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1、湖南第一师范学院外语系课程教案第15页 课 题Unit 1 Fresh Start授课时数8授课类型Lecture教 学目 的² To acquaint the students with the structural arrangement of a narrative writing.² To let the students master the usage of several key words and key expressions.² To help the students to appreciate how the author tries to

2、 produce humorous effects by vivid depictions.教 学重 点1. Key words and expressions used in the text 2. The use of a chronologically balanced pattern of narration3. Rhetorical features of the text教 学难 点1. Understanding of some difficult sentences in the text2. Understanding of the autobiographical writ

3、ing主要知识语言点1. first-gradish 2. distinct3. clutch 4. reserve5. tip off 6. flail7. rear end 8. slink 9. malicious 10. shackle教 学 过 程学时分配教 学 过 程学时分配Period 1 2Teaching Materials: Text I - Fresh StartTeaching Steps:Step 1 Cultural BackgroundHigher Education in the USAUSA has more than 3.300 accredited5krd

4、itid(公认的) colleges and universities, which offer a wide range of graduate and undergraduate programs.Undergraduate Programs(Bachelors Degree)This is the first level of post-secondary education(中学后教育、大专教育、高等教育) that begins after 12 years of primary and secondary(中级的) schooling. It includes at least 4

5、 years of education and earns a bachelors degree. There are also two-years programs which earn an associate degree(副学士学位:美国大学修满二年课程的肄业证书). A student who has an associate degree has to study further for a minimum of 2 years to earn a bachelors degree.Graduate Programs (Master's & Doctorate de

6、gree)It usually involves one year or more of education depending on the subject or course, and earns a masters or doctoral degree like MBA, MS(Master of Science :工学硕士) or PhD(Doctor of Philosophy: 哲学博士). Admission to a graduate program usually requires a minimum of 16 years of formal education. That

7、 is, 12 years of primary and secondary schooling and further 4 years of college education. Types of Institutions There is no central ministry of education in the U.S. and each institution can determine its own programs and admission standards. There are private as well as state funded colleges.Unive

8、rsities are academic institutions that include one or more undergraduate colleges, as well as any number of graduate and professional schools, i.e. schools offering study for a single profession such as law.Four year colleges are undergraduate institutions offering academic programs leading to a bac

9、helors degree. Community colleges or junior colleges (社区学院或者专科学校:在美国有不少中学毕业生不会直接升读大学,而是报读社区学院的副学士课程。副学士是一个独立而受国际认可的学历)are undergraduate institutions offering up to two years of academic instruction beyond secondary school at a relatively low cost. These offer certificate programs that last for a few

10、 months to a year as well as associate degrees.Institutes of technology (理工学院)or polytechnic institutes (多科性工业学院)offer specialized programs in sciences and engineering, in addition to basic sciences, humanities and the social sciences, at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.Step 2 Lead Ss to

11、learn the new words and expressions1. Lead them to read, making sure everyones reading right2.Ask them to read, showing me how well they read.Lead-inPre-reading activities:Starting from the speaker, ask the students to discuss the following questions:1) Do you remember your first days at college? Di

12、d anything special happen then?2) Are you afraid of making mistakes that cause embarrassment?3) How did you feel on your first arrival at the university?Step 3 Presentation1. The structural analysis Have the students go over the text rapidly once without worrying about the new words and phrases, the

13、n discuss the theme of the essay and the structure of it: This is a narrative essay, which often is used to depict peoples activities or the development of events. Such essays often involves such 6 elements: when, where, who, what, why, and how.Part I (Para.1): The introductory paragraph. Depiction

14、of what mood I was in on the college campus when my parents drove off Part II (Para.2-9): The author recalls a few incidents during her first days of college.Part III (Para. 10-14): The concluding part. I realized my mistakes and began to become self-confident.2. Explanation of language points and a

