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1、2020-2021学年度第一学期七年级英语第一次月考试题7A UnitS 13(试卷满分:I(H)分).第一部分选择题一、单项填空(共10小题,每小题1分;满分W分)I-Io从A、BS CS D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。()1. Ahna is from, She SPeakS _ .Ae GermanGerinan B-GermanylGerm any CGermanfGermany.GermanyGerma n,()2.This isinteresting book and it RSalSOUSefUI one.A. Anan B. a nra C a nzthe D.a,a()3

2、Frn Eoing to the SUPermarket to buy SOlTlethis afternoon.A. PaPer and PendlB, apples and bananaJC. rtlilk and eggsD. bowl and SPoOnS()4.1 really enjoy,so I Wantmore books.A reading, buying B. to read,to bu . to readlbuying D. IPQadingxQ buy()5.do you WaSh your clothes? often.A HOW IOnt B, HOW many G

3、 HOW Often D HOW much(6.M dream is to beteacher and teachEnglish.A汨 J a B. an, an C. a. / D.為 the()7.We ShOUldn,t OUrrUbbiSh IntOthe Sea and UnderthegrOUnd.A. give &put. IckHlD. ride( )S.He USUaIIyto SChOOLA.by bicycle B. rides a bicycle G by a bicycle D. ride a bicycle()9.Oftenplaygamestogether-.A.

4、 TOm and me B. I and TOnI G Tom and I D. TOln With me( )105hereSOme apples and a glass of Water On the table,*A. hasB. haveC. isD. are二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分:满分10分)1120 阅读短文,然后从A、B、C、I)四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Tick, tick, tick! GOOd morning, JSmi ItI 6;IO nOw. ItrS time 11_ up. DO YOU know me? I your new frie

5、nd. My name is CIoCk LOOk12_ me I have no feet,13 _ I Can Walk With my hands. I have no mouth, but I 14_ SPeak to you NOW Pese IiSteh to _15 TOday is MOnday- YOU have many things to do. ClaSSeS 16_ at 8:0Oe YOU have four CIaSSeS in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. After 3:40 YOU have a

6、basketball match _17_ ClaSS Two. YOU COme _18 at 5:40. NOW PleaSe.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A ri3-45a6. j 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 If I r Ur l-r l f l JJgetBgets C to getD gettingatBforCafterDlike andBbut CSOD OrCanZtB mustntCmUStDqE1BmyCmineOhIebeginB beginsC beginning D to begintoB With CandDfOrhomeB to homeC

7、your hme D at homeUPBOn C down D Offquickly and have your breakfast Or you WiII be20early B happy C glad DlateA三、阅读理解(共15小题.每小题1分;满分15分)2135阅读下列短文,然后根据内容选择最佳答案。A?,:My brother LS twenty-eight this year.He is now a WOrker in a factory.The factory is far from OUr homc9so he gets UP nearly every moming5

8、and he goes to Work by bus.At about SeVen forty.he gets to the factoryHe makes PartS零件)for tractors (拖轮机)He WOrkS VCnr hardand everyone IikeS him Very much and SayS he is a good WOrkenHe has his IUnCh in the factonr.He Often PlayS football during the breakin the evenig,he IeamS EngliSh at homea teac

9、her()22My brotherA-Swims in a river B.works in a factory C. teaches in a SChOOI IK IearnS EagliSh at SChOOI()23.My brother goes to wnrkfA.by bus B.by Car C. OD foot Dtby bus()24Jn the factory,my brotherA.sweeps the floor B. InakeS PartS for tructrs C SingS SongS Djvatches TV一 . “.B:*.Her name is Ann

10、. She CoineS from Britain. She is in ChiDa With her father and mother. She Call SPeak a Iittie Chinese. She StUdieS in No. 5 MiddIe SChOOI in ShCnyang. She is in the Sanle SChOOl as her ParCnts.Shc is a good StUdenLShC goes to SChOOl fives (IayS a week. She IikeS getting UP ear.She doesn Iike to be

11、late.She Often goes to()25.In the evcningtmy brother.A.writers Ietter8 B.talks With Ine CJearnS Englkh D WratCheS TV四3637383940414243m454647445cSChOOl Venr early,but today She gets UP IatC-She gets to the CIaSSroOin at 7:20 but there aren any students in it.She is not late.She B 5till early.ItIS Sun

