1、汉语言文学专业(高级文秘方向)培养方案 Undergraduate Program of Chinese (Specializing in Advanced Secretarial Work)一、培养目标Educational Objectives汉语言文学专业(高级文秘方向)培养在知识、能力、素质三方面得到全面协调发展的高素质应用型人才。即培养既有扎实的汉语言文学专业基础和高级文秘工作的系统知识,又有较强的外语听、说、读、写、译能力, 同时有一定的创新精神和较强的专业实践技能,能胜任各类公司、企业尤其外企、政府机关以及新闻、出版、高校、科研等机构工作的复合型高级文秘人才。This progr
2、am is designed to produce high quality talents who are fully developed in knowledge, ability and character, who have a solid foundation in Chinese language and literature while possessing necessary skills of advanced secretarial science. It is to prepare students for advanced secretarial positions i
3、n companies, enterprises (especially foreign-funded enterprises), government departments, press, publishing houses, institutions of higher learning, and scientific research departments by equipping them with strong capabilities in English listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating, innova
4、tive spirit as well as professional skills. 二 、培养规格Learning Outcomes:在具备扎实的汉语言文学与外语知识和实践能力的基础上,培养从事高级文秘工作所必需的人文素质与实际操作能力,使学生成为能够适应21世纪我国政治、经济、文化和社会发展需要的人格健全、全面发展的复合型、应用型人才。While focusing on solid foundation in Chinese language and literature, necessary foreign language knowledge and skills, the prog
5、ram aims to offer students with training in humanistic sciences and practical experience so that they, upon graduation, will practical talents with multi-disciplinary backgrounds who meet the needs of political, economic, cultural and social development of China in the 21st century. 具体而言,毕业生应获得以下几方面
6、的知识和能力:1、掌握关于语言、文学的基本知识与理论,具有扎实的文秘专业基础理论知识。2、具有文秘所必需的中文、外语写作能力及语言表达能力,具有处理各种文书的能力和档案管理能力。3、精通规范的办公室工作,具有较强的计算机应用能力,能熟练使用现代化办公设备。4、具有沟通协调、组织管理能力和宣传、策划的能力5、具有相应的社会调查研究能力、获取信息的能力、一定的创造性思维能力和初步从事科学研究的能力。6、具有扎实的英语或日语基础知识,在口语会话、文字翻译、语言沟通等方面有扎实的基本功。7获得二级甲等以上的普通话水平测试证书。Concretely-speaking, graduates from th
7、is program are expected:1. To possess basic knowledge and theories in language, literature, and secretarial science;2. To be able to use Chinese and foreign languages fluently and have the ability of processing and managing documents of all nature, which are demanded by secretarial work; 3. To be fa
8、miliar with office work and able to use office machines skillfully; 4. To have the ability of communicating, organizing, administrating and publicizing; 5. To be capable of designing and carrying out research, conducting social investigations or doing other creative work; 6. To have basic skills in
9、English or Japanese, especially in oral communication and translation7. To obtain the certificate of the mandarin aptitude test, reaching above the first level of second-class三 、课程体系Curriculum Structure本专业课程由公共基础课程、学科基础课程、专业课程、通修课和实践性教学环节五大模块组成。The courses in this program are composed of five module
10、s, including basic general courses, basic disciplinary courses, specialized courses, general electives, and practical training courses.1、公共基础课程该模块是传授自然科学、社会科学领域的基础知识、基本理论和基本技能的必修课程,共计44学分。 1. Basic General Courses:This module includes compulsory courses designed to impart to students basic knowledge
11、, fundamental theory and basic skills in natural and social science, amounting to 44 credits. 2、学科基础课程该模块是培养汉语言文学专业基础知识、基本理论和基本技能的课程,分必修课程和选修课程。必修24学分,选修31学分。选修课涵盖文化、文学、文艺学、语言四个类别。学生必修至少在本系开设的学科基础类选修课中选修15学分,余下的 16学分可在全校各专业学科基础课程中选修。2. Basic Disciplinary Courses: This module consists of courses to t
12、rain students in knowledge, theories, and skills of Chinese language, which are classified into compulsory and elective courses. The former amounts to 24 credits and the latter 31 credits, which covers four fields, namely, culture, literature, art and linguistics. Students must earn at least 15 cred
13、its from the basic disciplinary courses offered by this Department and the remaining 16 may be earned from the basic disciplinary courses offered by any other programs. 3、专业课程该模块是培养高级文秘人才所必须具备的专业知识和技能的课程,分必修课程和选修课程。必修课程共18个学分,选修课程32 学分。选修课包括文秘类和外语类,学生至少在本系开设的专业类选修课中选修 16学分,余下的 16 学分可在全校其他专业选修课程中选修。3
14、. Specialized Courses:This module is designed to train students in the knowledge and skills of advanced secretarial science, and the courses in this module fall into compulsory and elective categories. The former amounts to 18, and the latter 32, which involve secretarial science and foreign languag
15、es. Students must earn at least 16 credits from specialized electives offered by this Department, and the remaining 16 may be earned from specialized electives offered by any other programs. 4、通修课学生必须在全校通修课中修满8学分,其中6学分必须是科学素质类课程,余下2学分可任意选修本专业外的课程。4. General ElectivesStudents are required to earn at
16、least 8 credits from all the general electives offered in the university, among which 6 must be earned from courses designed to cultivate scientific literacy and the other 2 from optional courses offered by other departments.T5、实践性教学环节实践环节包括入学教育与毕业鉴定及军训、生产实习、学年论文、专业实习、暑期社会实践、毕业论文等。5. Practical Train
17、ing CoursesPractical training courses include Orientation, Graduation Appraisal, Military Training, Production Practice, Course Thesis, Graduation Fieldwork, Social Practice in Summer Vacation, and Gradation Thesis, etc., which amount to 23 credits.四、主干课程与特色课程 Main Courses and Feature Courses 专业主干课程
18、有中国古代文学、中国现当代文学、外国文学、现代汉语、写作学、应用写作学、秘书学、文书学、档案学、公共关系学、宣传策划等。其中公共关系学、宣传策划为本专业最具特色的课程。Main courses of the program include: Ancient Chinese Literature, Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, Foreign Literature, Modern Chinese, Writing, Practical Writing, Secretarial Science, Archival Studies, Publ
19、ic Relations, Publicity and Planning, among which Public Relations, Publicity and Planning enjoys a certain uniqueness. 五、修业年限及学位本专业修业年限为四年,修满规定的课程和学分、成绩合格后授予文学学士学位。After 4 years of study in the program and having passed all the exams, students will be awarded Bachelors Degree of Arts. 六、课程关联图 Links
20、 between Main Specialized Courses:中国古代文学史一 中国古代文学史二 中国古代文学史三 中国古代文学史四中国现当代文学史一 中国现当代文学史二外国文学史一 外国文学史二现代汉语一 现代汉语二秘书学 文书学 档案学History of Ancient Chinese Literature (I) History of Ancient Chinese Literature (II) History of Ancient Chinese Literature (III03 History of Ancient Chinese Literature (IV)History of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature (I) History
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