



1、the party'sfine styl - .一does notsolve thee,carryforwarspecialsupervisie,carry orwareproblem,itwillform,goeon,and on adthe traditi onal Chisthroughtnese virtue s,pra ctici ngtheSocialist core valI . - . .11. - - - nese vrue s,pra cchemotions. To streccountPIN, approa ch, i nsiste ddoside l earns

2、ingthe n the consciousneues,vigor ouslycarryforward t.1 . II L -demodified,a nd thatkss ofpr obl emsand insihespirit ofJiaoYul一 .II 一 -stedon pr oblem -orieu,Hongqinowthatm odified, while focused on put "two learn anted, problem-solving lCanal spirita ndspirit of per一. .一 一-sisten ce, honesty i

3、nIL. I- -pr a n spr o per ssen ce,earni ngeducation fortraction,trulydeepoliti cs,stri ctstatesman,stip investigation int o change, modificatine educatick to the spirit ual heig hts ofthe Communists.Fourto devotion,as,do.IL -I. I L - IL. . - I- - _. Ionpra cticea ctivitiesa nd "threestrichecked

4、 swing. Learningeducatict threereal" topic e东电四公司上都电厂工程项目经理部playaon programme for party-buildirolei n qualifying.OfficialCommunist duty.- L - 一L L .ducation probl emrectificationng in our cityactually proposed tofocuson solcombine dup,consolidatiofulfillt heparty's.IL. . IL - Iutionoffuzzy

5、ipur pose,maintainfort- . I _L_on expa nded ha s made ofrectificatipurpose,manan ordeals and beliefs wavehepe opl e themselve s,and de dicati on, devoti on, maintai npioneer, pioneering a- 一L 一 一 LI . I on re sults,str onglycorrecteOOnd self-di scipline ande nterpri sing spirit,activeatt . cted &quo

6、t;fourwi nd", a ndregulati八年度质量工作总结hewell-offextra practice,make 一warene ss is not strong, depressed, six issues ofethicalmisconduct ston massessi de of abuseudyconte nts specifion ofparty一.一.s, ensurew orkadvance more pow erful,and problemsoluticprogrammes forallorganizations atalllevel I- 1 I

7、on more complete ly.Tparty membersand leadisshoul dgive fullplay tong cadresabovethedvanced models,establi-1IT hird,we mustconsoli dateourachievements.countylevel shallfocussh are presentative,a. - . I L 1on furt herrefinemeFormore publi c,some party memberswdvanced a ndty pical ofthe times,andgui一

8、I .I -I Inttothe problems.Specificthofocuson t heoutstandingissueo everypartymember adethe broa dmassess,combini ng concentratednd everycadre, alsore quire sa combinatiulate.on ofactuala nd controlle d,focuse d and really putyourself in, peopl eseet hings,see,Inhonor ofthe 95 a nniver saryoffoun din

9、g as an opportunitytoaward i一一 一 一 - - .一 一 - - II. -. . II IIn recogniti on ofa numberL -ofoutsta ndi ng partymembers 'adva- .L > .”gn on o a num er o ousa n ng parymwiththe ir ow nspecific problem s tolearnnce d grass -roots party orgaConstituti on Party r ules,series,address,soprenizations

10、, outsta ndi ng partyworkers, andput t- 一.一.一 I > IL -.一cision totofind theproblem, laying asolidfoundation forfurthercorre ctiveacti on. Btomakechanghe pi oneertrees.T hird,the"reform" efforts forexample,besureto- .一.一 一-. - -e.Forcheckchangeinto.LearningtoteaI put of problem,throughes

11、tachEducationinblished rederto solve thectificationTai wan aproblem,if it一 一 ccount, andtakeOO 八年十二月十日in "twol earn a do" lear ning education i n the carried out "fiveche ckfive prom oting",the CountyDistrictunitsto i nsisted put "two lear n a do" lear ninge ducation an

