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1、年 级初一学 科英语版 本通用版课程标题暑假专题四补全对话精讲编稿老师张春燕一校林卉二校黄楠审核潘亮一、学习目标如何对话精讲二、重点、难点重点:1. 补全对话题的特点2. 中考对交际运用的考查重点及方式3. 补全对话题的解题技巧难点:补全对话题的解题技巧三、考情分析补全对话是中考的热点题目,中考中的补全对话题,分值常在5-10分。现在许多省市的补全对话题趋向于创设多功能一体化的情境和答案的多元化、开放性、创新性;话题的内容都与学生的现实生活息息相关,涉及英美文化的知识逐渐增多,而且注重情境的设置。一、补全对话题的特点交际运用题考查日常交际用语在各种情境下的实际应用,旨在考查学生在具体的语言情境

2、中运用正确语言进行交际、准确表达观点或看法的能力。二、中考对交际运用的考查重点及方式(一)中考对交际运用的考查重点:1. 日常交际项目,特别是问路、打电话、购物、看病、就餐和谈论天气等情境中的表达方法;(1)问路与指路1. Excuse me. Wheres the Plant Park?2. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to ? 3. How can I get to ? I dont know the way.4. Go down this street.5. Turn right / left at the first / second cros

3、sing.6. Its about meters from here. (2)打电话1. Hello! May I speak to?2. This is (speaking). 3. Whos that?4. Hold on. 5. Can I take a message?(3)购物1. What can I do for you? / May(Can)I help you?2. I want / Id like 3. How much is it? 4. Thats too expensive, Im afraid.5. Ill take it. 6. How many / much d

4、o you want? 7. What color / size / kind do you want?8. Do you have any other kind / size / color, etc ?(4)看病1. Whats wrong/ the matter/ trouble with you?2. Im not feeling well. / I dont feel like eating anything.3. How long have you been like this?4. Let me take your temperature.5. Dont worry. 6. Ta

5、ke some medicine and have a good rest.7. You can feel better. (5)就餐1. What would you like to have? / Would you like something to eat / drink?2. Id like 3. Would you like some more ? 4. Help yourself to some.5. Thank you. 6. Ive had enough. / Just a little, please.(6)谈论天气1. Whats the weather like tod

6、ay? 2. Hows the weather in ?3. Its fine / cloudy / windy / rainy. 4. Its rather warm / cold / hot today, isnt it ?2. 生活常识及英语国家的社会、历史背景、风土人情等;3. 常用词汇的书写、习惯用语、固定搭配及语法知识。(二)考查的方式主要有:选择型补全对话和填空型补全对话。选择型补全对话要求考生从给出的选项中选出适合对话的选项,有时候选项中会有多余项。填空型补全对话要求考生根据对话内容,填写所缺的词汇或句子,从而使对话完整。三、补全对话题的解题技巧(1)通读全文,把握主题通读对话


8、背景知识,以此逐步增加文化差异方面的“敏感性”,提高应试能力。(4)复读对话全文和选项,验证答案完成题目后,看看前后句子的逻辑是否吻合,对话发展过程是否合理。查出错误,及时改正。【考题链接】A从方框中选择恰当的句子填入空白处,补全对话(有两项多余)。A: Hello, Mike! Whats the time?B: (1)_A: Wheres Bob? I cant find him.B: I dont think he can come.A: (2)_B: He has to look after his sister.A: (3)_B: She doesnt feel well.A: (4

9、)_ Did she go to see the doctor?B: Yes.A: (5)_B: The doctor said nothing serious, but she has to rest.A. Why cant he come?B. Im sorry to hear that.C. Where did the doctor go?D. Its half past eight.E. What did the doctor say?F. Im glad to hear that.G. Whats wrong with his sister?答案:DAGBE思路分析:(1)根据“几点

10、了”可知回答“八点半了”,选D项。(2)上句说“我认为他不会来了”,很自然地询问“他不能来的原因”,故选A项。(3)根据下句“她不舒服”,可知询问“她即他的妹妹怎么了?”,选G项。(4)既然“她不舒服”,故用“听到这事我很遗憾”来回应,B项符合。(5)根据医生的话可知上句问“医生说什么了?”,故选E项。B用适当的词语填空,完成对话,每空一词。A: Good morning, doctor.B: Morning. Whats your problem, madam?A: Its my son. Hes not feeling 1 . He coughs badly and cant sleep

11、at night. B: How long has he been 2 this?A: For two days.B: Does he have a 3 ?A: No, I took his temperature an hour ago and it seemed all right.B: Let me check him 4 . I think he has caught the flu.A: Is it serious, doctor?B: Dont 5 . Take the medicine and drink plenty of water. Hell be better soon.