15、nalysis of the textStep 4 Homework 1. Consult the dictionary for detailed use of the new words and expressions inthe text. 2. Finish Exercises I, II and III in the section TEXT COMPREHENSION.Periods 3 5Teaching Materials: Text I- Fresh Start Teaching Steps:Step 1. Review of the wordsStep 2. Text Ana

16、lysisLanguage Points1. first-gradish: having the qualities and characteristics of a first-grade student. The“first-gradish”feeling is a mixture of helplessness, disorientation, self-consciousness, and a lack of confidence.-ish: (adj + =adj) somewhat, near to e.g. reddish; twentyish (n+=adj) resembli

17、ng, in the manner of e.g. childish; devilish2. distress: 1) U a feeling of extreme worry, sadness or pain:She claimed that the way she had been treated at work had caused her extreme emotional and psychological distress.Many of the horses were showing signs of distress at the end of the race.2) vt.&

18、#160;to make someone feel very upset or worried:I hope I haven't distressed you with all these personal questions.distressed  adjectiveShe was deeply distressed by the news of his death.The government is taking steps to stimulate business development in (economically) distressed areas (= th

19、ose in economic difficulty)(失业人口比率高的地区;经济萧条区)The television reports about the famine were particularly distressing.It was deeply distressing for him to see his wife in such pain.3. distinct (opposite: in): adjectiveclearly separate and different (from something else):The two concepts are quite disti

20、nct (from each other).There are two distinct factions(派别) within the one political party.clearly noticeable; that certainly exists:There's a distinct smell of cigarettes in here.distinction noun make a between: distinguishc.f. distinctive adjectiveSomething that is distinctive is easy to recogni

21、ze because it is unique and different from other things:She's got a very distinctive voice.distinctiveness  noun UI could see two distinct figures in the mist.Because of his distinctive view of the world, Einstein established the theory of relativity.4. discreet: adjectivecareful not to cau

22、se embarrassment or attract too much attention, especially by keeping something secret:The family made discreet enquiries about his background.They are very good assistants, very discreet - they wouldn't go shouting to the press(新闻界) about anything they discovered while working for you.discreetl

23、y   adverb discretion noun U1) the ability to behave without causing embarrassment or attracting too much attention, especially by keeping information secret:You must show more in choosing your friends. 2) FORMAL the right or ability to decide something:Students can be expelled at the disc

24、retion of the head teacher (= if the head teacher decides it).I leave the decision to your discretion (= to your good judgment).NOTE: Do not confuse with discrete.discrete adjective having a clear independent shape or form; separate: 不连续的, 离散的These small companies now have their own discrete identit

25、y.5. glimpse: verb T to see something or someone for a very short time or only partly:We glimpsed the ruined abbey from the windows of the train. noun C1) short look at sth or sbI only caught (= had) a fleeting glimpse of the driver of the getaway car, but I doubt I would recognize her if I saw

26、 her again.2) a brief idea or understanding of what something is like:This biography offers a few glimpses of his life before he became famous.6. reserve noun U the habit of not showing your feelings or thoughts:I took her out for a drink and tried to break through her reserve.reserved  adjecti

27、ve English have a reputation for being reserved.reserve (KEEP SEPARATE) verb T 1) to keep something for a particular purpose or time:These seats are reserved for the elderly and women with babies.2) If you reserve something such as a seat on an aircraft or a table at a restaurant, you arrange for it

28、 to be kept for your use:I reserved a double room at the Lamb Hotel.+ two objects If you get there early, reserve me a seat/reserve a seat for me.reservation   noun1) C or U when you arrange to have something such as a seat on an aircraft or a table at a restaurant kept for you:I'd lik

29、e to make a table reservation for two people for 9 o'clock.Please confirm your reservation in writing by Friday.2) C (ALSO reserve, US ALSO preserve) an area of land in which wild animals are protected:He's the chief warden of a big-game reservation.7. draw  verb T drew, drawn to attrac

30、t attention or interest:He's an excellent speaker who always draws a crowd.Does he wear those ridiculous clothes to draw attention?draw noun C usually singularsomeone or something that a lot of people are interested in:We need someone at the event who'll be a big draw and attract the paying