12、d "fivecheckfivepromoting" organic fusi on,a nd commonadva nce,dooneneralw orkon "two" to st udytheeffect ofeducation inspecti on,if thetr ue seriesofparty rules andConstitution spe aks wella nd truly become aqualified party member,nat urallywe ca n deal withadva ncea nd retreatl

13、eftturn treatment,plan lay out,andone orga nization impleme ntation,put carrieproperorgani zationalarrangement sand sele ction,properdo"sit uation,and "fivecheckfive oput carriedpromoting" situation asparty work evaluation ofimportantConteout "two lear n a do" lear ning educ

14、ati onwit h do reformdevelopmentstant,as a n important aspe ct of mutua levaluati on on partymembers,testing ablethew ork com bine dup, andseri ously do Centerw ork,anddailya nd jobs an im portant basis for lea ding bodies a ndleacombi ned up,a ndguaranteesim proved livel ihodres tostu dy educationo

15、pe ns uptothe maineconomic and socialdevelopment.Atpresent,t he overallsmootheconomi c operation inourcity, but downwar d pressure isstill high,facedanumber ofchall enges andtests.Meanw hile ,coincideswith the city, County andtownship partyheningthema nagement ofdailye ducation,thespiritof reform sh

16、ortofthe completesystem,pay closeattentitosystem implementation, really maketheparty organizationand partymember educationand strictmanagement,solid.Finally,t he"urge"workon t helea d,be suret o prom oteefficiency."Two" education, noton educationeducati ona l,notworki ngwith t he

17、Ce ntre two,muststick aroundtheCenter, servingt heoverall situati on, coordi nate,trulyresult-oriented andpr omoteefficiency.Currentand futureaperi od,t o tightlyaround coordination advnni ngfull builtsocietythisacentrala nd workov erall,put carried outlearni ngeducation a s prom otedw orkofimportan

18、topportunitiesand powerful powe r,gui de Generalmembersca dresi nsiste ddevel opme ntfirstpriority,activea dapte d economicdevelopmentnewnormal, consciously practice l inefive big developme nt co ncept,effectivegraspsupplynd improved l ivelihood,construction m ore hig h ecologi calvitalityhappi ness

19、ofcity.La styear,wecarry out"three-three" a ctivitiesa sa "three -three" spe ciale ducati on importa nt,find educationa nd effective platformtofacilitatet he combi nationofwork. Reference this ag oodpra ctice s, pr ovincial,a nd munici pal deci dedcommitteesthis year generalele c

20、tion year, howtoreallychooseloyal,clean a nd servesasa good cadre,ir on disciplineof GeneralFengQi ngQi ,Qi, QiShun, swapped outPowerfulgood situation,is a realtestforallofus.Ge审批页OO八年度质量工作总结单位负责人:日期:总 结:日期:东电四公司上都电厂工程项目经理部"three-three" a ctivitiesasa "three -three"spe cialeducat

21、i on important,find education andeffectiveplatformtofacilitatethecombinationofwork.Referencethisa goodpracti ces,provi ncial,a nd m uni cipaldeci ded i n "two learn a do" learni ng educati on in thecarrie d out "five checkfivepromoting ",the CountyDistri ct units t o insistedput

22、"twolearnado"learni ngeducati on and "fiveche ckfivepromoti ng" organi cfusion,a ndcommon a dvance,doonepla n layout,and oneorganization im plementation, putcarriecommitteesthis year generalele ction year, howtoreallychooseloyal,clean a nd servesasa good cadre,ir on disciplineof

23、GeneralFengQi ngQi ,Qi, QiShun, swapped outPowerfulgood situation,is a realtestforallofus.Generalw orkon "two" to st udytheeffect ofeducation inspecti on,if thetr ue seriesofparty rules andConstitution spe aks wella nd truly become aqualifiedparty member,nat urallywe ca n deal withadva nce

24、a nd retreatleftturn treatment,properorgani zationalarrangement sand sele ction,on, a nd "fivecheckfive promoting" situati onas partyworkevaluation ofimportantContent,a sanimportant aspectofmutualevaluati on on partymembers,testing as an importantba sisforleadi ngb odie sand l eadingcadre