12、A: Thank you.答案:1. well 2. like 3. fever/ temperature 4. over 5. worry思路分析:1. 表示“觉得舒服”用feel well,此处well是形容词,表示身体好。2. How long has he been like this? 是医生询问病人的用语,“他像这样多久了?”。3. 根据下句“不,一小时前我量过他的体温,似乎正常”,可知本句问“他发烧吗?”。4. check sb. over意为“仔细检查”。5. 根据“服用这药并多喝水。他很快就会好起来的”,可知填不要“担心”。C在空白处填入适当的句子,使对话意思完整,结构合理,

13、上下连贯。每处只能填一个句子。(Chen Ming= C; Li Hua= L)C: Hello, Li Hua. Why didnt you come to the party last night?L: Oh, my friend Li Qiang came to see me.C: Li Qiang? 1 ?L: Hes quite good and helpful. We are getting on well with each other.C: Do you have the same interests?L: Yes, he likes swimming, computers,

14、music and collecting. And so do I.C: That sounds great. 2 ?L: Hes tall and strong. Its easy to get on with him.C: 3 when he comes next time?L: No problem. My friend is your friend! By the way, I heard your mother was not well. 4 ?C: She had a headache.L: 5 . I hope shell be better soon.C: Thank you.

15、答案:1. What do you think of him? / Whats he like? 2. What does he look like? 3. Can I meet him/ Can you introduce him to me 4. Whats wrong/ the matter/ trouble with her? 5. Im sorry to hear that.思路分析:1. 根据答语“他很好并乐于助人”可知问句询问的是对某人的看法或人的品质,故可用问句:What do you think of him? / Whats he like?。2. 根据答语“他又高又壮”可

16、知问句询问人的相貌,故用What does he look like?3. 根据答语“没问题。我的朋友就是你的朋友”可知问句咨询“下次他来时,我可以见见他吗/ 你能把他介绍给我吗?”。4. 因为提到Chen Ming的妈妈身体不太好,再据下句“她头疼”可知询问“她怎么了?”。5. 对别人的病情我们致以抱歉,故用Im sorry to hear that.。A从方框中选择恰当的句子填入空白处,补全对话(有两项多余)(Da Wei comes across Li Lei, who is studying in the school library.)A: Hi, Li Lei. Are you b

17、usy with your homework now?B: Oh, yeah, Da Wei. And you?A: Im here for a book. Hey, Li Lei. Have a break! We should be outside in the fresh air. Its good for us.B: Sorry, I cant. 1 I must hand it in tomorrow.A: Oh, I see. But we cant always stay indoors. We must often take exercise. 2 B: Never. I ha

18、rdly have time now. A sea of homework almost takes up all my free time. Its sad but thats life. 3 A: You mean my life? In fact, Im also very busy like you. But you know I like sports. 4 Whenever I have a little time, I will try them.B: No wonder you are so energetic.A: Yeah, the better health is, th

19、e better grades are. 5 B: Yes, you are right. It sounds as if we should also try to exercise often in the future. Da Wei, shall we play basketball for a while now?A: OK. Lets go!A. How about your life?B. I like jumping, running, playing basketball and so on.C. Why not walk in the fresh air?D. How of

20、ten do you exercise?E. Do you agree with me?F. I have to finish my homework first.G. Sounds like great fun!答案:1. F 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. E思路分析:1. 根据“我明天必须上交”可知“我必须先做作业”,选F。2. 既然提到“我们必须常锻炼”,自然是询问“你多久锻炼一次?”,与下面的答语“从来都不”正好吻合。3. 根据下句“你指我的生活?”,可知用“你的生活怎样?”。4. 接上句“我喜欢运动”,进一步说明自己喜欢哪些运动,故选B项。5. 根据答语“是的,你很正确”可知是

21、询问“你同意我的观点吗?”,故选E项。B用适当的词语填空,完成对话,每空一词。A: Excuse me. Can you 1 me the way to the nearest post office? I want to post a letter.B: Yes. Just go along and 2 right. Its down the Central Street on the left.A: Is it 3 from here?B: No, it isnt. Its quite near. It will take you only five 4 to go there on fo

22、ot.A: By the 5 , where is the bookstore?B: The bookstore? Its on Eighth Avenue. Its 6 to the supermarket.A: Can I walk there?B: Yes, you can. But it will take you 7 an hour to walk there. You had better take a bus there.A: 8 bus shall I take?B: No. 66.A: Many 9 for your kindness.B: Its my 10 .答案:1.

