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1、1.write a letter to sb.2.Here we go.3.a rock called4.in central Australia5.according to6.like a huge sailing boat 7.with water on three sides8.lie off the northeast coast of 9.2,600kilometres long1.写信给某人写信给某人2.我们这就去看我们这就去看3.一块叫做一块叫做的岩石的岩石4.在澳大利亚中部在澳大利亚中部5.根据;据根据;据所说所说6.像一艘巨大的帆船像一艘巨大的帆船7.三面环水三面环水8.位于

2、东北海岸位于东北海岸9.2,600公里长公里长10. sheep farmers11. keep sb./sth .away 12. be used to do sth13.cut sth off sth.14.keep a diary15.brush sth. off sth.16. at the time10.牧羊人牧羊人11.(使(使)避开避开;使不靠近使不靠近12.被用来做某事被用来做某事13.把某物从某物上剪掉把某物从某物上剪掉14.写日记写日记15.把某物从某物上刷掉把某物从某物上刷掉16.在那时在那时AustraliaModule 10Unit 2Warming-upAustra

3、lia is a big country that is in the southern part of the world.Australia is a big country that/whichthe Aborigines.bridini:z 土著居民土著居民 Australia is a big country that the Aborigines live in for a long period of time(很长一段时间很长一段时间).grapeshamsaladbeefAustralia is a big country that produces lotsof delic

4、ious foodsurfingAustralia footballlying in the sunAustralia is a beautiful country that is popular for.horse ridingswimmingAustralia is a big country which has lots of beautiful scenery coastbeachdesert风景风景I am surprised at so beautiful scenery.对对感到惊讶感到惊讶kangarooAustralia is a beautiful country whic

5、h many special animals live in.koalasheephorse Look at the pictures and describe them.This is an Aborigine that lived earliest in Australia. 土著人是早期居住在澳大利亚的居民。土著人是早期居住在澳大利亚的居民。 This is a kangaroo that is a special animal .袋鼠是澳大利亚特有的动物。袋鼠是澳大利亚特有的动物。Surfing is a sport that is very a popular in Australi

6、a. 冲浪在澳大利亚很受欢迎冲浪在澳大利亚很受欢迎。 We can see many sheep in the field and mountains.在田野上我看到许多绵羊和高山。在田野上我看到许多绵羊和高山。Now guess what Tony is going to say in his letter.According to these pictures, Tony is going to _ _ in his letter.AustraliaintroduceModule10 AustraliaParagraph 1Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 2

7、Paragraph 3Paragraph 3Paragraph 4Paragraph 4Paragraph 5Way of lifeLanguageWeatherFamous placeAn event during the trip3. Read the letter in Activity 2 again and find: five colours: purple, red2. three animals:3. four kinds of food:4. four sports: sheep; kangaroo; horseham; beef; salad; grapesAustrali

8、an football; swimming; surfing; lying in the beach green ,dark blue, yellow阶段;时期阶段;时期 n. periodrelative亲戚亲戚 n. ham火腿火腿 n. relationship 关系关系 n./rlenp/ spirit精灵;神灵;精神精灵;神灵;精神 n./reltv/ /prd/be surprised at对对.感到惊奇感到惊奇/sprt/hm/ salad色拉色拉 n. /sld/ 袋鼠袋鼠 n. kangarooride骑马;乘车骑马;乘车 n. lazy懒惰的懒惰的 adj./lez/ ri

9、ding骑马骑马(运动运动) n./rad/ /kgru:/surf冲浪冲浪 v./rad/s:f/grape葡萄葡萄 n. /grep/ Look at the pictures and describe them.Now guess what Tony is going to say in his letter.The Aborigines are the earliest people that lived in Australia.土著人是早期居住在澳大利土著人是早期居住在澳大利亚的居民。亚的居民。 Kangaroo is a kind of special animal in Aus

10、tralia.袋鼠是澳大利亚特有的动物。袋鼠是澳大利亚特有的动物。Surfing is popular in Australia.冲浪在澳大利亚很有名。冲浪在澳大利亚很有名。 There are lots of sheep in the fields.田野里遍布羊群。田野里遍布羊群。2. Read the letter and find out what the pictures show.Dear Mum and Dad, I am writing this letter to you from the centre of Australia. At the moment, we are s