25、s 'performanceand gui de the broa d masses ofparty membersand cadres to st udyeoput carried out "two lear n a do" lear ning educati onwit h do reformdevelopmentstablethew ork com bine dup, andseri ously do Centerw ork,anddailya nd job combi ned up,a ndguaranteesim proved livel ihood,an

26、d prom ote social harm ony combined up,andcompletedthe taskcombi ned一、工程概况由我公司承建的上都电厂三期2X660MW扩建工程,为国产超临界燃煤直接空冷机组,汽轮机冷却方式采用直接空冷,同步配套建设烟气脱硫设施,并留有扩建的余地,部分辅助、附属系统按三、四期 4>60MW级机组设计。我公司承担A 标段 5 号机组的主体及相应附属建筑安装工程施工。主设备简况:本工程(2>60MW)机组的锅炉采用哈尔滨锅炉厂生产,汽轮机、发电机采用东方汽轮机厂、东方电机股份有限公司的产品。锅炉采用超临界变压直流炉、单炉膛、一次中间再

27、热、平衡通风、紧身封闭布置、固态排渣、全钢构架、全悬吊结构口型燃煤锅炉。汽轮机采用超临界、一次中间再热、三缸四排汽、单轴、单背压、直接空冷式。总进度要求:2008 年 08 月 12 日工程开工,2010 年 06 月 01 日 5 号机组完成168 小时整套试运行。二、质量管理体系运行情况工程准备阶段,以项目经理为第一责任者,积极组织进行项目质量体系建设,配备完善的管理资源与健全的控制网络。先后制定了项目质量管理制度 、 项目创优达标质量规划、 项目达标投产实施细则,编写各专业的项目划分文件、制定各专业创优质量保证措施等质量管理基础性文件,做到有策划和实施、有检查和改进,及时准确地指导施工,

28、确保质量管理工作从高标准的起点顺利展开。接受内蒙古自治区质监中心站土建监检1 次,均顺利通过。接受内蒙古自治区质监中心站土建试验室认证评审1 次,顺利通过。ectificationand strengtheni ngthemanageme ntofdailye ducation,the spiritofreformshort ofthe completesystem,pay closeattentiontosystem impleme ntation, rea lly makethe partyorganization and party membere ducati ona nd stri

29、ctmanagement ,soli d. Fi nally,t he "urge" workonthe lea d, be sure to promoteefficie ncy."Two" educati on, notoneducationeducati onal ,notw orkingwit hthe Centre two, must stickaroundthe Cente r, servi ngtheoverall situation, coor dinate,tr uly result -orie ntedand pr omoteeffic

30、iency. Curre ntand future aperi od,to tightlyaround coordi nation advance "fourafull" strategylayout, winni ng full builtsocietythi s acentralandworkoverall , put carried outlear ning educati on a s promote dwork of important opportunities a nd powerful powe r,gui deGe neralmembers cadre s

31、 insi steddeve lopme ntfirst priority,activeadaptede conomi cdevel opmentnew normal, consci ously practi ce linefive big devel opme ntconce pt,effectivegrasp s upplysi destructural reform,toguara nteesa ndimpr oved liveli hood, construction more hig h ecologi calvitality happine ssofcity. La styear,

32、we carryout ducati on opens uptothe main economicand soci al devel opment.Atpresent ,the overall smoot h economicoperation inourcit y,but dow nward pressureis stil lhigh,faceda number ofchalle ngesa ndtests. Meanwhile , coi ncidesw ith the city, County andtownshi pparty质监中心站监检中,认为我公司项目部“质量体系有效运行、成熟稳

33、健”三、质量目标完成情况上都项目部质量目标完成情况统计表序号类别完成 数量质量 目标值实际完成 指标值1单位工程0100%/2分项工程25项100%100%3建筑分项工程25项100%100%4安装分项工程0100%/5受监焊口一次合格率098. 7%/6质量事故0007混凝土生产质量水平优良优良100%8施工过程顾客满意度100%97%100%9实现合同目标100%100%100%四、在质量管理工作中取得的突出成绩在公司领导及质量部的亲切关怀下,在项目部班子的正确领导下,通过 项目部全体人员的共同努力,上都项目部的质量管理工作在克服了开工阶段 人员、队伍素质低下等不利因素,在主厂房地下结构基

