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1、 1. Review Lecture 3 2. New Lessons 3. Assignments Topic and Main Idea Recognizing Parts of the Supporting Paragraph Scanning -Step 1: to identify the topic To remember: Topics are expressed in words or phrases, never in sentences. -Step 2: to look for the main idea To remember: You can find the mai

2、n idea of most reading passages But pay attention to the implied main idea.Supporting paragraph:-the paragraphs following the introduction in a reading passage.1.The authors point is usually stated in a sentence at the beginning of the paragraph (topic sentence).2. The author uses details in each pa

3、ragraph to develop the point made at the beginning.3. The author uses the last sentence (the concluding sentence) in each paragraph to emphasize or clarify the point of the paragraph. -To read quickly for specific information. Move your eyes quickly down the page looking only for specific informatio

4、n.To remember: to pay more attention to - numbers, names of months and days of the week - commas(,), quotation marks(“”), hyphens(-), percentage marks(%), dollar signs($), parentheses(), - abbreviations, capital letters, words in italics, bold face print, underlined words, etc.Reading Skill: Writing

5、 PatternsConclusion of reading skillReading Skill: Text-mappingConclusion of reading skillTheme: SportsReading Skill: Review Chapter 711Theme: Rural and Urban lifeTheme: The Arts Theme Rural and Urban Life -Theme Introduction (P141) Reading Skill Identifying Writing Patterns ( (了解常用写作手法了解常用写作手法) ) R

6、ural and Urban Life Reading One: Nothing Wasted, Everything Gained Reading Two: Man and Nature Coexist Reading Three: City on the Sea Reading Four: The Most Innovative City Often reading passages contain writing patterns that can help us locate and separate the main idea from its supporting details.

7、 If we can identify the writing style of a reading passage, we will find it easier to find the main idea and its supporting details. Once we can do this, we will able to understand what the author is trying to say.The following writing patterns are commonly used to develop the main ideas:listingsequ

8、encecomparison and contrastcombination of patterns The listing of examples or events is one way writers develop their supporting details. Often written as a general statement . Then the author develops this main idea by listing examples or events in each of the supporting paragraphs. You can recogni

9、ze this writing pattern used. Here are some of the signal words you may come across when you read a text that is organized around listing:the main one another other(s) a few several many in addition besides also numerous first second third finallyPracticePractice1 21 2 Sometimes writers will develop

10、 their supporting details by using a sequence of events or steps that follow one after another. This writing pattern in . The main idea of the reading text is usually written as . Then the author develops this main idea by offering the reader a sequence of events or steps in each of the supporting p

11、aragraphs. You can recognize this writing pattern by the signal words used. Here are some of the signal words you should look for:PracticePracticedates (in) years numbers seasons time of day timebefore soon after during later after at the same1 21 2 Writers sometimes use the pattern of comparison an

12、d contrast to show the . -A comparison can include points of between two things, between two things. -A contrast includes between two things. Here are some signal words for the comparison-contrast pattern:Signals of difference:Signals of similarity:Practice ( P152 ) Practice ( P152 ) in contrast unl

13、ike instead conversely differ/different fromhowever but rather yet on the other handalthough more than less than higher loweralso similarly the same asboth like in common Sometimes a reading passage has a combination of patterns. To effectively develop the main idea, the author may need to use to or

14、ganize the supporting details. Practice ( P156 ) Practice ( P156 ) 了解作者是用什么写作手法组织材料的,有助于我们抓了解作者是用什么写作手法组织材料的,有助于我们抓住作者的写作目的,辨别文章的体裁,分清主次信息,找住作者的写作目的,辨别文章的体裁,分清主次信息,找出主题,中心思想和辅助材料,从而提高阅读速度。出主题,中心思想和辅助材料,从而提高阅读速度。 简单常见的写作手法包括:简单常见的写作手法包括: 例举事例,事件;例举事例,事件; 以事件以事件发生的先后顺序展开文章;比较与对比以及混合手法等。发生的先后顺序展开文章;比较与

