习部分:小升初关于adj转化adv的题目以及练习题形容词比较级和最高级的变化规则1. 四会知识:形容词比较级和最高级的变化规则2. 重点考点:形容词比较级和最高级的用法3. 授课内容:导入:形容词的比较级的用法,He is tall./He is taller than me.tall到taller的变化。在姚明刘翔潘长江之中,姚明是最高的,Yao ming is the tallest of

12、the three.强调一下the 和of the three补充部分:of the three of them all in our class in China形容词比较级和最高级的变化规则一般情况: +er +est tall/small/long/short二般情况:以不发音的e结尾 +r +st strange/large/change三般情况:以y结尾变y为I +er +est hungry/busy/easy四般情况:辅元辅 双写+er 双写+est big/hot/sad/fat/thin五般情况:多音节单词 more+比较级 most+比较级 beautiful/import

13、ant/interestingeg.delicious/intelligent/famous/dangerous一特殊:clever (clever-cleverer-cleverest) (clever-more clever-most clever)特例:good-better-the best bad-worst-the worst many(much)-more-the most little(few)-less-lest练习部分:翻译:1.白雪公主比新闻更有趣。 2.哪一个国家更大呢?中国还是澳大利亚? 3.长江是中国最长的河流。 4.姚明比他们三个任何一个都高。 比较级的一些特殊的

14、用法(小升初考试重点)1. much+比较级的用法 比什么什么一点点a little I am a little taller than you.She is much more beautiful than me.注意:对于音节的单词注意是much+more+比较级2. as+原级+as 和什么一样I am as clever as you.I am as tall as you.注意中间加的是原级的形式3. 最高级的用法 the +比较级 My mother is the most beautiful woman in the world.同义句转换My mother is more be

15、autiful than any other woman in the world.造句:我比其他的一些人都聪明I am cleverer than any other woman in the world.4.比较级+比较级 越来越怎么样It is getting colder and colder.It is getting hotter and hotter.5.more+more+比较级我们的城市变的越来越美好。Our city is getting more and more beautiful.Our country is getting more and more stronge

16、r.6.The+比较级 The+比较级The thinner I am,the happier I feel.The more I have,the more I feel happy.The fatter I am, the happier I feel.7.One of +最高级的形式 其中之一Jay Chou is one of the best singers in China.MJ is one of the best singers in the world.My mother is one of the most beautiful women in the world.练习部分

17、:1 The man looks . He looks at his son .A.angrily,angrily B.angry,angry c.angry,angrily D.angrily,angry2.It took me to clean my house.A.some time B.sometimes C.some times D.some time3.When we grow we can look after your parent.A.enough old B old enough C young enough D enough young4.It is to speak J

18、apanese so I study in Japanese class.A hard,hardly B.hard,hard C.hard,hardly D.hardly,hardly5.Eating is bad for your health.A carefully B.happily C.heavily D.quickly6.Russia is larger than country in the world.A.any other B.another C.the other D.any7.I dont know which T-shirt was .So I took them bot

19、h.Yes, its really difficult to choose.A.better B.well c.best D.good8.The old respected in China.A.is B./ C.are D.be9.Please listen as as possible so that you wont miss any important messages.A.careful B.carefully C.careless D.carelessly五代词(2H)1.四会知识:人称代词,物主代词,反身代词,指示代词,不定代词2.重要考点:人称代词,物主代词,反身代词,不定代词

20、3.授课内容:导入:张三你去把李四给我叫我,我有点事。王五你去把这个东西给赵六。同学们会发现我说的几句话是不是很罗嗦,那么咱们怎么是不是可以吧这个简化一下,该怎么办呢?咱们可以看一下黑板上这些词有什么特点?人称代词:I we you he she it they me us you him her it them上下两行的词语的看起来很熟悉,它们的意思有什么区别呢?eg.give me a pen. 这里我们顺口说的使用的me上下两行的异同之处:itit youyou咱们给他们起一个名字用是主格和宾格动词后士宾格For:This pen is for me.With:I will go wit

21、h you.By:This song sings by her.动词 、介词后一般跟着的是宾格物主代词:my our your his her its their Mine ours yours his hers its theirs写法上的规律:大部分的结尾都会有shishis its-its 更特殊:my-mineeg.This is my bike. This bike is mine. 两个例句的区别:后面有名词的用第一排,后面没东西的一般都用下面这一排的。物主代词:第一行形容词性物主代词(相当于形容词的) 第二行名词性物主代词(相当于名词,名词性物主代词=形容词物主代词+名词)练习:

22、T上一行Ss下一行eg.这本书是他的。 这是他的么?反身代词:五一假期你出去玩,然后走的时候你妈妈会跟你说一句话enjoy yourself ,这句话什么意思呢?反身代词:myself ourselves yourself yourselves Hisself herself irself themselves复数的时候把f变成v加eseg.Help yourself. Help yourself to fish. Teach yourself. I teach myself Japanese. Make youself at home. 不定代词:1some和any的用法Some 用在肯定句