31、public.8. air: (MANNER)   noun manner or appearance:She has an air of confidence about her.walk on air: to feel extremely excited or happy:After the delivery of her baby, she was walking on air.nose in the air: describes the way someone behaves when they think they are better than other people

32、and do not want to speak to them:She walked past me with her nose in the air.9. assure (SAY WITH CERTAINTY)  verb T to tell someone confidently that something is true, especially so that they do not worry: 保证;担保The unions assured the new owners of the workers' loyalty to the company.+ speec

33、h "Don't worry, your car will be ready tomorrow, " the mechanic assured him.+ (that) She assured him (that) the car would be ready the next day.You can rest assured (= feel confident) that I shall be there as promised.assurance  noun1) C a promise:+ (that) She gave me her assuranc

34、e (that) she would post the cheque immediately.2) U confidence:He spoke with calm assurance.assured  adjective (ALSO self-assured) showing skill and confidence:an assured performanceassuredly   adverbc.f. ensure(确保;使安全); insure(确保,保证;给保险)A good sleep will ensure you quick recovery. (

35、sb sth )I can assure you of my full support of your plan. ( sb of sth)It will certainly do good to you if you insure your house against fire.We went to the hospital to reassure ourselves about his condition. (To give confidence to) 我们去医院查明他的病情以使我们安心。10. seek sb/sth out phrasal verb M FORMALto look f

36、or someone or something, especially for a long time until you find them:While he was at the library, Steve decided to seek out some information on accommodation in the area.11. timed: adjective regularly spaced in time 定时的You do know the final exam is timed, right? 你应该知道期末考试就要到了 对吗?World events are

37、timed according to global enlightenment.世界事件是同步依照全球的启示。ill-timed  adjective done or made at a wrong or unsuitable time:an ill-timed commentwell-timed ajectivehappening or caused to happen at a suitable or effective time:A well-timed joke stopped the disagreement developing into something more s

38、erious.12. manual noun Ca book which gives you practical instructions on how to do something or how to use something, such as a machine:a DIY manualThe computer comes with a 600-page instruction manual.13. demeanour UK, US demeanor   noun U FORMALa way of looking and behaving:There was not

39、hing in his demeanour that suggested he was anxious.She has the demeanour of a woman who is contented with her life.his gentle demeanor 他那温文有礼的风度her arrogant demeanor 她那傲慢的态度The President's outward demeanor was genial and relaxed. 总统仪态总是和蔼的,轻松的14. the foreground noun 1)the people, objects, count

40、ryside, etc. in a picture or photograph that seem nearest to you and form its main part:In the foreground of the painting is a horse and cart.2) the area of most importance and activity, or which people pay attention to:to keep one in the foreground 保持某人处于最引人注目的地位These teachers are keeping education

41、 in the foreground of public attention. 这些教师不断努力以使人人关心教育事业。15. scribble  verb I to write or draw something quickly or carelessly: 乱写+ two objects I'll just scribble Dad a note/scribble a note to Dad to say we are going out.noun: I hope you can read my scribble!No scribble on the wall! 墙上禁止乱

42、涂c.f. scrawl: verb T to write something quickly, without trying to make your writing tidy or easy to read: 潦草地写Someone had scrawled graffiti(墙上乱写乱画的东西) across the wall.noun untidy writing that is difficult to read:Your beautiful handwriting puts my untidy scrawl to shame. 你漂亮的字体把我的潦草字迹比得见不得人。16. bre

43、ak out (START) phrasal verbIf something dangerous or unpleasant breaks out, it suddenly starts:War broke out in 1914.Fighting has broken out all over the city.17. assume (PRETEND) verb T to pretend to have a different name or be someone you are not, or to express a feeling falsely; take sth as true

44、arbitrarilyDuring the investigation, two detectives assumed the identities of antiques dealers.He assumed a look of indifference but I knew how he felt.assume airs of 摆.架子For the sake of argument let us assume that the accident occurred as is contended.18. pose (POSITION)  verb I noun C a parti