15、对比以及混合手法等。其它常见手法还有分类法,例证法,因果法等。其它常见手法还有分类法,例证法,因果法等。 例举事例,事件的写作手法常用来发展辅助性细节。例举事例,事件的写作手法常用来发展辅助性细节。在这类写作模式中,中心思想常位于首段落尾部,而在这类写作模式中,中心思想常位于首段落尾部,而后作者通过例举的方法展开。识别这类写作方法最好后作者通过例举的方法展开。识别这类写作方法最好是掌握一些例举常用的信号词。是掌握一些例举常用的信号词。 以事件发生的先后顺序展开文章的方法可简单分为以事件发生的先后顺序展开文章的方法可简单分为正叙和倒叙两种,也通过信息词识别。掌握这种方法正叙和倒叙两种,也通过信息

16、词识别。掌握这种方法能帮助我们迅速理清文章思路。能帮助我们迅速理清文章思路。 比较与对比也是常见写作模式,前者强调所比较两比较与对比也是常见写作模式,前者强调所比较两事物的相似之处,后者强调的是不同之处。这类写作事物的相似之处,后者强调的是不同之处。这类写作中的信号词很多,我们平时要注意积累。中的信号词很多,我们平时要注意积累。 最后要说的是混合手法,是我们在阅读时常见的手最后要说的是混合手法,是我们在阅读时常见的手法。混合法是将上述写作手法中的两种或两种以上在法。混合法是将上述写作手法中的两种或两种以上在一篇文章中混合使用。为了成功地阐述观点,发展主一篇文章中混合使用。为了成功地阐述观点,发

17、展主题,作者常将几种写作手法混合使用。题,作者常将几种写作手法混合使用。 Theme The Arts -Theme Introduction (P157) Reading Skill Text-mapping ( (文章概要图解文章概要图解) ) The Arts Reading One: The History of Printing Reading Two: Musicians Find a Whole World to Explore Reading Three: Chinese Opera Introduced in America Reading Four: World Mourn

18、s Passing of Cinema Giant Text-mapping is a method of note-taking that helps you condense a reading passage into . Text-mapping reinforces concentrated reading. First, you need to survey the reading and make note of its organization and contents. Next, you need to carefully read and choose only the

19、main ideas so that you can condense all the information into a one-or-two-page “map”, depending on the length of the reading. Mapping is an important study strategy to learn and use, forcing good reading and concentration. In this chapter you will learn how to map out various reading texts. To begin

20、 mapping a reading passage or chapter, you should first survey the entire text. Read the title, and then scan for headings and any other markers that divide the reading or chapter into sections. Next, write the topic clearly on the page, and then arrange the headings into sections in a format that i

21、s easy for you to refer to later. Once you have arranged the basic format on the page, carefully read each section and write in only the main details on your map. Reading passages that are written in chronological order, and or organized by headings make text-mapping easy. It is sometimes more diffi

22、cult, however, to organize other patterns of writing, even when headings are used. The following guidelines will help you map out a reading that uses headings and is written in an explanatory or narrative pattern: 1. Begin by surveying the reading. Read the title and look for headings, and or key wo

23、rds from short passages. 2. Map out the reading using a format that you can easily understand. Write the title clearly on the page, arrange the sections around the title, using headings or key words. 3. Read from one section to the next and then stop. 4. Fill in only the main details of that section

24、 and then go onto the following section. Not all of the reading passages you are assigned will be organized by headings. Sometimes you will need to develop your own sense of organization by dividing the reading into sections using key words or ideas that you can refer to easily. Here are some guidel

25、ines to help you map a reading text: 1. Survey the reading text. Read the title and scan the text for any signal words that might give order to the reading. 2. Quickly read through the passage to get a sense of its contents and how it is organized. 3. Draw a rough map. 4. Begin reading carefully, from paragraph to paragraph, filling in the sections you have roughly outlined on your page. 5. Revise your map so that it is easy to follow. 对所阅读材料以图解的形式表达出来,可以将繁杂的信对所阅读材料以图解的形式表达出来,可以将繁杂的信息压缩成简单的图表,帮助我们对材料有个直观,全面的息压缩成简单的图表,帮助我


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