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1、Unit 3 English Around the WorldTopic 3 Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well?Section AEnglish is the most widely used all over the world. We may use it when we 1.I can remember _ of the new words. ( ) all( ) most ( ) some ( ) few2. Im good at _. ( ) grammar ( ) reading ( ) liste

2、ning () writing a composition ( ) speaking () learning new wordsDo you have difficulty learning English?3. The difficult parts in English learning are _.( ) listening( ) pronounce words correctly( ) vocabulary ( ) grammar( ) reading( ) writing a composition4. What I need to improve is _.( ) listenin

3、g ( ) reading( ) grammar ( ) writing ( ) vocabulary ( ) speaking5. Do you often.?( ) sing English songs( ) read English newspapers( ) keep a diary( ) take part in the English corner( ) take notes( ) feel sleepy in English class( ) feel bored and nervous in English classDo you have courage to answer

4、the teachers questions in class?Dare you answer the teachers questions in class?What dare you not do?I dare notNo, I dare not answer the teachers questions in class.1b Listen to 1a and number the problems._ It seems that I havent made any progress, though I work hard._ Its too difficult for me to re

5、member new words._ I dare not speak English in public._ Americans spoke too quickly._ I couldnt have long conversation with American people. _ I always feel sleepy in English classes.6532411a Listen, look and say.NameDifficultyWang JunfengLi MingHe _ speak English in public, and he always _ in Engli

6、sh classes. He is really _ the final exam.Li XiangRead 1a and fill in the blanks.Match the following phrases with their proper meanings and keep them in your mind.have been toplace of interestmake yourself understoodhave long conversation with sb.work hard atbe afraid ofmake progress (in)what to dof

7、eel like doinggive up doing与与长谈长谈把自己的意思说清楚把自己的意思说清楚曾经去过某地曾经去过某地害怕害怕想做某事想做某事名胜名胜在某方面努力在某方面努力放弃做某事放弃做某事做什么做什么在在取得进步取得进步情态动词实义动词+ v. 原形常用于否定句和疑问句e.g. How dare you speak to me like that?+ to do (不定式)可用于任一句式 e.g. He didnt dare to say anything in the meeting.dare1. I know oral English is very important, b

8、ut I dare not speak English in public.我知道口语是很重要的,但是我不敢在公众场合我知道口语是很重要的,但是我不敢在公众场合说英语。说英语。 Language Points be afraid of (doing sth) 害怕害怕(做做). e.g. 我害怕掉进泳池里。我害怕掉进泳池里。 Im afraid of falling into the swimming pool. be afraid to do sth. 不敢做不敢做. e.g. 大多数女孩不敢走夜路。大多数女孩不敢走夜路。 Most of the girls are afraid to wa

9、lk at night. 2. Im really afraid of the final exam.我真的很害怕期末考试。我真的很害怕期末考试。 Language Pointssth.doing sth. My mother was so tired that she didnt feel like doing the housework today.feel like3. At times I feel like giving up.有时候我都想放弃了。有时候我都想放弃了。 give upsth.doing sth.e.g. 妈妈今天如此累以至于不想做家务。妈妈今天如此累以至于不想做家务。

10、e.g. 尽管他病得很严重了,他还没有戒烟。尽管他病得很严重了,他还没有戒烟。 Although he was seriously ill, he didnt give up smoking. Language PointsLi Mings difficultyMiss Wangs suggestion3a Listen to the conversation and check Li Mings difficulties. Then listen again and match them with Miss Wangs suggestions. ( ) 1. cant read Englis

11、h news _( ) 2. cant pronounce well _( ) 3. forgets new words _( ) 4. cant always understand the dialog when watching English movies _( ) 5. isnt good at grammar _( ) 6. isnt good at writing compositions _a. take part in the English cornerb. copy new words in a notebook and take it with himc. keep a

12、diary in Englishd. listen to the tapee. sing English songsf. buy a grammar book3b Make up conversations in pairs based on 1a and 3b.The following words may help you!make myself understood, oral English, dare not speak, feel sleepy, be afraid of, difficult to remember new words, feel like giving up,

13、work hard at, ask sb. for help1c Read 1a and tick the words you find in it. Study the words and pay attention to the word formation.( ) wonder ( ) wonderful ( ) under ( ) understand( ) quick ( ) quickly ( ) courage ( ) discourage( ) real ( ) really ( ) sleep ( ) sleepy2 Write down new words in the b

14、rackets by following the example.re + telldis + coverdis + likein + directim +possibleun +healthyun +happyhead +achegrand +daughterfire + place( retell )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( direction )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )direct + tionill +nessdevelop + mentwonder + fulhome + lessexcite +ingsnow +ymai

15、n +lyfilm +makerdown +stairsdiscoverdislikeindirectimpossibleunhealthyunhappyheadachegranddaughterfireplaceillnessdevelopmentwonderfulhomelessexcitingsnowymainlyfilmmakerdownstairsprefixsuffixFill in the blanks.1. Mr. Smith _ (曾经去过)China several times and he has visited many_(名胜). 2. -_(吸烟)is bad fo

16、r your health. -Yes, and Ill try my best to _(戒除它).3. Oh, My God! I failed the driving test again. Can you tell me _(该怎么办).4. I _ (害怕知道)the result of the exam.5. Im thirsty, and I _ (想喝)a cup of tea.6. After following Miss Wangs advice, I _ (取得很大的进步)in oral English. am afraid of knowingSmoking place

17、s of interesthas been to feel like drinkingmade great progress what to dogive it up( ) 7.- Could you please tell me _ the Christmas tree? - Sure. A. how to decorate B. how decorate C. how to decorating D. how decorating ( ) 8. No one can tell me _ next. A. what to do it B. how do it C. how to do D.

18、what to do ( ) 9. Speak louder, or you cant make yourself _ . A. hear B. hearing C. heard D. to hearing( ) 10. Im sorry but I _ you to tell a lie, or my father will punish me. A. not dare help B. dare not help C. dont dare help D. dare help notCADBChoose the best answer.summary1. Some words: oral, sleepy, final, real retell, ind


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