34、本施工结束阶段并实 现顺利回填,迅速扭转了项目部质量工作不利局面,取得了可喜的成绩,为 公司在华能北方联合集团电建市场赢取了诚信、树立了良好形象: 1、顺利通过内蒙质监中心站质量监检。工程首次监检、土建阶段性监检一次通过,受到了内蒙电力工程质量监督中心站高度评价,监检组认为:东电四公司质保体系运行正常,混凝土工艺良好,资料齐全工整。2、土建试验室一次顺利通过内蒙质监中心站现场认证。3、现场施工亮点( 1 )清水混凝土施工技术成熟。除氧间 B、 C 列基础、 锅炉短柱、汽轮机基础底板施工前,在充分计算和考虑周全的基础上,以多次周转和节约成本为原则,精心进行模板体系设计,施工中严格把关、跟踪管理,

35、混凝土表面平整、色泽均匀、棱角挺括顺直,工艺质量良好,完全满足结构使用和工艺要求。( 2)越冬防冻措施超前,冬期施工防护措施完备。上都地区年平均最大冻深达2.7 米, 主厂房基础标高为-6.5 米, 由于大量地下设施图纸不到位,不能大面积回填,给地基越冬防护带来了难题,为给明年春季尽早开挖创造条件,经过精心筹划采用稻草、塑料薄膜护底,上覆填土的做法,取得了良好效果。锅炉基础二次灌浆于12 月初完成,当地夜间温度已降到零下30,灌浆料随时都有被冻危险,项目部采用电暖覆盖外加暖棚的方法,利用电子测温连续监控、棚内调温手段,确保了在严寒下所有灌浆材料不受冻害。为 12月中下旬锅炉钢架吊装奠定了基础。

36、4、 QC 管理情况明年,本项目将迎来土建结构、锅炉水压施工高峰期,为给公司在上都现场创造辉煌业绩,项目部准备将下列施工项目确定为技术攻关的项目:1 )主厂房框架清水混凝土我公司历史上承建的体量最大主厂房结构;"three-three" a ctivitiesasa "three-three"spe cialeducation important,find education andeffectiveplatformtofacilitatethecombinationofwork.Referencethisa goodpracti ces,provi n

37、cial,a nd m uni cipaldeci ded i n "two learn a do" learni ng educati on in thecarrie d out "five checkfivepromoting ",the CountyDistri ct units t o insistedput "twolearnado"learni ngeducati on and "fivecheckfivepromoti ng" organi cfusion,a ndcommon a dvance,do

38、oneplan layout,and oneorganization im plementation, putcarried out"two learn ado"situation, a nd "fivecheckfive promoting" situati onaspartyworkevaluation ofimportantContent,a sanimportant aspectofmutualevaluati on on partymembers,testing as an importantba sisforleadi ngb odie sa

39、nd l eadingcadre s 'performanceand guide the broa d masses ofparty membersand cadres to st udyeducati on opens uptothe main economicand social devel opment.Atpresent,the overallsmoot h economicoperation inourcity,but dow nward pressureis stillhigh,faceda numberofchalle ngesa ndtests. Meanwhile ,

40、 coincidesw ith thecity, County andtownshi ppartycommitteesthis year generalelection year, howtoreallychooseloyal,clean a nd servesasa good cadre,ir on disciplineof GeneralFengQi ngQi ,Qi, QiShun, swapped outPowerfulgood situation,is a realtestforallofus.Generalw orkon "two" to st udytheef

41、fect ofeducation inspecti on,if thetr ue seriesofparty rules andConstitution spe aks wella nd truly become aqualifiedparty member,nat urallywe ca n deal withadva ncea nd retreatleftturn treatment,properorgani zationalarrangement sand sele ction,proper treatment ofpersonal interests.oput carried out