23、中Any 用在否定句和疑问句中特殊例子:Would you like to have some coke? What about some fish?Eg.你有钱么?我有一些钱。我一点钱都没有。2.both,either和 neitherBoth:用于两者都后面加复数的形式Both of us like watching TV.Either :用于二者之中选择的时候,后面跟着单数形式Either of us may go there.Neither:两者都不Neither apple is delicious.4. few, a few 和little ,a little a few 肯定用于

24、可数名词在句子中做主语,宾语,表语等。Few 否定a little 肯定用于不可数名词little 否定造句:他有很多钱,但是他几乎咩有什么朋友。练习:1.The rich man has money,but friends.A much,few B.many, a few c.many, few D.much, a few2.Do you like talking with your friends on the telephone or mobile phone? .I enjoy using QQ.A.Either B both C. None D.Neither3. my father

25、 my mother is able to use a computer.However I can.A.Both and B.Neither,nor C.Either,or D.Not only,but also4.There is on channel 6.Please try to find it.A.important something B.something important C.important anything D.anything important六数词(2H)1.四会知识:基数词和序数词的基本形式及其用法2.重点考点:数词和序数词的用法3.授课内容:导入今天几月几号星

26、期几几点几分,我们可以用汉语流利的说出来,那么我们用于与怎么表达呢?Today is May 1 at 8 o 'clock on Tuesday.Eg. three third hundred 1/3 2014年5月6日 fifth 0.246 3.759基数词:one two three four five012 13-19 主要是以teen结尾的词汇,注意发音20-99 主要是以ty结尾的词汇另外:25、78、63这些数字的写法 Eg. Twenty-five seventy-eight sixty-threehuandred thousand million billion注意

27、都不能加s,不论是几百几千几万例词:五百 五十亿 三千Seveval 后面加上面的四个词也是不加s练习:284 two hundred and eighty-four5599 five thousand five hundred and ninety-nine 273,763 (三位数的划分)two hundred and seventy-three thousand seven hundred and sixty-three 3,758,590 three million seven hundred and fifity-eight thousand five hundred and nin

28、ety 5,780,102,675 five billion seven hundred and eighty million one hundred and two thousand sis hundred and seventy-fiveThere are millions of stasr in the sky.用法:millions of 唯一加s的地方hundreds of thousands of.billions of.经典例题:Several of the students have been to American.(用hundred的某种形式)他们中的好几百个人去过美国。答

29、案:hundred Of值得是具体的学生中的人 of the students 是一起的序数词:first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth twentieth sixtieth eightieth thirtieth-first seventieth-eight (ty要边y为ie加th)观察一下这些序数词的规律有什么共同特征,大部分都是以th结尾的基数词边序数词 口诀: 基变序,有规律,一二三,个别记,th从四起,8加h9加e ve要用f替,以y结尾变ie,几十几,几百几,首词不变尾变序注意:序数词前要加t

30、heThe first/the fifty_fifth/the thirdThe first dynasty of China is Xia。谁是你的第一个英语老师?Who is your first English teacher?如果前边有代词的话,那么就不用加the,注意让Ss学会区分造句:这是我的第三次旅行。 基数词和序数词的用法:(1)分数:黑板上画一个蛋糕平均分成八分,然后那其中的一份,是整个蛋糕的八分之一,用英语怎么表达呢?1/8的读法,分子基数词,分母序数词 one eifhth那么1/9的读法:one ninth1/10的读法:one tenth练习几分之一,所有的分数的分子

31、都是一分子不是一的时候例如:2/9读作: two ninths基1 序数词要用复数基1 序数词要用单数特例:1/2 (a half) 1/4 (a quarter)2/5 2/4 3/7 9/12(2)小数:读法 小数点:point0.1 zero point one 2.3 two point three3.4 three point four4.72 four point seven two0.35 zero point three five(3)百分数 percent5 five percent6 six percent超级考点:1. 20 of the students in my c

32、lass from the South.(用come的某种形式)答案:come 2. 80 of the erath the sea.(用be的某种形式)答案:is区别就是看名词是否可数。第一题主语可数后谓语动词用复数,第二题主语不可数谓语动词用单数。基数词和序数词在时间上的用法:(1) 表示点钟整点的表示方法:时间+ oclock其他时间点:方法一:直接读 eg.3:20 three twenty 4:55 four fifty-five方法二:画一个钟表分钟数30 A past B (A是分钟,B是小时,表示几点过去了多少分钟)分钟数30 A to B (A是分钟,B是下一个点钟,表示还有