12、day todayThe StUdentS are all at home.()26Am ComeS fromABeijing BAmerica C. Shenyang D a factory( )28.Nobody is in the CIaSSrOOln because.AIfs SUn(Iay BftAnn gets to the CIaSSrOom SO early C the students are Pkying OUtSide DJfs 7:38 flow()29.Ann doesn9t Ijke to Ago to SChOOl B be Iate C get UP early

13、 Dbe in China( )30.Every HIOrmng Ann gets to the CIaSSroOIlI7:20 Aat Bafter Gin DA beforeTreeS are USefUI to Inankind (人类) in three VeTy important Ways The first important Way is that they PrOVide PeOPIe With food,wood and Other things. TreeS ProVide PCOPle and animals With fbod*Without trees9many a

14、nimals can9t IiVe on EarthJt WoIft be easy for PeoPIe to IiVre On Earth)either.The SeCOnd important Way is that trees give US Shade (阴凉处).On a hot SUinmer (Uy,people are glad io have a rest Under the shade Of a tree after they have WaIked a Iong day. YOU Can imagine (想象) how important the Shade Of t

15、rees is to US and anima-lsanmals don,t need any ShadeCthe Shade Of trees is Very important to PeOPIeS and animabDpeople USUalIy Walk a IOng Way33Which Of the following is NOT true?AWithout trees,many animals COUId not IiVC匸BJfS not easy for mankind to IiVre on Earth.、CFoi4 PeOPIeItreeS are Oae Of th

16、e best friendsDWithout treeslmankind COUId hardly凡乎不)IiVC On Earth.34 ACCOrding to (按照)the PaSSage文章),which Of the following dont trees PrQVideUS with?.AFood BeShade C. WatCr D.Woodb35AThiS PaSSage mainly tells US thatAtrees are important to PeOPIeBfarmers CUt down a IOt Of treesCePeoPie have IlOt r

17、ealized the importance Of treesD.trees Can help to PreVelIt floods第二部分非逸择題四.词汇(共20小题,每小题1分J满分20分)355A) 选择并抄写单词或短语。31536ThiS is(a,an) One-Way street.37.1 MW your blog(infon) the Intemet38.People Iike to SWim in the Sea because it is(hot; CooI) In SUmmen39hope to hear(from ,of) you soon.40. The SUn(pr

18、otects; PrOVideS) US With Warmth and energy.41. (I,My) best SUbjeCt at SChOOl is MathSt42. We(burn; kill) things to make energy. ThiS PoHUteS the air.43. When do you(arrivearrive at) SChOOi every day?44. My mother is busy, She(alwayslseldom) WatCheS TV.45(WhlchzWho) Of the things do you do every day

19、?B) 根据汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式。45046. My home is CIOSe to SOme (山)47. Tey are from different (国家)48. He(种植)trees to PrOteet the environment every yean49enjoy(学习)about animals in the WOrldr50. When the bell(响起b We run to the playground.C) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。51-5551. Her hobby is(fi$ten) to music.52. Her dream is(

20、be) a ClOCtOr53 I Can tell my ClaSSmateS about(I).it. (POIIUte)54. Water is important to us We must StOP55. Tom (not do) his homework every day.五. 句型转换(共10个空,每空1分;滴分10分)56-65A. I Want to go to school by SChOOl bus(同义句)I 5657to go to SChOoI by SChOOI buB. Sanl goes to SChOoI by bws(改为一般疑问句)58Sam59t)S

21、ChI)OI by l)us?C I sddom WirL(对划线部分提问)60 61do you win?D. They go to Sehool on fmh(对划线部分提问)62 63 they go to school?E-WithoUt trees, animalswill IOSe their food and shelters.(同义句)AnimaIS Will IOSe their food ahd ShelterS if 6465 no treei.六. 间读填空(本题共5分,每小题1分)伽_70Hello, CVCryonC J1m Kittyj am _66 Shenyang and now I IiVe67 myParCntSArml now studying at Shenyang Middk SChOOI.My68_ SUbjCCt at SChOl)I isInfbnnation TCChnOlOgJ# (IT)1y 69_ is Co WOrk in an IT COinPaDy because I Iik


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