11、taying near Ayers Rock. On the first day, we took a plane tour over the rock, and I was surprised at how big it was: 3.6 kilometres long and 348metres high. During different periods of the day, the colours of the rock turn dark blue, purple, yellow and red. Ayers Rock is a centre of在在中心中心在此时在此时take

12、a plane tour to +地点地点 乘飞机旅行乘飞机旅行=have a plane tour/have a tour by plane3.6公里长公里长在一天的不同时段在一天的不同时段变变深蓝色深蓝色土著文化中心土著文化中心惊讶惊讶Aboriginal culture. The Aborigines are the people that have lived in Australia from the earliest times, and their ancient stories describethe spirits that created the world. The Au

13、stralians have a close relationship with the British. Many have British relatives, and they are like us in many ways. The food that Australians like most are ham and beef with lots of salad. They also grow grapes and other fruits. They love all sports, but the game that they likemost is Australian f

14、ootball. Because most Australians live near the coast, they also love brdni:zbrdnl澳大利亚土著人自古就生活在这里澳大利亚土著人自古就生活在这里古老的土著故事描述了创造世界的神灵古老的土著故事描述了创造世界的神灵与与有紧密的联系有紧密的联系在许多方面在许多方面他们最喜欢的运他们最喜欢的运动动亲戚亲人亲戚亲人澳大利亚人最喜欢的澳大利亚人最喜欢的going to the beach for swimming and surfing or just lying in the sun. Although it is Dec

15、ember, it is summer over here. The sun is very bright, and near the coastthe countryside is very green. There are lots of sheep in the fields and on the hills, but themiddle of the country has no trees or grass, just rocks and sand And kangaroos! Australians speak English, but in their own way. For

16、example, when they say “Gday!” and “No worries.”, they mean “Hello!” and “Dont worry about it. Its not a problem!”go to the beach for去海边做去海边做lie in the sun 躺在阳光下躺在阳光下 在这边在这边在田野里在田野里在小山上在小山上kangaroo 复数复数kangaroos以他们自己的方式以他们自己的方式举例举例担心担心 On the second day, we went horse riding. The horse that I rode w

17、as lazy, so I was far behind the others, but I enjoyed the slow and relaxing riding. Later this evening, we are taking the plane back to Sydney and coming home. It hasbeen a wonderful trip.Love,Tonygo horse riding 骑马骑马我骑的马我骑的马远远落后远远落后回到回到一次美妙的旅行一次美妙的旅行懒惰的懒惰的Its in the centre of Australia. are Aborig

18、ines?Aborigines are the people that have lived in Australia from the earliest times. Ayers Rock According to the Aborigines, our world _ by_. was createdspiritsIt is 3.6 kilometres long and 348 metres high.1.How is Australians life style? Many have British relatives ,and they are like us in many way

19、s.2.What do they like to eat?3.What do they like doing? Be similar tohamgrapeBeef with lots of saladsurfingAustralian footballLying in the sunNotes about AustraliaAustralian way of life ham and beef with lots of salad, Australian football, going to the beachThe foods that Australians like most are h

20、am and beef with lots of beef.What game do they like most?What food do Australians like most?The game that they like most is Australian football.澳大利亚规则式足球,澳大利亚规则式足球, 简称澳式足球或澳式简称澳式足球或澳式橄榄球,是一种源自于澳大利亚墨尔本地区橄榄球,是一种源自于澳大利亚墨尔本地区的橄榄球运动。有别于一般的足球类运动,的橄榄球运动。有别于一般的足球类运动,澳式足球每队场上澳式足球每队场上18人,另外各有人,另外各有4名替补名替补球员,

21、比赛在板球场大小的椭圆形草地球场球员,比赛在板球场大小的椭圆形草地球场上进行,球场长度可达上进行,球场长度可达185米,差不多是英米,差不多是英式足球的四倍。式足球的四倍。这种特立独行于世的运动融合足球与橄榄球这种特立独行于世的运动融合足球与橄榄球的玩法,的玩法, 1980年后期开始已有多个国家开年后期开始已有多个国家开始风行此运动,不过大多属业余性质。始风行此运动,不过大多属业余性质。 The Australians have a close relationship with the British. Many have British relatives, and they are li