33、多少分到几点)分钟数=30min half past B分钟数15min quarter past B (B均表示小时)(2) 表示日期 今天是几月几号? 2014年6月5日中国人习惯性的写成年月日的形式,英国人和美国人他们可不是那样说的,而且英国人和美国人他们对日期的表达也有不同,虽然说话都是英语,但是也有不同,接下来看一下他们是怎样表达日期的。英国人:日月年 5th July, 2014美国人:月日年 July 5th, 2014练习:2014/7/13 2014/8/195. 练习部分:一、605345689:407:153:202013/9/10二、单选1.What is the da

34、te today? Its .A. Friday B.time to go C.cloudy D.June 4th2.Look,there are in the sky.A.thousand star B.thousands of stars C thousand of stars D.thousand of star3.My brother is in .A.Class Three,Grade One B.Three Class,Grade OneC.Class Three,One Grade D.Grade One,Class Three4.Now let me have .A.the t

35、hird try B.a third try C.third try D,this third try5.Only three percent of the coats perfect.A.are B is C.have D.has七、介词(2H)1.四会知识:三大时间,方位,交通方式介词以及介词的辨别点2.重要考点:同四会知识3.授课内容:一、三大时间介词at on in点 日 剩下点:表示时间点 at 9:10 日:表示日期或者是一天 on Monday on 1st June, 2013 剩下:年,周,季节 in 1998 in a week in spring练习:在周日,在夏天,在2

36、012年5月6日,在10:36常见的一些特殊用法和固定搭配在夜晚 at night常见的固定搭配:In the morning/afternoon/eveningat noon/night.midnight/midday在周末晚上 on Sunday morning在一个寒冷的早上 on a cold morning二、三大方位介词:in on to用两个圈表示单个词的关系和区别Japanese is the east of China.Guangzhou is the south of Guangdong.Sichuan is the east of Tibet.三、三大交通方式介词on b

37、y in( )car ( )plane ( )train ( )ship ( )bike ( )subway ( )bus上面的这些交通工具一般用的都是byeg.I went to school my fathers car. I go to school foot.骑在上面的用on在交通工具里面用in 四、in the front of 和in front of 人和汽车的关系in the front of 指的是在物体内部前方(在汽车内部的前方)in front of 指的是在物体外部的前方(在汽车的外部的前方)eg.He is sitting me. The boy sat the ca

38、r.五、across和through 图画展示:小孩子游过河流用across 小孩子穿过物资用througacross指的是从物体的表面穿过through指的是从物体的内部穿过She swan the river.He went the door.六、on和in 画画树、小猫以及人的关系There is a cat on the tree.(树的身上自己长出来的用on)There is a boy in the tree.(不是书上长出来的用in)七、arrive +at/in/on的区别 arrive at +小地点eg. We will arrive at the concert at 9

39、:00. We arrived at the cinema at nine. arrive in+大地点eg.He arrived in American this morning. We arrived in Tokyo at nine. arrive on+时间eg.Marry will arrive on Monday.四大特殊用法:be good at doingbe interesting in doingbe afraid of doingthank you for doing注意事项:1介词后的动词的形式要用ing的形式2.in也可以用来表示衣服的颜色The girl in re

40、d is Lucy.那个穿红色衣服的女孩是露西。3.固定搭配:help yourself to fish! shout at练习:1.We decide to go to the Great wall Saturday morning.A to B in C with D on2.They arrived the village at ten.A.on B in C to D at3.Look!There is acat the tree.A.on B to C under D in4.He is swimming the river.A.along Bacross c through D o

41、ver5.He spends his free time in books during the weekend.A.read B reading C reads D to read6.Thank you your coming.Ato B.of C.by D.at7Mr Li going to help him his Chinese this afternoon.A.with Bon C by D at8.How much did you pay this book?A.for B.at C on D.with9.Please fill the bottle tea.A.by B with

42、 C for D in 10.I prefer coffee tea.A over B to C for D than11.Help youself some fish.It tastes very nice.A.with B on C in D to 12. I shouted her,but she didnt hear me.A.to B at C on D for八连词(2H)1.四会知识:并列连词和从属连词2.重点考点:并列连词3.授课知识:导入:周末我和Lily一起去上场逛街,然后呢我们又遇到了Lucy,我们就决定三个人一起去逛街,我和Lucy,Lily一起去逛街,这句话怎么讲呢?