23、tell 2. turn 3. far 4. minutes 5. way 6. next 7. half 8. Which 9. thanks 10. pleasure 思路分析:1. 问路的常用语“你能告诉我吗?”,故填tell。2. 表示“右转”用turn right。3. 根据下句“不,它很近”可知问句询问“它离这儿远吗?”,故用far。4. 因为近,故只用五“分钟”。5. by the way意为“顺便问一下”。6. next to意为“靠着;和相邻”。7. half an hour表示“半小时”。8. 根据答语“66路”可知问句询问“我应乘哪辆公共汽车?”。9. 表示感谢。10.

24、Its my pleasure.意为“不客气;不用谢”。C在空白处填入适当的句子,使对话意思完整,结构合理,上下连贯。每处只能填一个句子。A: Be quick, Betty. Your uncle is waiting for you at the school gate.B: My uncle? No, I dont have an uncle.A: 1 ?B: He is my grandpa.A: Really? But he looks so young. 2 ?B: He is 61.A: Why is he waiting for you?B: Today is my grand

25、mas birthday. I will help my grandpa buy some presents for my grandma.A: Did they buy presents for each other in the past?B: 3 . They usually bought very special presents for each other.A: 4 ?B: They got married in 1976.A: Does your grandpa still work?B: 5 . He retired(退休)last year.答案:1. Who is he2.

26、 How old is he3. Yes, they did4. When did they get married5. No, he doesnt思路分析:1. 根据答语“他是我爷爷”可知问句询问“他是谁?”。2. 根据答语“他61岁”可知问句询问“他多大年纪?”。3. 根据答语后句“他们通常为对方买很特别的礼物”可知回答是肯定的。4. 根据答语“他们是1976年结的婚”可知问句询问“他们什么时候结的婚?”5. 根据答语“他是去年退休的”可知“爷爷不上班了”,故答案是否定的。(答题时间:40分钟)一、从方框中选择恰当的句子填入空白处,补全对话(有两项多余)AA: Hello, Huang L

27、ei! This is Judie.B: Hi, Judie. 1 A: Im in Canada. Im studying here now.B: Thats great. 2 A: Not bad. How about you?B: Pretty good. 3 A: Its cold and humid. Its snowing outside.B: Snowing? Wow! It is sunny and hot in Sanya. 4 A: Youre right. 5 B: Im reading a book.A. Hows it going?B. When do you go?

28、C. What are you doing?D. Where are you?E. The weather is very different.F. Hows the weather there?G. Whats the time?BWaiter: Hello, Davids Restaurant!Annie: Hello! 1 Waiter: Sure.Annie: 2 Waiter: What kind of hamburgers would you like?Annie: 3 Waiter: We have beef, chicken and fruit.Annie: Beef.Wait

29、er: OK. 4 Annie: No, thanks.Waiter: 5 Annie: 65 Bridge Street.A. Id like to order(订购)some food, please.B. Do you want any drinks?C. What kind of hamburgers do you have?D. How much are they?E. Then whats your address, please?F. This is Annie speaking.G. Id like a medium bowl of onion and chicken rice

30、 and a large hamburger.二、根据首字母提示,用适当的词语填空,完成对话,每空一词。A: Hi, Tony. Do you like travelling?B: Yes, I like it very much.A: Where d 1 you go last summer?B: I w 2 to Beijing.A: W 3 did you go there with?B: My best friend.A: H 4 did you go there?B: By train.A: W 5 did you see there?B: I saw the Great Wall,

31、 the Palace Museum, Tiananmen Square and so on.A: W 6 there many tourists there?B: Yes, there were. On the Great Wall, I h 7 out with my friends. I met many f 8 tourists. Can you believe it? I met Jake Dean, the famous actor. And I got his a 9 .A: Really? That s 10 interesting.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _三、根据对话内容写出所缺句子。AW: Excuse me. 1 ?M: Yes, there is a restaurant near here. Are you new here?W: Yes. This is my


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