22、ke us in many ways. The food that Australians like most are ham and beef with lots of salad. They also grow grapes and other fruits. They love all sports, but the game that they like most is Australian football. Because most Australians live near the coast, they also love going to the beach for swim

23、ming and surfing or just lying in the sun. 与与有紧密的联系有紧密的联系像像在许多方面在许多方面有有许多许多澳大利亚人最喜欢的食物澳大利亚人最喜欢的食物他们最喜欢的运动他们最喜欢的运动go to the beach for去海边做去海边做lie in the sun 躺在阳光下躺在阳光下Paragraph 2Food : _ _ _Sports:_ They love all sports, but the game that they like most is Australia football. They also love going to t

24、he beach for swimming and surfing or just lying in the sun.Read Para2, answer the question1.What is Australian way of life?The food that Australians like most are ham and beef with lots of salad. They also grow grapes and other fruits. 2.We can infer(推断推断) that Tony probably comes from_from this pas

25、sage.A. China B: America C. Australia D. EnglandDAlthough it is December, it is summer over here. The sun is very bright, and near the coast the countryside is very green. There are lots of sheep in the fields and on the hills, but themiddle of the country has no trees or grass, just rocks and sand

26、And kangaroos!Australians speak English, but in their own way. For example, when they say “Gday!” and “No worries.”, they mean “Hello!” and “Dont worry about it. Its not a problem!” 在这边在这边在田野里在田野里在小山上在小山上kangaroo 复数复数kangaroos以他们自己的方式以他们自己的方式举例举例担心担心Paragraph 3Tell true or false1.When China is summe

27、r, Australia is winter.2. People live in Australia everywhere3. Australians speak English, but the language is a little different from that the British speak. TFTThe middle of the country has no trees, or grass ,just rock and sandParagraph 3&4kangarooRead Para. 3 and fill in the blanks.1. The sunshi

28、ne is very _.2. The countryside is very _.3. The sheep are in _and on _.4. In the middle of the country there are just _, full of _ and _.bright green the fields the hillsrocks sand kangaroosWhere is Tony from?When it is December, and its winter in China, whats the weather like in Australia?Read Par

29、a. 4 and 5, answer the questions.1.What language do Australians speak?2.What does “Gday” mean in Australian English?3.What was wrong with the horse that Tony rode?They speak English.It means “Hello”.The horse that Tony rode was lazy.I enjoy the slow and relaxing ride.Read Para5&6Tony describes his _

30、in last two paragraphsYes, he did. He enjoyed the slow and relaxing riding.By planeIt is a wonderful trip.tripDid Tony like his horse riding?How will Tony go home?What does Tony think of his trip? In the passage, the writer mainly wants to tell us _A. Australia is a country that has a long history.B

31、. Australia is a country that has the same weather as Britain.C. Australia is a country that is worth (值得值得) visiting.D. Australia is a country that has a large population. At the moment此刻,现在;相当于此刻,现在;相当于now Tom is busy at the moment, otherwise he would help you. 汤姆现在很忙,不然他会帮助你。汤姆现在很忙,不然他会帮助你。in a m

32、omentat any moment for the momentfor a moment. 立刻马上立刻马上一会儿一会儿现在;暂时现在;暂时随时随时(有可能的情况有可能的情况)拓展拓展:含有:含有moment 的词组:的词组:2. The Aborigines are the people that have lived in Australia from the earliest times. 土著人是早期居住在澳大利亚的居民。土著人是早期居住在澳大利亚的居民。先行先行词词关系词关系词从句从句(1).关系词通常紧跟先行词,关系词与先行词通关系词通常紧跟先行词,关系词与先行词通 常是从句与主

33、句的分水岭。常是从句与主句的分水岭。(2).关系词在从句中充当成分;先行词在主句中关系词在从句中充当成分;先行词在主句中 充当成分。充当成分。A plane is a machine. It can fly.A plane is a machine that can fly.作主语作主语 that 指人指人/物,作主语或宾语物,作主语或宾语 (作宾语可省略)作宾语可省略) He is the man. I told you about him.He is the man (that) I told you about.作宾语作宾语I lost the pen. My father gave i