43、Lucy,Lily and I go shopping together。这里我们说几个人一起出去了,说谁谁谁和谁一起出去了中文中我们连接好多名词用的是和,那么在英语中也有相对应的词and,那么今天咱们来看一下,连词。顾名思义,连词就是起连接作用的词。那么是连接哪些词语呢?刚才咱们那个句子中的连词是哪一个?and,那么观察一下它连接的是哪两个词语呢?是一个一个的单词,那么也可以连接短语和句子,连词包括从属连词和并列连词,但是这次高深的东西不用刻意去记,咱们先来看第一个连词。and 刚才我们说它的中文意思是和的意思,那么来看这句话,I like white and blue.这个连词是咱们用的最

44、多的也是最简单的一个连词。接下来请同学们给我造一个句子,我喜欢苹果和梨。这个句子怎么讲呢?I like apples and pears.我不知道咱们在座的各位早上几点起来的,有没有时间去吃早餐呢?你起得早一点,否则你就没有时间吃早饭,来看黑板上的这个句子,Get up earlier, or you will have no time for lunch.这句话,我们用的是哪一个连词?or在这里是否则的意思,一般我们用来表示一件事情的后果。比如说,好好学习否则就不能通过考试。我们可以说Study hard, or you will not pass the exam.起床,否则你就要迟到了。

45、这句话同学们给老师说一下。Get up,or you will be late.现在同学们给老师翻译一个句子,Do you like xiyangyang or huitailang? Do you like red or blue?这个句子该怎么翻译呢?是否则的意思么?来同学们看一下这里的or是什么意思?是或者的意思,其实这个or咱们在小学四年级上册的时候就已经学过了,两个意思,或者否则,多以咱们刚才的句子就可以翻译成,你是喜欢喜洋洋还是灰太狼呢?你是喜欢红色还是蓝色呢?那么回答就是I like xiyang yang.或者I like blue.接下来看一个我们常见的连词,but 同学们见

46、到这个词什么感觉,比如我说某某某你真好,but大家觉得我后面会说什么呢?肯定会不愿意听到的话,所以but是但是的意思,在这里表示一种转折的意思,也就是会所前边和后边的句子意思是相反的。看到but在我们中文中和它搭配的是虽然,可是在英语中,虽然和但是不能一起用,这一点同学们一定要注意。试不爽,Id love to, but I cant attend the party.我很想去,但是我真的参加不了你的派对。这样听起来会好很多吧。这是but,表示但是,接下来咱们看下一个是so,什么意思啊,所以的意思,看到所以我们就会想到因为,但是在英语中因为所以是不能在一起的,咱们看个句子就明白了,I get

47、up late, so I miss the plane. 我起床晚了,所以我错过了飞机,这是多么悲惨的事情啊,那么同学们你们有没有因为早上错过了公交车呢?你可以说,I get up late, so I miss the bus.刚才咱们讲个两个词语,还有两个词语不能跟他们在一起,咱们记个口诀,帮助同学们在考试的时候不要犯错,因为所以,不能一起,虽然但是,二选其一,科学道理,千万牢记。这个同学们你记到本子上。 常见考点:1. bothand.两者都Both Tom and I are interesting in history.both .and .做主语的时候谓语动词要用复数eg. Bo

48、th Lily and Lucy are good students.2. not onlybut also 不仅而且Not only my daughter but also I am a good student.就近原则,谁和谓语动词就随谁变化3.as.as.和.一样Tim and I walks to work everyday.老大先行 谓语动词的变化和前边的词语要一致。4.neithernor.既不也不就近原则Neither the students nor the teacher was hurt in the accident.5.either.or.既又就近原则Either

49、you or she is a cook.6.while 然而Eg. My nephew likes to play computer games while I like it.练习部分1.Put on more clothes, you will cold.2.Mrs. Smith likes music his husband likes sports.3.Is it shirt your his?4. you come to the office now, wait for me at home.You decide.5.He was very sick, he fished the

50、work on time.7 though 尽管虽然不好好学习的结果是不及格,有些人好好学习了但还是不及格。比较可怜啊Though he worked, he failed the exam.8.because 因为Eg. He was arrested because he stole 10yuan.He stole 10yuan so he was arrested.因为所以,不能一起虽然但是,二选其一科学道理,千万牢记9.even if尽管,即使=even though中国人的时间观念不是很好,所以在有的时候老板说开会都会把时间提前这样人才能到齐,但是有一个人他无论什么时候都很准时,不论

51、下雨或者是下雪等等He will come on time even if it snow.(主将从现)10.if 如果IfYou tell him the truth,he will cry.(主将从现)11since 自从(现在完成时的标志词)Since everybody is here,lets get started.既然/由于12 unless 除非 (重点讲解)I wont apologize unless she apologizes first.(主将从现)同义句If she doesnt apologize I wont apologize.I wont go out un

52、less my mother invites me.13 as soon as 一就Iwill call the police as soon as I see the thief.14.until 一直He often sleeps until noon on weekends.till he until 的区别until一般和not连用,以notuntil为句式。而till一般单独使用。I will be here till he comes back. 我将一直在这里直到他回来。I won't leave here until he comes back.我将不会离开这里直到他回来。15 sothat和such thatThe monkey was so funny that every laughedLily is so lovely


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