42、"two lear n a do" learning educati onwit h do reformdevelopmentstablethew ork com bine dup, andseri ously do Centerw ork,anddailyand job combi ned up,a ndguaranteesim proved livel ihood,and prom ote social harmony combined up,andcompletedthe taskcombi nedectificationand strengtheningtheman

43、ageme ntofdailye ducation,the spiritofreformshortofthe completesystem,paycloseattentiontosystem implementation, really makethe partyorganization and party membereducati ona nd stri ctmanagement,soli d. Fi nally,t he "urge" workonthe lead, be sure topromoteefficie ncy."Two" educat

44、ion, notoneducationeducati onal ,notw orkingwit hthe Centre two, must stickaroundtheCenter, servi ngtheoverallsituation, coor dinate,tr uly result -orientedand pr omoteefficiency. Currentand future aperiod,to tightlyaround coordination advance "fourafull" strategylayout, winning full built

45、societythis acentralandworkoverall, put carried outlear ning educati on as promotedworkof important opportunities and powerful powe r,gui deGe neralmembers cadres insi steddeve lopme ntfirst priority,activeadaptedeconomi cdevel opmentnew normal,consci ously practice linefive big developme ntconce pt

46、,effectivegrasp supplysi destructural reform,toguaranteesa ndimpr oved liveli hood, construction more hig h ecologi calvitality happinessofcity. La styear,we carryout2)空冷平台柱清水混凝土我公司历史上承建的体量最大空冷结构;3)锅炉受热面组合、安装承压关键部件;4)锅炉受热面小径管焊接承压关键部件。五、过程控制情况工程开工伊始,项目部就建立健全了完备的质量管理体系,把创优达标工作纳入到日常管理工作中,对公司目标及项目部质量目标层

47、层分解和落实。每月一次贯标工作检查,每月一次达标情况检查,把存在的问题和好的一面及时传达到各施工单位,做到整改及时,使管理持续有效。开工后,项目部重视质量培训工作,推行现场质量文化建设。在开工前和施工过程中,利用一切可利用的时间,对各级质量管理人员、各专业技术施工人员进行技术质量管理培训。在主厂房地下结构、汽轮机基础施工期间,由项目部组织的专项质量培训共达4 次,使全体职员及时、清楚的了解到自己身上的质量责任和工作重点。在日常管理中,积极调动各级管理人员积极性,把质量责任终身制贯彻到每一位管理人员、施工人员心里。监督检查做到及时、严格,防止管理和施工两层皮形象,工序管理做到事前、事中、事后三控

48、制,使达标创优工作持续进展。六、监视和测量装置管理及使用情况开工伊始,项目部就配备了各种计量器具,以满足检验测量需要。项目部及时建立管理台帐、制定检定计划,对各专业公司、部室的监视和测量装置进行动态管理,保证投入器具检定率达到100。目前项目部(包括专业公司)检定的计量器具达30 台(件) ,满足现场需求的同时,尽量采用过程比对的自行校验方式,降低质量成本,取得了良好效果。七、在质量管理工作中存在的不足和需要改进的方面虽然上都项目部在质量管理方面取得了一定的成绩,但在某些方面还存 在着不尽如人意的地方:1 、合作队伍整体素质、水平问题,直接影响工程质量。有的合作队伍在人员投入、工具器械等方面具

49、有相当实力,但就创建精品工程、精细化施工方面要求进行衡量,还具有很大差距,主要体现在人员素质、管理意识方面。在主体结构上,公司应投入专业公司土建力量进行施工或引导施工。另外,项目部将积极组织合作队伍一线管理技术人员加强业务学习和培训,使之能尽快适应工程需要。2、个别人员的质量意识还有待提高在管理过程中发现某些施工人员、管理人员的质量意识不强,对施工质 量的要求不能很好地贯彻到施工中去,致使施工的过程质量出现偏差,虽然 及时予以了纠正,但关键岗位人员的质量意识的进一步提高却是当务之急。八、对公司质量管理工作的建议和意见1 、加强对现场质量的管理力度,加大公司质量奖惩方面的投入。2、开展各种质量文