34、t to me as a birthday present.I lost the pen (that) my father gave to me as a birthday present.作宾语作宾语be surprised at sth.对某物对某物感到惊讶感到惊讶Tom was surprised at the result of the exam.汤姆对考试结果感到很惊讶。汤姆对考试结果感到很惊讶。3. And I was surprised at how big it was 我很好奇它有多大我很好奇它有多大拓展:拓展:be surprised to do sth. 惊奇地做某事惊奇

35、地做某事 Tom was surprised to hear the news. 汤姆听到这个消息后很惊讶。汤姆听到这个消息后很惊讶。to ones surprise 使人吃惊的是使人吃惊的是广东的新变化使参观者感到惊奇广东的新变化使参观者感到惊奇The _ are _ at the new changes in Guangdong.1.The policeman was surprised the news. A. into B. for C. at D. out of2.I had a hard time with math and I wasnt_to get the bad repor

36、t from my math teacher.A. sure B.surprised C.excited D.surprising visitorssurprised C B4. During different periods of the day 在一天中的不同时段。在一天中的不同时段。during different periods 在不同的时期在不同的时期Kites had different names during different periods. 风筝在不同时期有不同的叫法。风筝在不同时期有不同的叫法。5. and they are like us in many ways.

37、 他们在许多方面与我们很像。他们在许多方面与我们很像。 in many ways: 在很多方面在很多方面 In many ways, your idea is better. 从许多方面来看,你的主意更好。从许多方面来看,你的主意更好。6. For example例如例如 For example, air is invisible. 比如,空气是看比如,空气是看 不见的。不见的。辨析:辨析:for example与与such as(1). for example 用来举例说明某一论点或情用来举例说明某一论点或情 况,一般只列举同类人或物中的况,一般只列举同类人或物中的“一个一个”为例,为例,

38、做插入语,可位于句首,句中和句末。做插入语,可位于句首,句中和句末。 Ball games, for example, have spread around the world. 例如,球类运动已经在世界各地传播幵了。例如,球类运动已经在世界各地传播幵了。(2).such as 用来列举事物时,一般列举同类人用来列举事物时,一般列举同类人 或事物中的几个例子。或事物中的几个例子。 插在被列举的事物与插在被列举的事物与 前面的名词之间前面的名词之间。As后面不可有逗号。后面不可有逗号。 Some of the rubbish, such as food, paper and iron,rots

39、away over a long period of time. 有些垃圾,如剩饭、废纸和废铁,时间一久有些垃圾,如剩饭、废纸和废铁,时间一久就烂掉了。就烂掉了。 (3). 比较比较:1). for example是插入语,句子结构不受其是插入语,句子结构不受其影影 响,而响,而such as后面接名词,动名词。后面接名词,动名词。 for example不可与不可与etc.连用,连用,Tom for example, is my good friend. 例如汤姆,是我的好朋友。例如汤姆,是我的好朋友。I have some good friends, such as Tom, Kate,W

40、ang Bin. 我有一些好朋友,像汤姆、凯特和王宾。我有一些好朋友,像汤姆、凯特和王宾。2). such as常用来列举同类人或同类事物的几常用来列举同类人或同类事物的几 个,但不是全部,其后不加逗号。个,但不是全部,其后不加逗号。7. The Australians have a close relationship with the British. relationship n. 关系;关系; 联系联系A good relationship is built on trust. 一种好的关系是以信任为基础的。一种好的关系是以信任为基础的。What is the relationship

41、 between these two tasks? 这两种任务的关系是怎样的呢这两种任务的关系是怎样的呢?There is a relationship between diet and cancer. 饮食结构和癌症之间有一定关联。饮食结构和癌症之间有一定关联。8. There are lots of sheep in the fields and on the hills, . sheep是一个名词是一个名词, 意思是意思是“绵羊绵羊” , 但是它的但是它的特殊之处在于其单复数形式相同。特殊之处在于其单复数形式相同。 这类单复这类单复数同形的名词还有数同形的名词还有: fish, deer

