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1、2018-2019年黔西南州兴义阶梯快乐英语学校小学三年级上册英语复习题无答案、我会选一选(选择题)A. like1. Hello, I milk , cakes and pears.B. food2. - -Here you are.A . Thank you. B. Can I have an egg? C. Ok.3. 一 How many legs do you have?-I haveA. blacklegs.B. two C. hurt4. Theremany watermelons in the shop.A. is5.B. are)(2) I' m Bobby. A.这

2、是博比。C. haveB.我叫博比。6. -Happy birthday!A. Thank you.B. I ' m fine.C. How are you?7.B. mouseA. elephant 8.当你想告诉别人这是你的英语老师时,你应说:_-_-_-9. name' s Mike.A.YouB. MyC. I_ _ 级二10.从卜列每组单词中选出不同类的一项。班二()1. A. twoB . nineC. red()2. A. blueB. tenC. one()3. A. penB . eightC. ruler()4. A. sevenB. fourC. duck

3、()5. A. riceB . breadC. thereA.This is my English teacher.B.This is a teacher.11. - Whose skirt is this?-It'sA. Zhang PengB. Zhang Peng'sC. Zhang Peng is12. 当你见到熟人问候时,你会说: A . Fine, thank you. B. How are you?13. This is Liu. He's tall.C. MrsA. MissB. Mr14. Show me your red crayon.()A. OK

4、!B. Nice too meet you.C. Fine, thanks.15.读读选选。A ,Goodbye!-Goodbye!B. Hello, this is S ar ah.This is iike.C. -Nice to meet you.-Nice to meet you, too.D. morning,Good morning.E. Hello I rm Zoom.、想一想,填一填(填空题)six blue chairs(2) I have got a very long nose.17.小朋友快来猜一猜。(根据英文句子的描述,猜一猜是哪种小动物。请画图并在图下写上英文单词)I

5、 can run fast.(1) I have long ears and two red eyes.My nose is big.(3)I have two green eyes .I am black.I like ti eat mouse.18 . your, touch, nose19 .下列单词找不到家了,请根据它们的首字母,将它们送回家吧! eye head eraser green face ear hand footEFHG20 . Is it a fish?21 .连词成句,并写出中文意思,注意大小写及标点符号。(1) evening, good, Mike (,.)(2)

6、 this, sister, my, is (.)(3) you, Wang Bing, are ( ?)(4) friend, is, he, your ( ?)(5) am, Liu Tao, I (.)22 .根据图片所表示的物品数量,从方框中选择相应的单词抄写在横线上one, ten, six, two, eight, seven, five, three(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)23 .用单词适当形式填空1. I (haves)a brother. He (be) six. He (have) a toy bear.2. (be) she fat? -No. But her

7、 sister and brother (be) fat.3. This is (a)umbrella. That is (a) big ant.4. What are they? They are (branch).5. Do you (like) cola? Yes, I (do) . My father (like) cola too.24.正确抄写下列字母。IIekqQXyJA: Cool!B: Sure, here you are.C: Fine, thanks.D: Nice to meet you, too.E: Thank you.用线连一连。.科.网乙X.X.KA.我很好,谢

8、谢。B.你好,我是大明。C.早上好。D.再见,艾米。E.你好吗?25.让我算一算。1. six+seven=2. nine+five=3. seven+eight=4. nine+seven=5. two+seventeen=6. thirteen+seven=7. six+eleven=8. three+fifteen=9. three+eight=三、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)26. 把字母的大小写对应起来U 丫 x F j gG f u i K E27. 为问句选择恰当的答句连线May I have a look?Nice to meet you .Look! I have a monke

9、y.It's lovely.How are you?28. 请给句子选择正确的汉语意思,(1) Hello, I am Daming. Good morning.(3) Goodbye, Amy.(4) How are you?(5) I ' m fine, thank you.29.将图片和对应的单词连线。A catB dogC tigerD pandaE monkey30 .连线。1. What ' s your name?2. Goodbye!3. Show me your ruler.4. Close your book.5. Go to school.A去上学

10、。B给我看你的尺子。C合上你的书。D再见!E你叫什么名字?四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31 .根据汉语提示,将下面的单词补充完整。1. b(男孩)2. tch(教师)3. gl (女孩)4. h(他的)5. h(她的)32.将下列句子译成汉语。(1) This is my English teacher. I ' m a boy.(3) It ' s on the desk.(4) Point to her nose.(5) It ' s blue.33 .补充句子Let ' s(制作)a puppet.This is (一支)arm。34 .默写单词1、喂2、我

11、3、是4、你5、彼得6、我们7、先生8、太太9、小姐10、你好35.写出下列句子的汉语意思。(1) Its tail is long.(2) A big fish.(3) I ' m sorry.五、我是小法官(判断题)T)否(F)相符。36 .判断下列句子与图片信息是(Fly my kite.()37 .判断下面说法是否正确。() 小写字母a占中格。38 . 一年中的四季按顺序依次为:winter> summer、autumn、springo 判断对错(39 .根据图片提示,圈出表示该图片的单词。六、阅读理解40 .读对话,回答问题。In a shop, a woman wan

12、ts to buy a dress.Clerk: May I help you?Woman: Yes, please. I ' d like to buy a dress.Clerk: What color do you like?Woman: I like red.Clerk: OK. Here you are.Woman: Thank you. How much is it?Clerk: Ninety yuan.Woman: OK. I will take it.()1. The woman is.A . in a fruit shop B. in a clothes shop C

13、. in a bookshop()2. The woman wants to buy.A a dressB a skirtC a sweater ()3. She likes.A blueB yellow C red ()4. The dress is yuan.A. nine B. nineteen C. ninety () 5.The woman buys.A one dress B two dresses C three dresses41 .根据短文内容判断下列句子正( 误(X)。Hello, I'm Sara. I'm 12 years old. Look! This is my bag. I have twenty pencils in it. I have thirty erasers.


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