45、cular position in which a person stands, sits, etc. in order to be photographed, painted, etc:He adopted/assumed/struck (= moved into) an elegant pose.Vi. to move into and stay in a particular position, in order to be photographed, painted, etc:We all posed for our photographs next to the Statue of

46、Liberty.pose as sb phrasal verbIf you pose as a particular person, you pretend to be that person in order to deceive people:He's posing as her date(约会对象), but he's really her bodyguard.19. furious  adjective extremely angry:I was late and he was furious with me.He's furious abo

47、ut/at the way he's been treated.We had a furious row last night.fury   noun S or UHe could hardly contain his fury.She flew into a fury at the suggestion.20. under your breath 低声悄语地quietly so that other people can not hear exactly what you are saying:He muttered something under his bre

48、ath.with your last/dying breath LITERARYjust before you die:She asked him with her dying breath to look after her child.take sb's breath awaybe extremely beautiful or surprising:The beauty of the Taj Mahal't:dm'h:l( 泰姬陵) took my breath away.21. tip sb off phrasal verb M 泄密to warn someone

49、 secretly about something that will happen, so that they can take action or prevent it from happening:+ that Somebody must have tipped the burglars off that the house would be empty.The robber was caught when someone tipped off the police.tip-off   noun C usually singular INFORMALa secret

50、warning or piece of secret information:Acting on a tip - off, the police arrested the drug smugglers. 警方根据密报逮捕了毒品走私者。tip (sth/sb) over phrasal verb to (cause to) fall over onto one side: 使翻倒Be careful not to tip that cup of coffee over. 22. head for sth phrasal verba. to be likely to go forward to (

51、使)走向,(使)朝方向前进:He headed for me after I called him. 叫了他一声之后,他朝我走过来了。Then she headed for the Broadway.然后,她便把目标定在了百老汇。b. to be likely to experience a good situation soon, because of your own actions or behaviour: 向(尤指好的)方向发展:Having arrived at seashore, she looks better and her feelings begin to head fo

52、r herself.来到海滨之后,她的身体好多了,她的情绪也开始恢复如初。c. to be likely to experience a bad situation soon, because of your own actions or behaviour 注定要(倒霉、遭殃等):You're heading for disaster if you go on with her. 如果你再和她鬼混,你可要灾难临头了。23. flail (WAVE) verb I or T (ALSO flail about/around) (especially of arms and legs)

53、to move energetically in an uncontrolled way:(四肢胡乱地)挥舞A wasp came towards us and Howard started flailing his arms around.She ran from the house in a terrible rage, her arms flailing in the air.I flailed my arms to get their attention. 我挥动双臂以引起他们的注意arms flailing helplessly in the water.在水中无助乱摆的手臂24.

54、die down phrasal verbIf a sound or activity dies down, it becomes quieter or less obvious: 逐渐消失It was several minutes before the applause died down.die away phrasal verbIf something, especially a sound, dies away, it gradually becomes reduced until it stops existing or disappears: 声音渐弱,渐息The sound o

55、f his footsteps gradually died away.die out phrasal verbto become less common and finally stop existing: 灭绝;消失Dinosaurs died out millions of years ago.It's a custom which is beginning to die out.25.humiliation noun: strong feelings of embarrassmentAfter the humiliation of last week's defeat,

56、 the Mets were back on form.humiliate   verb T to make someone feel ashamed or lose their respect for themselves:How could you humiliate me by questioning my judgment in front of everyone like that?England were humiliated (= completely defeated) in last night's match.humiliated  a

57、djectiveI've never felt so humiliated (= been made to feel so ashamed) in my life.humiliating  adjectivemaking you feel ashamed or stupid:Losing my job was the most humiliating thing that ever happened to me.He found it humiliating to have to ask for money.26. assortment  noun C usually singular:a collection containing a variety of sorts of things混合物an assortment of vegetablesAn unlikely assortment of rock stars and politician


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