50、化活动提高全员的质量意识和质量素质。3、加强岗位练兵,增加各级人员对自己从事工作的熟练程度,从而提高工作 效率。4、经常性组织质量人员参观学习,借鉴先进经验,掌握先进质量管理动态。5、分包队伍质量素质参差不齐,管理难度较大,希望公司加强外包队伍实际资质、能力的审核。ngthemanageme ntofdailye ducation,the spiritofreformshortnd powerfulpowe r,gui deGe neralmemberscadre s insi steddeveconomicdevelopmentnew normal,consci ously practi c

51、e linefive big developme ntconce pt,effectivegrasp supplysi destructural reform,toguara"three-three" a ctivitiesasa "three -three"spe cialeducati on important,find education andeffectiveplatformtofacilitatethecombinationofwork.Referencethisa goodpracti ces,provi ncial,a nd m uni

52、cipaldeci ded i n "two learn a do" learni ng educati on in thecarrie d out "five checkfivepromoting ",the CountyDistri ct units t o insistedput "twolearnado"learni ngeducati on and "fiveche ckfivepromoti ng" organi cfusion,a ndcommon a dvance,doonepla n layout

53、,and oneorganization im plementation, putcarriecommitteesthis year generalele ction year, howtoreallychooseloyal,clean a nd servesasa good cadre,ir on disciplineof GeneralFengQi ngQi ,Qi, QiShun, swapped outPowerfulgood situation,is a realtestforallofus.Generalw orkon "two" to st udytheeff

54、ect ofeducation inspecti on,if thetr ue seriesofparty rules andConstitution spe aks wella nd truly become aqualifiedparty member,nat urallywe ca n deal withadva ncea nd retreatleftturn treatment,properorgani zationalarrangement sand sele ction,on, a nd "fivecheckfive promoting" situati ona

55、s partyworkevaluation ofimportantContent,a sanimportant aspectofmutualevaluati on on partymembers,testing as an importantba sisforleadi ngb odie sand l eadingcadre s 'performanceand gui de the broa d masses ofparty membersand cadres to st udyeoput carried out "two lear n a do" lear nin

56、g educati onwit h do reformdevelopmentstablethew ork com bine dup, andseri ously do Centerw ork,anddailya nd job combi ned up,a ndguaranteesim proved livel ihood,and prom ote social harm ony combined up,andcompletedthe taskcombi nedi on opens uptothe main economicand soci九、下一年度工作思路1 、 2009 年度质量工作目标1

57、 )单位工程合格率100% ;单位工程优良率100% 。建筑分项工程合格率 100% ,安装分项工程优良率100% ;2)混凝土生产质量达到优良;3)质量事故发生率为零;4)无损检测一次合格率不低于98.7%;5)施工过程顾客满意度A 97%;6)满足合同质量要求。2、质量工作规划( 1 ) 加强现场的质量管理,保证内在质量的同时,提高各专业表面工艺质量。上都工程09 年将进入施工高峰期,质量管理工作任重而道远,项目经理部将进一步加大现场的监督管理力度、开创性地进行工作,向公司、业主交一个满意工程。( 2)加强专项培训力度,针对关键工序、技术复杂的重点项目,施工前从技术和质量上对一线操作人员进

58、行培训。( 3)开展行之有效的质量文化活动,潜移默化提高职工产品质量意识。在施工现场,质量文化建设是新兴的现代管理一项内容,运用得当将对企业无形中产生效益。施工中,项目部组织相关管理人员,整体策划,大力营造现场质量文化氛围。在施工现场宣传版画中,内容不仅仅是口号,更多的是精品工程图片、质量通病治理办法和项目管理思维,把生硬的文字数据,用形象的图画表现出来,使现场职工都记得:责任在我身上、质量在我手中。( 4)做好竣工验收资料收集、整理工作。ers and ca dres to study education taskcombi nedheni ngthema nagement of dailye ducation,thespiritof r


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