42、, Japanese, Chinese等。等。 注意注意: sheep的意思是的意思是“绵羊绵羊”, lamb的意思是的意思是“羔羊羔羊,小羊肉小羊肉”, goat意思是意思是“山山羊羊”。lots of=a lot of 许多的,可以修饰可数名词复数,许多的,可以修饰可数名词复数,也可以修饰不可数名词。也可以修饰不可数名词。There are more _ (sheep) in Australia than in Japan. (2014济南中考济南中考) We can get wool and mutton from _ sheep. A. a B. the C. an D. /I saw

43、 many _ eating grass on the hill. A. horse B. cow C. rabbit D. sheep sheep D D羊肉9. The horse that I rode was lazy, so I was left far behind the others. lazy adj. 懒惰的;懒散的懒惰的;懒散的Lazy people seldom succeed. 懒惰的人很少会成功。懒惰的人很少会成功。My lazy brother never cleans his room. 我的懒弟弟从来不打扫房间。我的懒弟弟从来不打扫房间。We spent a

44、lazy day at the beach. 我们在海滩上度过了闲散的一天。我们在海滩上度过了闲散的一天。He wont work. Hes just too lazy! 他不愿去干活他不愿去干活, 简直太懒了简直太懒了!5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.grape, ham, lie, period, relationship, relative, salad, spirit We can eat _ or drink their juice.2. _ is made of cold

45、 vegetables that you do not need to cook.3. _is made from pork.4. I have some _ in Australia my mothers brother and his family live there.grapesSaladHamrelatives5. The Aborigines have many stories about the _ that created the world.6. The Aborigines lived in Australia for a long _ of time before the

46、 Europeans arrived.7. We were _ on the beach in the sun yesterday afternoon.8. The close _between the two countries has a long history.spiritsperiodlyingrelationshipI am writing this letter to you fromAt the momentI was surprised at how big it wasbe like/look likeThe foods that they like most arebut

47、 the game that they like mostFor exampleSuch asOn the second daybut I enjoyed .It has been a wonderful tripon the first dayThe useful sentences and phrases for writing用定语从句完成句子用定语从句完成句子. 你去年买的你去年买的那台电脑贵吗那台电脑贵吗?澳大利亚是澳大利亚是我想去旅游的我想去旅游的国家。国家。他是一个他是一个经常帮助别人的经常帮助别人的学生。学生。你认识那个你认识那个会弹钢琴的会弹钢琴的女孩吗?女孩吗?Austra

48、lia is the country_. Is the computer _ expensive?He is a student _.Do you know the girl_?that you bought last yearthat I want to visitthat often helps others.that can play the piano(1).关系词通常紧跟先行词,关系词与先行词通关系词通常紧跟先行词,关系词与先行词通 常是从句与主句的分水岭。常是从句与主句的分水岭。(2).关系词在从句中充当成分;先行词在主句中关系词在从句中充当成分;先行词在主句中 充当成分。充当成分

49、。A plane is a machine. It can fly.A plane is a machine that can fly.作主语作主语 that 指人指人/物,作主语或宾语物,作主语或宾语 (作宾语可省略)作宾语可省略) He is the man. I told you about him.He is the man (that) I told you about.作宾语作宾语I lost the pen. My father gave it to me as a birthday present.I lost the pen (that) my father gave to

50、me as a birthday present.作宾语作宾语Writing6P83Write a letter about a visit to a place in China. Choose a place you have visited in China. Make a list of things you are going to write about:* people* food* ways of life* events during the tripWritingNotes about Beijingpeoplefood sportsweather Events durin

51、g the tripI am writing this letter to you fromAt the momentI was surprised at how big it wasbe like/look likeThe foods that they like most arebut the game that they like mostFor exampleSuch asOn the second daybut I enjoyed .It has been a wonderful tripon the first dayThe useful sentences and phrases

52、 for writingDear mum and dad,Im writing a letter to you from the capital of At the moment I am seeing the ceremony of raising the national flag. (观看升旗仪式观看升旗仪式)On the first day I took a bus tour to.I was surprised at how big it was:It looks like a huge.6300 km long dragonNest: it can hold 91000 people.Water cube L: 177m W: 177m H: 31mOlympic villageArea:360000 m2On the first day, I visited the .The food that they like most is andPeking DucksnacksThey love all sports,but the game that they like most is. Beijing is a busy city tha is popular for bikeriding and sightseeing.go sights


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